1.10.X (development)
DiffractionData object for Single Crystal analysis. More...
Public Member Functions | |
DiffractionDataSingleCrystal (const bool regist=true) | |
Default constructor. More... | |
DiffractionDataSingleCrystal (Crystal &cryst, const bool regist=true) | |
Constructor, with an assigned crystal structure. More... | |
DiffractionDataSingleCrystal (const DiffractionDataSingleCrystal &old) | |
Copy constructor. | |
virtual DiffractionDataSingleCrystal * | CreateCopy () const |
So-called virtual copy constructor. | |
virtual const string & | GetClassName () const |
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...). More... | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetIcalc () const |
returns the calculated diffracted intensity. More... | |
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & | GetIcalc_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar) |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetIobs () const |
Return the array of observed intensities for all peaks. | |
void | SetIobs (const CrystVector_REAL &) |
Return the array of observed intensities for all peaks. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetSigma () const |
Return the array of sigmas for observed intensities, for all peaks. | |
void | SetSigma (const CrystVector_REAL &) |
Return the array of sigmas for observed intensities, for all peaks. | |
void | SetIobsToIcalc () |
Set Iobs to current values of Icalc. Mostly used for tests. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetWeight () const |
Return the weights (for each reflection) used for computing Rw. | |
void | SetWeight (const CrystVector_REAL &) |
Change the weights (for each reflection) used for computing Rw. | |
void | SetHklIobs (const CrystVector_long &h, const CrystVector_long &k, const CrystVector_long &l, const CrystVector_REAL &iObs, const CrystVector_REAL &sigma) |
input H,K,L, Iobs and Sigma More... | |
void | ImportHklIobs (const string &fileName, const long nbRefl, const int skipLines=0) |
Import h,k,l,I from a file. More... | |
void | ImportHklIobsSigma (const string &fileName, const long nbRefl, const int skipLines=0) |
Import h,k,l,I,Sigma from a file. More... | |
void | ImportShelxHKLF4 (const string &fileName) |
Import h,k,l,I,Sigma from a file using shelx HKLF 4 format. More... | |
void | ImportCIF (const string &fileName) |
Import diffraction data from a CIF file. More... | |
void | ImportHklIobsSigmaJanaM91 (const string &fileName) |
Import h,k,l,I,Sigma from a Jana98 '*.m91' file. More... | |
void | ImportHklIobsGroup (const string &fileName, const unsigned int skipLines=0) |
Import h,k,l and grouped intensities from a file. More... | |
virtual REAL | GetRw () const |
Return the Crystal R-factor (weighted) More... | |
virtual REAL | GetR () const |
Return the Crystal R-factor (unweighted) More... | |
virtual REAL | GetChi2 () const |
Return conventionnal Chi^2. More... | |
virtual void | FitScaleFactorForRw () const |
Compute the best scale factor minimising Rw. More... | |
virtual void | FitScaleFactorForR () const |
Compute the best scale factor minimising R. More... | |
virtual REAL | GetBestRFactor () const |
Compute the best scale factor to minimize R, apply this scale factor and return the R value obtained. More... | |
virtual void | SetSigmaToSqrtIobs () |
Set sigma for all observed intensities to sqrt(obs) More... | |
virtual void | SetWeightToInvSigma2 (const REAL minRelatSigma=1e-4, const REAL minIobsSigmaRatio=0) |
Set the weight for all observed intensities to 1/sigma^2. More... | |
REAL | GetScaleFactor () const |
Scale factor (applied to Icalc to match Iobs) | |
virtual void | PrintObsData () const |
Print H, K, L Iobs sigma for all reflections. More... | |
virtual void | PrintObsCalcData () const |
Print H, K, L Iobs sigma Icalc for all reflections Iobs and sigma (if given) are scaled to Icalc (if available). | |
virtual void | SetUseOnlyLowAngleData (const bool useOnlyLowAngle, const REAL angle=0.) |
void | SaveHKLIobsIcalc (const string &filename="hklIobsIcalc.out") |
Save H,K,L Iobs Icalc to a file, text format, 3 columns theta Iobs Icalc. More... | |
virtual void | GlobalOptRandomMove (const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst) |
Make a random move of the current configuration. More... | |
virtual REAL | GetLogLikelihood () const |
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNbLSQFunction () const |
Number of LSQ functions. | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQCalc (const unsigned int) const |
Get the current calculated value for the LSQ function. | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQObs (const unsigned int) const |
Get the observed values for the LSQ function. | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQWeight (const unsigned int) const |
Get the weight values for the LSQ function. | |
virtual std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & | GetLSQ_FullDeriv (const unsigned int, std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar) |
Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list. More... | |
virtual void | XMLOutput (ostream &os, int indent=0) const |
