FOX/ObjCryst++  1.10.X (development)
ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase Class Reference

Texture correction using the March-Dollase model. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase:
+ Collaboration diagram for ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase:

Public Member Functions

 TextureMarchDollase (const ScatteringData &data)
virtual const string & GetName () const
 Get the name of this object.
virtual const string & GetClassName () const
 Get the name of the class.
void AddPhase (const REAL fraction, const REAL coeffMarch, const REAL h, const REAL k, const REAL l)
void SetPhasePar (const unsigned int i, const REAL fraction, const REAL coeffMarch, const REAL h, const REAL k, const REAL l)
void DeletePhase (const unsigned int i)
unsigned int GetNbPhase () const
REAL GetFraction (const unsigned int i) const
REAL GetMarchCoeff (const unsigned int i) const
REAL GetPhaseH (const unsigned int i) const
REAL GetPhaseK (const unsigned int i) const
REAL GetPhaseL (const unsigned int i) const
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove (const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
 Make a random move of the current configuration. More...
virtual REAL GetBiasingCost () const
virtual void XMLOutput (ostream &os, int indent=0) const
 Output to stream in well-formed XML. More...
virtual void XMLInput (istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
 Input From stream. More...
virtual void BeginOptimization (const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
 This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization. More...
virtual void TagNewBestConfig () const
 During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjCryst::ScatteringCorr
 ScatteringCorr (const ScatteringData &data)
 Constructor, with the associated ScatteringData object.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetCorr () const
 Get the vector of corrections for all reflections. More...
const RefinableObjClockGetClockCorr () const
 Get the value of the clock corresponding to the last time the correction was actually computed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjCryst::RefinableObj
 RefinableObj ()
 RefinableObj (const bool internalUseOnly)
 Constructor. More...
 RefinableObj (const RefinableObj &old)
 Defined not implemented... More...
virtual ~RefinableObj ()
virtual void SetName (const string &name)
 Name of the object.
void operator= (const RefinableObj &old)
 Defined not implemented... More...
void PrepareForRefinement () const
 Find which parameters are used and not fixed, for a refinement /optimization. More...
void FixAllPar ()
 Fix All parameters.
void UnFixAllPar ()
 UnFix All parameters.
void SetParIsFixed (const long parIndex, const bool fix)
 Fix/un-fix one parameter from its #.
void SetParIsFixed (const string &parName, const bool fix)
 Fix/un-fix one parameter from its name.
void SetParIsFixed (const RefParType *type, const bool fix)
 Fix/un-fix one family of parameters.
void SetParIsUsed (const string &parName, const bool use)
 Set whether a parameter is used.
void SetParIsUsed (const RefParType *type, const bool use)
 Set whether a family of parameters is used.
long GetNbPar () const
 Total number of refinable parameter in the object. More...
long GetNbParNotFixed () const
 Total number of non-fixed parameters. Is initialized by PrepareForRefinement()
RefinableParGetPar (const long i)
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputted.
const RefinableParGetPar (const long i) const
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputted.
RefinableParGetPar (const string &name)
 Access all parameters from their name.
const RefinableParGetPar (const string &name) const
 Access all parameters from their name.
RefinableParGetPar (const REAL *)
 Access parameter from its adress.
const RefinableParGetPar (const REAL *) const
 Access parameter from its adress.
RefinableParGetParNotFixed (const long i)
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputted, skipping fixed parameters. More...
const RefinableParGetParNotFixed (const long i) const
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputed, skipping fixed parameters. More...
void AddPar (const RefinablePar &newRefPar)
 Add a refinable parameter. More...
void AddPar (RefinablePar *newRefPar)
 Add a refinable parameter. More...
void AddPar (RefinableObj &newRefParList, const bool copyParam=false)
 Add all the parameters in another RefinableObj. More...
vector< RefinablePar * >::iterator RemovePar (RefinablePar *refPar)
 Remove a refinable parameter. More...
virtual void Print () const
unsigned long CreateParamSet (const string name="") const
 Save the current set of refined values in a new set. More...
void ClearParamSet (const unsigned long id) const
 Erase the param set with the given id, releasing memory.
void SaveParamSet (const unsigned long id) const
 Save the current set of refined values over a previously-created set of saved values. More...
void RestoreParamSet (const unsigned long id)
 Restore a saved set of values. More...
const CrystVector_REAL & GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId) const
 Access one save refpar set. More...
CrystVector_REAL & GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId)
 Access one save refpar set. More...
REAL GetParamSet_ParNotFixedHumanValue (const unsigned long setId, const long parNumber) const
 Access the (human) value of one refined parameter in a saved set of parameters. More...
