31 #include "ObjCryst/RefinableObj/RefinableObj.h"
32 #include "ObjCryst/RefinableObj/LSQNumObj.h"
52 const CrystalSystem system,
const CrystalCentering centering,
const float kappa=1);
61 RecUnitCell(
const float zero=0,
const float par0=0,
const float par1=0,
const float par2=0,
62 const float par3=0,
const float par4=0,
const float par5=0,
CrystalSystem lattice=CUBIC,
63 const CrystalCentering cent=LATTICE_P);
72 float hkl2d(
const float h,
const float k,
const float l,REAL *derivpar=NULL,
const unsigned int derivhkl=0)
78 void hkl2d_delta(
const float h,
const float k,
const float l,
const RecUnitCell &delta,
float & dmin,
float &dmax)
107 CrystalCentering mCentering;
119 void operator=(
const PeakList &rhs);
121 void ImportDhklDSigmaIntensity(std::istream &is,
float defaultsigma=.001);
122 void ImportDhklIntensity(std::istream &is);
123 void ImportDhkl(std::istream &is);
124 void Import2ThetaIntensity(std::istream &is,
const float wavelength=1.5418);
137 float Simulate(
float zero,
float a,
float b,
float c,
138 float alpha,
float beta,
float gamma,
139 bool deg,
unsigned int nb=20,
unsigned int nbspurious=0,
140 float sigma=0,
float percentMissing=0,
const bool verbose=
141 void ExportDhklDSigmaIntensity(std::ostream &out)
144 void AddPeak(
const float d,
const float iobs=1.0,
const float dobssigma=0.0,
const float iobssigma=0.0,
145 const int h=0,
const int k=0,
const int l=0,
const float d2calc=0);
146 void RemovePeak(
unsigned int i);
147 void Print(std::ostream &os)
151 hkl0(
const int h=0,
const int k=0,
const int l=0);
161 const int h=0,
const int k=0,
const int l=0,
const float d2calc=0);
206 const bool verbose=
const bool storehkl=
207 const bool storePredictedHKL=
216 void Evolution(
unsigned int ng,
const bool randomize=
const float f=0.7,
const float cr=0.5,
unsigned int np=100);
217 void SetLengthMinMax(
const float min,
const float max);
218 void SetAngleMinMax(
const float min,
const float max);
219 void SetVolumeMinMax(
const float min,
const float max);
220 void SetNbSpurious(
const unsigned int nb);
223 void SetMinMaxZeroShift(
const float min,
const float max);
225 void SetCrystalCentering(
const CrystalCentering cent);
227 virtual const string&
228 virtual void Print()
230 virtual const CrystVector_REAL&
const unsigned int)
231 virtual const CrystVector_REAL &
const unsigned int)
232 virtual const CrystVector_REAL &
const unsigned int)
234 virtual void BeginOptimization(
const bool allowApproximations=
const bool enableRestraints=
235 void LSQRefine(
int nbCycle=1,
bool useLevenbergMarquardt=
const bool silent=
241 void DicVol(
const float minScore=10,
const unsigned int minDepth=3,
const float stopOnScore=50.0,
const unsigned int stopOnDepth=6);
248 float GetBestScore()
249 const std::list<std::pair<RecUnitCell,float> >& GetSolutions()
250 std::list<std::pair<RecUnitCell,float> >& GetSolutions();
252 unsigned int RDicVol(
RecUnitCell uc0,
RecUnitCell uc1,
unsigned int depth,
unsigned long &nbCalc,
const float minV,
const float maxV,vector<unsigned int> vdepth=vector<unsigned int>());
258 float mLengthMin,mLengthMax;
259 float mAngleMin,mAngleMax;
260 float mVolumeMin,mVolumeMax;
261 float mZeroShiftMin,mZeroShiftMax;
271 unsigned int mNbSpurious;
274 mutable CrystVector_REAL mObs;
275 mutable CrystVector_REAL mCalc;
276 mutable CrystVector_REAL mWeight;
277 mutable CrystVector_REAL mDeriv;
284 float mMinScoreReport;
285 unsigned int mMaxDicVolDepth,mDicVolDepthReport;
unsigned int mNbLSQExcept
Number of exceptions caught during LSQ, in a given search - above 20 LSQ is disabled.
vector< hkl > & GetPeakList()
Get peak list.
virtual const string & GetName() const
Name of the object.
void SetD2Error(const float err)
Allowed error on 1/d (squared!), used for dicvol.
RecUnitCell mRecUnitCell
Reciprocal unit cell used for least squares refinement.
float mCosAngMax
Stored value of cos(max ang) for tricilinic search - we do not want to recompute the cos at every dic...
list< hkl > mvPredictedHKL
Full list of calculated HKL positions for a given solution, up to a given resolution After finding a ...
std::list< std::pair< RecUnitCell, float > > mvSolution
Max number of obs reflections to use.
Algorithm class to find the correct indexing from observed peak positions.
unsigned long stats
Indexing statistics.
float EstimateCellVolume(const float dmin, const float dmax, const float nbrefl, const CrystalSystem system, const CrystalCentering centering, const float kappa)
Estimate volume from number of peaks at a given dmin See J.
Different lattice types.
CrystalCentering mCentering
Centering type.
float iobs
Observed peak intensity.
float hkl2d(const float h, const float k, const float l, REAL *derivpar=NULL, const unsigned int derivhkl=0) const
Compute d*^2 for hkl reflection if deriv != -1, compute derivate versus the corresponding parameter...
Generic Refinable Object.
Class to store positions of observed reflections.
bool isIndexed
Is this line indexed ?
float Score(const PeakList &dhkl, const RecUnitCell &rpar, const unsigned int nbSpurious, const bool verbose, const bool storehkl, const bool storePredictedHKL)
Compute score for a candidate RecUnitCell and a PeakList.
float d2obs
Observed peak position 1/d^2.
float d2obsmin
Min value for observed peak position 1/(d+disgma/2)^2.
vector< hkl > mvHKL
Predict peak positions Best h,k,l for each observed peak (for least-squares refinement) This is store...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQDeriv(const unsigned int, RefinablePar &)
Get the first derivative values for the LSQ function, for a given parameter.
One set of Miller indices, a possible indexation for a reflection.
float mAmp[7]
Max amplitude (max=min+amplitude) for all parameters All parameters are treated as periodic for DE (...
float d2calc
Calculated position, 1/d^2.
std::list< hkl0 > vDicVolHKL
Possible Miller indices, stored during a dichotomy search.
float d2obsmax
Min value for observed peak position 1/(d-disgma/2)^2.
CrystalSystem mlattice
Lattice type for which we search.
void ReduceSolutions(const bool updateReportThreshold=false)
Sort all solutions by score, remove duplicates.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQCalc(const unsigned int) const
Get the current calculated value for the LSQ function.
void DicVol(const float minScore=10, const unsigned int minDepth=3, const float stopOnScore=50.0, const unsigned int stopOnDepth=6)
Run DicVOl algorithm, store only solutions with score >minScore or depth>=minDepth, stop at the end of one volume interval (~400 A^3) if best score>stopOnScore, or if one solution was found at depth>=stopOnDepth.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQObs(const unsigned int) const
Get the observed values for the LSQ function.
REAL par[7]
The 6 parameters defining 1/d_hkl^2 = d*_hkl^2, for different crystal classes, from: d*_hkl^2 = zero ...
float d2diff
1/d^2 difference, obs-calc
void AddPeak(const float d, const float iobs=1.0, const float dobssigma=0.0, const float iobssigma=0.0, const int h=0, const int k=0, const int l=0, const float d2calc=0)
Add one peak.
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
float iobssigma
Error on observed peak intensity.
virtual unsigned int GetNbLSQFunction() const
Number of LSQ functions.
Lightweight class describing the reciprocal unit cell, for the fast computation of d*_hkl^2...
float mBestScore
Current best score.
float dobssigma
Error on peak position.
One observed diffraction line, to be indexed.
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
float Simulate(float zero, float a, float b, float c, float alpha, float beta, float gamma, bool deg, unsigned int nb=20, unsigned int nbspurious=0, float sigma=0, float percentMissing=0, const bool verbose=false)
Generate a list of simulated peak positions, from given lattice parameters.
The namespace which includes all objects (crystallographic and algorithmic) in ObjCryst++.
float dobs
Observed peak position 1/d.
bool isSpurious
Is this an impurity line ?
Generic class for parameters of refinable objects.
int h
Miller indices, after line is indexed.
float mMin[7]
Min values for all parameters (7=unit cell +zero)
std::vector< unsigned int > mvNbSolutionDepth
Number of solutions found during dicvol search, at each depth.
void hkl2d_delta(const float h, const float k, const float l, const RecUnitCell &delta, float &dmin, float &dmax) const
Compute d*^2 for one hkl reflection: this functions computes a d*^2 range (min,max) for a given range...
RecUnitCell(const float zero=0, const float par0=0, const float par1=0, const float par2=0, const float par3=0, const float par4=0, const float par5=0, CrystalSystem lattice=CUBIC, const CrystalCentering cent=LATTICE_P)
light-weight class storing the reciprocal space unitcell
(Quick & dirty) Least-Squares Refinement Object with Numerical derivatives
std::vector< float > DirectUnitCell(const bool equiv=false) const
Compute real space unit cell from reciprocal one.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQWeight(const unsigned int) const
Get the weight values for the LSQ function.