1.10.X (development)
Molecule : class for complex scatterer descriptions using cartesian coordinates with bond length/angle restraints, and moves either of individual atoms or using torsion bonds. More...
Classes | |
struct | FlipGroup |
When 3(A1..1n) or more atoms are connected to a same atom A, it defines a 'flip' group, where it is possible to rotate bonds to their symmetric with respect to one plane defined by atoms Ai-A-Aj. More... | |
struct | RotorGroup |
Defines a group of atoms which can be rotated around an axis defined by two other atoms. More... | |
struct | StretchModeGroup |
Group of concurrent StretchModes (affecting common restraints) A given stretch mode can only belong to one group. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
Molecule (Crystal &cryst, const string &name="") | |
Constructor. More... | |
Molecule (const Molecule &old) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
~Molecule () | |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual Molecule * | CreateCopy () const |
virtual const string & | GetClassName () const |
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...). More... | |
virtual void | SetName (const string &name) |
Name of the object. | |
std::string | GetFormula () const |
Formula with atoms in alphabetic order. | |
virtual void | Print () const |
Print some info about the scatterer (ideally this should be one line...). | |
virtual void | XMLOutput (ostream &os, int indent=0) const |
Output to stream in well-formed XML. More... | |
virtual void | XMLInput (istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag) |
Input From stream. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateDisplay () const |
If there is an interface, this should be automatically be called each time there is a 'new, significant' configuration to report. More... | |
virtual void | BeginOptimization (const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false) |
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization. More... | |
virtual void | EndOptimization () |
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization. More... | |
virtual void | RandomizeConfiguration () |
Randomize Configuration (before a global optimization). More... | |
virtual void | GlobalOptRandomMove (const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type) |
Make a random move of the current configuration. More... | |
virtual REAL | GetLogLikelihood () const |
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNbLSQFunction () const |
Number of LSQ functions. | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQCalc (const unsigned int) const |
Get the current calculated value for the LSQ function. | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQObs (const unsigned int) const |
Get the observed values for the LSQ function. | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQWeight (const unsigned int) const |
Get the weight values for the LSQ function. | |
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & | GetLSQDeriv (const unsigned int n, RefinablePar &par) |
Get the first derivative values for the LSQ function, for a given parameter. More... | |
virtual void | TagNewBestConfig () const |
During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config. More... | |
virtual int | GetNbComponent () const |
Number of components in the scatterer (eg number of point scatterers) | |
virtual const ScatteringComponentList & | GetScatteringComponentList () const |
Get the list of all scattering components for this scatterer. More... | |
virtual string | GetComponentName (const int i) const |
Name for the i-th component of this scatterer. More... | |
virtual ostream & | POVRayDescription (ostream &os, const CrystalPOVRayOptions &options) const |
virtual void | GLInitDisplayList (const bool onlyIndependentAtoms=false, const REAL xMin=-.1, const REAL xMax=1.1, const REAL yMin=-.1, const REAL yMax=1.1, const REAL zMin=-.1, const REAL zMax=1.1, const bool displayEnantiomer=false, const bool displayNames=false, const bool hideHydrogens=false) const |
void | AddAtom (const REAL x, const REAL y, const REAL z, const ScatteringPower *pPow, const string &name, const bool updateDisplay=true) |
Add an atom. More... | |
vector< MolAtom * >::iterator | RemoveAtom (MolAtom &, const bool del=true) |
Remove an atom. More... | |
void | AddNonFlipAtom (MolAtom &atom) |
void | removeNonFlipAtom (MolAtom &atom) |
vector< MolAtom * > | getNonFlipAtomList () |
void | AddBond (MolAtom &atom1, MolAtom &atom2, const REAL length, const REAL sigma, const REAL delta, const REAL bondOrder=1., const bool updateDisplay=true) |
Add a bond. More... | |
vector< MolBond * >::iterator | RemoveBond (const MolBond &, const bool del=true) |
Remove a bond. More... | |
vector< MolBond * >::const_iterator | FindBond (const MolAtom &, const MolAtom &) const |
Searches whether a bond between two atoms already exists. More... | |
vector< MolBond * >::iterator | FindBond (const MolAtom &, const MolAtom &) |
Searches whether a bond between two atoms already exists. More... | |
void | AddBondAngle (MolAtom &atom1, MolAtom &atom2, MolAtom &atom3, const REAL angle, const REAL sigma, const REAL delta, const bool updateDisplay=true) |
Add a bond angle restraint. More... | |
vector< MolBondAngle * >::iterator | RemoveBondAngle (const MolBondAngle &, const bool del=true) |
Remove a BondAngle. More... | |
vector< MolBondAngle * > ::const_iterator | FindBondAngle (const MolAtom &at1, const MolAtom &at0, const MolAtom &at2) const |
Searches whether a bond between three atoms already exists, searching for either (at1,at2,at3) and (at3,at2,at1), as these are equivalent. More... | |
void | AddDihedralAngle (MolAtom &atom1, MolAtom &atom2, MolAtom &atom3, MolAtom &atom4, const REAL angle, const REAL sigma, const REAL delta, const bool updateDisplay=true) |
Add a dihedral angle restraint. More... | |
vector< MolDihedralAngle * > ::iterator | RemoveDihedralAngle (const MolDihedralAngle &, const bool del=true) |
Remove a dihedral angle. More... | |
vector< MolDihedralAngle * > ::const_iterator | FindDihedralAngle (const MolAtom &at1, const MolAtom &at2, const MolAtom &at3, const MolAtom &at4) const |
Searches whether a dihedral between four atoms already exists, searching for either (at1,at2,at3,at4) and (at4,at3,at2,at1), as these are equivalent. More... | |
void | AddRigidGroup (const RigidGroup &, const bool updateDisplay=true) |
Add a rigid group of atoms. More... | |
std::vector< RigidGroup * > ::iterator | RemoveRigidGroup (const RigidGroup &group, const bool updateDisplay=true, const bool del=true) |
Remove a rigid group of atoms. More... | |
MolAtom & | GetAtom (unsigned int i) |
const MolAtom & | GetAtom (unsigned int i) const |
MolAtom & | GetAtom (const string &name) |
const MolAtom & | GetAtom (const string &name) const |