const void EraseAllParamSet ()
 Erase all saved refpar sets. More...
const string & GetParamSetName (const unsigned long setId) const
 Get the name associated to a refpar set. More...
void SetLimitsAbsolute (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a given parameter, giving absolute new limits.
void SetLimitsAbsolute (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving absolute new limits.
void SetLimitsRelative (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a given parameter, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max) Thus min should logically be <0 and max >0. More...
void SetLimitsRelative (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max). More...
void SetLimitsProportional (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a given parameter, proportionnaly to the current value. More...
void SetLimitsProportional (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a category of parameters, proportionnaly to their current value. More...
void SetGlobalOptimStep (const RefParType *type, const REAL step)
 Change the maximum step to use during Global Optimization algorithms.
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & GetSubObjRegistry ()
 Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object.
const ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & GetSubObjRegistry () const
 Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object.
virtual void RegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const
 Register a new object using this object. More...
virtual void DeRegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const
 Deregister an object (which not any more) using this object.
virtual const ObjRegistry
< RefinableObj > & 
GetClientRegistry () const
 Get the list of clients.
virtual ObjRegistry
< RefinableObj > & 
GetClientRegistry ()
 Get the list of clients.
bool IsBeingRefined () const
 Is the object being refined ? (Can be refined by one algorithm at a time only.)
virtual void EndOptimization ()
 This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization. More...
virtual void SetApproximationFlag (const bool allow)
 Enable or disable numerical approximations. More...
virtual void RandomizeConfiguration ()
 Randomize Configuration (before a global optimization). More...
void BeginGlobalOptRandomMove ()
 Raise a flag, to be sure not to make a random change more than once in each RefinableObj. More...
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood () const
 Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object. More...
virtual unsigned int GetNbLSQFunction () const
 Number of LSQ functions.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQCalc (const unsigned int) const
 Get the current calculated value for the LSQ function.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQObs (const unsigned int) const
 Get the observed values for the LSQ function.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQWeight (const unsigned int) const
 Get the weight values for the LSQ function.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQDeriv (const unsigned int, RefinablePar &)
 Get the first derivative values for the LSQ function, for a given parameter. More...
virtual std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > & 
GetLSQ_FullDeriv (const unsigned int, std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
 Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list. More...
void ResetParList ()
 Re-init the list of refinable parameters, removing all parameters. More...
virtual void UpdateDisplay () const
 If there is an interface, this should be automatically be called each time there is a 'new, significant' configuration to report. More...
unsigned int GetNbOption () const
 Number of Options for this object.
RefObjOptGetOption (const unsigned int i)
 Access to the options.
const RefObjOptGetOption (const unsigned int i) const
 const access to the options
virtual void GetGeneGroup (const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
 Get the gene group assigned to each parameter. More...
void SetDeleteRefParInDestructor (const bool b)
 Set this object not to delete its list of parameters when destroyed. More...
const RefinableObjClockGetRefParListClock () const
 What was the last time a RefinablePar was added/removed ? More...
virtual REAL GetRestraintCost () const
 Get the restraint cost (overall penalty of all restraints) More...
void AddRestraint (Restraint *pNewRestraint)
 Add a new restraint. More...
vector< Restraint * >::iterator RemoveRestraint (Restraint *pRestraint)
 Remove a restraint from the list of known restraints. More...
const RefinableObjClockGetClockMaster () const
 This clocks records any change in the object. See refinableObj::mClockMaster.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void CalcCorr () const
 Do the computation of corrected intensities.
void DeleteAllPhase ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ObjCryst::RefinableObj
long FindPar (const string &name) const
 Find a refinable parameter with a given name.
long FindPar (const REAL *) const
 Find a refinable parameter from the adress of its value.
void AddSubRefObj (RefinableObj &)
void RemoveSubRefObj (RefinableObj &)
void AddOption (RefObjOpt *opt)
virtual void Prepare ()
map< unsigned long, pair
< CrystVector_REAL, string >
FindParamSet (unsigned long id) const
 Find a parameter set with a given id (and check if it is there)

