22 #include "ObjCryst/CrystVector/CrystVector.h"
24 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/General.h"
26 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/SpaceGroup.h"
27 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/ScatteringPower.h"
28 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Scatterer.h"
29 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Crystal.h"
43 void InitLibCrystTabulCosine();
44 void DeleteLibCrystTabulCosine();
45 void InitLibCrystTabulExp();
46 void DeleteLibCrystTabulExp();
83 extern const RefParType *gpRefParTypeRadiation;
84 extern const RefParType *gpRefParTypeRadiationWavelength;
94 InitLibCrystTabulCosine();
95 InitLibCrystTabulExp();
99 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattData,
100 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileType=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile,
101 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileWidth=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile,
102 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileAsym=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile,
103 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorr=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattData,
104 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorr,
105 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Direction=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Direction,
"Preferred orientation direction");
106 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Fraction=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Fraction,
"Preferred orientation fraction");
107 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Amplitude=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Amplitude,
"Preferred orientation amplitude");
108 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt_Ellipsoid=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt_Ellipsoid,
"Preferred orientation ellipsoid");
109 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntAbsorp=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt,
110 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPolar=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt,
111 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntExtinc=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt,
112 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorr,
"Reflections Positions");
113 gpRefParTypeScattDataBackground=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeScattData,
115 gpRefParTypeRadiationWavelength=
new RefParType(gpRefParTypeRadiation,
122 #ifndef HAVE_SSE_MATHFUN
123 DeleteLibCrystTabulCosine();
124 DeleteLibCrystTabulExp();
139 delete gpRefParTypeRadiation;
140 delete gpRefParTypeRadiationWavelength;
141 gpRefParTypeScattData=0;
142 gpRefParTypeScattDataScale=0;
143 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile=0;
144 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileType=0;
145 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileWidth=0;
146 gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileAsym=0;
147 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorr=0;
148 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt=0;
149 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntAbsorp=0;
150 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPolar=0;
151 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntExtinc=0;
152 gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos=0;
153 gpRefParTypeScattDataBackground=0;
154 gpRefParTypeRadiation=0;
155 gpRefParTypeRadiationWavelength=0;
204 Radiation(
const string &XRayTubeElementName,
const REAL alpha2Alpha2ratio=0.5);
244 void SetWavelength(
const string &XRayTubeElementName,
const REAL alpha2Alpha2ratio=0.5);
255 virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os,
int indent=0)
260 REAL GetLinearPolarRate()
261 void SetLinearPolarRate(
const REAL f);
319 virtual void SetHKL(
const CrystVector_REAL &h,
320 const CrystVector_REAL &k,
321 const CrystVector_REAL &l);
338 const bool unique=
358 const bool unique=
379 const CrystVector_REAL&
381 const CrystVector_REAL&
383 const CrystVector_REAL&
386 const CrystVector_REAL&
389 const CrystVector_REAL&
392 const CrystVector_REAL&
394 const CrystVector_REAL&
396 const CrystVector_REAL&
398 const CrystVector_REAL&
404 const CrystVector_REAL&
410 std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> & GetFhklCalcSq_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
449 const bool enableRestraints=
489 virtual const CrystMatrix_REAL&
514 void CalcStructFactor_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
520 void CalcGeomStructFactor_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar*> &vPar);
534 CrystVector_REAL
mH, mK, mL ;
536 mutable CrystVector_long
mIntH, mIntK, mIntL ;
538 mutable CrystVector_REAL
mH2Pi, mK2Pi, mL2Pi ;
540 mutable CrystVector_REAL
mX, mY, mZ ;
553 mutable std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> mFhklCalcReal_FullDeriv, mFhklCalcImag_FullDeriv ;
556 mutable std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> mFhklCalcSq_FullDeriv;
595 mutable map<const ScatteringPower*,REAL>
604 mutable map<const ScatteringPower*,CrystVector_REAL>
605 mutable map<RefinablePar*,map<const ScatteringPower*,CrystVector_REAL> > mvRealGeomSF_FullDeriv,mvImagGeomSF_FullDeriv;
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Clock the last time the number of reflections used was changed.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetH() const
Return the 1D array of H coordinates for all reflections.
void Print() const
Print to screen/console the charcteristics of the radiation.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetFhklCalcImag() const
Access to imaginary part of F(hkl)calc.