vector< MolAtom * > ::reverse_iterator | FindAtom (const string &name) |
Search a MolAtom from its name. More... | |
vector< MolAtom * > ::const_reverse_iterator | FindAtom (const string &name) const |
Search a MolAtom from its name. More... | |
void | OptimizeConformation (const long nbTrial=10000, const REAL stopCost=0.) |
Minimize configuration from internal restraints (bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles). More... | |
void | OptimizeConformationSteepestDescent (const REAL maxStep=0.1, const unsigned nbStep=1) |
Optimize the conformation from internal restraints (bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles), using a steepest descent algorithm. More... | |
void | MolecularDynamicsEvolve (std::map< MolAtom *, XYZ > &v0, const unsigned nbStep, const REAL dt, const std::vector< MolBond * > &vb, const std::vector< MolBondAngle * > &va, const std::vector< MolDihedralAngle * > &vd, std::map< RigidGroup *, std::pair< XYZ, XYZ > > &vr, REAL nrj0=0) |
Change the conformation of the molecule using molecular dynamics principles. More... | |
const std::vector< MolAtom * > & | GetAtomList () const |
const std::vector< MolBond * > & | GetBondList () const |
const std::vector < MolBondAngle * > & | GetBondAngleList () const |
const std::vector < MolDihedralAngle * > & | GetDihedralAngleList () const |
std::vector< MolAtom * > & | GetAtomList () |
std::vector< MolBond * > & | GetBondList () |
std::vector< MolBondAngle * > & | GetBondAngleList () |
std::vector< MolDihedralAngle * > & | GetDihedralAngleList () |
std::list < StretchModeBondLength > & | GetStretchModeBondLengthList () |
std::list< StretchModeBondAngle > & | GetStretchModeBondAngleList () |
std::list< StretchModeTorsion > & | GetStretchModeTorsionList () |
const std::list < StretchModeBondLength > & | GetStretchModeBondLengthList () const |
const std::list < StretchModeBondAngle > & | GetStretchModeBondAngleList () const |
const std::list < StretchModeTorsion > & | GetStretchModeTorsionList () const |
const std::vector< RigidGroup * > & | GetRigidGroupList () const |
List of rigid group of atoms. More... | |
std::vector< RigidGroup * > & | GetRigidGroupList () |
List of rigid group of atoms. More... | |
void | RotateAtomGroup (const MolAtom &at1, const MolAtom &at2, const set< MolAtom * > &atoms, const REAL angle, const bool keepCenter=true) |
Rotate a group of atoms around an axis defined by two atoms. More... | |
void | RotateAtomGroup (const MolAtom &at, const REAL vx, const REAL vy, const REAL vz, const set< MolAtom * > &atoms, const REAL angle, const bool keepCenter=true) |
Rotate a group of atoms around an axis defined by one atom and a vector. More... | |
void | TranslateAtomGroup (const set< MolAtom * > &atoms, const REAL dx, const REAL dy, const REAL dz, const bool keepCenter=true) |
Translate a group of atoms in a given direction. More... | |
void | RestraintStatus (ostream &os) const |
Print the status of all restraints (bond length, angles...) | |
void | RestraintExport (ostream &os) const |
Print the restraints (bond length, angles...) as whole labels and number in column text format which accessible to other programs. | |
const map< MolAtom *, set < MolAtom * > > & | GetConnectivityTable () |
Get the connectivity table. | |
RefinableObjClock & | GetBondListClock () |
get the clock associated to the list of bonds | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetBondListClock () const |
get the clock associated to the list of bonds | |
RefinableObjClock & | GetAtomPositionClock () |
Get the clock associated to the atomic positions. | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetAtomPositionClock () const |
Get the clock associated to the atomic positions. | |
RefinableObjClock & | GetRigidGroupClock () |
Get the clock associated to the list of rigid groups (clicked also whenever a rigid group is modified) | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetRigidGroupClock () const |
Get the clock associated to the list of rigid groups (clicked also whenever a rigid group is modified) | |
void | RigidifyWithDihedralAngles () |
Add dihedral angles so as to rigidify the Molecule. More... | |
REAL | BondLengthRandomChange (const StretchModeBondLength &mode, const REAL amplitude, const bool respectRestraint=true) |
Stretch a bond, while respecting the Restraint (if any). More... | |
REAL | BondAngleRandomChange (const StretchModeBondAngle &mode, const REAL amplitude, const bool respectRestraint=true) |
change a bond angle, while respecting the Restraint (if any). More... | |
REAL | DihedralAngleRandomChange (const StretchModeTorsion &mode, const REAL amplitude, const bool respectRestraint=true) |
Change a dihedral angle, while respecting the Restraint (if any). More... | |
const MolAtom * | GetCenterAtom () const |
Get the atom defining the origin of the Molecule Equal to 0 if no atom as been set. More... | |
void | SetCenterAtom (const MolAtom &at) |
Get the atom defining the origin of the Molecule Equal to 0 if no atom as been set. More... | |
const std::vector< MolZAtom > & | AsZMatrix (const bool keeporder) const |
Molecule as Z-matrix. More... | |
void | SetDeleteSubObjInDestructor (const bool b) |
Set whether to delete the MolAtoms, MolBonds, MolBondAngles and MolDihedralAngles in the destructor. More... | |
virtual void | InitRefParList () |
void | BuildRingList () |
Build the list of rings in the molecule. More... | |
void | BuildConnectivityTable () const |
Build the Connectivity table. More... | |
void | BuildRotorGroup () |
Build the groups of atoms that will be rotated during global optimization. More... | |
void | TuneGlobalOptimRotationAmplitude () |
Tune the rotation amplitude for free torsions and for the overall Molecule Rotation. More... | |
void | BuildFlipGroup () |
Build the groups of atoms that can be flipped. More... | |
void | BuildStretchModeBondLength () |
Build the groups of atoms moved when stretching a bond length, while respecting the Molecule restraints. | |
void | BuildStretchModeBondAngle () |
Build the groups of atoms moved when changing a bond angle, while respecting the Molecule restraints. | |
void | BuildStretchModeTorsion () |
Build the groups of atoms moved when changing a dihedral angle, while respecting the Molecule restraints. | |
void | BuildStretchModeTwist () |
Build the groups of atoms used to twist internally the Molecule, e.g. More... | |
void | BuildStretchModeGroups () |
Separate StretchMode that break more than their assigned restraint from others. More... | |
void | BuildMDAtomGroups () |
Find groups of atoms that cannot be moved relatively to each other using the free or non-free stretch modes. More... | |
void | UpdateScattCompList () const |
Update the Molecule::mScattCompList from the cartesian coordinates of all atoms, and the orientation parameters. | |
