Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
Atom.cpp | |
Atom.h | |
Chronometer.h | |
ci_string.cpp | |
ci_string.h | |
CIF.cpp | |
CIF.h | |
Colours.h | |
Crystal.cpp | |
Crystal.h | |
CrystVector.cpp | |
CrystVector.h | |
DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.cpp | |
DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.h | |
doc-install.h | |
doc-main.h | |
doc-status.h | |
doc-todo.h | |
Exception.cpp | |
General.h | |
geomStructFactor.cpp | |
GeomStructFactor.h | |
geomStructFactor_001.cpp | |
geomStructFactor_002.cpp | |
geomStructFactor_067.cpp | |
geomStructFactor_097.cpp | |
geomStructFactor_230.cpp | |
geomStructFactor_centro.cpp | |
GlobalOptimObj.cpp | |
GlobalOptimObj.h | |
Indexing.cpp | |
Indexing.h | |
ObjCryst/IO.cpp | |
RefinableObj/IO.cpp | |
ObjCryst/IO.h | |
RefinableObj/IO.h | |
LSQNumObj.cpp | |
LSQNumObj.h | |
MC.cpp | |
MC.h | |
MCTable.h | |
Molecule.cpp | |
Molecule.h | |
mpVector.cpp | |
mpVector.h | |
Polyhedron.cpp | |
Polyhedron.h | |
PowderPattern.cpp | |
PowderPattern.h | |
PowderPatternBackgroundBayesianMinimiser.cpp | |
PowderPatternBackgroundBayesianMinimiser.h | |
RefinableObj.cpp | |
RefinableObj.h | |
ReflectionProfile.cpp | |
ReflectionProfile.h | |
Scatterer.cpp | |
Scatterer.h | |
ScatteringCorr.cpp | |
ScatteringCorr.h | |
ScatteringData.cpp | |
ScatteringData.h | |
ScatteringPower.cpp | |
ScatteringPower.h | |
ScatteringPowerSphere.cpp | |
ScatteringPowerSphere.h | |
Simplex.cpp | |
Simplex.h | |
SpaceGroup.cpp | |
SpaceGroup.h | |
sse_mathfun.h | |
test.cpp | |
test.h | |
trackball.h | |
Tracker.cpp | |
Tracker.h | |
UnitCell.cpp | |
UnitCell.h | |
VFNDebug.cpp | |
VFNDebug.h | |
VFNStreamFormat.cpp | |
VFNStreamFormat.h | |
wxAtom.cpp | |
wxAtom.h | |
wxCryst.cpp | |
wxCryst.h | |
wxCrystal.cpp | |
wxCrystal.h | |
wxDiffractionSingleCrystal.cpp | |
wxDiffractionSingleCrystal.h | |
wxGlobalOptimObj.cpp | |
wxGlobalOptimObj.h | |
wxLSQ.cpp | |
wxLSQ.h | |
wxMolecule.cpp | |
wxMolecule.h | |
wxMultiGraph.cpp | |
wxMultiGraph.h | |
wxPowderPattern.cpp | |
wxPowderPattern.h | |
wxRadiation.h | |
wxRefinableObj.cpp | |
wxRefinableObj.h | |
wxScatterer.cpp | |
wxScatterer.h | |
wxScatteringPower.cpp | |
wxScatteringPower.h | |
wxScatteringPowerSphere.cpp | |
wxScatteringPowerSphere.h | |
wxTrackerGraph.cpp | |
wxTrackerGraph.h | |
wxZScatterer.cpp | |
wxZScatterer.h | |
ZScatterer.cpp | |
ZScatterer.h | |