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > mvRealGeomSF
Geometrical Structure factor for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements.
virtual long GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Recalc, and get the number of reflections which should be actually used, due to the maximuml sin(thet...
RefinableObjClock mClockGeomStructFact
Clock the last time the geometrical structure factors were computed.
map< const ScatteringPower *, REAL > mvFprime
Anomalous X-Ray scattering term f' and f" are stored here for each ScatteringPower We store here only...
bool mIgnoreImagScattFact
Ignore imaginary part of scattering factor.
REAL mXRayTubeDeltaLambda
Absolute difference between alpha1 and alpha2, in angstroems.
RefinableObjClock mClockHKL
Clock for the list of hkl.
RadiationType GetRadiationType() const
Neutron or x-ray experiment ? Wavelength ?
const CrystVector_REAL & GetSinThetaOverLambda() const
Return an array with for all reflections.
RefObjOpt mWavelengthType
monochromatic ? Alpha1 & Alpha2 ? Multi-Wavelength ?
void CalcGlobalTemperatureFactor() const
Compute the overall temperature factor affecting all reflections.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt
Generic type for correction to calculated intensities.
RefinableObjClock mClockNbReflUsed
Clock recording the last time the number of reflections used has increased.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetTheta() const
Return an array with theta values for all reflections.
virtual void PrepareHKLarrays()
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos
Parameter type for correction to peak positions.
virtual void XMLInput(istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
Input From stream.
RefinableObjClock mClockScattFactor
Clock the last time scattering factors were computed.
CrystVector_REAL mGlobalTemperatureFactor
Global Biso factor.
REAL mMaxSinThetaOvLambda
Maximum sin(theta)/lambda for all calculations (10 by default).
We need to record exactly when refinable objects have been modified for the last time (to avoid re-co...
virtual void CalcSinThetaLambda() const
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
CrystVector_REAL GetWavelength() const
wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems)
REAL mLinearPolarRate
Linear Polarization Rate (default:0, X-Ray tube unmonochromatized)
REAL GetMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Get the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
CrystVector_REAL mFhklCalcVariance
The variance on all calculated structure factors, taking into account the positionnal errors and the ...
virtual void CalcResonantScattFactor() const
bool HasCrystal() const
Has a Crystal structure associated yet ?
REAL mXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio
Ratio alpha2/alpha1 (should be 0.5)
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockRadiation() const
Last time the nature (X-Rays/Neutron, number of wavelengths)radiation has been changed.
RefinableObjClock mClockStructFactor
Clock for the structure factor.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrInt_Ellipsoid
Parameter type for the ellipsoid coefficient.
string mXRayTubeName
Name of the X-Ray tube used, if relevant.
long mNbRefl
Number of H,K,L reflections.
virtual void PrintFhklCalcDetail(ostream &os=cout) const
Print H, K, L sin(theta)/lambda theta F^2 Re(F) Im(F) [Re(F) Im(F)]_i, where [Re(F) Im(F)]_i are the ...
virtual void SetCrystal(Crystal &crystal)
Set the crystal for this experiment.
CrystVector_REAL mWavelength
Wavelength of the Experiment, in Angstroems.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile
Type for reflection profile.
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > mvTemperatureFactor
Thermic factors for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileAsym
Type for reflection profile asymmetry.
RadiationType GetRadiationType() const
Get the radiation type (X-Rays, Neutron)
CrystVector_REAL mH2Pi
H,K,L coordinates, multiplied by 2PI.
Class to compute structure factors for a set of reflections and a Crystal.
virtual const Radiation & GetRadiation() const =0
Get the radiation object for this data.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockWavelength() const
Last time the wavelength has been changed.
Default constructor.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetL() const
Return the 1D array of L coordinates for all reflections.
Generic Refinable Object.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataScale
Type for scattering data scale factors.
CrystVector_int mMultiplicity
Multiplicity for each reflections (mostly for powder diffraction)
virtual void GenHKLFullSpace2(const REAL maxsithsl, const bool unique=false)
Generate a list of h,k,l to describe a full reciprocal space, up to a given maximum theta value...
RefinableObjClock mClockTheta
Clock the last time theta was computed.
void CalcGeomStructFactor() const
Compute the 'Geometrical Structure Factor' for each ScatteringPower of the Crystal.
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > mvLuzzatiFactor
The Luzzati 'D' factor for each scattering power and each reflection.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetReflZ() const
Return the 1D array of orthonormal z coordinates for all reflections (recipr. space) ...
virtual void GenHKLFullSpace(const REAL maxTheta, const bool unique=false)
Generate a list of h,k,l to describe a full reciprocal space, up to a given maximum theta value...
virtual CrystVector_long SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda(const REAL maxSTOL=-1.)
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataBackground
Parameter type for background intensity.
Abstract base class for all objects in wxCryst.
REAL GetXRayTubeDeltaLambda() const
Get the wavelength difference for Alpha1 and Alpha2.
CrystVector_REAL mTheta
theta for the crystal and the HKL in ReciprSpace (in radians)
WX Class for PowderPattern objects.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Amplitude
Parameter type for the amplitude of preferred orientation.
RefinableObjClock mClockThermicFact
Clock the last time temperature factors were computed.
void CalcStructFactor() const
Compute the overall structure factor (real and imaginary part).
CrystVector_REAL mH
H,K,L coordinates.
virtual const CrystMatrix_REAL & GetBMatrix() const
Get access to the B matrix used to compute reflection positions.
const map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > & GetScatteringFactor() const
Scattering factors for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements.
void CalcLuzzatiFactor() const
Calculate the Luzzati factor associated to each ScatteringPower and each reflection, for maximum likelihood optimization.
WavelengthType GetWavelengthType() const
Get the Wavelength type (monochromatic, Alpha1+Alpha2, Time Of Flight...)
CrystVector_long mIntH
H,K,L integer coordinates.
CrystVector_REAL mSinThetaLambda
for the crystal and the reflections in ReciprSpace
const CrystVector_REAL & GetK2Pi() const
Return the 1D array of K coordinates for all reflections, multiplied by 2*pi.
void SetIsIgnoringImagScattFact(const bool b)
If true, then the imaginary part of the scattering factor is ignored during Structure factor computat...
void SetWavelength(const REAL)
Set the (monochromatic) wavelength of the beam.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetReflY() const
Return the 1D array of orthonormal y coordinates for all reflections (recipr. space) ...
const CrystVector_REAL & GetFhklCalcSq() const
Returns the Array of calculated |F(hkl)|^2 for all reflections.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetReflX() const
Return the 1D array of orthonormal x coordinates for all reflections (recipr. space) ...
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
void CalcScattFactor() const
Incident beam characteristics : monochromatic, X-Ray tube with Alpha1 and alpha2, MAD (a few waveleng...
const CrystVector_REAL & GetFhklObsSq() const
Returns the Array of observed |F(hkl)|^2 for all reflections.
RefinableObjClock mClockScattFactorResonant
Clock the last time resonant scattering factors were computed.
RefObjOpt mRadiationType
Neutron ? X-Ray ? (Electron: unimplemented)
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileWidth
Type for reflection profile width.
REAL mGlobalBiso
Global Biso, affecting the overall structure factor for all reflections (but not the structure factor...
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntAbsorp
Parameter type for absorption correction.
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
void SetRadiationType(const RadiationType)
Set the radiation type (X-Rays, Neutron)
CrystVector_REAL mFhklObsSq
Observed squared structure factors (zero-sized if none)
const CrystVector_REAL & GetWavelength() const
Get the wavelength(s) in Angstroems.
const Crystal & GetCrystal() const
Const access to the data's crystal.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataProfileType
Type for reflection profiles type (e.g. gaussian/lorentzian mix)
const CrystVector_REAL & GetFhklCalcReal() const
Access to real part of F(hkl)calc.
CrystVector_REAL mFhklCalcSq
F(HKL)^2 calc for each reflection.
WX Class for DiffractionDataSingleCrystal objects.
virtual ScatteringData * CreateCopy() const =0
So-called virtual copy constructor.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPolar
Parameter type for polarization correction.
long mNbReflUsed
Number of reflections which are below the max.
CrystVector_long EliminateExtinctReflections()
const CrystVector_REAL & GetL2Pi() const
Return the 1D array of L coordinates for all reflections, multiplied by 2*pi.
map< const ScatteringPower *, CrystVector_REAL > mvScatteringFactor
Scattering factors for each ScatteringPower, as vectors with NbRefl elements.
Crystal * mpCrystal
Pointer to the crystal corresponding to this experiment.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorr
Generic type for scattering data correction parameter.
CrystVector_int mExpectedIntensityFactor
Expected intensity factor for all reflections.
void CalcTemperatureFactor() const
long GetNbRefl() const
Return the number of reflections in this experiment.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockTheta() const
Clock the last time the sin(theta)/lambda and theta arrays were re-computed.
The namespace which includes all objects (crystallographic and algorithmic) in ObjCryst++.
REAL GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio() const
Get the Kalpha2/Kalpha1 ratio.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Direction
Parameter type for preferred orientation direction.
RefinableObjClock mClockStructFactorSq
Clock for the square modulus of the structure factor.
RefinableObjClock mClockFhklObsSq
Last time observed squared structure factors were altered.
RefinableObjClock mClockGlobalBiso
last time the global Biso factor was modified
virtual void PrintFhklCalc(ostream &os=cout) const
Print H, K, L F^2 Re(F) Im(F) theta sin(theta)/lambda for all reflections.
bool mUseFastLessPreciseFunc
Use faster, but less precise, approximations for functions? (integer approximations to compute sin an...
RefinableObjClock mClockGlobalTemperatureFact
last time the global temperature factor was computed
virtual void SetApproximationFlag(const bool allow)
Enable or disable numerical approximations.
virtual void SetHKL(const CrystVector_REAL &h, const CrystVector_REAL &k, const CrystVector_REAL &l)
input H,K,L
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntExtinc
Parameter type for extinction correction.
Type of radiation used.
virtual void EndOptimization()
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrIntPO_Fraction
Parameter type for fraction of preferred orientation.
Crystal class: Unit cell, spacegroup, scatterers.
void SetWavelengthType(const WavelengthType &type)
Set the Wavelength type (monochromatic, Alpha1+Alpha2, Time Of Flight...)
virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const
Output to stream in well-formed XML.
class to input or output a well-formatted xml beginning or ending tag.
class of refinable parameter types.
void CalcStructFactVariance() const
Calculate the variance associated to the calculated structure factor.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetK() const
Return the 1D array of K coordinates for all reflections.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattData
Generic type for scattering data.
CrystVector_REAL mFhklCalcReal
real &imaginary parts of F(HKL)calc
Class to define the radiation (type, monochromaticity, wavelength(s)) of an experiment.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetH2Pi() const
Return the 1D array of H coordinates for all reflections, multiplied by 2*pi.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeObjCryst
Top RefParType for the ObjCryst++ library.
bool IsIgnoringImagScattFact() const
If true, then the imaginary part of the scattering factor is ignored during Structure factor computat...
CrystVector_REAL mX
reflection coordinates in an orthonormal base