void | InitOptions () |
Build options for this object. | |
void | ResetRigidGroupsPar () const |
Set the orientation & translation parameters of all rigid groups to 0, after correcting the atomic positions. More... | |
void | FlipAtomGroup (const FlipGroup &, const bool keepCenter=true) |
Flip a group of atom. See Molecule::FlipGroup. | |
![]() | |
Scatterer () | |
Constructor. | |
Scatterer (const Scatterer &old) | |
Copy Constructor. | |
virtual | ~Scatterer () |
Destructor. | |
REAL | GetX () const |
X coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position of one atom of the Scatterer, ideally it should be near the center of the Scatterer. More... | |
REAL | GetY () const |
Y coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position of one atom of the Scatterer, ideally it should be near the center of the Scatterer. More... | |
REAL | GetZ () const |
Z coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position of one atom of the Scatterer, ideally it should be near the center of the Scatterer. More... | |
REAL | GetOccupancy () const |
Get the occupancy of the scatterer (0. More... | |
virtual void | SetX (const REAL x) |
X coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position of one atom of the Scatterer, ideally it should be near the center of the Scatterer. More... | |
virtual void | SetY (const REAL y) |
Y coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position of one atom of the Scatterer, ideally it should be near the center of the Scatterer. More... | |
virtual void | SetZ (const REAL z) |
Z coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position of one atom of the Scatterer, ideally it should be near the center of the Scatterer. More... | |
virtual void | SetOccupancy (const REAL occupancy) |
Change the occupancy of the scatterer (0. More... | |
operator string () const | |
Conversion function. More... | |
virtual const string & | GetColour () const |
Colour associated to this scatterer (using POVRay names) More... | |
virtual const float * | GetColourRGB () const |
Colour associated to this scatterer, 3 RGB Coordinates. | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetClockScatterer () const |
Last time anything in the scatterer was changed (atoms, positions, scattering power) | |
RefinableObjClock & | GetClockScatterer () |
Last time anything in the scatterer was changed (atoms, positions, scattering power) | |
void | SetCrystal (Crystal &) |
Set the crystal in which is included this Scatterer. | |
const Crystal & | GetCrystal () const |
In which crystal is this Scatterer included ? | |
Crystal & | GetCrystal () |
In which crystal is this Scatterer included ? | |
![]() | |
RefinableObj () | |
Constructor. | |
RefinableObj (const bool internalUseOnly) | |
Constructor. More... | |
RefinableObj (const RefinableObj &old) | |
Defined not implemented... More... | |
virtual | ~RefinableObj () |
Destructor. | |
virtual const string & | GetName () const |
Name of the object. | |
void | operator= (const RefinableObj &old) |
Defined not implemented... More... | |
void | PrepareForRefinement () const |
Find which parameters are used and not fixed, for a refinement /optimization. More... | |
void | FixAllPar () |
Fix All parameters. | |
void | UnFixAllPar () |
UnFix All parameters. | |
void | SetParIsFixed (const long parIndex, const bool fix) |
Fix/un-fix one parameter from its #. | |
void | SetParIsFixed (const string &parName, const bool fix) |
Fix/un-fix one parameter from its name. | |
void | SetParIsFixed (const RefParType *type, const bool fix) |
Fix/un-fix one family of parameters. | |
void | SetParIsUsed (const string &parName, const bool use) |
Set whether a parameter is used. | |
void | SetParIsUsed (const RefParType *type, const bool use) |
Set whether a family of parameters is used. | |
long | GetNbPar () const |
Total number of refinable parameter in the object. More... | |
long | GetNbParNotFixed () const |
Total number of non-fixed parameters. Is initialized by PrepareForRefinement() | |
RefinablePar & | GetPar (const long i) |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted. | |
const RefinablePar & | GetPar (const long i) const |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted. | |
RefinablePar & | GetPar (const string &name) |
Access all parameters from their name. | |
const RefinablePar & | GetPar (const string &name) const |
Access all parameters from their name. | |
RefinablePar & | GetPar (const REAL *) |
Access parameter from its adress. | |
const RefinablePar & | GetPar (const REAL *) const |
Access parameter from its adress. | |
RefinablePar & | GetParNotFixed (const long i) |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted, skipping fixed parameters. More... | |
const RefinablePar & | GetParNotFixed (const long i) const |
Access all parameters in the order they were inputed, skipping fixed parameters. More... | |
void | AddPar (const RefinablePar &newRefPar) |
Add a refinable parameter. More... | |
void | AddPar (RefinablePar *newRefPar) |
Add a refinable parameter. More... | |
void | AddPar (RefinableObj &newRefParList, const bool copyParam=false) |
Add all the parameters in another RefinableObj. More... | |
vector< RefinablePar * >::iterator | RemovePar (RefinablePar *refPar) |
Remove a refinable parameter. More... | |
unsigned long | CreateParamSet (const string name="") const |
Save the current set of refined values in a new set. More... | |
void | ClearParamSet (const unsigned long id) const |
Erase the param set with the given id, releasing memory. | |
void | SaveParamSet (const unsigned long id) const |
Save the current set of refined values over a previously-created set of saved values. More... | |
void | RestoreParamSet (const unsigned long id) |
Restore a saved set of values. More... | |
const CrystVector_REAL & | GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId) const |
Access one save refpar set. More... | |
CrystVector_REAL & | GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId) |
Access one save refpar set. More... | |
REAL | GetParamSet_ParNotFixedHumanValue (const unsigned long setId, const long parNumber) const |
Access the (human) value of one refined parameter in a saved set of parameters. More... | |
const void | EraseAllParamSet () |
Erase all saved refpar sets. More... | |
const string & | GetParamSetName (const unsigned long setId) const |
Get the name associated to a refpar set. More... | |
void | SetLimitsAbsolute (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a given parameter, giving absolute new limits. | |
void | SetLimitsAbsolute (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving absolute new limits. | |
void | SetLimitsRelative (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a given parameter, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max) Thus min should logically be <0 and max >0. More... | |
void | SetLimitsRelative (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max). More... | |
void | SetLimitsProportional (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a given parameter, proportionnaly to the current value. More... | |
void | SetLimitsProportional (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max) |
Change the limits for a category of parameters, proportionnaly to their current value. More... | |
void | SetGlobalOptimStep (const RefParType *type, const REAL step) |
Change the maximum step to use during Global Optimization algorithms. | |
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & | GetSubObjRegistry () |
Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object. | |
const ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & | GetSubObjRegistry () const |
Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object. | |
virtual void | RegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const |
Register a new object using this object. More... | |
virtual void | DeRegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const |
Deregister an object (which not any more) using this object. | |
virtual const ObjRegistry < RefinableObj > & | GetClientRegistry () const |
Get the list of clients. | |
virtual ObjRegistry < RefinableObj > & | GetClientRegistry () |
Get the list of clients. | |
bool | IsBeingRefined () const |
Is the object being refined ? (Can be refined by one algorithm at a time only.) | |
virtual void | SetApproximationFlag (const bool allow) |
Enable or disable numerical approximations. More... | |
void | BeginGlobalOptRandomMove () |
Raise a flag, to be sure not to make a random change more than once in each RefinableObj. More... | |
virtual std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & | GetLSQ_FullDeriv (const unsigned int, std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar) |
Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list. More... | |
void | ResetParList () |
Re-init the list of refinable parameters, removing all parameters. More... | |
unsigned int | GetNbOption () const |
Number of Options for this object. | |
RefObjOpt & | GetOption (const unsigned int i) |
Access to the options. | |
const RefObjOpt & | GetOption (const unsigned int i) const |
const access to the options | |
virtual void | GetGeneGroup (const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const |
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter. More... | |
void | SetDeleteRefParInDestructor (const bool b) |
Set this object not to delete its list of parameters when destroyed. More... | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetRefParListClock () const |
What was the last time a RefinablePar was added/removed ? More... | |
virtual REAL | GetRestraintCost () const |
Get the restraint cost (overall penalty of all restraints) More... | |
void | AddRestraint (Restraint *pNewRestraint) |
Add a new restraint. More... | |
vector< Restraint * >::iterator | RemoveRestraint (Restraint *pRestraint) |
Remove a restraint from the list of known restraints. More... | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetClockMaster () const |
This clocks records any change in the object. See refinableObj::mClockMaster. | |
Public Attributes | |
ScatteringComponentList | mScattCompList |
The list of scattering components. More... | |
vector< MolAtom * > | mvNonFlipAtom |
vector< MolAtom * > | mvpAtom |
The list of atoms. More... | |
vector< MolBond * > | mvpBond |
The list of bonds. More... | |
vector< MolBondAngle * > | mvpBondAngle |
The list of bond angles. More... | |
vector< MolDihedralAngle * > | mvpDihedralAngle |
The list of dihedral angles. More... | |
map< MolAtom *, std::vector < MolBond * > > | mvAtomBond |
List of Bonds for each atom. More... | |
std::vector< RigidGroup * > | mvRigidGroup |
Rigid groups of atoms. More... | |
list< MolRing > | mvRing |
The list of rings. More... | |
Quaternion | mQuat |
The unit quaternion defining the orientation. More... | |
bool | mDeleteSubObjInDestructor |
Base Rotation amplitude (in radians) for the Molecule, so that the average atomic displacement is equal to 0.1 A. More... | |
REAL | mBaseRotationAmplitude |
RefinableObjClock | mClockAtomList |
RefinableObjClock | mClockBondList |
RefinableObjClock | mClockBondAngleList |
RefinableObjClock | mClockDihedralAngleList |
RefinableObjClock | mClockRigidGroup |
RefinableObjClock | mClockAtomPosition |
RefinableObjClock | mClockAtomScattPow |
RefinableObjClock | mClockOrientation |
RefinableObjClock | mClockLogLikelihood |
RefinableObjClock | mClockConnectivityTable |
RefinableObjClock | mClockRingList |
RefinableObjClock | mClockRotorGroup |
RefinableObjClock | mClockFlipGroup |
RefinableObjClock | mClockStretchModeBondLength |
RefinableObjClock | mClockStretchModeBondAngle |
RefinableObjClock | mClockStretchModeTorsion |
RefinableObjClock | mClockStretchModeTwist |
RefinableObjClock | mClockMDAtomGroup |
unsigned long | mLocalParamSet |
unsigned long | mRandomConformChangeNbTest |
unsigned long | mRandomConformChangeNbAccept |
REAL | mRandomConformChangeTemp |
REAL | mLastLogLike |
bool | mIsSelfOptimizing |
RefObjOpt | mFlexModel |
OPtion for the different types of flexibility possible for this molecule: rigid body, free atoms + restraints, torsion angles... More... | |
RefObjOpt | mFlipModel |
RefObjOpt | mAutoOptimizeConformation |
Option to automatically optimize the starting conformation, if the total restraint cost is too high. More... | |
RefObjOpt | mOptimizeOrientation |
Option to optimize the Molecule's orientation. More... | |
RefObjOpt | mMoleculeCenter |
Option to choose the center of rotation of the Molecule for the global orientation either as the geometrical center, or as a given atom. | |
const MolAtom * | mpCenterAtom |
Atom chosen as center of rotation, if mRotationCenter is set to use an atom rather than the geometrical center. | |
map< MolAtom *, set< MolAtom * > > | mConnectivityTable |
Connectivity table: for each atom, keep the list of atoms bonded to it. More... | |
list< RotorGroup > | mvRotorGroupTorsion |
List of RotorGroups corresponding to free torsion bonds. More... | |
list< RotorGroup > | mvRotorGroupTorsionSingleChain |
List of RotorGroups corresponding to free torsion bonds, but with only one chain of atoms listed. More... | |
list< RotorGroup > | mvRotorGroupInternal |
List of RotorGroups for internal rotations. More... | |
list< FlipGroup > | mvFlipGroup |
The list of FlipGroups. | |
list< StretchModeBondLength > | mvStretchModeBondLength |
List of StretchModeBondLength. | |
list< StretchModeBondAngle > | mvStretchModeBondAngle |
List of StretchModeBondLength. | |
list< StretchModeTorsion > | mvStretchModeTorsion |
List of StretchModeBondLength. | |
list< StretchModeTwist > | mvStretchModeTwist |