Output to stream in well-formed XML. More... | |
virtual void | XMLInput (istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag) |
Input From stream. More... | |
virtual const Radiation & | GetRadiation () const |
Get the radiation object for this data. | |
Radiation & | GetRadiation () |
virtual void | SetRadiationType (const RadiationType radiation) |
Set : neutron or x-ray experiment ? Wavelength ? | |
void | SetWavelength (const REAL) |
Set the (monochromatic) wavelength of the beam. | |
void | SetWavelength (const string &XRayTubeElementName, const REAL alpha2Alpha2ratio=0.5) |
\ brief Set X-Ray tube radiation. More... | |
void | SetEnergy (const REAL) |
Set the (monochromatic) energy of the beam. | |
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ScatteringData (const ScatteringData &old) | |
virtual void | SetHKL (const CrystVector_REAL &h, const CrystVector_REAL &k, const CrystVector_REAL &l) |
input H,K,L More... | |
virtual void | GenHKLFullSpace2 (const REAL maxsithsl, const bool unique=false) |
Generate a list of h,k,l to describe a full reciprocal space, up to a given maximum theta value. More... | |
virtual void | GenHKLFullSpace (const REAL maxTheta, const bool unique=false) |
Generate a list of h,k,l to describe a full reciprocal space, up to a given maximum theta value. More... | |
RadiationType | GetRadiationType () const |
Neutron or x-ray experiment ? Wavelength ? | |
virtual void | SetCrystal (Crystal &crystal) |
Set the crystal for this experiment. More... | |
const Crystal & | GetCrystal () const |
Const access to the data's crystal. | |
Crystal & | GetCrystal () |
Access to the data's crystal. | |
bool | HasCrystal () const |
Has a Crystal structure associated yet ? | |
long | GetNbRefl () const |
Return the number of reflections in this experiment. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetH () const |
Return the 1D array of H coordinates for all reflections. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetK () const |
Return the 1D array of K coordinates for all reflections. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetL () const |
Return the 1D array of L coordinates for all reflections. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetH2Pi () const |
Return the 1D array of H coordinates for all reflections, multiplied by 2*pi. More... | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetK2Pi () const |
Return the 1D array of K coordinates for all reflections, multiplied by 2*pi. More... | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetL2Pi () const |
Return the 1D array of L coordinates for all reflections, multiplied by 2*pi. More... | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetReflX () const |
Return the 1D array of orthonormal x coordinates for all reflections (recipr. space) | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetReflY () const |
Return the 1D array of orthonormal y coordinates for all reflections (recipr. space) | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetReflZ () const |
Return the 1D array of orthonormal z coordinates for all reflections (recipr. space) | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetSinThetaOverLambda () const |
Return an array with ![]() | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetTheta () const |
Return an array with theta values for all reflections. | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetClockTheta () const |
Clock the last time the sin(theta)/lambda and theta arrays were re-computed. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetFhklCalcSq () const |
Returns the Array of calculated |F(hkl)|^2 for all reflections. | |
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & | GetFhklCalcSq_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar) |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetFhklCalcReal () const |
Access to real part of F(hkl)calc. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetFhklCalcImag () const |
Access to imaginary part of F(hkl)calc. | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetFhklObsSq () const |
Returns the Array of observed |F(hkl)|^2 for all reflections. | |
const map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > & | GetScatteringFactor () const |
Scattering factors for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements. | |
CrystVector_REAL | GetWavelength () const |
wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems) | |
void | SetIsIgnoringImagScattFact (const bool b) |
If true, then the imaginary part of the scattering factor is ignored during Structure factor computation. More... | |
bool | IsIgnoringImagScattFact () const |
If true, then the imaginary part of the scattering factor is ignored during Structure factor computation. More... | |
virtual void | PrintFhklCalc (ostream &os=cout) const |
Print H, K, L F^2 Re(F) Im(F) theta sin(theta)/lambda for all reflections. More... | |
virtual void | PrintFhklCalcDetail (ostream &os=cout) const |
Print H, K, L sin(theta)/lambda theta F^2 Re(F) Im(F) [Re(F) Im(F)]_i, where [Re(F) Im(F)]_i are the real and imaginary contribution of the different scattering powers to the overall structure factor. | |
