FOX/ObjCryst++  1.10.X (development)
1 /* ObjCryst++ Object-Oriented Crystallographic Library
2  (c) 2000-2002 Vincent Favre-Nicolin
3  2000-2001 University of Geneva (Switzerland)
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 */
19 /*
20 * source file for Global Optimization Objects
21 *
22 */
23 #include <iomanip>
25 #include "ObjCryst/RefinableObj/GlobalOptimObj.h"
26 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Crystal.h"
27 #include "ObjCryst/Quirks/VFNStreamFormat.h"
28 #include "ObjCryst/Quirks/VFNDebug.h"
29 #include "ObjCryst/Quirks/Chronometer.h"
30 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/IO.h"
31 #include "ObjCryst/RefinableObj/LSQNumObj.h"
33 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Molecule.h"
35 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
36  #include "ObjCryst/wxCryst/wxRefinableObj.h"
37  #undef GetClassName // Conflict from wxMSW headers ? (cygwin)
38 #endif
40 //For some reason, with wxWindows this must be placed after wx headers (Borland c++)
41 #include <fstream>
42 #include <sstream>
43 #include <stdio.h>
44 #include "boost/format.hpp"
46 namespace ObjCryst
47 {
48 void CompareWorlds(const CrystVector_long &idx,const CrystVector_long &swap, const RefinableObj &obj)
49 {
50  const long nb=swap.numElements();
51  const CrystVector_REAL *pv0=&(obj.GetParamSet(idx(swap(nb-1))));
52  for(long i=0;i<idx.numElements();++i)
53  {
54  REAL d=0.0;
55  const CrystVector_REAL *pv1=&(obj.GetParamSet(idx(swap(i))));
56  for(long j=0;j<pv0->numElements();++j) d += ((*pv0)(j)-(*pv1)(j))*((*pv0)(j)-(*pv1)(j));
57  cout<<"d("<<i<<")="<<sqrt(d)<<endl;
58  }
59  cout<<endl;
60 }
61 //#################################################################################
62 //
63 // OptimizationObj
64 //
65 //#################################################################################
66 ObjRegistry<OptimizationObj> gOptimizationObjRegistry("List of all Optimization objects");
70 mName(name),mSaveFileName(""),
71 mNbTrialPerRun(10000000),mNbTrial(0),mBestCost(-1),
72 mBestParSavedSetIndex(-1),
73 mContext(0),
74 mIsOptimizing(false),mStopAfterCycle(false),
75 mRefinedObjList("OptimizationObj: "+mName+" RefinableObj registry"),
76 mRecursiveRefinedObjList("OptimizationObj: "+mName+" recursive RefinableObj registry"),
77 mLastOptimTime(0)
78 {
79  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("OptimizationObj::OptimizationObj()",5)
80  // This must be done in a real class to avoid calling a pure virtual method
81  // if a graphical representation is automatically called upon registration.
82  // gOptimizationObjRegistry.Register(*this);
84  static bool need_initRandomSeed=true;
85  if(need_initRandomSeed==true)
86  {
87  srand(time(NULL));
88  need_initRandomSeed=false;
89  }
90  // We only copy parameters, so do not delete them !
92  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("OptimizationObj::OptimizationObj()",5)
93 }
96 {
97  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("OptimizationObj::~OptimizationObj()",5)
98  gOptimizationObjRegistry.DeRegister(*this);
99  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("OptimizationObj::~OptimizationObj()",5)
100 }
103 {
104  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("OptimizationObj::RandomizeStartingConfig()",5)
105  this->PrepareRefParList();
106  for(int j=0;j<mRefParList.GetNbParNotFixed();j++)
107  {
108  if(true==mRefParList.GetParNotFixed(j).IsLimited())
109  {
110  const REAL min=mRefParList.GetParNotFixed(j).GetMin();
111  const REAL max=mRefParList.GetParNotFixed(j).GetMax();
112  mRefParList.GetParNotFixed(j).MutateTo(min+(max-min)*(rand()/(REAL)RAND_MAX) );
113  }
114  else if(true==mRefParList.GetParNotFixed(j).IsPeriodic())
116  Mutate(mRefParList.GetParNotFixed(j).GetPeriod()*rand()/(REAL)RAND_MAX);
117  }
118  //else cout << mRefParList.GetParNotFixed(j).Name() <<" Not limited :-(" <<endl;
119  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("OptimizationObj::RandomizeStartingConfig()",5)
120 }
123 {
124  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("OptimizationObj::FixAllPar()",5)
125  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
126  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
127  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).FixAllPar();
128  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("OptimizationObj::FixAllPar():End",5)
129 }
130 void OptimizationObj::SetParIsFixed(const string& parName,const bool fix)
131 {
132  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
133  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
134  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetParIsFixed(parName,fix);
135 }
136 void OptimizationObj::SetParIsFixed(const RefParType *type,const bool fix)
137 {
138  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
139  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
140  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetParIsFixed(type,fix);
141 }
144 {
145  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
146  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
147  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).UnFixAllPar();
148 }
150 void OptimizationObj::SetParIsUsed(const string& parName,const bool use)
151 {
152  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
153  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
154  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetParIsUsed(parName,use);
155 }
156 void OptimizationObj::SetParIsUsed(const RefParType *type,const bool use)
157 {
158  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
159  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
160  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetParIsUsed(type,use);
161 }
162 void OptimizationObj::SetLimitsRelative(const string &parName,
163  const REAL min, const REAL max)
164 {
165  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
166  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
167  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetLimitsRelative(parName,min,max);
168 }
170  const REAL min, const REAL max)
171 {
172  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
173  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
174  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetLimitsRelative(type,min,max);
175 }
176 void OptimizationObj::SetLimitsAbsolute(const string &parName,
177  const REAL min, const REAL max)
178 {
179  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
180  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
181  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetLimitsAbsolute(parName,min,max);
182 }
184  const REAL min, const REAL max)
185 {
186  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
187  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
188  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetLimitsAbsolute(type,min,max);
189 }
192 {
193  TAU_PROFILE("OptimizationObj::GetLogLikelihood()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
194  REAL cost =0.;
195  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
196  {
197  const REAL tmp=mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetLogLikelihood();
198  if(tmp!=0.)
199  {
201  [&(mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i))]);
202  st->mTotalLogLikelihood += tmp;
204  (tmp-st->mLastLogLikelihood)*(tmp-st->mLastLogLikelihood);
205  st->mLastLogLikelihood=tmp;
206  }
207  cost += mvObjWeight[&(mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i))].mWeight * tmp;
208  }
209  return cost;
210 }
212 {
213  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("OptimizationObj::StopAfterCycle()",5)
214  if(mIsOptimizing)
215  {
216  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
217  wxMutexLocker lock(mMutexStopAfterCycle);
218  #endif
219  mStopAfterCycle=true;
220  }
221 }
224 {
225  //:TODO: ask all objects to print their own report ?
226 }
229 {
230  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("OptimizationObj::AddRefinableObj():"<<obj.GetName(),5)
231  //in case some object has been modified, to avoid rebuilding the entire list
232  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
234  mRefinedObjList.Register(obj);
236  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
237  if(0!=this->WXGet()) this->WXGet()->AddRefinedObject(obj);
238  #endif
239 }
242 {
243  if(rebuild) this->PrepareRefParList();
244  return mRefParList;
245 }
247 const string& OptimizationObj::GetName()const { return mName;}
248 void OptimizationObj::SetName(const string& name) {mName=name;}
250 const string OptimizationObj::GetClassName()const { return "OptimizationObj";}
252 void OptimizationObj::Print()const {this->XMLOutput(cout);}
255 {
256  //:TODO: check list of refinableObj has not changed, and the list of
257  // RefPar has not changed in all sub-objects.
259 }
264 {
265  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
266  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).TagNewBestConfig();
267  mMainTracker.AppendValues(mNbTrial);
268 }
271 {
272  return mLastOptimTime;
273 }
279 RefObjOpt& OptimizationObj::GetXMLAutoSaveOption() {return mXMLAutoSave;}
280 const RefObjOpt& OptimizationObj::GetXMLAutoSaveOption()const {return mXMLAutoSave;}
282 const REAL& OptimizationObj::GetBestCost()const{return mBestCost;}
285 void OptimizationObj::BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations, const bool enableRestraints)
286 {
287  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
288  {
289  mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).BeginOptimization(allowApproximations,enableRestraints);
290  }
291 }
294 {
295  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).EndOptimization();
296 }
300 const long& OptimizationObj::NbTrialPerRun() const {return mNbTrialPerRun;}
303 {
304  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("OptimizationObj::PrepareRefParList()",6)
306  this->BuildRecursiveRefObjList();
307  // As any parameter been added in the recursive list of objects ?
308  // or has any object been added/removed ?
309  RefinableObjClock clock;
311  if( (clock>mRefParList.GetRefParListClock())
312  ||(mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetRegistryClock()>mRefParList.GetRefParListClock()) )
313  {
314  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("OptimizationObj::PrepareRefParList():Rebuild list",6)
317  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
319  mvSavedParamSet.clear();
320  mBestParSavedSetIndex=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("Best Configuration");
321  mvSavedParamSet.push_back(make_pair(mBestParSavedSetIndex,mBestCost));
325  REAL (OptimizationObj::*fl)() const;
328  (this->GetName()+"::Overall LogLikelihood",*this,fl));
330  for(long i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
331  {
332  REAL (RefinableObj::*fp)() const;
335  (mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetName()+"::LogLikelihood",mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i),fp));
337  if(mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetClassName()=="Crystal")
338  {
339  REAL (Crystal::*fc)() const;
340  const Crystal *pCryst=dynamic_cast<const Crystal *>(&(mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i)));
342  mMainTracker.AddTracker(new TrackerObject<Crystal>
343  (pCryst->GetName()+"::BumpMergeCost",*pCryst,fc));
345  mMainTracker.AddTracker(new TrackerObject<Crystal>
346  (pCryst->GetName()+"::BondValenceCost",*pCryst,fc));
347  }
348  }
349  }
350  // Prepare for refinement, ie get the list of not fixed parameters,
351  // and prepare the objects...
353  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
354  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).PrepareForRefinement();
355  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("OptimizationObj::PrepareRefParList()",6)
356 }
359 {
360  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("OptimizationObj::InitOptions()",5)
361  static string xmlAutoSaveName;
362  static string xmlAutoSaveChoices[6];
364  static bool needInitNames=true;
365  if(true==needInitNames)
366  {
367  xmlAutoSaveName="Save Best Config Regularly";
368  xmlAutoSaveChoices[0]="No";
369  xmlAutoSaveChoices[1]="Every day";
370  xmlAutoSaveChoices[2]="Every hour";
371  xmlAutoSaveChoices[3]="Every 10mn";
372  xmlAutoSaveChoices[4]="Every new best config (a lot ! Not Recommended !)";
373  xmlAutoSaveChoices[5]="Every Run (Recommended)";
375  needInitNames=false;//Only once for the class
376  }
377  mXMLAutoSave.Init(6,&xmlAutoSaveName,xmlAutoSaveChoices);
378  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("OptimizationObj::InitOptions():End",5)
379 }
382 {
383  Chronometer chrono;
384  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
385  if(0!=this->WXGet()) this->WXGet()->CrystUpdate(true,true);
386  #endif
387  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
388  mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).UpdateDisplay();
390 }
392 {
393  // First check if anything has changed (ie if a sub-object has been
394  // added or removed in the recursive refinable object list)
395  RefinableObjClock clock;
397  if(clock>mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetRegistryClock())
398  {
399  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("OptimizationObj::BuildRecursiveRefObjList()",5)
400  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.DeRegisterAll();
401  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
403  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("OptimizationObj::BuildRecursiveRefObjList()",5)
404  }
405 }
407 //#################################################################################
408 //
409 // MonteCarloObj
410 //
411 //#################################################################################
412 MonteCarloObj::MonteCarloObj(const string name):
413 OptimizationObj(name),
414 mCurrentCost(-1),
415 mTemperatureMax(1e6),mTemperatureMin(.001),mTemperatureGamma(1.0),
416 mMutationAmplitudeMax(8.),mMutationAmplitudeMin(.125),mMutationAmplitudeGamma(1.0),
417 mNbTrialRetry(0),mMinCostRetry(0)
418 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
419 ,mpWXCrystObj(0)
420 #endif
421 {
422  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::MonteCarloObj()",5)
423  this->InitOptions();
425  mAnnealingScheduleTemp.SetChoice(ANNEALING_SMART);
426  mAnnealingScheduleMutation.SetChoice(ANNEALING_EXPONENTIAL);
427  mXMLAutoSave.SetChoice(5);//Save after each Run
428  mAutoLSQ.SetChoice(0);
429  gOptimizationObjRegistry.Register(*this);
430  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("MonteCarloObj::MonteCarloObj()",5)
431 }
433 MonteCarloObj::MonteCarloObj(const bool internalUseOnly):
434 OptimizationObj(""),
435 mCurrentCost(-1),
436 mTemperatureMax(.03),mTemperatureMin(.003),mTemperatureGamma(1.0),
437 mMutationAmplitudeMax(16.),mMutationAmplitudeMin(.125),mMutationAmplitudeGamma(1.0),
438 mNbTrialRetry(0),mMinCostRetry(0)
439 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
440 ,mpWXCrystObj(0)
441 #endif
442 {
443  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::MonteCarloObj(bool)",5)
444  this->InitOptions();
446  mAnnealingScheduleTemp.SetChoice(ANNEALING_SMART);
447  mAnnealingScheduleMutation.SetChoice(ANNEALING_EXPONENTIAL);
448  mXMLAutoSave.SetChoice(5);//Save after each Run
449  mAutoLSQ.SetChoice(0);
450  if(false==internalUseOnly) gOptimizationObjRegistry.Register(*this);
451  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("MonteCarloObj::MonteCarloObj(bool)",5)
452 }
455 {
456  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::~MonteCarloObj()",5)
457  gOptimizationObjRegistry.DeRegister(*this);
458  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT ("MonteCarloObj::~MonteCarloObj()",5)
459 }
461  const REAL tMax, const REAL tMin,
462  const AnnealingSchedule scheduleMutation,
463  const REAL mutMax, const REAL mutMin,
464  const long nbTrialRetry,const REAL minCostRetry)
465 {
466  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("MonteCarloObj::SetAlgorithmSimulAnnealing()",5)
468  mTemperatureMax=tMax;
469  mTemperatureMin=tMin;
470  mAnnealingScheduleTemp.SetChoice(scheduleTemp);
473  mMutationAmplitudeMax=mutMax;
474  mMutationAmplitudeMin=mutMin;
475  mAnnealingScheduleMutation.SetChoice(scheduleMutation);
476  mNbTrialRetry=nbTrialRetry;
477  mMinCostRetry=minCostRetry;
478  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("MonteCarloObj::SetAlgorithmSimulAnnealing():End",3)
479 }
482  const REAL tMax, const REAL tMin,
483  const AnnealingSchedule scheduleMutation,
484  const REAL mutMax, const REAL mutMin)
485 {
486  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("MonteCarloObj::SetAlgorithmParallTempering()",5)
488  mTemperatureMax=tMax;
489  mTemperatureMin=tMin;
490  mAnnealingScheduleTemp.SetChoice(scheduleTemp);
492  mMutationAmplitudeMax=mutMax;
493  mMutationAmplitudeMin=mutMin;
494  mAnnealingScheduleMutation.SetChoice(scheduleMutation);
495  //mNbTrialRetry=nbTrialRetry;
496  //mMinCostRetry=minCostRetry;
497  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("MonteCarloObj::SetAlgorithmParallTempering():End",3)
498 }
499 void MonteCarloObj::Optimize(long &nbStep,const bool silent,const REAL finalcost,
500  const REAL maxTime)
501 {
502  //:TODO: Other algorithms !
503  TAU_PROFILE("MonteCarloObj::Optimize()","void (long)",TAU_DEFAULT);
504  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::Optimize()",5)
505  this->BeginOptimization(true);
506  this->PrepareRefParList();
508  this->InitLSQ(false);
510  mIsOptimizing=true;
515  // prepare all objects
516  this->TagNewBestConfig();
519  mvObjWeight.clear();
521  switch(mGlobalOptimType.GetChoice())
522  {
524  {
525  this->RunSimulatedAnnealing(nbStep,silent,finalcost,maxTime);
526  break;
529  {
530  this->RunParallelTempering(nbStep,silent,finalcost,maxTime);
531  break;
534  {
535  long cycles = 1;
536  this->RunRandomLSQMethod(cycles);
537  break;
539  }
540  mIsOptimizing=false;
541  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
542  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Lock();
543  #endif
544  mStopAfterCycle=false;
545  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
546  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
547  #endif
550  this->EndOptimization();
552  if(mSaveTrackedData.GetChoice()==1)
553  {
554  ofstream outTracker;
555  const string outTrackerName=this->GetName()+"-Tracker.dat";
557  mMainTracker.SaveAll(outTracker);
558  outTracker.close();
559  }
561  for(vector<pair<long,REAL> >::iterator pos=mvSavedParamSet.begin();pos!=mvSavedParamSet.end();++pos)
562  if(pos->first==mBestParSavedSetIndex)
563  {
564  if( (pos->second>mBestCost)
565  ||(pos->second<0))
566  {
567  pos->second=mBestCost;
568  break;
569  }
570  }
572  this->UpdateDisplay();
574  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("MonteCarloObj::Optimize()",5)
575 }
576 void MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize(long &nbCycle,long &nbStep,const bool silent,
577  const REAL finalcost,const REAL maxTime)
578 {
579  //:TODO: Other algorithms !
580  TAU_PROFILE("MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize()","void (long)",TAU_DEFAULT);
581  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize()",5)
582  //Keep a copy of the total number of steps, and decrement nbStep
583  const long nbStep0=nbStep;
584  this->BeginOptimization(true);
585  this->PrepareRefParList();
587  this->InitLSQ(false);
589  mIsOptimizing=true;
594  // prepare all objects
597  this->TagNewBestConfig();
598  mvObjWeight.clear();
599  long nbTrialCumul=0;
600  const long nbCycle0=nbCycle;
601  Chronometer chrono;
602  while(nbCycle!=0)
603  {
604  if(!silent) cout <<"MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize: Starting Run#"<<abs(nbCycle)<<endl;
605  nbStep=nbStep0;
606  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).RandomizeConfiguration();
608  chrono.start();
609  switch(mGlobalOptimType.GetChoice())
610  {
612  {
613  try{this->RunSimulatedAnnealing(nbStep,silent,finalcost,maxTime);}
614  catch(...){cout<<"Unhandled exception in MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize() ?"<<endl;}
615  break;
616  }
618  {
619  try{this->RunParallelTempering(nbStep,silent,finalcost,maxTime);}
620  catch(...){cout<<"Unhandled exception in MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize() ?"<<endl;}
621  break;
622  }
624  {
625  try{this->RunRandomLSQMethod(nbCycle);}
626  catch(...){cout<<"Unhandled exception in MonteCarloObj::RunRandomLSQMethod() ?"<<endl;}
627  //nbCycle=1;
628  break;
629  }
630  }
631  nbTrialCumul+=(nbStep0-nbStep);
632  if(finalcost>1)
633  cout<<"Finished Run #"<<nbCycle0-nbCycle<<", final cost="
634  <<this->GetLogLikelihood()<<", nbTrial="<< nbStep0-nbStep<<" ("<<chrono.seconds()
635  <<" seconds), so far <nbTrial>="<< nbTrialCumul/(nbCycle0-nbCycle+1)<<endl;
636  else
637  cout<<"Finished Run #"<<nbCycle0-nbCycle<<", final cost="
638  <<this->GetLogLikelihood()<<", nbTrial="<< nbStep0-nbStep<<" ("<<chrono.seconds()
639  <<" seconds)"<<endl;
641  nbStep=nbStep0;
642  this->UpdateDisplay();
643  stringstream s;
644  s<<"Run #"<<abs(nbCycle);
645  mvSavedParamSet.push_back(make_pair(mRefParList.CreateParamSet(s.str()),mCurrentCost));
646  if(!silent) cout <<"MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize: Finished Run#"
647  <<abs(nbCycle)<<", Run Best Cost:"<<mCurrentCost
648  <<", Overall Best Cost:"<<mBestCost<<endl;
649  if(mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==5)
650  {
651  string saveFileName=this->GetName();
652  time_t date=time(0);
653  char strDate[40];
654  strftime(strDate,sizeof(strDate),"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S",localtime(&date));//%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z
655  char costAsChar[30];
656  sprintf(costAsChar,"-Run#%ld-Cost-%f",abs(nbCycle),this->GetLogLikelihood());
657  saveFileName=saveFileName+(string)strDate+(string)costAsChar+(string)".xml";
658  XMLCrystFileSaveGlobal(saveFileName);
659  }
660  if(mSaveTrackedData.GetChoice()==1)
661  {
662  ofstream outTracker;
663  char runNum[40];
664  sprintf(runNum,"-Tracker-Run#%ld.dat",abs(nbCycle));
665  const string outTrackerName=this->GetName()+runNum;
667  mMainTracker.SaveAll(outTracker);
668  outTracker.close();
669  }
670  nbCycle--;
671  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
672  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Lock();
673  #endif
674  if(mStopAfterCycle)
675  {
676  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
677  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
678  #endif
679  break;
680  }
681  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
682  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
683  #endif
684  }
685  mIsOptimizing=false;
687  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
688  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Lock();
689  #endif
690  mStopAfterCycle=false;
691  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
692  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
693  #endif
697  for(vector<pair<long,REAL> >::iterator pos=mvSavedParamSet.begin();pos!=mvSavedParamSet.end();++pos)
698  if(pos->first==mBestParSavedSetIndex)
699  {
700  if( (pos->second>mBestCost)
701  ||(pos->second<0))
702  {
703  pos->second=mBestCost;
704  break;
705  }
706  }
708  this->EndOptimization();
710  this->UpdateDisplay();
712  if(finalcost>1)
713  cout<<endl<<"Finished all runs, number of trials to reach cost="
714  <<finalcost<<" : <nbTrial>="<<nbTrialCumul/(nbCycle0-nbCycle)<<endl;
715  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("MonteCarloObj::MultiRunOptimize()",5)
716 }
718 void MonteCarloObj::RunSimulatedAnnealing(long &nbStep,const bool silent,
719  const REAL finalcost,const REAL maxTime)
720 {
721  //Keep a copy of the total number of steps, and decrement nbStep
722  const long nbSteps=nbStep;
723  unsigned int accept;// 1 if last trial was accepted? 2 if new best config ? else 0
724  mNbTrial=0;
725  // time (in seconds) when last autoSave was made (if enabled)
726  unsigned long secondsWhenAutoSave=0;
728  if(!silent) cout << "Starting Simulated Annealing Optimization for"<<nbSteps<<" trials"<<endl;
729  if(!silent) this->DisplayReport();
730  REAL runBestCost;
732  runBestCost=mCurrentCost;
733  const long lastParSavedSetIndex=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("MonteCarloObj:Last parameters (SA)");
734  const long runBestIndex=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("Best parameters for current run (SA)");
735  //Report each ... cycles
736  const int nbTryReport=3000;
737  // Keep record of the number of accepted moves
738  long nbAcceptedMoves=0;//since last report
739  long nbAcceptedMovesTemp=0;//since last temperature/mutation rate change
740  // Number of tries since best configuration found
741  long nbTriesSinceBest=0;
742  // Change temperature (and mutation) every...
743  const int nbTryPerTemp=300;
748  // Do we need to update the display ?
749  bool needUpdateDisplay=false;
750  Chronometer chrono;
751  chrono.start();
752  for(mNbTrial=1;mNbTrial<=nbSteps;)
753  {
754  if((mNbTrial % nbTryPerTemp) == 1)
755  {
756  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Updating temperature and mutation amplitude.",3)
757  // Temperature & displacements amplitude
758  switch(mAnnealingScheduleTemp.GetChoice())
759  {
761  mTemperature=
762  mTemperatureMin*log((REAL)nbSteps)/log((REAL)(mNbTrial+1));break;
764  mTemperature=mTemperatureMin*nbSteps/mNbTrial;break;
767  mTemperature=mTemperatureMax
768  *pow(mTemperatureMin/mTemperatureMax,
769  mNbTrial/(REAL)nbSteps);break;
772  *pow(mNbTrial/(REAL)nbSteps,mTemperatureGamma);break;
774  {
775  if((nbAcceptedMovesTemp/(REAL)nbTryPerTemp)>0.30)
776  mTemperature/=1.5;
777  if((nbAcceptedMovesTemp/(REAL)nbTryPerTemp)<0.10)
778  mTemperature*=1.5;
779  if(mTemperature>mTemperatureMax) mTemperature=mTemperatureMax;
781  nbAcceptedMovesTemp=0;
782  break;
783  }
784  default: mTemperature=mTemperatureMin;break;
785  }
786  switch(mAnnealingScheduleMutation.GetChoice())
787  {
790  mMutationAmplitudeMin*log((REAL)nbSteps)/log((REAL)(mNbTrial+1));
791  break;
796  mMutationAmplitude=mMutationAmplitudeMax
797  *pow(mMutationAmplitudeMin/mMutationAmplitudeMax,
798  mNbTrial/(REAL)nbSteps);break;
801  *pow(mNbTrial/(REAL)nbSteps,mMutationAmplitudeGamma);break;
803  if((nbAcceptedMovesTemp/(REAL)nbTryPerTemp)>0.3) mMutationAmplitude*=2.;
804  if((nbAcceptedMovesTemp/(REAL)nbTryPerTemp)<0.1) mMutationAmplitude/=2.;
805  if(mMutationAmplitude>mMutationAmplitudeMax)
809  nbAcceptedMovesTemp=0;
810  break;
812  }
813  }
815  this->NewConfiguration();
816  accept=0;
817  REAL cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
818  if(cost<mCurrentCost)
819  {
820  accept=1;
821  mCurrentCost=cost;
822  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
823  if(mCurrentCost<runBestCost)
824  {
825  accept=2;
826  runBestCost=mCurrentCost;
827  this->TagNewBestConfig();
828  needUpdateDisplay=true;
829  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(runBestIndex);
830  if(runBestCost<mBestCost)
831  {
834  if(!silent) cout << "Trial :" << mNbTrial
835  << " Temp="<< mTemperature
836  << " Mutation Ampl.: "<<mMutationAmplitude
837  << " NEW OVERALL Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
838  }
839  else if(!silent) cout << "Trial :" << mNbTrial
840  << " Temp="<< mTemperature
841  << " Mutation Ampl.: "<<mMutationAmplitude
842  << " NEW Run Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
843  nbTriesSinceBest=0;
844  }
845  nbAcceptedMoves++;
846  nbAcceptedMovesTemp++;
847  }
848  else
849  {
850  if( log((rand()+1)/(REAL)RAND_MAX) < (-(cost-mCurrentCost)/mTemperature) )
851  {
852  accept=1;
853  mCurrentCost=cost;
854  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
855  nbAcceptedMoves++;
856  nbAcceptedMovesTemp++;
857  }
858  }
859  if(accept==0) mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
861  if( (mNbTrial % nbTryReport) == 0)
862  {
863  if(!silent) cout <<"Trial :" << mNbTrial << " Temp="<< mTemperature;
864  if(!silent) cout <<" Mutation Ampl.: " <<mMutationAmplitude<< " Best Cost=" << runBestCost
865  <<" Current Cost=" << mCurrentCost
866  <<" Accepting "<<(int)((REAL)nbAcceptedMoves/nbTryReport*100)
867  <<"% moves" << endl;
868  nbAcceptedMoves=0;
869  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
870  if(0!=mpWXCrystObj) mpWXCrystObj->UpdateDisplayNbTrial();
871  #endif
872  }
873  mNbTrial++;nbStep--;
875  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
876  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Lock();
877  #endif
878  if((runBestCost<finalcost) || mStopAfterCycle ||( (maxTime>0)&&(chrono.seconds()>maxTime)))
879  {
880  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
881  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
882  #endif
883  if(!silent) cout << endl <<endl << "Refinement Stopped."<<endl;
884  break;
885  }
886  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
887  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
888  #endif
889  nbTriesSinceBest++;
890  if( ((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==1)&&((chrono.seconds()-secondsWhenAutoSave)>86400))
891  ||((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==2)&&((chrono.seconds()-secondsWhenAutoSave)>3600))
892  ||((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==3)&&((chrono.seconds()-secondsWhenAutoSave)> 600))
893  ||((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==4)&&(accept==2)) )
894  {
895  secondsWhenAutoSave=(unsigned long)chrono.seconds();
896  string saveFileName=this->GetName();
897  time_t date=time(0);
898  char strDate[40];
899  strftime(strDate,sizeof(strDate),"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S",localtime(&date));//%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z
900  char costAsChar[30];
902  sprintf(costAsChar,"-Cost-%f",this->GetLogLikelihood());
903  saveFileName=saveFileName+(string)strDate+(string)costAsChar+(string)".xml";
904  XMLCrystFileSaveGlobal(saveFileName);
905  if(accept!=2) mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
906  }
907  if((mNbTrial%300==0)&&needUpdateDisplay)
908  {
909  this->UpdateDisplay();
910  needUpdateDisplay=false;
911  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
912  }
914  }
915  //cout<<"Beginning final LSQ refinement? ... ";
916  if(mAutoLSQ.GetChoice()>0)
917  {// LSQ
918  if(!silent) cout<<"Beginning final LSQ refinement"<<endl;
919  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(false);
920  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(runBestIndex);
922  try {mLSQ.Refine(-50,true,true,false,0.001);}
923  catch(const ObjCrystException &except){};
924  if(!silent) cout<<"LSQ cost: "<<mCurrentCost<<" -> "<<this->GetLogLikelihood()<<endl;
926  // Need to go back to optimization with approximations allowed (they are not during LSQ)
927  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(true);
929  REAL cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
930  if(cost<mCurrentCost)
931  {
932  mCurrentCost=cost;
933  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
934  if(mCurrentCost<runBestCost)
935  {
936  runBestCost=mCurrentCost;
937  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(runBestIndex);
938  if(runBestCost<mBestCost)
939  {
942  if(!silent) cout << "LSQ : NEW OVERALL Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
943  }
944  else if(!silent) cout << " LSQ : NEW Run Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
945  }
946  }
947  if(!silent) cout<<"Finished LSQ refinement"<<endl;
948  }
951  mLastOptimTime=chrono.seconds();
952  //Restore Best values
953  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(runBestIndex);
954  mRefParList.ClearParamSet(runBestIndex);
955  mRefParList.ClearParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
957  if(!silent) this->DisplayReport();
958  if(!silent) chrono.print();
959 }
960 /*
961 void MonteCarloObj::RunNondestructiveLSQRefinement( int nbCycle,bool useLevenbergMarquardt,
962  const bool silent, const bool callBeginEndOptimization,
963  const float minChi2var )
964 {
965  float bsigma=-1, bdelta=-1;
966  float asigma=-1, adelta=-1;
967  //set the sigma values lower - it makes the molecular model more stable for LSQ
968  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) {
969  if(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetClassName()=="Crystal") {
970  try {
971  Crystal * pCryst = dynamic_cast<Crystal *>(&(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i)));
972  for(int s=0;s<pCryst->GetScattererRegistry().GetNb();s++) {
973  Molecule *pMol=dynamic_cast<Molecule*>(&(pCryst->GetScatt(s)));
974  if(pMol==NULL) continue; // not a Molecule
975  for(vector<MolBond*>::iterator pos = pMol->GetBondList().begin(); pos != pMol->GetBondList().end();++pos) {
976  bsigma = (*pos)->GetLengthSigma();
977  bdelta = (*pos)->GetLengthDelta();
978  (*pos)->SetLengthDelta(0.02);
979  (*pos)->SetLengthSigma(0.001);
980  }
981  for(vector<MolBondAngle*>::iterator pos=pMol->GetBondAngleList().begin();pos != pMol->GetBondAngleList().end();++pos)
982  {
983  asigma = (*pos)->GetAngleSigma();
984  adelta = (*pos)->GetAngleDelta();
985  (*pos)->SetAngleDelta(0.2*DEG2RAD);
986  (*pos)->SetAngleSigma(0.01*DEG2RAD);
987  }
988  }
989  } catch (const std::bad_cast& e) {
991  }
992  }
993  }
994  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(false);
995  try {
996  mLSQ.Refine(nbCycle,useLevenbergMarquardt,silent,callBeginEndOptimization,minChi2var);
997  }
998  catch(const ObjCrystException &except) {
1000  };
1001  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(true);
1003  if(bsigma<0 || bdelta<0 || asigma<0 || adelta<0) return;
1004  //restore the delta and sigma values
1005  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) {
1006  if(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetClassName()=="Crystal") {
1007  try {
1008  Crystal * pCryst = dynamic_cast<Crystal *>(&(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i)));
1009  for(int s=0;s<pCryst->GetScattererRegistry().GetNb();s++) {
1010  Molecule *pMol=dynamic_cast<Molecule*>(&(pCryst->GetScatt(s)));
1011  if(pMol==NULL) continue; // not a Molecule
1012  for(vector<MolBond*>::iterator pos = pMol->GetBondList().begin(); pos != pMol->GetBondList().end();++pos) {
1013  (*pos)->SetLengthDelta(bdelta);
1014  (*pos)->SetLengthSigma(bsigma);
1015  }
1016  for(vector<MolBondAngle*>::iterator pos=pMol->GetBondAngleList().begin();pos != pMol->GetBondAngleList().end();++pos)
1017  {
1018  (*pos)->SetAngleDelta(adelta);
1019  (*pos)->SetAngleSigma(asigma);
1020  }
1021  }
1022  } catch (const std::bad_cast& e) {
1024  }
1025  }
1026  }
1027 }
1028 */
1029 void MonteCarloObj::RunRandomLSQMethod(long &nbCycle)
1030 {
1031  //perform random move
1033  float bsigma=-1, bdelta=-1;
1034  float asigma=-1, adelta=-1;
1036  //set the delta and sigma values - low values are good for LSQ!
1037  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) {
1038  if(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetClassName()=="Crystal") {
1039  try {
1040  Crystal * pCryst = dynamic_cast<Crystal *>(&(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i)));
1041  for(int s=0;s<pCryst->GetScattererRegistry().GetNb();s++)
1042  {
1043  Molecule *pMol=dynamic_cast<Molecule*>(&(pCryst->GetScatt(s)));
1044  if(pMol==NULL) continue; // not a Molecule
1045  for(vector<MolBond*>::iterator pos = pMol->GetBondList().begin(); pos != pMol->GetBondList().end();++pos) {
1046  bsigma = (*pos)->GetLengthSigma();
1047  bdelta = (*pos)->GetLengthDelta();
1048  (*pos)->SetLengthDelta(0.02);
1049  (*pos)->SetLengthSigma(0.001);
1050  }
1051  for(vector<MolBondAngle*>::iterator pos=pMol->GetBondAngleList().begin();pos != pMol->GetBondAngleList().end();++pos)
1052  {
1053  asigma = (*pos)->GetAngleSigma();
1054  adelta = (*pos)->GetAngleDelta();
1055  (*pos)->SetAngleDelta(0.2*DEG2RAD);
1056  (*pos)->SetAngleSigma(0.01*DEG2RAD);
1057  }
1058  }
1059  } catch (const std::bad_cast& e){
1061  }
1062  }
1063  }
1065  const long starting_point=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("MonteCarloObj:Last parameters (RANDOM-LSQ)");
1066  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(starting_point);
1067  while(nbCycle!=0) {
1068  nbCycle--;
1069  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(starting_point);
1070  //this->NewConfiguration();
1071  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).RandomizeConfiguration();
1072  this->UpdateDisplay();
1074  //perform LSQ
1075  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(false);
1076  //mCurrentCost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1077  try {
1078  mLSQ.Refine(20,true,true,false,0.001);
1079  }
1080  catch(const ObjCrystException &except) {
1081  //cout<<"Something wrong?"<<endl;
1082  };
1083  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(true);
1084  //cout<<"LSQ cost: "<<mCurrentCost<<" -> "<<this->GetLogLikelihood()<<endl;
1085  REAL lsq_cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1086  mCurrentCost = lsq_cost;
1087  //mRefParList.SaveParamSet(lsqtParSavedSetIndex);
1089  {
1092  }
1093  this->UpdateDisplay();
1095  //save it to the file
1096  string saveFileName=this->GetName();
1097  time_t date=time(0);
1098  char strDate[40];
1099  strftime(strDate,sizeof(strDate),"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S",localtime(&date));//%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z
1100  char costAsChar[30];
1101  sprintf(costAsChar,"#Run%ld-Cost-%f",nbCycle, mCurrentCost);
1102  saveFileName=saveFileName+(string)strDate+(string)costAsChar+(string)".xml";
1103  XMLCrystFileSaveGlobal(saveFileName);
1105  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1106  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Lock();
1107  #endif
1108  if(mStopAfterCycle)
1109  {
1110  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1111  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
1112  #endif
1113  break;
1114  }
1115  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1116  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
1117  #endif
1118  }
1120  if(bsigma<0 || bdelta<0 || asigma<0 || adelta<0) return;
1121  //restore the delta and sigma values
1122  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) {
1123  if(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetClassName()=="Crystal") {
1124  try {
1125  Crystal * pCryst = dynamic_cast<Crystal *>(&(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i)));
1126  for(int s=0;s<pCryst->GetScattererRegistry().GetNb();s++)
1127  {
1128  Molecule *pMol=dynamic_cast<Molecule*>(&(pCryst->GetScatt(s)));
1129  if(pMol==NULL) continue; // not a Molecule
1130  for(vector<MolBond*>::iterator pos = pMol->GetBondList().begin(); pos != pMol->GetBondList().end();++pos) {
1131  (*pos)->SetLengthDelta(bdelta);
1132  (*pos)->SetLengthSigma(bsigma);
1133  }
1134  for(vector<MolBondAngle*>::iterator pos=pMol->GetBondAngleList().begin();pos != pMol->GetBondAngleList().end();++pos)
1135  {
1136  (*pos)->SetAngleDelta(adelta);
1137  (*pos)->SetAngleSigma(asigma);
1138  }
1139  }
1140  } catch (const std::bad_cast& e){
1142  }
1143  }
1144  }
1145 }
1147 void MonteCarloObj::RunParallelTempering(long &nbStep,const bool silent,
1148  const REAL finalcost,const REAL maxTime)
1149 {
1150  TAU_PROFILE("MonteCarloObj::RunParallelTempering()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
1151  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer0a,"MonteCarloObj::RunParallelTempering() Begin 1","", TAU_FIELD);
1152  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer0b,"MonteCarloObj::RunParallelTempering() Begin 2","", TAU_FIELD);
1153  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer1,"MonteCarloObj::RunParallelTempering() New Config + LLK","", TAU_FIELD);
1154  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timerN,"MonteCarloObj::RunParallelTempering() Finish","", TAU_FIELD);
1155  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer0a);
1156  //Keep a copy of the total number of steps, and decrement nbStep
1157  const long nbSteps=nbStep;
1158  unsigned int accept;// 1 if last trial was accepted? 2 if new best config ? else 0
1159  mNbTrial=0;
1160  // time (in seconds) when last autoSave was made (if enabled)
1161  unsigned long secondsWhenAutoSave=0;
1163  // Periodicity of the automatic LSQ refinements (if the option is set)
1164  const unsigned int autoLSQPeriod=150000;
1166  if(!silent) cout << "Starting Parallel Tempering Optimization"<<endl;
1167  //Total number of parallel refinements,each is a 'World'. The most stable
1168  // world must be i=nbWorld-1, and the most changing World (high mutation,
1169  // high temperature) is i=0.
1170  const long nbWorld=30;
1171  CrystVector_long worldSwapIndex(nbWorld);
1172  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;++i) worldSwapIndex(i)=i;
1173  // Number of successive trials for each World. At the end of these trials
1174  // a swap is tried with the upper World (eg i-1). This number effectvely sets
1175  // the rate of swapping.
1176  const int nbTryPerWorld=10;
1177  // Initialize the costs
1179  REAL runBestCost=mCurrentCost;
1180  CrystVector_REAL currentCost(nbWorld);
1181  currentCost=mCurrentCost;
1182  // Init the different temperatures
1183  CrystVector_REAL simAnnealTemp(nbWorld);
1184  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1185  {
1186  switch(mAnnealingScheduleTemp.GetChoice())
1187  {
1189  simAnnealTemp(i)=
1190  mTemperatureMin*log((REAL)nbWorld)/log((REAL)(i+2));break;
1192  simAnnealTemp(i)=mTemperatureMin*nbWorld/(i+1);break;
1195  simAnnealTemp(i)=mTemperatureMax
1197  i/(REAL)(nbWorld-1));break;
1200  *pow(i/(REAL)(nbWorld-1),mTemperatureGamma);break;
1202  simAnnealTemp(i)=mCurrentCost/(100.+(REAL)i/(REAL)nbWorld*900.);break;
1203  default:
1204  simAnnealTemp(i)=mCurrentCost/(100.+(REAL)i/(REAL)nbWorld*900.);break;
1205  }
1206  }
1207  //Init the different mutation rate parameters
1208  CrystVector_REAL mutationAmplitude(nbWorld);
1209  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1210  {
1211  switch(mAnnealingScheduleMutation.GetChoice())
1212  {
1214  mutationAmplitude(i)=
1215  mMutationAmplitudeMin*log((REAL)(nbWorld-1))/log((REAL)(i+2));
1216  break;
1218  mutationAmplitude(i)=mMutationAmplitudeMin*(REAL)(nbWorld-1)/(i+1);break;
1221  mutationAmplitude(i)=mMutationAmplitudeMax
1223  i/(REAL)(nbWorld-1));break;
1226  *pow(i/(REAL)(nbWorld-1),mMutationAmplitudeGamma);break;
1228  mutationAmplitude(i)=sqrt(mMutationAmplitudeMin*mMutationAmplitudeMax);break;
1229  default:
1230  mutationAmplitude(i)=sqrt(mMutationAmplitudeMin*mMutationAmplitudeMax);break;
1231  }
1232  }
1233  // Init the parameter sets for each World
1234  // All Worlds start from the same (current) configuration.
1235  CrystVector_long worldCurrentSetIndex(nbWorld);
1236  for(int i=nbWorld-1;i>=0;i--)
1237  {
1238  if((i!=(nbWorld-1))&&(i%2==0))
1239  for(int j=0;j<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();j++)
1240  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(j).RandomizeConfiguration();
1241  worldCurrentSetIndex(i)=mRefParList.CreateParamSet();
1242  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(nbWorld-1));
1243  }
1244  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer0a);
1245  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer0b);
1246  //mNbTrial=nbSteps;;
1247  const long lastParSavedSetIndex=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("MonteCarloObj:Last parameters (PT)");
1248  const long runBestIndex=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("Best parameters for current run (PT)");
1249  CrystVector_REAL swapPar;
1250  //Keep track of how many trials are accepted for each World
1251  CrystVector_long worldNbAcceptedMoves(nbWorld);
1252  worldNbAcceptedMoves=0;
1253  //Do a report each... And check if mutation rate is OK (for annealing_smart)s
1254  const int nbTrialsReport=3000;
1255  // TEST : allow GENETIC mating of configurations
1256  //Get gene groups list :TODO: check for missing groups
1257  CrystVector_uint refParGeneGroupIndex(mRefParList.GetNbPar());
1258  unsigned int first=1;
1259  for(int i=0;i<mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
1260  mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GetGeneGroup(mRefParList,refParGeneGroupIndex,first);
1261  #if 0
1262  if(!silent)
1263  for(int i=0;i<mRefParList.GetNbPar();i++)
1264  {
1265  cout << "Gene Group:"<<refParGeneGroupIndex(i)<<" :";
1266  mRefParList.GetPar(i).Print();
1267  }
1268  #endif
1269  // number of gene groups
1270  // to select which gene groups are exchanged in the mating
1271  //const unsigned int nbGeneGroup=refParGeneGroupIndex.max();
1272  //CrystVector_int crossoverGroupIndex(nbGeneGroup);
1273  //const long parSetOffspringA=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("Offspring A");
1274  //const long parSetOffspringB=mRefParList.CreateParamSet("Offspring B");
1275  // record the statistical distribution n=f(cost function) for each World
1276  //CrystMatrix_REAL trialsDensity(100,nbWorld+1);
1277  //trialsDensity=0;
1278  //for(int i=0;i<100;i++) trialsDensity(i,0)=i/(float)100;
1279  // Do we need to update the display ?
1280  bool needUpdateDisplay=false;
1281  //Do the refinement
1282  bool makeReport=false;
1283  Chronometer chrono;
1284  chrono.start();
1285  float lastUpdateDisplayTime=chrono.seconds();
1286  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer0b);
1287  for(;mNbTrial<nbSteps;)
1288  {
1289  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1290  {
1291  mContext=i;
1292  //mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1293  mMutationAmplitude=mutationAmplitude(i);
1294  mTemperature=simAnnealTemp(i);
1295  for(int j=0;j<nbTryPerWorld;j++)
1296  {
1297  //mRefParList.SaveParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
1298  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer1);
1299  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1300  this->NewConfiguration();
1301  accept=0;
1302  REAL cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1303  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer1);
1304  //trialsDensity((long)(cost*100.),i+1)+=1;
1305  if(cost<currentCost(i))
1306  {
1307  accept=1;
1308  currentCost(i)=cost;
1309  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1310  if(cost<runBestCost)
1311  {
1312  accept=2;
1313  runBestCost=currentCost(i);
1314  this->TagNewBestConfig();
1315  needUpdateDisplay=true;
1317  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(runBestIndex);
1318  if(runBestCost<mBestCost)
1319  {
1320  mBestCost=currentCost(i);
1322  if(!silent) cout << "->Trial :" << mNbTrial
1323  << " World="<< worldSwapIndex(i)
1324  << " Temp="<< mTemperature
1325  << " Mutation Ampl.: "<<mMutationAmplitude
1326  << " NEW OVERALL Best Cost="<<mBestCost<< endl;
1327  }
1328  else if(!silent) cout << "->Trial :" << mNbTrial
1329  << " World="<< worldSwapIndex(i)
1330  << " Temp="<< mTemperature
1331  << " Mutation Ampl.: "<<mMutationAmplitude
1332  << " NEW RUN Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
1333  if(!silent) this->DisplayReport();
1334  }
1335  worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)++;
1336  }
1337  else
1338  {
1339  if(log((rand()+1)/(REAL)RAND_MAX)<(-(cost-currentCost(i))/mTemperature) )
1340  {
1341  accept=1;
1342  currentCost(i)=cost;
1343  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1344  worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)++;
1345  }
1346  }
1347  //if(accept==1 && i==(nbWorld-1)){this->UpdateDisplay();}
1348  if( ((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==1)&&((chrono.seconds()-secondsWhenAutoSave)>86400))
1349  ||((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==2)&&((chrono.seconds()-secondsWhenAutoSave)>3600))
1350  ||((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==3)&&((chrono.seconds()-secondsWhenAutoSave)> 600))
1351  ||((mXMLAutoSave.GetChoice()==4)&&(accept==2)) )
1352  {
1353  secondsWhenAutoSave=(unsigned long)chrono.seconds();
1354  string saveFileName=this->GetName();
1355  time_t date=time(0);
1356  char strDate[40];
1357  strftime(strDate,sizeof(strDate),"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S",localtime(&date));//%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z
1358  char costAsChar[30];
1360  sprintf(costAsChar,"-Cost-%f",this->GetLogLikelihood());
1361  saveFileName=saveFileName+(string)strDate+(string)costAsChar+(string)".xml";
1362  XMLCrystFileSaveGlobal(saveFileName);
1363  //if(accept!=2) mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
1364  }
1365  //if(accept==0) mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
1366  mNbTrial++;nbStep--;
1367  if((mNbTrial%nbTrialsReport)==0) makeReport=true;
1368  }//nbTryPerWorld trials
1369  }//For each World
1371  if(mAutoLSQ.GetChoice()==2)
1372  if((mNbTrial%autoLSQPeriod)<(nbTryPerWorld*nbWorld))
1373  {// Try a quick LSQ ?
1374  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(false);
1375  for(int i=nbWorld-5;i<nbWorld;i++)
1376  {
1377  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1378  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Lock();
1379  if(mStopAfterCycle)
1380  {
1381  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
1382  break;
1383  }
1384  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
1385  #endif
1387  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1389  #if 0
1390  // Report GoF values (Chi^2 / nbObs) values for all objects
1391  for(map<RefinableObj*,unsigned int>::iterator pos=mLSQ.GetRefinedObjMap().begin();pos!=mLSQ.GetRefinedObjMap().end();++pos)
1392  if(pos->first->GetNbLSQFunction()>0)
1393  {
1394  CrystVector_REAL tmp;
1395  tmp =pos->first->GetLSQCalc(pos->second);
1396  tmp-=pos->first->GetLSQObs (pos->second);
1397  tmp*=tmp;
1398  tmp*=pos->first->GetLSQWeight(pos->second);
1399  cout<<pos->first->GetClassName()<<":"<<pos->first->GetName()<<": GoF="<<tmp.sum()/tmp.numElements();
1400  }
1401  cout<<endl;
1402  #endif
1404  const REAL cost0=this->GetLogLikelihood();// cannot use currentCost(i), approximations changed...
1405  if(!silent) cout<<"LSQ: World="<<worldSwapIndex(i)<<": cost="<<cost0;
1406  try {mLSQ.Refine(-30,true,true,false,0.001);}
1407  catch(const ObjCrystException &except){};
1408  #if 0
1409  // Report GoF values (Chi^2 / nbObs) values for all objects
1410  for(map<RefinableObj*,unsigned int>::iterator pos=mLSQ.GetRefinedObjMap().begin();pos!=mLSQ.GetRefinedObjMap().end();++pos)
1411  if(pos->first->GetNbLSQFunction()>0)
1412  {
1413  CrystVector_REAL tmp;
1414  tmp =pos->first->GetLSQCalc(pos->second);
1415  tmp-=pos->first->GetLSQObs (pos->second);
1416  tmp*=tmp;
1417  tmp*=pos->first->GetLSQWeight(pos->second);
1418  cout<<pos->first->GetClassName()<<":"<<pos->first->GetName()<<": GoF="<<tmp.sum()/tmp.numElements();
1419  }
1420  cout<<endl;
1421  #endif
1422  const REAL cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1423  if(!silent) cout<<" -> "<<cost<<endl;
1424  if(cost<cost0) mRefParList.SaveParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1425  }
1426  // Need to go back to optimization with approximations allowed (they are not during LSQ)
1427  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(true);
1428  // And recompute LLK - since they will be lower
1429  for(int i=nbWorld-5;i<nbWorld;i++)
1430  {
1431  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1432  const REAL cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1433  if(!silent) cout<<"LSQ2:"<<currentCost(i)<<"->"<<cost<<endl;
1434  if(cost<currentCost(i))
1435  {
1436  const REAL oldcost=currentCost(i);
1437  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1438  currentCost(i)=cost;
1439  if(cost<runBestCost)
1440  {
1441  runBestCost=currentCost(i);
1442  this->TagNewBestConfig();
1443  needUpdateDisplay=true;
1445  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(runBestIndex);
1446  if(runBestCost<mBestCost)
1447  {
1448  mBestCost=currentCost(i);
1450  if(!silent) cout << "->Trial :" << mNbTrial
1451  << " World="<< worldSwapIndex(i)
1452  << " LSQ2: NEW OVERALL Best Cost="<<mBestCost<< endl;
1453  }
1454  else if(!silent) cout << "->Trial :" << mNbTrial
1455  << " World="<< worldSwapIndex(i)
1456  << " LSQ2: NEW RUN Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
1457  if(!silent) this->DisplayReport();
1458  }
1459  // KLUDGE - after a successful LSQ, we will be close to a minimum,
1460  // which will make most successive global optimization trials to
1461  // be rejected, until the temperature is increased a lot - this
1462  // is a problem as the temperature increases so much that the
1463  // benefit of the LSQ is essentially negated.
1464  // So we need to use a higher recorded cost, so that successive trials
1465  // may be accepted
1466  #if 0
1467  mMutationAmplitude=mutationAmplitude(i);
1468  for(unsigned int ii=0;ii<4;ii++) this->NewConfiguration(gpRefParTypeObjCryst,false);
1469  currentCost(i)=(this->GetLogLikelihood()+cost)/2;
1470  if(!silent) cout<<"LSQ3: #"<<worldSwapIndex(i)<<":"<<cost<<"->"<<currentCost(i)<<endl;
1471  #else
1472  currentCost(i)=oldcost;
1473  #endif
1474  }
1475  }
1476  }
1478  //Try swapping worlds
1479  for(int i=1;i<nbWorld;i++)
1480  {
1481  #if 0
1482  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1483  mMutationAmplitude=mutationAmplitude(i);
1484  cout<<i<<":"<<currentCost(i)<<":"<<this->GetLogLikelihood()<<endl;
1485  #endif
1486  #if 1
1487  if( log((rand()+1)/(REAL)RAND_MAX)
1488  < (-(currentCost(i-1)-currentCost(i))/simAnnealTemp(i)))
1489  #else
1490  // Compare World (i-1) and World (i) with the same amplitude,
1491  // hence the same max likelihood error
1492  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i-1));
1493  mMutationAmplitude=mutationAmplitude(i);
1494  if( log((rand()+1)/(REAL)RAND_MAX)
1495  < (-(this->GetLogLikelihood()-currentCost(i))/simAnnealTemp(i)))
1496  #endif
1497  {
1498  /*
1499  if(i>2)
1500  {
1501  cout <<"->Swapping Worlds :" << i <<"(cost="<<currentCost(i)<<")"
1502  <<" with "<< (i-1) <<"(cost="<< currentCost(i-1)<<")"<<endl;
1503  }
1504  */
1505  swapPar=mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1506  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i))=
1507  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i-1));
1508  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i-1))=swapPar;
1509  const REAL tmp=currentCost(i);
1510  currentCost(i)=currentCost(i-1);
1511  currentCost(i-1)=tmp;
1512  const long tmpIndex=worldSwapIndex(i);
1513  worldSwapIndex(i)=worldSwapIndex(i-1);
1514  worldSwapIndex(i-1)=tmpIndex;
1515  #if 0
1516  // Compute correct costs in the case we use maximum likelihood
1517  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1518  mMutationAmplitude=mutationAmplitude(i);
1519  currentCost(i)=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1521  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i-1));
1522  mMutationAmplitude=mutationAmplitude(i-1);
1523  currentCost(i-1)=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1524  #endif
1525  }
1526  }
1527  #if 0
1528  //Try mating worlds- NEW !
1529  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer1,\
1530  "MonteCarloObj::Optimize (Try mating Worlds)"\
1531  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
1532  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer1);
1533  if( (rand()/(REAL)RAND_MAX)<.1)
1534  for(int k=nbWorld-1;k>nbWorld/2;k--)
1535  for(int i=k-nbWorld/3;i<k;i++)
1536  {
1537  #if 0
1538  // Random switching of gene groups
1539  for(unsigned int j=0;j<nbGeneGroup;j++)
1540  crossoverGroupIndex(j)= (int) floor(rand()/((REAL)RAND_MAX-1)*2);
1541  for(int j=0;j<mRefParList.GetNbPar();j++)
1542  {
1543  if(0==crossoverGroupIndex(refParGeneGroupIndex(j)-1))
1544  {
1545  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringA)(j)=
1546  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i))(j);
1547  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringB)(j)=
1548  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(k))(j);
1549  }
1550  else
1551  {
1552  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringA)(j)=
1553  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(k))(j);
1554  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringB)(j)=
1555  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i))(j);
1556  }
1557  }
1558  #endif
1559  #if 1
1560  // Switch gene groups in two parts
1561  unsigned int crossoverPoint1=
1562  (int)(1+floor(rand()/((REAL)RAND_MAX-1)*(nbGeneGroup)));
1563  unsigned int crossoverPoint2=
1564  (int)(1+floor(rand()/((REAL)RAND_MAX-1)*(nbGeneGroup)));
1565  if(crossoverPoint2<crossoverPoint1)
1566  {
1567  int tmp=crossoverPoint1;
1568  crossoverPoint1=crossoverPoint2;
1569  crossoverPoint2=tmp;
1570  }
1571  if(crossoverPoint1==crossoverPoint2) crossoverPoint2+=1;
1572  for(int j=0;j<mRefParList.GetNbPar();j++)
1573  {
1574  if((refParGeneGroupIndex(j)>crossoverPoint1)&&refParGeneGroupIndex(j)<crossoverPoint2)
1575  {
1576  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringA)(j)=
1577  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i))(j);
1578  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringB)(j)=
1579  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(k))(j);
1580  }
1581  else
1582  {
1583  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringA)(j)=
1584  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(k))(j);
1585  mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringB)(j)=
1586  mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i))(j);
1587  }
1588  }
1589  #endif
1590  // Try both offspring
1591  for(int junk=0;junk<2;junk++)
1592  {
1593  if(junk==0) mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(parSetOffspringA);
1594  else mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(parSetOffspringB);
1595  REAL cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1596  //if(log((rand()+1)/(REAL)RAND_MAX)
1597  // < (-(cost-currentCost(k))/simAnnealTemp(k)))
1598  if(cost<currentCost(k))
1599  {
1600  // Also exchange genes for higher-temperature World ?
1601  //if(junk==0)
1602  // mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i))=
1603  // mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringB);
1604  //else
1605  // mRefParList.GetParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i))=
1606  // mRefParList.GetParamSet(parSetOffspringA);
1607  currentCost(k)=cost;
1608  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(k));
1609  //worldNbAcceptedMoves(k)++;
1610  if(!silent) cout << "Accepted mating :"<<k<<"(with"<<i<<")"
1611  <<" (crossoverGene1="<< crossoverPoint1<<","
1612  <<" crossoverGene2="<< crossoverPoint2<<")"
1613  <<endl;
1614  if(cost<runBestCost)
1615  {
1616  runBestCost=cost;
1617  this->TagNewBestConfig();
1618  needUpdateDisplay=true;
1619  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(runBestIndex);
1620  if(cost<mBestCost)
1621  {
1622  mBestCost=cost;
1624  if(!silent) cout << "->Trial :" << mNbTrial
1625  << " World="<< worldSwapIndex(k)
1626  << " Temp="<< simAnnealTemp(k)
1627  << " Mutation Ampl.: "<<mMutationAmplitude
1628  << " NEW OVERALL Best Cost="<<mBestCost<< "(MATING !)"<<endl;
1629  }
1630  else if(!silent) cout << "->Trial :" << mNbTrial
1631  << " World="<< worldSwapIndex(k)
1632  << " Temp="<< simAnnealTemp(k)
1633  << " Mutation Ampl.: "<<mMutationAmplitude
1634  << " NEW RUN Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< "(MATING !)"<<endl;
1635  bestConfigNb=mNbTrial;
1636  if(!silent) this->DisplayReport();
1637  //for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
1638  // mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).Print();
1639  }
1640  i=k;//Don't test other Worlds
1641  break;
1642  }
1643  //mNbTrial++;nbStep--;
1644  //if((mNbTrial%nbTrialsReport)==0) makeReport=true;
1645  }
1646  }
1647  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer1);
1648  #endif
1649  if(true==makeReport)
1650  {
1651  makeReport=false;
1652  worldNbAcceptedMoves*=nbWorld;
1653  if(!silent)
1654  {
1655  #if 0
1656  {// Experimental, dynamical weighting
1657  REAL max=0.;
1658  map<const RefinableObj*,REAL> ll,llvar;
1659  map<const RefinableObj*,LogLikelihoodStats>::iterator pos;
1660  for(pos=mvContextObjStats[0].begin();pos!=mvContextObjStats[0].end();++pos)
1661  {
1662  ll [pos->first]=0.;
1663  llvar[pos->first]=0.;
1664  }
1665  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1666  {
1667  for(pos=mvContextObjStats[0].begin();pos!=mvContextObjStats[0].end();++pos)
1668  {
1669  ll [pos->first] += pos->second.mTotalLogLikelihood;
1670  llvar[pos->first] += pos->second.mTotalLogLikelihoodDeltaSq;
1671  }
1672  }
1673  for(pos=mvContextObjStats[0].begin();pos!=mvContextObjStats[0].end();++pos)
1674  {
1675  cout << pos->first->GetName()
1676  << " " << llvar[pos->first]
1677  << " " << mvObjWeight[pos->first].mWeight
1678  << " " << max<<endl;
1679  llvar[pos->first] *= mvObjWeight[pos->first].mWeight;
1680  if(llvar[pos->first]>max) max=llvar[pos->first];
1681  }
1682  map<const RefinableObj*,REAL>::iterator pos2;
1683  for(pos2=llvar.begin();pos2!=llvar.end();++pos2)
1684  {
1685  const REAL d=pos2->second;
1686  if(d<(max/mvObjWeight.size()/10.))
1687  {
1688  if(d<1) continue;
1689  mvObjWeight[pos2->first].mWeight *=2;
1690  }
1691  }
1692  REAL ll1=0;
1693  REAL llt=0;
1694  for(pos2=ll.begin();pos2!=ll.end();++pos2)
1695  {
1696  llt += pos2->second;
1697  ll1 += pos2->second * mvObjWeight[pos2->first].mWeight;
1698  }
1699  map<const RefinableObj*,DynamicObjWeight>::iterator posw;
1700  for(posw=mvObjWeight.begin();posw!=mvObjWeight.end();++posw)
1701  {
1702  posw->second.mWeight *= llt/ll1;
1703  }
1704  }
1705  #endif //Experimental dynamical weighting
1706  #if 1 //def __DEBUG__
1707  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1708  {
1709  cout<<" World :"<<worldSwapIndex(i)<<":";
1710  map<const RefinableObj*,LogLikelihoodStats>::iterator pos;
1711  for(pos=mvContextObjStats[i].begin();pos!=mvContextObjStats[i].end();++pos)
1712  {
1713  cout << pos->first->GetName()
1714  << "(LLK="
1715  << pos->second.mLastLogLikelihood
1716  //<< "(<LLK>="
1717  //<< pos->second.mTotalLogLikelihood/nbTrialsReport
1718  //<< ", <delta(LLK)^2>="
1719  //<< pos->second.mTotalLogLikelihoodDeltaSq/nbTrialsReport
1720  << ", w="<<mvObjWeight[pos->first].mWeight
1721  <<") ";
1722  pos->second.mTotalLogLikelihood=0;
1723  pos->second.mTotalLogLikelihoodDeltaSq=0;
1724  }
1725  cout << endl;
1726  }
1727  #endif
1728  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1729  {
1730  //mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1731  cout <<" World :" << worldSwapIndex(i)
1732  <<" Temp.: " << simAnnealTemp(i)
1733  <<" Mutation Ampl.: " << mutationAmplitude(i)
1734  <<" Current Cost=" << currentCost(i)
1735  <<" Accepting "
1736  << (int)((REAL)worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/nbTrialsReport*100)
1737  <<"% moves " <<endl;
1738  // <<"% moves " << mRefParList.GetPar("Pboccup").GetValue()<<endl;
1739  }
1740  }
1741  if(!silent) cout <<"Trial :" << mNbTrial << " Best Cost=" << runBestCost<< " ";
1742  if(!silent) chrono.print();
1743  //Change the mutation rate if necessary for each world
1744  if(ANNEALING_SMART==mAnnealingScheduleMutation.GetChoice())
1745  {
1746  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1747  {
1748  if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)>0.30)
1749  mutationAmplitude(i)*=2.;
1750  if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)<0.10)
1751  mutationAmplitude(i)/=2.;
1752  if(mutationAmplitude(i)>mMutationAmplitudeMax)
1753  mutationAmplitude(i)=mMutationAmplitudeMax;
1754  if(mutationAmplitude(i)<mMutationAmplitudeMin)
1755  mutationAmplitude(i)=mMutationAmplitudeMin;
1756  }
1757  }
1758  if(ANNEALING_SMART==mAnnealingScheduleTemp.GetChoice())
1759  {
1760  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1761  {
1762  if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)>0.30)
1763  simAnnealTemp(i)/=1.5;
1764  if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)>0.80)
1765  simAnnealTemp(i)/=1.5;
1766  if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)>0.95)
1767  simAnnealTemp(i)/=1.5;
1769  if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)<0.10)
1770  simAnnealTemp(i)*=1.5;
1771  if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)<0.04)
1772  simAnnealTemp(i)*=1.5;
1773  //if((worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)/(REAL)nbTrialsReport)<0.01)
1774  // simAnnealTemp(i)*=1.5;
1775  //cout<<"World#"<<i<<":"<<worldNbAcceptedMoves(i)<<":"<<nbTrialsReport<<endl;
1776  //if(simAnnealTemp(i)>mTemperatureMax) simAnnealTemp(i)=mTemperatureMax;
1777  //if(simAnnealTemp(i)<mTemperatureMin) simAnnealTemp(i)=mTemperatureMin;
1778  }
1779  }
1780  worldNbAcceptedMoves=0;
1781  //this->DisplayReport();
1783  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1784  if(0!=mpWXCrystObj) mpWXCrystObj->UpdateDisplayNbTrial();
1785  #endif
1786  }
1787  if( (needUpdateDisplay&&(lastUpdateDisplayTime<(chrono.seconds()-1)))||(lastUpdateDisplayTime<(chrono.seconds()-10)))
1788  {
1789  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(runBestIndex);
1790  this->UpdateDisplay();
1791  needUpdateDisplay=false;
1792  lastUpdateDisplayTime=chrono.seconds();
1793  }
1794  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1795  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Lock();
1796  #endif
1797  if((runBestCost<finalcost) || mStopAfterCycle ||( (maxTime>0)&&(chrono.seconds()>maxTime)))
1798  {
1799  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1800  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
1801  #endif
1802  if(!silent) cout << endl <<endl << "Refinement Stopped:"<<mBestCost<<endl;
1803  break;
1804  }
1805  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1806  mMutexStopAfterCycle.Unlock();
1807  #endif
1808  }//Trials
1810  TAU_PROFILE_START(timerN);
1811  if(mAutoLSQ.GetChoice()>0)
1812  {// LSQ
1813  if(!silent) cout<<"Beginning final LSQ refinement"<<endl;
1814  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(false);
1815  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(runBestIndex);
1817  try {mLSQ.Refine(-50,true,true,false,0.001);}
1818  catch(const ObjCrystException &except){};
1819  if(!silent) cout<<"LSQ cost: "<<mCurrentCost<<" -> "<<this->GetLogLikelihood()<<endl;
1821  // Need to go back to optimization with approximations allowed (they are not during LSQ)
1822  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).SetApproximationFlag(true);
1824  REAL cost=this->GetLogLikelihood();
1825  if(cost<mCurrentCost)
1826  {
1827  mCurrentCost=cost;
1828  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
1829  if(mCurrentCost<runBestCost)
1830  {
1831  runBestCost=mCurrentCost;
1832  mRefParList.SaveParamSet(runBestIndex);
1833  if(runBestCost<mBestCost)
1834  {
1837  if(!silent) cout << "LSQ : NEW OVERALL Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
1838  }
1839  else if(!silent) cout << " LSQ : NEW Run Best Cost="<<runBestCost<< endl;
1840  }
1841  }
1842  if(!silent) cout<<"Finished LSQ refinement"<<endl;
1843  }
1845  mLastOptimTime=chrono.seconds();
1846  //Restore Best values
1847  //mRefParList.Print();
1848  if(!silent) this->DisplayReport();
1849  mRefParList.RestoreParamSet(runBestIndex);
1850  //for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++) mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).Print();
1852  if(!silent) cout<<"Run Best Cost:"<<mCurrentCost<<endl;
1853  if(!silent) chrono.print();
1854  //Save density of states
1855  //ofstream out("densityOfStates.txt");
1856  //out << trialsDensity<<endl;
1857  //out.close();
1858  // Clear temporary param set
1859  for(int i=0;i<nbWorld;i++)
1860  {
1861  mRefParList.ClearParamSet(worldCurrentSetIndex(i));
1862  //mvSavedParamSet.push_back(make_pair(worldCurrentSetIndex(i),currentCost(i)));
1863  }
1864  mRefParList.ClearParamSet(lastParSavedSetIndex);
1865  mRefParList.ClearParamSet(runBestIndex);
1866  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timerN);
1867 }
1869 void MonteCarloObj::XMLOutput(ostream &os,int indent)const
1870 {
1871  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::XMLOutput():"<<this->GetName(),5)
1872  for(int i=0;i<indent;i++) os << " " ;
1873  XMLCrystTag tag("GlobalOptimObj");
1874  tag.AddAttribute("Name",this->GetName());
1875  tag.AddAttribute("NbTrialPerRun",(boost::format("%d")%(this->NbTrialPerRun())).str());
1877  os <<tag<<endl;
1878  indent++;
1880  mGlobalOptimType.XMLOutput(os,indent);
1881  os<<endl;
1883  mAnnealingScheduleTemp.XMLOutput(os,indent);
1884  os<<endl;
1886  mXMLAutoSave.XMLOutput(os,indent);
1887  os<<endl;
1889  mAutoLSQ.XMLOutput(os,indent);
1890  os<<endl;
1892  {
1893  XMLCrystTag tag2("TempMaxMin");
1894  for(int i=0;i<indent;i++) os << " " ;
1895  os<<tag2<<mTemperatureMax << " "<< mTemperatureMin;
1896  tag2.SetIsEndTag(true);
1897  os<<tag2<<endl;
1898  }
1901  os<<endl;
1903  mSaveTrackedData.XMLOutput(os,indent);
1904  os<<endl;
1906  {
1907  XMLCrystTag tag2("MutationMaxMin");
1908  for(int i=0;i<indent;i++) os << " " ;
1909  os<<tag2<<mMutationAmplitudeMax << " "<< mMutationAmplitudeMin;
1910  tag2.SetIsEndTag(true);
1911  os<<tag2<<endl;
1912  }
1914  for(int j=0;j<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();j++)
1915  {
1916  XMLCrystTag tag2("RefinedObject",false,true);
1917  tag2.AddAttribute("ObjectType",mRefinedObjList.GetObj(j).GetClassName());
1918  tag2.AddAttribute("ObjectName",mRefinedObjList.GetObj(j).GetName());
1919  for(int i=0;i<indent;i++) os << " " ;
1920  os<<tag2<<endl;
1921  }
1923  indent--;
1924  tag.SetIsEndTag(true);
1925  for(int i=0;i<indent;i++) os << " " ;
1926  os <<tag<<endl;
1927  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("MonteCarloObj::XMLOutput():"<<this->GetName(),5)
1928 }
1930 void MonteCarloObj::XMLInput(istream &is,const XMLCrystTag &tagg)
1931 {
1932  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::XMLInput():"<<this->GetName(),5)
1933  for(unsigned int i=0;i<tagg.GetNbAttribute();i++)
1934  {
1935  if("Name"==tagg.GetAttributeName(i)) this->SetName(tagg.GetAttributeValue(i));
1936  if("NbTrialPerRun"==tagg.GetAttributeName(i))
1937  {
1938  stringstream ss(tagg.GetAttributeValue(i));
1939  long v;
1940  ss>>v;
1941  this->NbTrialPerRun()=v;
1942  }
1943  }
1944  while(true)
1945  {
1946  XMLCrystTag tag(is);
1947  if(("GlobalOptimObj"==tag.GetName())&&tag.IsEndTag())
1948  {
1949  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("MonteCarloObj::Exit():"<<this->GetName(),5)
1950  this->UpdateDisplay();
1951  return;
1952  }
1953  if("Option"==tag.GetName())
1954  {
1955  for(unsigned int i=0;i<tag.GetNbAttribute();i++)
1956  if("Name"==tag.GetAttributeName(i))
1957  {
1958  if("Algorithm"==tag.GetAttributeValue(i))
1959  {
1960  mGlobalOptimType.XMLInput(is,tag);
1961  break;
1962  }
1963  if("Temperature Schedule"==tag.GetAttributeValue(i))
1964  {
1966  break;
1967  }
1968  if("Displacement Amplitude Schedule"==tag.GetAttributeValue(i))
1969  {
1971  break;
1972  }
1973  if("Save Best Config Regularly"==tag.GetAttributeValue(i))
1974  {
1975  mXMLAutoSave.XMLInput(is,tag);
1976  break;
1977  }
1978  if("Save Tracked Data"==tag.GetAttributeValue(i))
1979  {
1980  mSaveTrackedData.XMLInput(is,tag);
1981  break;
1982  }
1983  if("Automatic Least Squares Refinement"==tag.GetAttributeValue(i))
1984  {
1985  mAutoLSQ.XMLInput(is,tag);
1986  break;
1987  }
1988  }
1989  continue;
1990  }
1991  if("TempMaxMin"==tag.GetName())
1992  {
1994  if(false==tag.IsEmptyTag()) XMLCrystTag junk(is);//:KLUDGE: for first release
1995  continue;
1996  }
1997  if("MutationMaxMin"==tag.GetName())
1998  {
2000  if(false==tag.IsEmptyTag()) XMLCrystTag junk(is);//:KLUDGE: for first release
2001  continue;
2002  }
2003  if("RefinedObject"==tag.GetName())
2004  {
2005  string name,type;
2006  for(unsigned int i=0;i<tag.GetNbAttribute();i++)
2007  {
2008  if("ObjectName"==tag.GetAttributeName(i)) name=tag.GetAttributeValue(i);
2009  if("ObjectType"==tag.GetAttributeName(i)) type=tag.GetAttributeValue(i);
2010  }
2011  RefinableObj* obj=& (gRefinableObjRegistry.GetObj(name,type));
2012  this->AddRefinableObj(*obj);
2013  continue;
2014  }
2015  }
2016 }
2018 const string MonteCarloObj::GetClassName()const { return "MonteCarloObj";}
2022 const LSQNumObj& MonteCarloObj::GetLSQObj() const{return mLSQ;}
2025 {
2026  TAU_PROFILE("MonteCarloObj::NewConfiguration()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
2027  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("MonteCarloObj::NewConfiguration()",4)
2028  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
2029  mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).BeginGlobalOptRandomMove();
2030  for(int i=0;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();i++)
2031  mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i).GlobalOptRandomMove(mMutationAmplitude,type);
2032  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("MonteCarloObj::NewConfiguration()",4)
2033 }
2036 {
2037  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("MonteCarloObj::InitOptions()",5)
2039  static string GlobalOptimTypeName;
2040  static string GlobalOptimTypeChoices[2];//:TODO: Add Genetic Algorithm
2042  static string AnnealingScheduleChoices[6];
2044  static string AnnealingScheduleTempName;
2045  static string AnnealingScheduleMutationName;
2047  static string runAutoLSQName;
2048  static string runAutoLSQChoices[3];
2050  static string saveTrackedDataName;
2051  static string saveTrackedDataChoices[2];
2053  static bool needInitNames=true;
2054  if(true==needInitNames)
2055  {
2056  GlobalOptimTypeName="Algorithm";
2057  GlobalOptimTypeChoices[0]="Simulated Annealing";
2058  GlobalOptimTypeChoices[1]="Parallel Tempering";
2059  //GlobalOptimTypeChoices[2]="Random-LSQ";
2061  AnnealingScheduleTempName="Temperature Schedule";
2062  AnnealingScheduleMutationName="Displacement Amplitude Schedule";
2063  AnnealingScheduleChoices[0]="Constant";
2064  AnnealingScheduleChoices[1]="Boltzmann";
2065  AnnealingScheduleChoices[2]="Cauchy";
2066  AnnealingScheduleChoices[3]="Exponential";
2067  AnnealingScheduleChoices[4]="Smart";
2068  AnnealingScheduleChoices[5]="Gamma";
2070  runAutoLSQName="Automatic Least Squares Refinement";
2071  runAutoLSQChoices[0]="Never";
2072  runAutoLSQChoices[1]="At the end of each run";
2073  runAutoLSQChoices[2]="Every 150000 trials, and at the end of each run";
2075  saveTrackedDataName="Save Tracked Data";
2076  saveTrackedDataChoices[0]="No (recommended!)";
2077  saveTrackedDataChoices[1]="Yes (for tests ONLY)";
2079  needInitNames=false;//Only once for the class
2080  }
2081  mGlobalOptimType.Init(2,&GlobalOptimTypeName,GlobalOptimTypeChoices);
2082  mAnnealingScheduleTemp.Init(6,&AnnealingScheduleTempName,AnnealingScheduleChoices);
2083  mAnnealingScheduleMutation.Init(6,&AnnealingScheduleMutationName,AnnealingScheduleChoices);
2084  mSaveTrackedData.Init(2,&saveTrackedDataName,saveTrackedDataChoices);
2085  mAutoLSQ.Init(3,&runAutoLSQName,runAutoLSQChoices);
2086  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("MonteCarloObj::InitOptions():End",5)
2087 }
2089 void MonteCarloObj::InitLSQ(const bool useFullPowderPatternProfile)
2090 {
2091  mLSQ.SetRefinedObj(mRecursiveRefinedObjList.GetObj(0),0,true,true);
2092  for(unsigned int i=1;i<mRefinedObjList.GetNb();++i)
2093  mLSQ.SetRefinedObj(mRefinedObjList.GetObj(i),0,false,true);
2095  if(!useFullPowderPatternProfile)
2096  {// Use LSQ function #1 for powder patterns (integrated patterns - faster !)
2097  for(map<RefinableObj*,unsigned int>::iterator pos=mLSQ.GetRefinedObjMap().begin();pos!=mLSQ.GetRefinedObjMap().end();++pos)
2098  if(pos->first->GetClassName()=="PowderPattern") pos->second=1;
2099  }
2100  // Only refine structural parameters (excepting parameters already fixed) and scale factor
2101  mLSQ.PrepareRefParList(true);
2104  mLSQ.SetParIsFixed(gpRefParTypeUnitCell,true);
2105  mLSQ.SetParIsFixed(gpRefParTypeScattPow,true);
2106  mLSQ.SetParIsFixed(gpRefParTypeRadiation,true);
2107 }
2109 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
2110 WXCrystObjBasic* MonteCarloObj::WXCreate(wxWindow *parent)
2111 {
2112  mpWXCrystObj=new WXMonteCarloObj (parent,this);
2113  return mpWXCrystObj;
2114 }
2115 WXOptimizationObj* MonteCarloObj::WXGet()
2116 {
2117  return mpWXCrystObj;
2118 }
2119 void MonteCarloObj::WXDelete()
2120 {
2121  if(0!=mpWXCrystObj) delete mpWXCrystObj;
2122  mpWXCrystObj=0;
2123 }
2124 void MonteCarloObj::WXNotifyDelete()
2125 {
2126  mpWXCrystObj=0;
2127 }
2128 #endif
2130 }//namespace
void SetName(const string &)
Set the name for this object.
void SetLimitsRelative(const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
Change the relative limits for a parameter from its name.
OptimizationObj(const string name="")
virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const =0
Output a description of the object in XML format to a stream.
RefObjOpt mAutoLSQ
Option to run automatic least-squares refinements.
void RunSimulatedAnnealing(long &nbSteps, const bool silent=false, const REAL finalcost=0, const REAL maxTime=-1)
void AddPar(const RefinablePar &newRefPar)
Add a refinable parameter.
virtual void RandomizeStartingConfig()
Randomize starting configuration.
REAL GetMin() const
Minimum value allowed (if limited or periodic)
virtual void InitLSQ(const bool useFullPowderPatternProfile=true)
Prepare mLSQ for least-squares refinement during the global optimization.
Tracker for objects (RefinableObj, Crystal, PowderPattern, RefPar,...)
Definition: Tracker.h:109
string mName
Name of the GlobalOptimization object.
virtual void Optimize(long &nbSteps, const bool silent=false, const REAL finalcost=0, const REAL maxTime=-1)
Launch optimization (a single run) for N steps.
long mNbTrialRetry
Number of trials before testing if we are below the given minimum cost.
void PrepareRefParList(const bool copy_param=false)
Prepare the full parameter list for the refinement.
Definition: LSQNumObj.cpp:816
REAL mTemperature
Current temperature for annealing.
We need to record exactly when refinable objects have been modified for the last time (to avoid re-co...
Definition: RefinableObj.h:138
void BuildRecursiveRefObjList()
(Re)build OptimizationObj::mRecursiveRefinedObjList, if an object has been added or modified...
REAL mCurrentCost
Current value of the cost function.
void AddRefinableObj(RefinableObj &)
Add a refined object. All sub-objects are also added.
Annealing schedule type.
void SetRefinedObj(RefinableObj &obj, const unsigned int LSQFuncIndex=0, const bool init=true, const bool recursive=false)
Choose the object to refine.
Definition: LSQNumObj.cpp:727
void SaveParamSet(const unsigned long id) const
Save the current set of refined values over a previously-created set of saved values.
REAL mTemperatureMax
Beginning temperature for annealing.
RefObjOpt mGlobalOptimType
Method used for the global optimization.
Simple chronometer class, with microsecond precision.
Definition: Chronometer.h:33
REAL GetBumpMergeCost() const
Get the Anti-bumping/pro-Merging cost function.
Definition: Crystal.cpp:820
LSQNumObj & GetLSQObj()
Access to the builtin LSQ optimization object.
void UpdateDisplay() const
Update display, if any.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:133
void RefObjRegisterRecursive(T &obj, ObjRegistry< T > &reg)
Register a new object in a registry, and recursively include all included (sub)objects.
ObjRegistry< OptimizationObj > gOptimizationObjRegistry("List of all Optimization objects")
Global Registry for all OptimizationObj.
long GetNbPar() const
Total number of refinable parameter in the object.
void SetParIsFixed(const string &parName, const bool fix)
Fix one parameter.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetParamSet(const unsigned long setId) const
Access one save refpar set.
RefinablePar & GetParNotFixed(const long i)
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted, skipping fixed parameters. ...
long GetNbParNotFixed() const
Total number of non-fixed parameters. Is initialized by PrepareForRefinement()
RefinablePar & GetPar(const long i)
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted.
void SetParIsUsed(const string &parName, const bool use)
Set a parameter to be used.
virtual void DisplayReport()
Show report to the user during refinement. Used for GUI update.
void XMLInput(istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
XMLInput From stream.
void ClearValues()
Removes all stored values.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:97
REAL GetLastOptimElapsedTime() const
Get the elapsed time (in seconds) during the last optimization.
void FixAllPar()
Fix all parameters.
Generic Refinable Object.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:752
const std::map< RefinableObj *, unsigned int > & GetRefinedObjMap() const
Get the map of refined objects - this is a recursive list of all the objects that are taken into acco...
Definition: LSQNumObj.cpp:740
REAL mTotalLogLikelihood
Total Log(Likelihood), to compute the average.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataScale
Type for scattering data scale factors.
MonteCarloObj(const string name="")
void ResetParList()
Re-init the list of refinable parameters, removing all parameters.
bool mStopAfterCycle
If true, then stop at the end of the cycle. Used in multi-threaded environment.
MainTracker mMainTracker
MainTracker object to track the evolution of cost functions, likelihood, and individual parameters...
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > gRefinableObjRegistry("Global RefinableObj registry")
Global Registry for all RefinableObj.
void SetParIsFixed(const std::string &parName, const bool fix)
Fix one parameter.
REAL mTemperatureMin
Lower temperature.
Abstract base class for all objects in wxCryst.
Definition: wxCryst.h:127
REAL mMutationAmplitudeGamma
Gamma for the 'gamma' Mutation amplitude schedule.
REAL mMutationAmplitude
Mutation amplitude.
void GetRefParListClockRecursive(ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > &reg, RefinableObjClock &clock)
Get the last time any RefinablePar was added in a recursive list of objects.
const string & GetName() const
Get the name for this object.
void PrepareForRefinement() const
Find which parameters are used and not fixed, for a refinement /optimization.
REAL mBestCost
Best value of the cost function so far.
REAL GetBondValenceCost() const
Get the Bond-Valence cost function, which compares the expected valence to the one computed from Bond...
Definition: Crystal.cpp:1205
Least squares object.
virtual ~OptimizationObj()
const void EraseAllParamSet()
Erase all saved refpar sets.
long mBestParSavedSetIndex
Index of the 'best' saved parameter set.
Base class for options.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:550
virtual void Print() const
Print some information about this object.
void XMLCrystFileSaveGlobal(const string &filename)
Save all Objcryst++ objects.
Molecule : class for complex scatterer descriptions using cartesian coordinates with bond length/angl...
Definition: Molecule.h:731
virtual void NewConfiguration(const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
Make a random change in the configuration.
void TagNewBestConfig()
During a global optimization, tell all objects that the current config is the latest "best" config...
REAL mMutationAmplitudeMin
Mutation amplitude at the end of the optimization.
void RestoreParamSet(const unsigned long id)
Restore a saved set of values.
void SetAlgorithmParallTempering(const AnnealingSchedule scheduleTemp, const REAL tMax, const REAL tMin, const AnnealingSchedule scheduleMutation=ANNEALING_CONSTANT, const REAL mutMax=16., const REAL mutMin=.125)
Set the refinement method to Parallel Tempering.
void SetLimitsAbsolute(const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
Change the absolute limits for a parameter from its name.
RefObjOpt mAnnealingScheduleTemp
Schedule for the annealing.
REAL GetMax() const
Get the maximum value allowed (if limited)
void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const
XMLOutput to stream in well-formed XML.
REAL GetPeriod() const
Get the period (if periodic)
unsigned long mContext
The current 'context', in the case the optimization is run in different parallel contexts.
RefinableObj & GetFullRefinableObj(const bool rebuild=true)
Get the RefinableObj with all the parameters from all refined objects.
bool IsOptimizing() const
Are we busy optimizing ?
virtual void MultiRunOptimize(long &nbCycle, long &nbSteps, const bool silent=false, const REAL finalcost=0, const REAL maxTime=-1)
Launch optimization for multiple runs of N steps.
const RefinableObjClock & GetRefParListClock() const
What was the last time a RefinablePar was added/removed ?
Scatterer & GetScatt(const string &scattName)
Provides an access to the scatterers.
Definition: Crystal.cpp:198
Statistics about each object contributing to the overall Log(likelihood)
long mNbTrialPerRun
Number of trial per run, to be saved/restored in XML output.
RefinableObj mRefParList
The refinable par list used during refinement.
virtual const string GetClassName() const
Get the name for this class type.
RefObjOpt mXMLAutoSave
Periodic save of complete environment as an xml file.
void RunParallelTempering(long &nbSteps, const bool silent=false, const REAL finalcost=0, const REAL maxTime=-1)
ObjRegistry< Scatterer > & GetScattererRegistry()
Get the registry of scatterers.
Definition: Crystal.cpp:218
A class to hold all trackers.
Definition: Tracker.h:68
void RestoreBestConfiguration()
Restore the Best configuration.
virtual ~MonteCarloObj()
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > mRefinedObjList
The refined objects.
REAL mLastOptimTime
The time elapsed after the last optimization, in seconds.
void UnFixAllPar()
UnFix All parameters.
MainTracker & GetMainTracker()
Get the MainTracker.
void MutateTo(const REAL newValue)
Change the current value to the given one.
void ClearParamSet(const unsigned long id) const
Erase the param set with the given id, releasing memory.
map< const RefinableObj *, DynamicObjWeight > mvObjWeight
Weights for each objects in each context (mutable for dynamic update during optimization) ...
Class for Graphical interface to Monte-Carlo objects (Simulated Annealing, Parallel Tempering) ...
REAL mMutationAmplitudeMax
Mutation amplitude at the beginning of the optimization.
Base object for Optimization methods.
void ClearTrackers()
Removes all Trackers.
Definition: Tracker.cpp:88
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > mRecursiveRefinedObjList
The refined objects, recursively including all sub-objects.
Exception class for ObjCryst++ library.
Definition: General.h:119
REAL mMinCostRetry
Cost to reach unless an automatic randomization and retry is done.
void StopAfterCycle()
Stop after the current cycle. USed for interactive refinement.
The namespace which includes all objects (crystallographic and algorithmic) in ObjCryst++.
Definition: Atom.cpp:47
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood() const
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.
RefObjOpt mAnnealingScheduleMutation
Schedule for the annealing.
virtual void EndOptimization()
End optimization for all objects.
virtual const string GetClassName() const
Get the name for this class type.
virtual void XMLInput(istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
Input in XML format from a stream, restoring the set of refined objects and the associated cost funct...
map< unsigned long, map< const RefinableObj *, LogLikelihoodStats > > mvContextObjStats
Statistics for each context (mutable for dynamic update during optimization)
virtual const string & GetName() const
Name of the object.
bool mIsOptimizing
True if a refinement is being done. For multi-threaded environment.
void SaveAll(std::ostream &out) const
Will save to a single file if all recorded trial numbers are the same Otherwise ? ...
Definition: Tracker.cpp:105
void GetSubRefObjListClockRecursive(ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > &reg, RefinableObjClock &clock)
Get the last time any object was added in the recursive list of objects.
virtual void InitOptions()
Initialization of options.
Crystal class: Unit cell, spacegroup, scatterers.
Definition: Crystal.h:97
virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const
Output a description of the object in XML format to a stream.
(Quick & dirty) Least-Squares Refinement Object with Numerical derivatives
Definition: LSQNumObj.h:37
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
Begin optimization for all objects.
REAL mLastLogLikelihood
Previous log(likelihood)
virtual void UpdateDisplay()
Update Display (if any display is available), when a new 'relevant' configuration is reached...
class to input or output a well-formatted xml beginning or ending tag.
REAL mTemperatureGamma
Gamma for the 'gamma' temperature schedule.
RefObjOpt mSaveTrackedData
Option to save the evolution of tracked data (cost functions, likelihhod, individual parameters...
void SetDeleteRefParInDestructor(const bool b)
Set this object not to delete its list of parameters when destroyed.
class of refinable parameter types.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:78
void SetAlgorithmSimulAnnealing(const AnnealingSchedule scheduleTemp, const REAL tMax, const REAL tMin, const AnnealingSchedule scheduleMutation=ANNEALING_CONSTANT, const REAL mutMax=16., const REAL mutMin=.125, const long nbTrialRetry=0, const REAL minCostRetry=0.)
Set the refinement method to simulated Annealing.
long mNbTrial
Number of trials so far.
virtual long & NbTrialPerRun()
Number of trial per run.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattData
Generic type for scattering data.
unsigned long CreateParamSet(const string name="") const
Save the current set of refined values in a new set.
std::vector< pair< long, REAL > > mvSavedParamSet
List of saved parameter sets.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeObjCryst
Top RefParType for the ObjCryst++ library.
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood() const
The optimized (minimized, actually) function.
const REAL & GetBestCost() const
Access to current best cost.
void Refine(int nbCycle=1, bool useLevenbergMarquardt=false, const bool silent=false, const bool callBeginEndOptimization=true, const float minChi2var=0.01)
Do the refinement.
Definition: LSQNumObj.cpp:104
virtual void InitOptions()
Initialization of options.
REAL mTotalLogLikelihoodDeltaSq
total of (Delta(Log(Likelihood)))^2 between successive trials