List of StretchModeTwist. | |
std::list< StretchMode * > | mvpStretchModeFree |
Groups of StretchMode not breaking any restraint (unless the one they are associated to) | |
std::list< StretchMode * > | mvpStretchModeNotFree |
Groups of StretchMode breaking restraints (beyond the one they are associated to) | |
list< MDAtomGroup > | mvMDAtomGroup |
Groups of atoms that should be moved according to molecular dynamics principles. | |
std::set< MolAtom * > | mvMDFullAtomGroup |
Full list of atoms that can be moved using molecular dynamics This excludes any atom part of a rigid group. | |
REAL | mMDMoveFreq |
Frequency of using molecular dynamics move during GlobalOptRandomMove() | |
REAL | mMDMoveEnergy |
Relative energy of molecule during molecular dynamics move Default: 40, 10 (slow conformation change), 200 (large changes) | |
std::vector< MolZAtom > | mAsZMatrix |
The Molecule, as a lightweight ZMatrix, for export purposes. | |
REAL | mLogLikelihood |
The current log(likelihood) | |
REAL | mLogLikelihoodScale |
Scale (multiplier) for the log(likelihood) More... | |
CrystVector_REAL | mLSQCalc |
Current LSQ Calc - one value for each restraint (bond distance, angle or dihedral angle) | |
CrystVector_REAL | mLSQObs |
Current LSQ Calc - one value for each restraint (bond distance, angle or dihedral angle ideal values) | |
CrystVector_REAL | mLSQWeight |
Current LSQ Calc - one value for each restraint(bond distance, angle or dihedral angle sigmas) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
virtual void | InitRGBColour () |
Get RGB Colour coordinates from Colour Name. More... | |
const RefinableObjClock & | GetClockScattCompList () const |
Last time the ScatteringComponentList was generated. | |
![]() | |
long | FindPar (const string &name) const |
Find a refinable parameter with a given name. | |
long | FindPar (const REAL *) const |
Find a refinable parameter from the adress of its value. | |
void | AddSubRefObj (RefinableObj &) |
void | RemoveSubRefObj (RefinableObj &) |
void | AddOption (RefObjOpt *opt) |
virtual void | Prepare () |
map< unsigned long, pair < CrystVector_REAL, string > >::iterator | FindParamSet (unsigned long id) const |
Find a parameter set with a given id (and check if it is there) | |
![]() | |
CrystVector_REAL | mXYZ |
coordinates of the scatterer (or of its center..) | |
REAL | mOccupancy |
Occupancy : 0 <= occ <= 1 For a multi-atom scatterer (polyhedron,..), this is the overall occupancy of the scatterer (affects all components of the scatterer). | |
string | mColourName |
Colour for this scatterer (from POVRay) | |
float | mColourRGB [3] |
Colour for this scatterer using RGB. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockScatterer |
Last time anything (number of atoms, positions, scattering power) was changed. | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockScattCompList |
Crystal * | mpCryst |
The crystal in which the Scatterer is This is needed so that we can know which scattering powers are available in the crystal, and also to convert fractionnal to orthonormal coordinates (for some scatterers only). More... | |
![]() | |
string | mName |
Name for this RefinableObject. Should be unique, at least in the same scope.+. | |
vector< RefinablePar * > | mvpRefPar |
Vector of pointers to the refinable parameters. | |
vector< Restraint * > | mvpRestraint |
Vector of pointers to the restraints for this object. More... | |
map< unsigned long, pair < CrystVector_REAL, string > > | mvpSavedValuesSet |
Map of (index,pointers to arrays) used to save sets of values for all parameters. More... | |
long | mNbRefParNotFixed |
Total of not-fixed parameters. | |
CrystVector_long | mRefparNotFixedIndex |
Index of not-fixed parameters. | |
int | mOptimizationDepth |
Is the object being refined or optimized ? if mOptimizationDepth=0, no optimization is taking place. More... | |
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > | mSubObjRegistry |
Registry of RefinableObject needed for this object (owned by this object or not) | |
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > | mClientObjRegistry |
Registry of RefinableObject using this object. More... | |
ObjRegistry< RefObjOpt > | mOptionRegistry |
List of options for this object. More... | |
bool | mDeleteRefParInDestructor |
If true (the default), then all RefinablePar will be deleted when the the object is deleted. More... | |
RefinableObjClock | mRefParListClock |
Last time the RefinableParList was modified (a parameter added or removed). | |
bool | mRandomMoveIsDone |
CrystVector_REAL | mLSQDeriv |
Temporary array used to return derivative values of the LSQ function for given parameters. More... | |
std::map< unsigned int, std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > > | mLSQ_FullDeriv |
Temporary map to return the derivative of the LSQ function versus a list of parameters. More... | |
RefinableObjClock | mClockMaster |
Master clock, which is changed whenever the object has been altered. More... | |
Molecule : class for complex scatterer descriptions using cartesian coordinates with bond length/angle restraints, and moves either of individual atoms or using torsion bonds.
This can also be used for non-organic compounds (polyhedras etc...)
Definition at line 731 of file Molecule.h.
ObjCryst::Molecule::Molecule | ( | Crystal & | cryst, |
const string & | name = "" |
) |
Definition at line 1894 of file Molecule.cpp.
ObjCryst::Molecule::Molecule | ( | const Molecule & | old | ) |
Copy constructor.
Definition at line 1982 of file Molecule.cpp.
ObjCryst::Molecule::~Molecule | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2075 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::AddAtom | ( | const REAL | x, |
const REAL | y, | ||
const REAL | z, | ||
const ScatteringPower * | pPow, | ||
const string & | name, | ||
const bool | updateDisplay = true |
) |
Add an atom.
Definition at line 3786 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::AddBond | ( | MolAtom & | atom1, |
MolAtom & | atom2, | ||
const REAL | length, | ||
const REAL | sigma, | ||
const REAL | delta, | ||
const REAL | bondOrder = 1. , |
const bool | updateDisplay = true |
) |
Add a bond.
Definition at line 3923 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::AddBondAngle | ( | MolAtom & | atom1, |
MolAtom & | atom2, | ||
MolAtom & | atom3, | ||
const REAL | angle, | ||
const REAL | sigma, | ||
const REAL | delta, | ||
const bool | updateDisplay = true |
) |
Add a bond angle restraint.
Definition at line 3976 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::AddDihedralAngle | ( | MolAtom & | atom1, |
MolAtom & | atom2, | ||
MolAtom & | atom3, | ||
MolAtom & | atom4, | ||
const REAL | angle, | ||
const REAL | sigma, | ||
const REAL | delta, | ||
const bool | updateDisplay = true |
) |
Add a dihedral angle restraint.
Definition at line 4022 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::AddRigidGroup | ( | const RigidGroup & | group, |
const bool | updateDisplay = true |
) |
Add a rigid group of atoms.
Definition at line 4073 of file Molecule.cpp.
const vector< MolZAtom > & ObjCryst::Molecule::AsZMatrix | ( | const bool | keeporder | ) | const |
Molecule as Z-matrix.
keeporder | if true, the order of the atoms is exactly the same as in the Molecule. |
Definition at line 5116 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
This will also check that everything is ready, eg call the RefinableObj::Prepare() function. This also affects all sub-objects.
allowApproximations | if true, then the object can use faster but less precise functions during the optimization. This is useful for global optimization not using derivatives. |
enableRestraints | xrefitem deprecated 28. |
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 2385 of file Molecule.cpp.
REAL ObjCryst::Molecule::BondAngleRandomChange | ( | const StretchModeBondAngle & | mode, |
const REAL | amplitude, | ||
const bool | respectRestraint = true |
) |
change a bond angle, while respecting the Restraint (if any).
the desired angular change. This will be the actual change if there is no restraint or if the restraint is constant in this range. |
Definition at line 4931 of file Molecule.cpp.
REAL ObjCryst::Molecule::BondLengthRandomChange | ( | const StretchModeBondLength & | mode, |
const REAL | amplitude, | ||
const bool | respectRestraint = true |
) |
Stretch a bond, while respecting the Restraint (if any).
the desired change in bond length. This will be the actual change if there is no restraint or if the restraint is constant in this range. |
Definition at line 4887 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::BuildConnectivityTable | ( | ) | const |
Build the Connectivity table.
Definition at line 5299 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::BuildFlipGroup | ( | ) |
Build the groups of atoms that can be flipped.
This is not const because we temporarily modify the molecule conformation to test which FlipGroups are forbidden by restraints (but it should be const).
Definition at line 7040 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::BuildMDAtomGroups | ( | ) |
Find groups of atoms that cannot be moved relatively to each other using the free or non-free stretch modes.
Usually these will correspond to atoms inside a flexible ring.
These atoms (if they are not in a rigid group) are stored in a MDAtomGroup so that they can still move using molecular dynamics.
this should be called after BuildStretchModeGroups(), to make sure the list of free/non-free stretch mode has been built.
Definition at line 7368 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::BuildRingList | ( | ) |
Build the list of rings in the molecule.
The list is only rebuilt if the bond or atom list has changed,so it should be safe to call again this function.
Definition at line 5259 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::BuildRotorGroup | ( | ) |
Build the groups of atoms that will be rotated during global optimization.
This is not const because we temporarily modify the molecule conformation to test which RotorGroups are forbidden by restraints (but it should be const).
Definition at line 5337 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::BuildStretchModeGroups | ( | ) |
Separate StretchMode that break more than their assigned restraint from others.
See Molecule::mvpStretchModeFree and Molecule::mvpStretchModeNotFree
Definition at line 7213 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::BuildStretchModeTwist | ( | ) |
Build the groups of atoms used to twist internally the Molecule, e.g.
by rotating one chain of atoms between 2 given atoms.
Definition at line 6595 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
so-called Virtual copy constructor, needed to make copies of arrays of Scatterers
Implements ObjCryst::Scatterer.
Definition at line 2100 of file Molecule.cpp.
REAL ObjCryst::Molecule::DihedralAngleRandomChange | ( | const StretchModeTorsion & | mode, |
const REAL | amplitude, | ||
const bool | respectRestraint = true |
) |
Change a dihedral angle, while respecting the Restraint (if any).
the desired angular change. This will be the actual change if there is no restraint or if the restraint is constant in this range. |
Definition at line 4988 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
This also affects all sub-objects.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 2512 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolAtom * >::reverse_iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::FindAtom | ( | const string & | name | ) |
Search a MolAtom from its name.
Search begins at the end, and the first match is returned. returns mvAtom.rend() if no atom matches
Definition at line 7630 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolAtom * >::const_reverse_iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::FindAtom | ( | const string & | name | ) | const |
Search a MolAtom from its name.
Search begins at the end, and the first match is returned. returns mvAtom.rend() if no atom matches
Definition at line 7643 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolBond * >::const_iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::FindBond | ( | const MolAtom & | at1, |
const MolAtom & | at2 | ||
) | const |
Searches whether a bond between two atoms already exists.
If no bond is found, returns Molecule::mvpAtom.end().
Definition at line 3955 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolBond * >::iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::FindBond | ( | const MolAtom & | at1, |
const MolAtom & | at2 | ||
) |
Searches whether a bond between two atoms already exists.
If no bond is found, returns Molecule::mvpAtom.end().
Definition at line 3965 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolBondAngle * >::const_iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::FindBondAngle | ( | const MolAtom & | at1, |
const MolAtom & | at0, | ||
const MolAtom & | at2 | ||
) | const |
Searches whether a bond between three atoms already exists, searching for either (at1,at2,at3) and (at3,at2,at1), as these are equivalent.
If no bond angle is found, returns Molecule::mvpBondAngle.end().
Definition at line 4007 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolDihedralAngle * >::const_iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::FindDihedralAngle | ( | const MolAtom & | at1, |
const MolAtom & | at2, | ||
const MolAtom & | at3, | ||
const MolAtom & | at4 | ||
) | const |
Searches whether a dihedral between four atoms already exists, searching for either (at1,at2,at3,at4) and (at4,at3,at2,at1), as these are equivalent.
If no dihedral angle is found, returns Molecule::mvpDihedralAngle.end().
Definition at line 4056 of file Molecule.cpp.
const MolAtom * ObjCryst::Molecule::GetCenterAtom | ( | ) | const |
Get the atom defining the origin of the Molecule Equal to 0 if no atom as been set.
Definition at line 5029 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
This is only useful to distinguish different classes when picking up objects from the RefinableObj Global Registry
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::Scatterer.
Definition at line 2106 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Name for the i-th component of this scatterer.
If the component is an Atom, Then the name is that of the atom. Else, it is the name of the scatterer plus the component number in the scatterer plus the name of the ScatteringPower.
Implements ObjCryst::Scatterer.
Definition at line 3183 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.
By default (no likelihood evaluation available), this is equal to 0.
This call should not be recursive, it is the task of the algorithm to get the sum of likelihoods for all objects invlolved.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 3058 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Get the first derivative values for the LSQ function, for a given parameter.
Note that the default method in the base RefinableObj class is to use numerical derivatives, so it should be overridden for better precision.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 3118 of file Molecule.cpp.
const std::vector< RigidGroup * > & ObjCryst::Molecule::GetRigidGroupList | ( | ) | const |
List of rigid group of atoms.
Definition at line 4394 of file Molecule.cpp.
std::vector< RigidGroup * > & ObjCryst::Molecule::GetRigidGroupList | ( | ) |
List of rigid group of atoms.
Definition at line 4395 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Get the list of all scattering components for this scatterer.
This is the most important function of this class, giving the list of scattering positions along with the associated ScatteringPower.
Implements ObjCryst::Scatterer.
Definition at line 3175 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Create an OpenGL Display List of the scatterer. This should only be called by a Crystal object.
noSymmetrics | if false (the default), then all symmetrics are shown in the 3D display, within the limits defined by the min/max parameters \ param xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax,zMin,zMax: in fractionnal coordinates, the region in which we want scaterrer to be displayed. The test is made on the center of the scatterer (eg a ZScatterer (molecule) will not be 'cut' on the border). |
displayNames | if true, only the names of the scatterers will be displayed, at the position of the scatterers (to actually see them, they will have to be translated with respect to the drawing of the scatterers). |
hideHydrogens | if true, do not display hydrogens/deuterium and their bonds |
Implements ObjCryst::Scatterer.
Definition at line 3398 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Make a random move of the current configuration.
This is for global optimization algorithms. the moves for each parameter are less than their global optimization step, multiplied by the mutation amplitude.
mutationAmplitude | multiplier for the maximum move amplitude, for all parameters |
type | restrain the change exclusively to parameters of a given type (same type or descendant from this RefParType). |
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 2652 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Prepare refinable parameters for the scatterer object
Implements ObjCryst::Scatterer.
Definition at line 5208 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::MolecularDynamicsEvolve | ( | std::map< MolAtom *, XYZ > & | v0, |
const unsigned | nbStep, | ||
const REAL | dt, | ||
const std::vector< MolBond * > & | vb, | ||
const std::vector< MolBondAngle * > & | va, | ||
const std::vector< MolDihedralAngle * > & | vd, | ||
std::map< RigidGroup *, std::pair< XYZ, XYZ > > & | vr, | ||
REAL | nrj0 = 0 |
) |
Change the conformation of the molecule using molecular dynamics principles.
Optionnally, move only a subgroup of atoms and only take into account some restraints.
The atoms actually moved are those included as keys in v0, and those part of the rigid bodies in vr.
v0 | initial speed of all atoms. On return, includes the new speed coordinates. Only the atoms used as keys in v0 will be moved, so this should be used to work only on a subgroup of atoms. |
nbStep | number of steps to perform. |
dt | time step. Recommended value are such that v0[].xyz * dt = 0.001 |
vb,va,vd | vector of bond, bond angle and dihedral angle restraints to be taken into account. If these are empty, the full list of restraints of the Molecule are taken into account, including rigid groups. If they are not empty, then it is assumed that no atom moved belongs to a rigid group. |
vr | initial speed for the angular and translation parameters of rigid groups included in the evolution. For each entry of the map the first XYZ coordinates are the speed for RigidGroup::mX,mY,mZ, and the second are the speed for the angular coordinates of the quaternion Q1,Q2,Q3 |
nrj0 | the total energy the system should try to maintain. If equal to 0, the initial energy will be used. The speed will be de/increased to compensate any energy change. |
Definition at line 4278 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::OptimizeConformation | ( | const long | nbTrial = 10000 , |
const REAL | stopCost = 0. |
) |
Minimize configuration from internal restraints (bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles).
Useful when adding manually atoms to get an initial reasonable configuration.
Definition at line 4184 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::OptimizeConformationSteepestDescent | ( | const REAL | maxStep = 0.1 , |
const unsigned | nbStep = 1 |
) |
Optimize the conformation from internal restraints (bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles), using a steepest descent algorithm.
maxStep | maximum displacement allowed along any coordinate for all atoms. |
nbStep | number of steps - the gradient is re-calculated after each step. |
Definition at line 4202 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Output a description of the scatterer for POVRay. This should only be called by the Crystal Object to which belongs this scatterer.
Implements ObjCryst::Scatterer.
Definition at line 3189 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Randomize Configuration (before a global optimization).
This Affects only parameters which are limited and not fixed. The randomization also affects all sub-objects (recursive).
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 2539 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolAtom * >::iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::RemoveAtom | ( | MolAtom & | atom, |
const bool | del = true |
) |
Remove an atom.
Returns the iterator to the next atom in the list.
This also removes all corresponding bonds, bond angles, etc... If del is true (default), then the MolAtom object is deleted. The del flag gets sent to the RemoveXXX functions for the corresponding objects.
Definition at line 3842 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolBond * >::iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::RemoveBond | ( | const MolBond & | bond, |
const bool | del = true |
) |
Remove a bond.
Returns the iterator to the next bond in the list.
If del is true (default), then the MolBond object is deleted.
Definition at line 3936 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolBondAngle * >::iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::RemoveBondAngle | ( | const MolBondAngle & | angle, |
const bool | del = true |
) |
Remove a BondAngle.
If del is true (default), then the MolBondAngle object is deleted.
Definition at line 3988 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< MolDihedralAngle * >::iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::RemoveDihedralAngle | ( | const MolDihedralAngle & | angle, |
const bool | del = true |
) |
Remove a dihedral angle.
If del is true (default), then the MolDihedralAngle object is deleted.
Definition at line 4036 of file Molecule.cpp.
vector< RigidGroup * >::iterator ObjCryst::Molecule::RemoveRigidGroup | ( | const RigidGroup & | group, |
const bool | updateDisplay = true , |
const bool | del = true |
) |
Remove a rigid group of atoms.
If del is true (default), then the RigidGroup object is deleted.
Definition at line 4153 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::ResetRigidGroupsPar | ( | ) | const |
Set the orientation & translation parameters of all rigid groups to 0, after correcting the atomic positions.
This is required before saving the structure, as these parameters are not saved.
Definition at line 7806 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::RigidifyWithDihedralAngles | ( | ) |
Add dihedral angles so as to rigidify the Molecule.
In practice, for every sequence of atoms A-B-C-D, add the dihedral angle defined by these 4 atoms, unless either ABC or BCD are aligned (angle below 10�).
No duplicate dihedral angle is generated.
Definition at line 4589 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::RotateAtomGroup | ( | const MolAtom & | at1, |
const MolAtom & | at2, | ||
const set< MolAtom * > & | atoms, | ||
const REAL | angle, | ||
const bool | keepCenter = true |
) |
Rotate a group of atoms around an axis defined by two atoms.
keepCenter | if true, the coordinates of the molecule are modified so that only the rotated atoms are moved. |
Definition at line 4397 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::RotateAtomGroup | ( | const MolAtom & | at, |
const REAL | vx, | ||
const REAL | vy, | ||
const REAL | vz, | ||
const set< MolAtom * > & | atoms, | ||
const REAL | angle, | ||
const bool | keepCenter = true |
) |
Rotate a group of atoms around an axis defined by one atom and a vector.
keepCenter | if true, the coordinates of the molecule are modified so that only the rotated atoms are moved. |
Definition at line 4406 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::SetCenterAtom | ( | const MolAtom & | at | ) |
Get the atom defining the origin of the Molecule Equal to 0 if no atom as been set.
Definition at line 5034 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::SetDeleteSubObjInDestructor | ( | const bool | b | ) |
Set whether to delete the MolAtoms, MolBonds, MolBondAngles and MolDihedralAngles in the destructor.
By default these sub-objects are deleted.
Definition at line 7802 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config.
This can be used by the object to make more intellingent random moves (use with caution: highly experimental !).
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 3124 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::TranslateAtomGroup | ( | const set< MolAtom * > & | atoms, |
const REAL | dx, | ||
const REAL | dy, | ||
const REAL | dz, | ||
const bool | keepCenter = true |
) |
Translate a group of atoms in a given direction.
keepCenter | if true, the coordinates of the molecule are modified so that only the translated atoms are moved. |
Definition at line 4499 of file Molecule.cpp.
void ObjCryst::Molecule::TuneGlobalOptimRotationAmplitude | ( | ) |
Tune the rotation amplitude for free torsions and for the overall Molecule Rotation.
This should be done after Molecule::BuildRotorGroup();
Definition at line 6861 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
If there is an interface, this should be automatically be called each time there is a 'new, significant' configuration to report.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 2379 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Input From stream.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 2267 of file Molecule.cpp.
virtual |
Output to stream in well-formed XML.
Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.
Definition at line 2167 of file Molecule.cpp.
RefObjOpt ObjCryst::Molecule::mAutoOptimizeConformation |
Option to automatically optimize the starting conformation, if the total restraint cost is too high.
This is done in BeginOptimization().
This is enabled by default, and should be disabled by people who already supply a good starting conformation for their molecule.
Definition at line 1211 of file Molecule.h.
Connectivity table: for each atom, keep the list of atoms bonded to it.
All atoms are referenced from their index.
Definition at line 1230 of file Molecule.h.
bool ObjCryst::Molecule::mDeleteSubObjInDestructor |
Base Rotation amplitude (in radians) for the Molecule, so that the average atomic displacement is equal to 0.1 A.
Definition at line 1169 of file Molecule.h.
RefObjOpt ObjCryst::Molecule::mFlexModel |
OPtion for the different types of flexibility possible for this molecule: rigid body, free atoms + restraints, torsion angles...
Definition at line 1201 of file Molecule.h.
REAL ObjCryst::Molecule::mLogLikelihoodScale |
Scale (multiplier) for the log(likelihood)
Changing this scale is equivalent to changing the sigma values of all bonds, bond angles and dihedral angles - but it allows a simple global scaling for the user.
Definition at line 1366 of file Molecule.h.
RefObjOpt ObjCryst::Molecule::mOptimizeOrientation |
Option to optimize the Molecule's orientation.
Useful to completely fix the Molecule.
Definition at line 1216 of file Molecule.h.
Quaternion ObjCryst::Molecule::mQuat |
The unit quaternion defining the orientation.
Definition at line 1160 of file Molecule.h.
mutable |
The list of scattering components.
this is mutable since it only reflects the list of atoms.
Definition at line 1123 of file Molecule.h.
List of Bonds for each atom.
This duplicates the information in Molecule::mvBond
Definition at line 1146 of file Molecule.h.
vector<MolAtom*> ObjCryst::Molecule::mvpAtom |
The list of atoms.
Definition at line 1129 of file Molecule.h.
vector<MolBond*> ObjCryst::Molecule::mvpBond |
The list of bonds.
Definition at line 1133 of file Molecule.h.
vector<MolBondAngle*> ObjCryst::Molecule::mvpBondAngle |
The list of bond angles.
Definition at line 1137 of file Molecule.h.
vector<MolDihedralAngle*> ObjCryst::Molecule::mvpDihedralAngle |
The list of dihedral angles.
Definition at line 1141 of file Molecule.h.
std::vector<RigidGroup*> ObjCryst::Molecule::mvRigidGroup |
Rigid groups of atoms.
This group will be kept strictly rigid, preventing the use of any stretch mode altering their relative position. The entire group of atoms can however be rotated or translated.
Definition at line 1151 of file Molecule.h.
mutable |
The list of rings.
Definition at line 1156 of file Molecule.h.
mutable |
List of RotorGroups for internal rotations.
This lists groups of atoms that can be rotated between two given atoms. This is useful to alter the conformation of large rings, where no free torsion bonds exists, and also for long flexible chains.
Definition at line 1276 of file Molecule.h.
mutable |
List of RotorGroups corresponding to free torsion bonds.
In this list are list of atoms on one side of a bond, that can be rotated freely around this bond. Each bond is listed only once, with the side which has the smallest number of atoms.
Definition at line 1261 of file Molecule.h.
mutable |
List of RotorGroups corresponding to free torsion bonds, but with only one chain of atoms listed.
The difference with Molecule::mRotorGroupTorsion is that if the bond is A-B, with atom A linked with atoms A1,A2,A3, in this list only one chain (starting either from A1, A2 or A3) will be rotated, instead of the 3 chains. This is useful when searching for the absolute configuration of atoms.
Definition at line 1270 of file Molecule.h.