virtual void | BeginOptimization (const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false) |
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization. More... | |
virtual void | EndOptimization () |
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization. More... | |
virtual void | SetApproximationFlag (const bool allow) |
Enable or disable numerical approximations. More... | |
virtual void | SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda (const REAL max) |
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda. More... | |
REAL | GetMaxSinThetaOvLambda () const |
Get the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda. | |
virtual long | GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda () const |
Recalc, and get the number of reflections which should be actually used, due to the maximuml sin(theta)/lambda value set. More... | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetClockNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda () const |
Clock the last time the number of reflections used was changed. | |
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RefinableObj () | |
Constructor. | |
RefinableObj (const bool internalUseOnly) | |
Constructor. More... | |
RefinableObj (const RefinableObj &old) | |
Defined not implemented... More... | |
virtual | ~RefinableObj () |
Destructor. | |
virtual const string & | GetName () const |
Name of the object. | |
virtual void | SetName (const string &name) |
Name of the object. | |
void | operator= (const RefinableObj &old) |
Defined not implemented... More... | |
void | PrepareForRefinement () const |
Find which parameters are used and not fixed, for a refinement /optimization. More... | |
void | FixAllPar () |
Fix All parameters. | |
void | UnFixAllPar () |
UnFix All parameters. | |
void | SetParIsFixed (const long parIndex, const bool fix) |
Fix/un-fix one parameter from its #. | |
void | SetParIsFixed (const string &parName, const bool fix) |
Fix/un-fix one parameter from its name. | |
void | SetParIsFixed (const RefParType *type, const bool fix) |
Fix/un-fix one family of parameters. | |
void | SetParIsUsed (const string &parName, const bool use) |
Set whether a parameter is used. | |
void | SetParIsUsed (const RefParType *type, const bool use) |
Set whether a family of parameters is used. | |
long | GetNbPar () const |
Total number of refinable parameter in the object. More... | |
long | GetNbParNotFixed () const |
Total number of non-fixed parameters. Is initialized by PrepareForRefinement() | |
RefinablePar & | GetPar (const long i) |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted. | |
const RefinablePar & | GetPar (const long i) const |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted. | |
RefinablePar & | GetPar (const string &name) |
Access all parameters from their name. | |
const RefinablePar & | GetPar (const string &name) const |
Access all parameters from their name. | |
RefinablePar & | GetPar (const REAL *) |
Access parameter from its adress. | |
const RefinablePar & | GetPar (const REAL *) const |
Access parameter from its adress. | |
RefinablePar & | GetParNotFixed (const long i) |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted, skipping fixed parameters. More... | |
const RefinablePar & | GetParNotFixed (const long i) const |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputed, skipping fixed parameters. More... | |
void | AddPar (const RefinablePar &newRefPar) |
Add a refinable parameter. More... | |
void | AddPar (RefinablePar *newRefPar) |
Add a refinable parameter. More... | |
void | AddPar (RefinableObj &newRefParList, const bool copyParam=false) |
Add all the parameters in another RefinableObj. More... | |
vector< RefinablePar * >::iterator | RemovePar (RefinablePar *refPar) |
Remove a refinable parameter. More... | |
virtual void | Print () const |
unsigned long | CreateParamSet (const string name="") const |
Save the current set of refined values in a new set. More... | |
void | ClearParamSet (const unsigned long id) const |
Erase the param set with the given id, releasing memory. | |
void | SaveParamSet (const unsigned long id) const |
Save the current set of refined values over a previously-created set of saved values. More... | |
void | RestoreParamSet (const unsigned long id) |
Restore a saved set of values. More... | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId) const |
Access one save refpar set. More... | |
CrystVector_REAL & | GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId) |
Access one save refpar set. More... | |
REAL | GetParamSet_ParNotFixedHumanValue (const unsigned long setId, const long parNumber) const |
Access the (human) value of one refined parameter in a saved set of parameters. More... | |
const void | EraseAllParamSet () |
Erase all saved refpar sets. More... | |
const string & | GetParamSetName (const unsigned long setId) const |
Get the name associated to a refpar set. More... | |
void | SetLimitsAbsolute (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a given parameter, giving absolute new limits. | |
void | SetLimitsAbsolute (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving absolute new limits. | |
void | SetLimitsRelative (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a given parameter, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max) Thus min should logically be <0 and max >0. More... | |
void | SetLimitsRelative (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max). More... | |
void | SetLimitsProportional (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a given parameter, proportionnaly to the current value. More... | |
void | SetLimitsProportional (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a category of parameters, proportionnaly to their current value. More... | |
void | SetGlobalOptimStep (const RefParType *type, const REAL step) |
Change the maximum step to use during Global Optimization algorithms. | |
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & | GetSubObjRegistry () |
Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object. | |
const ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & | GetSubObjRegistry () const |
Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object. | |
virtual void | RegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const |
Register a new object using this object. More... | |
virtual void | DeRegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const |
Deregister an object (which not any more) using this object. | |
virtual const ObjRegistry < RefinableObj > & | GetClientRegistry () const |
Get the list of clients. | |
virtual ObjRegistry < RefinableObj > & | GetClientRegistry () |
Get the list of clients. | |
bool | IsBeingRefined () const |
Is the object being refined ? (Can be refined by one algorithm at a time only.) | |
virtual void | RandomizeConfiguration () |
Randomize Configuration (before a global optimization). More... | |
void | BeginGlobalOptRandomMove () |
Raise a flag, to be sure not to make a random change more than once in each RefinableObj. More... | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQDeriv (const unsigned int, RefinablePar &) |
Get the first derivative values for the LSQ function, for a given parameter. More... | |
void | ResetParList () |
Re-init the list of refinable parameters, removing all parameters. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateDisplay () const |
If there is an interface, this should be automatically be called each time there is a 'new, significant' configuration to report. More... | |
unsigned int | GetNbOption () const |
Number of Options for this object. | |
RefObjOpt & | GetOption (const unsigned int i) |
Access to the options. | |
const RefObjOpt & | GetOption (const unsigned int i) const |
const access to the options | |
virtual void | GetGeneGroup (const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const |
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter. More... | |
void | SetDeleteRefParInDestructor (const bool b) |
Set this object not to delete its list of parameters when destroyed. More... | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetRefParListClock () const |
What was the last time a RefinablePar was added/removed ? More... | |
virtual REAL | GetRestraintCost () const |
Get the restraint cost (overall penalty of all restraints) More... | |
void | AddRestraint (Restraint *pNewRestraint) |
Add a new restraint. More... | |
vector< Restraint * >::iterator | RemoveRestraint (Restraint *pRestraint) |
Remove a restraint from the list of known restraints. More... | |
virtual void | TagNewBestConfig () const |
During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config. More... | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetClockMaster () const |
This clocks records any change in the object. See refinableObj::mClockMaster. | |
Private Member Functions | |
virtual void | InitRefParList () |
void | CalcIcalc () const |
Calc intensities. | |
void | CalcIcalc_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar) |
virtual CrystVector_long | SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda (const REAL maxTheta=-1.) |
void | InitOptions () |
Init options (currently only twinning). | |
void | PrepareTwinningCalc () const |
Determine the index of reflections to be summed because of twinning (GroupOption==1) The reflections must have been sorted by increasing theta beforehand. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
bool | mHasObservedData |
Are there observed intensities ? | |
CrystVector_REAL | mObsIntensity |
Observed intensity (after ABS and LP corrections) More... | |
CrystVector_REAL | mObsSigma |
Sigma for observed intensities (either individual reflections or spectrum) | |
CrystVector_REAL | mWeight |
weight for computing R-Factor, for each observed value. | |
CrystVector_REAL | mCalcIntensity |
Calculated intensities. | |
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > | mCalcIntensity_FullDeriv |
REAL | mScaleFactor |
Scale factor. More... | |
REAL | mChi2 |
Chi^2. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockIcalc |
Last time Icalc was computed. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockScaleFactor |
Last modification of the scale factor. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockChi2 |
Clock the last time Chi^2 was computed. | |
RefObjOpt | mGroupOption |
Option for the type of grouping (0:no, 1:by theta values (twinning), 2:user-supplied groups) | |
CrystVector_REAL | mGroupIobs |
The observed intensities summed on all reflections that are (or could be) overlapped dur to a twinning. | |
CrystVector_REAL | mGroupSigma |
The uncertainty on observed grouped intensities. | |
CrystVector_REAL | mGroupIcalc |
The calculated intensities summed on all reflections that are grouped. | |
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > | mGroupIcalc_FullDeriv |
CrystVector_REAL | mGroupWeight |
The weight on each reflection sum in case of grouped reflections. More... | |
CrystVector_long | mGroupIndex |
The index of reflections which need to be summed. More... | |
long | mNbGroup |
Number of groups. | |
long | mNbGroupUsed |
Number of groups below max[sin(theta)/lambda]. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockPrepareTwinningCorr |
Clock for twinning, when the preparation of twinning correction was last made. | |
Radiation | mRadiation |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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virtual void | PrepareHKLarrays () |
CrystVector_long | EliminateExtinctReflections () |
virtual void | CalcSinThetaLambda () const |
REAL | CalcSinThetaLambda (REAL h, REAL k, REAL l) const |
Calculate sin(theta)/lambda for a single reflection. | |
virtual const CrystMatrix_REAL & | GetBMatrix () const |
Get access to the B matrix used to compute reflection positions. More... | |
void | CalcScattFactor () const |
void | CalcTemperatureFactor () const |
virtual void | CalcResonantScattFactor () const |
void | CalcGlobalTemperatureFactor () const |
Compute the overall temperature factor affecting all reflections. | |
void | CalcStructFactor () const |
Compute the overall structure factor (real and imaginary part). More... | |
void | CalcStructFactor_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar) |
void | CalcGeomStructFactor () const |
Compute the 'Geometrical Structure Factor' for each ScatteringPower of the Crystal. More... | |
void | CalcGeomStructFactor_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar) |
void | CalcLuzzatiFactor () const |
Calculate the Luzzati factor associated to each ScatteringPower and each reflection, for maximum likelihood optimization. | |
void | CalcStructFactVariance () const |
Calculate the variance associated to the calculated structure factor. More... | |
![]() | |
long | FindPar (const string &name) const |
Find a refinable parameter with a given name. | |
long | FindPar (const REAL *) const |
Find a refinable parameter from the adress of its value. | |
void | AddSubRefObj (RefinableObj &) |
void | RemoveSubRefObj (RefinableObj &) |
void | AddOption (RefObjOpt *opt) |
virtual void | Prepare () |
map< unsigned long, pair < CrystVector_REAL, string > >::iterator | FindParamSet (unsigned long id) const |
Find a parameter set with a given id (and check if it is there) | |
![]() | |
long | mNbRefl |
Number of H,K,L reflections. | |
CrystVector_REAL | mH |
H,K,L coordinates. | |
CrystVector_REAL | mK |
CrystVector_REAL | mL |
CrystVector_long | mIntH |
H,K,L integer coordinates. | |
CrystVector_long | mIntK |
CrystVector_long | mIntL |
CrystVector_REAL | mH2Pi |
H,K,L coordinates, multiplied by 2PI. | |
CrystVector_REAL | mK2Pi |
CrystVector_REAL | mL2Pi |
CrystVector_REAL | mX |
reflection coordinates in an orthonormal base | |
CrystVector_REAL | mY |
CrystVector_REAL | mZ |
CrystVector_int | mMultiplicity |
Multiplicity for each reflections (mostly for powder diffraction) | |
CrystVector_int | mExpectedIntensityFactor |
Expected intensity factor for all reflections. More... | |
CrystVector_REAL | mFhklCalcReal |
real &imaginary parts of F(HKL)calc | |
CrystVector_REAL | mFhklCalcImag |
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > | mFhklCalcReal_FullDeriv |
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > | mFhklCalcImag_FullDeriv |
CrystVector_REAL | mFhklCalcSq |
F(HKL)^2 calc for each reflection. | |
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > | mFhklCalcSq_FullDeriv |
Crystal * | mpCrystal |
Pointer to the crystal corresponding to this experiment. More... | |
REAL | mGlobalBiso |
Global Biso, affecting the overall structure factor for all reflections (but not the structure factors of individual atoms or type of atomes). | |
CrystVector_REAL | mGlobalTemperatureFactor |
Global Biso factor. | |
bool | mUseFastLessPreciseFunc |
Use faster, but less precise, approximations for functions? (integer approximations to compute sin and cos in structure factors, and also to compute interatomic distances). More... | |
CrystVector_REAL | mSinThetaLambda |
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CrystVector_REAL | mTheta |
theta for the crystal and the HKL in ReciprSpace (in radians) | |
map< const ScatteringPower *, REAL > | mvFprime |
Anomalous X-Ray scattering term f' and f" are stored here for each ScatteringPower We store here only a value. More... | |
map< const ScatteringPower *, REAL > | mvFsecond |
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > | mvTemperatureFactor |
Thermic factors for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements. | |
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > | mvScatteringFactor |
Scattering factors for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements. | |
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > | mvRealGeomSF |
Geometrical Structure factor for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements. | |
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > | mvImagGeomSF |
map< RefinablePar *, map < const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > > | mvRealGeomSF_FullDeriv |
map< RefinablePar *, map < const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > > | mvImagGeomSF_FullDeriv |
RefinableObjClock | mClockHKL |
Clock for the list of hkl. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockStructFactor |
Clock for the structure factor. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockStructFactorSq |
Clock for the square modulus of the structure factor. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockTheta |
Clock the last time theta was computed. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockScattFactor |
Clock the last time scattering factors were computed. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockScattFactorResonant |
Clock the last time resonant scattering factors were computed. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockGeomStructFact |
Clock the last time the geometrical structure factors were computed. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockThermicFact |
Clock the last time temperature factors were computed. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockGlobalBiso |
last time the global Biso factor was modified | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockGlobalTemperatureFact |
last time the global temperature factor was computed | |
bool | mIgnoreImagScattFact |
Ignore imaginary part of scattering factor. More... | |
REAL | mMaxSinThetaOvLambda |
Maximum sin(theta)/lambda for all calculations (10 by default). More... | |
long | mNbReflUsed |
Number of reflections which are below the max. More... | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockNbReflUsed |
Clock recording the last time the number of reflections used has increased. | |
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > | mvLuzzatiFactor |
The Luzzati 'D' factor for each scattering power and each reflection. | |
CrystVector_REAL | mFhklCalcVariance |
The variance on all calculated structure factors, taking into account the positionnal errors and the expected intensity factor. More... | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockLuzzatiFactor |
RefinableObjClock | mClockFhklCalcVariance |
CrystVector_REAL | mFhklObsSq |
Observed squared structure factors (zero-sized if none) | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockFhklObsSq |
Last time observed squared structure factors were altered. | |
![]() | |
string | mName |
Name for this RefinableObject. Should be unique, at least in the same scope.+. | |
vector< RefinablePar * > | mvpRefPar |
Vector of pointers to the refinable parameters. | |
vector< Restraint * > | mvpRestraint |
Vector of pointers to the restraints for this object. More... | |
map< unsigned long, pair < CrystVector_REAL, string > > | mvpSavedValuesSet |
Map of (index,pointers to arrays) used to save sets of values for all parameters. More... | |
long | mNbRefParNotFixed |
Total of not-fixed parameters. | |
CrystVector_long | mRefparNotFixedIndex |
Index of not-fixed parameters. | |
int | mOptimizationDepth |
Is the object being refined or optimized ? if mOptimizationDepth=0, no optimization is taking place. More... | |
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > | mSubObjRegistry |
Registry of RefinableObject needed for this object (owned by this object or not) | |
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > | mClientObjRegistry |
Registry of RefinableObject using this object. More... | |
ObjRegistry< RefObjOpt > | mOptionRegistry |
List of options for this object. More... | |
bool | mDeleteRefParInDestructor |
If true (the default), then all RefinablePar will be deleted when the the object is deleted. More... | |
RefinableObjClock | mRefParListClock |
Last time the RefinableParList was modified (a parameter added or removed). | |
bool | mRandomMoveIsDone |
CrystVector_REAL | mLSQDeriv |
Temporary array used to return derivative values of the LSQ function for given parameters. More... | |
std::map< unsigned int, std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > > | mLSQ_FullDeriv |
Temporary map to return the derivative of the LSQ function versus a list of parameters. More... | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockMaster |
Master clock, which is changed whenever the object has been altered. More... | |
DiffractionData object for Single Crystal analysis.
Currently this handles only in the simplest way single crystal dat: ie only data which has been completely corrected for Lorentz/Polarization and absorption.
What needs to be developped: define the geometry of the experiment (incident and emerging angles), the polarization of the beam, etc...
Definition at line 50 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.h.
ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal | ( | const bool | regist = true | ) |
Default constructor.
regist | if false, do not add to the global registry of single crystal data or refinable objects - this is only useful for data to be used internally only. |
Definition at line 57 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal | ( | Crystal & | cryst, |
const bool | regist = true |
) |
Constructor, with an assigned crystal structure.
regist | if false, do not add to the global registry of single crystal data or refinable objects - this is only useful for data to be used internally only. |
Definition at line 68 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Compute the best scale factor minimising R.
The computed scale factor is immediatly applied to Icalc
Definition at line 855 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Compute the best scale factor minimising Rw.
The computed scale factor is immediatly applied to Icalc
Definition at line 810 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Compute the best scale factor to minimize R, apply this scale factor and return the R value obtained.
Definition at line 897 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Return conventionnal Chi^2.
Definition at line 733 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
This is only useful to distinguish different classes when picking up objects from the RefinableObj Global Registry
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 116 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
const CrystVector_REAL & ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::GetIcalc | ( | ) | const |
returns the calculated diffracted intensity.
This is an array of calculated intensities for each reflections in the single crystal case, and the array with the full powder powder profile for powder diffraction.
Definition at line 166 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::GetIcalc_FullDeriv | ( | std::set< RefinablePar * > & | vPar | ) |
Definition at line 172 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.
By default (no likelihood evaluation available), this is equal to 0.
This call should not be recursive, it is the task of the algorithm to get the sum of likelihoods for all objects invlolved.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 1013 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 1042 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Return the Crystal R-factor (unweighted)
Definition at line 694 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Return the Crystal R-factor (weighted)
Definition at line 654 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Make a random move of the current configuration.
This is for global optimization algorithms. the moves for each parameter are less than their global optimization step, multiplied by the mutation amplitude.
mutationAmplitude | multiplier for the maximum move amplitude, for all parameters |
type | restrain the change exclusively to parameters of a given type (same type or descendant from this RefParType). |
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 1006 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::ImportCIF | ( | const string & | fileName | ) |
Import diffraction data from a CIF file.
The file is assumed to correspond to a single crystal diffraction file.
fileName | The name of the data file. |
Definition at line 438 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::ImportHklIobs | ( | const string & | fileName, |
const long | nbRefl, | ||
const int | skipLines = 0 |
) |
Import h,k,l,I from a file.
The file is assumed to correspond to a single crystal diffraction file.
fileName | The name of the data file. This file should be formatted with H,k,l, Iobs separated by spaces. |
nbRefl | The number of reflections to extract. |
skipLines | The number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file. |
Definition at line 231 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::ImportHklIobsGroup | ( | const string & | fileName, |
const unsigned int | skipLines = 0 |
) |
Import h,k,l and grouped intensities from a file.
The file is assumed to correspond to a single crystal diffraction file.
fileName | The name of the data file. This file should be formatted with H,k,l, Iobs separated by spaces. |
skipLines | The number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file. |
File format (the reflection which has an intensity entry marks the end of the group) h k l Igroup -2 4 2 -2 -4 2 100.4 2 -4 1 2 4 1 193.2 ...
Definition at line 539 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::ImportHklIobsSigma | ( | const string & | fileName, |
const long | nbRefl, | ||
const int | skipLines = 0 |
) |
Import h,k,l,I,Sigma from a file.
The file is assumed to correspond to a single crystal diffraction file.
fileName | The name of the data file. This file should be formatted with H,k,l, Iobs and Sigma separated by spaces. |
nbRefl | The number of reflections to extract. |
skipLines | The number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file. |
Definition at line 294 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::ImportHklIobsSigmaJanaM91 | ( | const string & | fileName | ) |
Import h,k,l,I,Sigma from a Jana98 '*.m91' file.
The file is assumed to correspond to a single crystal diffraction file.
fileName | The name of the data file. |
Definition at line 458 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::ImportShelxHKLF4 | ( | const string & | fileName | ) |
Import h,k,l,I,Sigma from a file using shelx HKLF 4 format.
The file is assumed to correspond to a single crystal diffraction file.This file should be formatted with H,k,l, Iobs and Sigma using a strict formatting 3I4+2F8, and the last line should contain 0 0 0 for hkl values.
fileName | The name of the data file. |
Definition at line 359 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
private |
Determine the index of reflections to be summed because of twinning (GroupOption==1) The reflections must have been sorted by increasing theta beforehand.
Definition at line 1305 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Print H, K, L Iobs sigma for all reflections.
Definition at line 929 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SaveHKLIobsIcalc | ( | const string & | filename = "hklIobsIcalc.out" | ) |
Save H,K,L Iobs Icalc to a file, text format, 3 columns theta Iobs Icalc.
If Iobs is missing, the column is omitted.
Definition at line 979 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SetHklIobs | ( | const CrystVector_long & | h, |
const CrystVector_long & | k, | ||
const CrystVector_long & | l, | ||
const CrystVector_REAL & | iObs, | ||
const CrystVector_REAL & | sigma | ||
) |
input H,K,L, Iobs and Sigma
h,k,l | REAL arrays (vectors with NbRefl elements -same size) with the h, k and l coordinates of all reflections. |
iobs,sigma | REAL arrays (vectors with NbRefl elements -same size) with the Observed intensity and sigma for all reflections. |
Definition at line 122 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Set sigma for all observed intensities to sqrt(obs)
Definition at line 905 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
void ObjCryst::DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SetWavelength | ( | const string & | XRayTubeElementName, |
const REAL | alpha2Alpha2ratio = 0.5 |
) |
\ brief Set X-Ray tube radiation.
XRayTubeElementName | : name of the anticathode element name. Known ones are Cr, Fe, Cu, Mo, Ag. |
alpha2Alpha2ratio | Kalpha2/Kalpha1 ratio (0.5 by default) |
the average wavelength is calculated using the alpha2/alpha1 weight. All structure factors computation are made using the average wavelength, and for powder diffraction, profiles are output at the alpha1 and alpha2 ratio for the calculated pattern.
NOTE : if the name of the wavelength is generic (eg"Cu"), then the program considers that there are both Alpha1 and Alpha2, and thus automatically changes the WavelengthType to WAVELENGTH_ALPHA12. If instead either alpha1 or alpha2 (eg "CuA1") is asked for, the WavelengthType is set to WAVELENGTH_MONOCHROMATIC. In both cases, the radiation type is set to X-Ray.
Definition at line 1077 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Set the weight for all observed intensities to 1/sigma^2.
For sigmas which are smaller than minRelatSigma times the max value of sigma, the output weight is set to 0.
For reflections where the intensity is below minIobsSigmaRatio*sigma, the weight is set to zero so that this reflection is ignored.
Definition at line 912 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
privatevirtual |
sort reflections by theta values (also get rid of [0,0,0] if present) If maxSTOL >0, then only reflections where sin(theta)/lambda<maxSTOL are kept
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::ScatteringData.
Definition at line 1168 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp.
virtual |
Input From stream.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 1280 of file ObjCryst/IO.cpp.
virtual |
Output to stream in well-formed XML.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 1180 of file ObjCryst/IO.cpp.
mutableprivate |
The index of reflections which need to be summed.
They must have been sorted by increasing theta values. Each entry (the reflection index) marks the beginning of a new batch of reflections to be summed.
Here only the groups of reflections are roughly sorted by sin(theta)/lambda. It is assumed, howver, that grouped reflections are of approximately the same d_hkl. After ScatteringData::GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda(), the number of groups for which all reflections are below the limit are taken into account for the statistics.
Note that DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda() is called (i.e. immediately after importing the reflections)
Definition at line 356 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.h.
mutableprivate |
The weight on each reflection sum in case of grouped reflections.
The sum is the inverse of the sum of all sigma^2
Definition at line 342 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.h.
private |
Observed intensity (after ABS and LP corrections)
In the single crystal case, this is a list of intensity corresponding to (h,k,l). For a powder sample, this is a list of all peaks intensities.
Definition at line 308 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.h.
mutableprivate |
Scale factor.
It is applied when computing intensities. The scale applies to intensities
Definition at line 319 of file DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.h.