Protected Attributes

< TexturePhaseMarchDollase
RefinableObjClock mClockTexturePar
unsigned long mNbReflUsed
 Number of reflexion for which the calculation is actually done. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjCryst::ScatteringCorr
const ScatteringDatampData
 The associated ScatteringData object.
CrystVector_REAL mCorr
 The vector of correction to intensities.
RefinableObjClock mClockCorrCalc
 The clock marking the last time the correction was calculated.
- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjCryst::RefinableObj
string mName
 Name for this RefinableObject. Should be unique, at least in the same scope.+.
vector< RefinablePar * > mvpRefPar
 Vector of pointers to the refinable parameters.
vector< Restraint * > mvpRestraint
 Vector of pointers to the restraints for this object. More...
map< unsigned long, pair
< CrystVector_REAL, string > > 
 Map of (index,pointers to arrays) used to save sets of values for all parameters. More...
long mNbRefParNotFixed
 Total of not-fixed parameters.
CrystVector_long mRefparNotFixedIndex
 Index of not-fixed parameters.
int mOptimizationDepth
 Is the object being refined or optimized ? if mOptimizationDepth=0, no optimization is taking place. More...
ObjRegistry< RefinableObjmSubObjRegistry
 Registry of RefinableObject needed for this object (owned by this object or not)
ObjRegistry< RefinableObjmClientObjRegistry
 Registry of RefinableObject using this object. More...
ObjRegistry< RefObjOptmOptionRegistry
 List of options for this object. More...
bool mDeleteRefParInDestructor
 If true (the default), then all RefinablePar will be deleted when the the object is deleted. More...
RefinableObjClock mRefParListClock
 Last time the RefinableParList was modified (a parameter added or removed).
bool mRandomMoveIsDone
CrystVector_REAL mLSQDeriv
 Temporary array used to return derivative values of the LSQ function for given parameters. More...
std::map< unsigned int,
std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > > 
 Temporary map to return the derivative of the LSQ function versus a list of parameters. More...
RefinableObjClock mClockMaster
 Master clock, which is changed whenever the object has been altered. More...

Detailed Description

Texture correction using the March-Dollase model.

This can include several phases.

Definition at line 161 of file ScatteringCorr.h.

Member Function Documentation

void ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase::BeginOptimization ( const bool  allowApproximations = false,
const bool  enableRestraints = false 

This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.

This will also check that everything is ready, eg call the RefinableObj::Prepare() function. This also affects all sub-objects.

this may be called several time for some objects which are used by several other objects, or for nested optimizations (e.g. least-squares optimizations inside a global one).
EndOptimization() must be called at the end of the optimization, the same number of time BeginOptimization() was called !
allowApproximationsif true, then the object can use faster but less precise functions during the optimization. This is useful for global optimization not using derivatives.
enableRestraintsxrefitem deprecated 28.

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 594 of file ScatteringCorr.cpp.

void ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase::GlobalOptRandomMove ( const REAL  mutationAmplitude,
const RefParType type = gpRefParTypeObjCryst 

Make a random move of the current configuration.

This is for global optimization algorithms. the moves for each parameter are less than their global optimization step, multiplied by the mutation amplitude.

: this makes a random move for the parameter declared for this object, and it is the duty of the object to decide whether the included objects should be moved and how. (eg an algorithm should only call for a move with the top object, and this object decides how he and his sub-objects moves). By default (RefinableObj implementation) all included objects are moved recursively.


mutationAmplitudemultiplier for the maximum move amplitude, for all parameters
typerestrain the change exclusively to parameters of a given type (same type or descendant from this RefParType).

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 424 of file ScatteringCorr.cpp.

void ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase::TagNewBestConfig ( ) const

During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config.

This can be used by the object to make more intellingent random moves (use with caution: highly experimental !).

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 618 of file ScatteringCorr.cpp.

void ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase::XMLInput ( istream &  is,
const XMLCrystTag tag 

Input From stream.

Add an bool XMLInputTag(is,tag) function to recognize all the tags from the stream. So that each inherited class can use the XMLInputTag function from its parent (ie take advantage of inheritance). The children class would first try to interpret the tag, then if unsuccessful would pass it to its parent (thus allowing overloading), etc...

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 571 of file ScatteringCorr.cpp.

void ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase::XMLOutput ( ostream &  os,
int  indent = 0 
) const

Output to stream in well-formed XML.

Use inheritance.. as for XMLInputTag()...

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 554 of file ScatteringCorr.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

unsigned long ObjCryst::TextureMarchDollase::mNbReflUsed

Number of reflexion for which the calculation is actually done.

This is automaticaly updated during CalcCorr, from the parent ScatteringData::GetMaxSinThetaOvLambda()

Definition at line 195 of file ScatteringCorr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: