FOX/ObjCryst++  1.10.X (development)
ObjCryst::PowderPattern Class Reference

Powder pattern class, with an observed pattern and several calculated components to modelize the pattern. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ObjCryst::PowderPattern:
+ Collaboration diagram for ObjCryst::PowderPattern:

Public Member Functions

 PowderPattern (const PowderPattern &)
virtual const string & GetClassName () const
 Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...). More...
void AddPowderPatternComponent (PowderPatternComponent &)
 Add a component (phase, backround) to this pattern. More...
unsigned int GetNbPowderPatternComponent () const
 Number of components.
const PowderPatternComponentGetPowderPatternComponent (const string &name) const
 Access to a component of the powder pattern.
const PowderPatternComponentGetPowderPatternComponent (const int) const
 Access to a component of the powder pattern.
PowderPatternComponentGetPowderPatternComponent (const string &name)
 Access to a component of the powder pattern.
PowderPatternComponentGetPowderPatternComponent (const int)
 Access to a component of the powder pattern.
REAL GetScaleFactor (const int i) const
 Access to the scale factor of components (will be 1 for background components)
REAL GetScaleFactor (const PowderPatternComponent &comp) const
 Access to the scale factor of components (will be 1 for background components)
void SetScaleFactor (const int i, REAL s)
 Access to the scale factor of components (will be 1 for background components)
void SetScaleFactor (const PowderPatternComponent &comp, REAL s)
 Access to the scale factor of components (will be 1 for background components)
void SetPowderPatternPar (const REAL min, const REAL step, unsigned long nbPoint)
 the powder pattern angular range & resolution parameter. More...
void SetPowderPatternX (const CrystVector_REAL &x)
 Set the x coordinate of the powder pattern : either the 2theta or time-of-flight values for each recorded point. More...
unsigned long GetNbPoint () const
 Number of points ?
unsigned long GetNbPointUsed () const
 Number of points actually calculated (below the chosen max(sin(theta)/lambda)) ?
const RefinableObjClockGetClockNbPointUsed () const
 Clock corresponding to the last time the number of points used was changed.
void SetRadiation (const Radiation &radiation)
 Set the radiation.
const RadiationGetRadiation () const
 Neutron or x-ray experiment ?
RadiationGetRadiation ()
 Neutron or x-ray experiment ?
void SetRadiationType (const RadiationType radiation)
 Set the radiation type.
RadiationType GetRadiationType () const
 Neutron or x-ray experiment ?
void SetWavelength (const REAL lambda)
 Set the wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems). More...
void SetWavelength (const string &XRayTubeElementName, const REAL alpha12ratio=0.5)
 Set the wavelength of the experiment to that of an X-Ray tube. More...
void SetEnergy (const REAL energy)
 Set the energy of the experiment [in keV, lambda(A)=12398/E(keV)].
REAL GetWavelength () const
 wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems)
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc () const
 Get the calculated powder pattern.
std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > & 
GetPowderPattern_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternObs () const
 Get the observed powder pattern.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternObsSigma () const
 Get the sigma for each point of the observed powder pattern.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternVariance () const
 Get the variance (obs+model) for each point of the powder pattern.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternWeight () const
 Get the weight for each point of the powder pattern.
REAL GetPowderPatternXMin () const
 Get the Minimum 2theta.
REAL GetPowderPatternXStep () const
 Get the average step in 2theta. More...
REAL GetPowderPatternXMax () const
 Get the maximum 2theta.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternX () const
 Get the vector of X (2theta or time-of-flight) coordinates.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetChi2Cumul () const
 Get the powder pattern cumulative Chi^2. More...
const RefinableObjClockGetClockPowderPatternCalc () const
 Last time the pattern was calculated.
const RefinableObjClockGetClockPowderPatternPar () const
 When were the pattern parameters (2theta range, step) changed ?
const RefinableObjClockGetClockPowderPatternRadiation () const
 When were the radiation parameter (radiation type, wavelength) changed ?
const RefinableObjClockGetClockPowderPatternXCorr () const
 When were the parameters for 2theta/TOF correction (zero, transparency, displacement) last changed ?
void SetXZero (const REAL newZero)
 Change Zero in x (2theta,tof)
void Set2ThetaDisplacement (const REAL displacement)
 Change displacement correction $ (2\theta)_{obs} = (2\theta)_{real} + a\cos(\theta) $.
void Set2ThetaTransparency (const REAL transparency)
 Change transparency correction $ (2\theta)_{obs} = (2\theta)_{real} + b\sin(2\theta) $.
void ImportPowderPatternFullprof (const string &fullprofFileName)
 Import fullprof-style diffraction data. More...
void ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC (const string &filename)
 Import powder pattern, format DMC from PSI.
void ImportPowderPatternILL_D1A5 (const string &filename)
 Import powder pattern, format from ILL D1A/D2B (format without counter info)
void ImportPowderPatternXdd (const string &fileName)
 Import *.xdd diffraction data (Topas,...). More...
void ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI (const string &fileName)
 Import *.cpi Sietronics diffraction data. More...
void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma (const string &fileName, const int nbSkip=0)
 Import file with 3 columns 2Theta Iobs Sigma. More...
void ImportPowderPatternFullprof4 (const string &fileName)
 Import diffraction data from a file, with the first line has 2ThetaMin, step, 2thetaMax, and the following lines alternate 10 Iobs and 10 sigma. More...
void ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42 (const string &fileName)
 diffraction data in a multi-detector format (fullprof format #6). More...
void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs (const string &fileName, const int nbSkip=0)
 Import file with 2 columns 2Theta Iobs. More...
void ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma (const string &fileName)
 Import TOF file (ISIS type, 3 columns t, Iobs, sigma(Iobs)) More...
void ImportPowderPatternGSAS (const string &fileName)
 Import GSAS standard powder pattern data (see GSAS manual). More...
void ImportPowderPatternCIF (const CIF &cif)
 Import CIF powder pattern data.
void SetPowderPatternObs (const CrystVector_REAL &obs)
 Set observed powder pattern from vector array. More...
void SavePowderPattern (const string &filename="powderPattern.out") const
 Save powder pattern to one file, text format, 3 columns theta Iobs Icalc. More...
void PrintObsCalcData (ostream &os=cout) const
 Print to thee screen/console the observed and calculated pattern (long, mostly useful for debugging)
REAL GetR () const
 Unweighted R-factor. More...
REAL GetIntegratedR () const
REAL GetRw () const
 Get the weighted R-factor. More...
REAL GetIntegratedRw () const
REAL GetChi2 () const
 Return conventionnal Chi^2. More...
REAL GetIntegratedChi2 () const
 Return integrated Chi^2. More...
REAL GetChi2_Option () const
 Return the conventionnal or integrated Chi^2, depending on the option.
void FitScaleFactorForR () const
 Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize R. More...
void FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR () const
void FitScaleFactorForRw () const
 Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize Rw. More...
void FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw () const
void SetSigmaToSqrtIobs ()
 Set sigma=sqrt(Iobs)
void SetWeightToInvSigmaSq (const REAL minRelatSigma=1e-3)
 Set w = 1/sigma^2. More...
void SetWeightToUnit ()
 Set w = 1.
void SetWeightPolynomial (const REAL a, const REAL b, const REAL c, const REAL minRelatIobs=1e-3)
 Set w = 1/(a+ Iobs + b*Iobs^2+c*Iobs^3) More...
void AddExcludedRegion (const REAL min2Theta, const REAL max2theta)
 Add an Exclusion region, in 2theta, which will be ignored when computing R's XMLInput values must be, as always, in radians. More...
virtual void BeginOptimization (const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
 This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization. More...
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove (const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
 Make a random move of the current configuration. More...
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood () const
 Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object. More...
virtual unsigned int GetNbLSQFunction () const
 Number of LSQ functions.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQCalc (const unsigned int) const
 Get the current calculated value for the LSQ function.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQObs (const unsigned int) const
 Get the observed values for the LSQ function.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQWeight (const unsigned int) const
 Get the weight values for the LSQ function.
virtual std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > & 
GetLSQ_FullDeriv (const unsigned int, std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
 Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list. More...
virtual void XMLOutput (ostream &os, int indent=0) const
 Output to stream in well-formed XML. More...
virtual void XMLInput (istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
 Input From stream. More...
void Prepare ()
virtual void GetGeneGroup (const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
 Get the gene group assigned to each parameter. More...
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda (const REAL max)
 Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda. More...
REAL GetMaxSinThetaOvLambda () const
 Get the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
const CrystVector_long & GetIntegratedProfileMin () const
 Get the list of first pixels for the integration intervals.
const CrystVector_long & GetIntegratedProfileMax () const
 Get the list of last pixels for the integration intervals.
const RefinableObjClockGetIntegratedProfileLimitsClock () const
 When were the integration intervals last changed ?
REAL X2XCorr (const REAL x) const
 Get the experimental x (2theta, tof) from the theoretical value, taking into account all corrections (zero, transparency,..). More...
REAL X2PixelCorr (const REAL x) const
 Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, from the theoretical (uncorrected) x coordinate, taking into account all corrections. More...
REAL X2Pixel (const REAL x) const
 Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, corresponding to a given (experimental) x coordinate. More...
REAL STOL2X (const REAL stol) const
 Convert sin(theta)/lambda to X (i.e. More...
REAL X2STOL (const REAL x) const
 Convert X (either 2theta or TOF) to sin(theta)/lambda, depending on the type of radiation. More...
REAL STOL2Pixel (const REAL stol) const
 Convert sin(theta)/lambda to pixel, depending on the type of radiation. More...
PeakList FindPeaks (const float dmin=2.0, const float maxratio=0.01, const unsigned int maxpeak=100)
 Find peaks in the pattern.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetScaleFactor () const
 Access the scale factors (see PowderPattern::mScaleFactor)
CrystVector_REAL & GetScaleFactor ()
 Access the scale factors (see PowderPattern::mScaleFactor)
void ExportFullprof (const std::string &prefix) const
 Export powder pattern & crystal structure in Fullprof format. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ObjCryst::RefinableObj
 RefinableObj ()
 RefinableObj (const bool internalUseOnly)
 Constructor. More...
 RefinableObj (const RefinableObj &old)
 Defined not implemented... More...
virtual ~RefinableObj ()
virtual const string & GetName () const
 Name of the object.
virtual void SetName (const string &name)
 Name of the object.
void operator= (const RefinableObj &old)
 Defined not implemented... More...
void PrepareForRefinement () const
 Find which parameters are used and not fixed, for a refinement /optimization. More...
void FixAllPar ()
 Fix All parameters.
void UnFixAllPar ()
 UnFix All parameters.
void SetParIsFixed (const long parIndex, const bool fix)
 Fix/un-fix one parameter from its #.
void SetParIsFixed (const string &parName, const bool fix)
 Fix/un-fix one parameter from its name.
void SetParIsFixed (const RefParType *type, const bool fix)
 Fix/un-fix one family of parameters.
void SetParIsUsed (const string &parName, const bool use)
 Set whether a parameter is used.
void SetParIsUsed (const RefParType *type, const bool use)
 Set whether a family of parameters is used.
long GetNbPar () const
 Total number of refinable parameter in the object. More...
long GetNbParNotFixed () const
 Total number of non-fixed parameters. Is initialized by PrepareForRefinement()
RefinableParGetPar (const long i)
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputted.
const RefinableParGetPar (const long i) const
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputted.
RefinableParGetPar (const string &name)
 Access all parameters from their name.
const RefinableParGetPar (const string &name) const
 Access all parameters from their name.
RefinableParGetPar (const REAL *)
 Access parameter from its adress.
const RefinableParGetPar (const REAL *) const
 Access parameter from its adress.
RefinableParGetParNotFixed (const long i)
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputted, skipping fixed parameters. More...
const RefinableParGetParNotFixed (const long i) const
 Access all parameters in the order they were inputed, skipping fixed parameters. More...
void AddPar (const RefinablePar &newRefPar)
 Add a refinable parameter. More...
void AddPar (RefinablePar *newRefPar)
 Add a refinable parameter. More...
void AddPar (RefinableObj &newRefParList, const bool copyParam=false)
 Add all the parameters in another RefinableObj. More...
vector< RefinablePar * >::iterator RemovePar (RefinablePar *refPar)
 Remove a refinable parameter. More...
virtual void Print () const
unsigned long CreateParamSet (const string name="") const
 Save the current set of refined values in a new set. More...
void ClearParamSet (const unsigned long id) const
 Erase the param set with the given id, releasing memory.
void SaveParamSet (const unsigned long id) const
 Save the current set of refined values over a previously-created set of saved values. More...
void RestoreParamSet (const unsigned long id)
 Restore a saved set of values. More...
const CrystVector_REAL & GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId) const
 Access one save refpar set. More...
CrystVector_REAL & GetParamSet (const unsigned long setId)
 Access one save refpar set. More...
REAL GetParamSet_ParNotFixedHumanValue (const unsigned long setId, const long parNumber) const
 Access the (human) value of one refined parameter in a saved set of parameters. More...
const void EraseAllParamSet ()
 Erase all saved refpar sets. More...
const string & GetParamSetName (const unsigned long setId) const
 Get the name associated to a refpar set. More...
void SetLimitsAbsolute (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a given parameter, giving absolute new limits.
void SetLimitsAbsolute (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving absolute new limits.
void SetLimitsRelative (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a given parameter, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max) Thus min should logically be <0 and max >0. More...
void SetLimitsRelative (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a category of parameters, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +.1 will set new limits at the current value + min and current value + max). More...
void SetLimitsProportional (const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a given parameter, proportionnaly to the current value. More...
void SetLimitsProportional (const RefParType *type, const REAL min, const REAL max)
 Change the limits for a category of parameters, proportionnaly to their current value. More...
void SetGlobalOptimStep (const RefParType *type, const REAL step)
 Change the maximum step to use during Global Optimization algorithms.
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & GetSubObjRegistry ()
 Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object.
const ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > & GetSubObjRegistry () const
 Access to the registry of RefinableObj used by this object.
virtual void RegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const
 Register a new object using this object. More...
virtual void DeRegisterClient (RefinableObj &) const
 Deregister an object (which not any more) using this object.
virtual const ObjRegistry
< RefinableObj > & 
GetClientRegistry () const
 Get the list of clients.
virtual ObjRegistry
< RefinableObj > & 
GetClientRegistry ()
 Get the list of clients.
bool IsBeingRefined () const
 Is the object being refined ? (Can be refined by one algorithm at a time only.)
virtual void EndOptimization ()
 This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization. More...
virtual void SetApproximationFlag (const bool allow)
 Enable or disable numerical approximations. More...
virtual void RandomizeConfiguration ()
 Randomize Configuration (before a global optimization). More...
void BeginGlobalOptRandomMove ()
 Raise a flag, to be sure not to make a random change more than once in each RefinableObj. More...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQDeriv (const unsigned int, RefinablePar &)
 Get the first derivative values for the LSQ function, for a given parameter. More...
void ResetParList ()
 Re-init the list of refinable parameters, removing all parameters. More...
virtual void UpdateDisplay () const
 If there is an interface, this should be automatically be called each time there is a 'new, significant' configuration to report. More...
unsigned int GetNbOption () const
 Number of Options for this object.
RefObjOptGetOption (const unsigned int i)
 Access to the options.
const RefObjOptGetOption (const unsigned int i) const
 const access to the options
void SetDeleteRefParInDestructor (const bool b)
 Set this object not to delete its list of parameters when destroyed. More...
const RefinableObjClockGetRefParListClock () const
 What was the last time a RefinablePar was added/removed ? More...
virtual REAL GetRestraintCost () const
 Get the restraint cost (overall penalty of all restraints) More...
void AddRestraint (Restraint *pNewRestraint)
 Add a new restraint. More...
vector< Restraint * >::iterator RemoveRestraint (Restraint *pRestraint)
 Remove a restraint from the list of known restraints. More...
virtual void TagNewBestConfig () const
 During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config. More...
const RefinableObjClockGetClockMaster () const
 This clocks records any change in the object. See refinableObj::mClockMaster.

Protected Member Functions

void CalcPowderPattern () const
 Calc the powder pattern.
void CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated () const
 Calc the integrated powder pattern.
void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv (std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
virtual void Init ()
 Init parameters and options.
void PrepareIntegratedRfactor () const
 Prepare the calculation of the integrated R-factors.
void CalcNbPointUsed () const
 Calculate the number of points of the pattern actually used, from the maximum value of sin(theta)/lambda.
virtual void InitOptions ()
 Initialize options.
Number of points actually due
to the maximum value of 
sin (theta)/lambda.mutable unsigned long mNbPointUsed
Number of integration
intervals actually due to the
maximum value of 
sin (theta)/lambda.mutable unsigned long mNbIntegrationUsed
Clock recording the last time
the number of points 
used (PowderPattern::mNbPointUsed) was changed.mutable RefinableObjClock mClockNbPointUsed
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ObjCryst::RefinableObj
long FindPar (const string &name) const
 Find a refinable parameter with a given name.
long FindPar (const REAL *) const
 Find a refinable parameter from the adress of its value.
void AddSubRefObj (RefinableObj &)
void RemoveSubRefObj (RefinableObj &)
void AddOption (RefObjOpt *opt)
map< unsigned long, pair
< CrystVector_REAL, string >
FindParamSet (unsigned long id) const
 Find a parameter set with a given id (and check if it is there)

Protected Attributes

CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalc
 The calculated powder pattern. More...
std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > 
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
 The calculated powder pattern, integrated.
std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > 
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc
 The calculated powder pattern part which corresponds to 'background' (eg non-scalable components). More...
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc
 The calculated powder pattern part which corresponds to 'background' (eg non-scalable components), integrated.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObs
 The observed powder pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObsSigma
 The sigma of the observed pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternWeight
 The weight for each point of the pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVariance
 The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation and model errors. More...
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated
 The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation and model errors. More...
CrystVector_REAL mChi2Cumul
 The cumulative Chi^2 (integrated or not, depending on the option)
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedCalc
 The calculated powder pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ.
std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > 
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedObs
 The calculated powder pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedWeight
 The weight for each point of the pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ.
CrystVector_REAL mX
 Vector of x coordinates (either 2theta or time-of-flight) for the pattern. More...
bool mIsXAscending
 Is the mX vector sorted in ascending order ? (true for 2theta, false for TOF)
unsigned long mNbPoint
 Number of points in the pattern.
Radiation mRadiation
 The Radiation corresponding to this experiment.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternPar
 When were the pattern parameters (2theta or time-of-flight range) changed ?
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternRadiation
 When were the radiation parameter (radiation type, wavelength) changed ?
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternCalc
 When was the powder pattern last computed ?
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
 When was the powder pattern (integrated) last computed ?
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternXCorr
 Corrections to 2Theta.
RefinableObjClock mClockScaleFactor
 Last modification of the scale factor.
CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMinX
 Min coordinate for for all excluded regions.
CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMaxX
 Max coordinate for 2theta for all excluded regions.
 Zero correction : $ (2\theta)_{obs} = (2\theta)_{real} +(2\theta)_{0}$ Thus mPowderPattern2ThetaMin=(mPowderPattern2ThetaMin-m2ThetaZero)
REAL mMaxSinThetaOvLambda
 Displacement correction : $ (2\theta)_{obs} = (2\theta)_{real} + \frac{a}{\cos(\theta)} $ REAL m2ThetaDisplacement; Transparency correction : $ (2\theta)_{obs} = (2\theta)_{real} + b\sin(2\theta) $ REAL m2ThetaTransparency; Time Of Flight (TOF) parameters : $ t = DIFC*\frac{\sin(\theta)}{\lambda} + DIFA*\left(\frac{\sin(\theta)}{\lambda}\right)^2 + mXZero$ REAL mDIFC,mDIFA; Components of the powder pattern The components (crystalline phases, background,...) of the powder pattern ObjRegistry<PowderPatternComponent> mPowderPatternComponentRegistry; The scale factors for each component. More...
Number of points actually used
Number of integration
intervals actually 
- Protected Attributes inherited from ObjCryst::RefinableObj
string mName
 Name for this RefinableObject. Should be unique, at least in the same scope.+.
vector< RefinablePar * > mvpRefPar
 Vector of pointers to the refinable parameters.
vector< Restraint * > mvpRestraint
 Vector of pointers to the restraints for this object. More...
map< unsigned long, pair
< CrystVector_REAL, string > > 
 Map of (index,pointers to arrays) used to save sets of values for all parameters. More...
long mNbRefParNotFixed
 Total of not-fixed parameters.
CrystVector_long mRefparNotFixedIndex
 Index of not-fixed parameters.
int mOptimizationDepth
 Is the object being refined or optimized ? if mOptimizationDepth=0, no optimization is taking place. More...
ObjRegistry< RefinableObjmSubObjRegistry
 Registry of RefinableObject needed for this object (owned by this object or not)
ObjRegistry< RefinableObjmClientObjRegistry
 Registry of RefinableObject using this object. More...
ObjRegistry< RefObjOptmOptionRegistry
 List of options for this object. More...
bool mDeleteRefParInDestructor
 If true (the default), then all RefinablePar will be deleted when the the object is deleted. More...
RefinableObjClock mRefParListClock
 Last time the RefinableParList was modified (a parameter added or removed).
bool mRandomMoveIsDone
CrystVector_REAL mLSQDeriv
 Temporary array used to return derivative values of the LSQ function for given parameters. More...
std::map< unsigned int,
std::map< RefinablePar
*, CrystVector_REAL > > 
 Temporary map to return the derivative of the LSQ function versus a list of parameters. More...
RefinableObjClock mClockMaster
 Master clock, which is changed whenever the object has been altered. More...

Detailed Description

Powder pattern class, with an observed pattern and several calculated components to modelize the pattern.

This can also be used for simulation, using a fake Iobs. Supports multiple phases.

Definition at line 534 of file PowderPattern.h.

Member Function Documentation

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::AddExcludedRegion ( const REAL  min2Theta,
const REAL  max2theta 

Add an Exclusion region, in 2theta, which will be ignored when computing R's XMLInput values must be, as always, in radians.

Does not work yet with integrated R factors. Note that the pattern is still computed in these regions. They are only ignored by statistics functions (R, Rws).

Definition at line 5062 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::AddPowderPatternComponent ( PowderPatternComponent comp)

Add a component (phase, backround) to this pattern.

It must have been allocated in the heap. The pattern parameters (2theta min, step, nbpoints, wavelength, radiation type) of the component are automatically changed to that of the PowderPattern object.

Definition at line 2430 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::BeginOptimization ( const bool  allowApproximations = false,
const bool  enableRestraints = false 

This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.

This will also check that everything is ready, eg call the RefinableObj::Prepare() function. This also affects all sub-objects.

this may be called several time for some objects which are used by several other objects, or for nested optimizations (e.g. least-squares optimizations inside a global one).
EndOptimization() must be called at the end of the optimization, the same number of time BeginOptimization() was called !
allowApproximationsif true, then the object can use faster but less precise functions during the optimization. This is useful for global optimization not using derivatives.
enableRestraintsxrefitem deprecated 28.

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 5038 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ExportFullprof ( const std::string &  prefix) const

Export powder pattern & crystal structure in Fullprof format.

This will create two files - the .pcr file (including the crystal structure and all pattern parameters), and the .dat file with the powder pattern, written using the "Ins=10" file format.

prefixthe prefix used to output the two files, 'prefix'.pcr and 'prefix'.dat
: in development. Only supports constant wavelength neutron & X-ray patterns.

Definition at line 5500 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForR ( ) const

Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize R.

min is the beginning of the excluded region

min is the beginning of the excluded region

min is the beginning of the excluded region

Definition at line 4245 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForRw ( ) const

Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize Rw.

min is the beginning of the excluded region

min is the beginning of the excluded region

min is the beginning of the excluded region

Definition at line 4561 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetChi2 ( ) const

Return conventionnal Chi^2.

$ \chi^2 = \sum_i w_i \left(I_i^{obs}-I_i^{calc} \right)^2 $

min is the beginning of the excluded region !

Definition at line 4106 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

const CrystVector_REAL & ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetChi2Cumul ( ) const

Get the powder pattern cumulative Chi^2.

Depending on the chosen option, it will be calculated in an integrated manner or not.

The vector is recomputed on every call, so this is slow.

Definition at line 2634 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

const string & ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetClassName ( ) const

Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).

This is only useful to distinguish different classes when picking up objects from the RefinableObj Global Registry

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 2424 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetGeneGroup ( const RefinableObj obj,
CrystVector_uint &  groupIndex,
unsigned int &  firstGroup 
) const

Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.

Each parameter (a gene in terms of genetic algorithms) can be assigned to a gene group. Thus when mating two configurations, genes will be exchanged by groups. By default (in the base RefinabeObj class), each parameter is alone in its group. Derived classes can group genes for a better s** life.

The number identifying a gene group only has a meaning in a given object. It can also change on subsequent calls, and thus is not unique.

objthe , supplied by an algorithm class (OptimizationObj,..), which contains a list of parameters, some of which (but possibly all or none) are parameters belonging to this object.
groupIndexa vector of unsigned integers, one for each parameter in the input object, giving an unsigned integer value as gene group index. At the beginning this vector should contain only zeros (no group assigned).
firstGroupthis is the number of groups which have already been assigned, plus one. The gene groups returned by this object will start from this value, and increment firstGroup for each gene group used, so that different RefinableObj cannot share a gene group.
this function is not optimized, and should only be called at the beginning of a refinement.

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 5213 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetIntegratedChi2 ( ) const

Return integrated Chi^2.

Definition at line 4185 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetLogLikelihood ( ) const

Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.

By default (no likelihood evaluation available), this is equal to 0.

This call should not be recursive, it is the task of the algorithm to get the sum of likelihoods for all objects invlolved.

contrary to the old "Cost Function" approach, with log(Likelihood) there is no 'choice' of cost function, so that it is the task of the object to give the optimized likelihood (possibly with user options).

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 5094 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetLSQ_FullDeriv ( const unsigned int  n,
std::set< RefinablePar * > &  vPar 

Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list.

: a map, with a RefinablePar pointer as key, and as value the corresponding derivative vector. Note that the value of the map for the NULL key is the current value for the LSQ function, which is also returned. The map will include derivatives only for parameters which have been supplied in vPar - but if a parameter is listed in vPar and has a null derivative, the returned vecor will be empty.
: currently in development, to provide faster, analytic derivatives
:ideally, this function should be const - but since numerical derivatives may be used before all analytical formulas are entered, a non-const version is required.

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 5174 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetPowderPatternXStep ( ) const

Get the average step in 2theta.

: this will only return (2ThetaMax-2ThetaMin)/(nbPoints-1), so this is the 2theta step only if the step is fixed.

Definition at line 2617 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetR ( ) const

Unweighted R-factor.

$ R= \sqrt {\frac{\sum_i \left( I_i^{obs}-I_i^{calc} \right)^2} {\sum_i (I_i^{obs})^2} }$

min is the beginning of the excluded region !

min is the beginning of the excluded region !

Definition at line 3710 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GetRw ( ) const

Get the weighted R-factor.

$ R_{w}= \sqrt {\frac{\sum_i w_i\left( I_i^{obs}-I_i^{calc} \right)^2} {\sum_i w_i (I_i^{obs})^2} }$

min is the beginning of the excluded region !

min is the beginning of the excluded region !

Definition at line 3903 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::GlobalOptRandomMove ( const REAL  mutationAmplitude,
const RefParType type = gpRefParTypeObjCryst 

Make a random move of the current configuration.

This is for global optimization algorithms. the moves for each parameter are less than their global optimization step, multiplied by the mutation amplitude.

: this makes a random move for the parameter declared for this object, and it is the duty of the object to decide whether the included objects should be moved and how. (eg an algorithm should only call for a move with the top object, and this object decides how he and his sub-objects moves). By default (RefinableObj implementation) all included objects are moved recursively.


mutationAmplitudemultiplier for the maximum move amplitude, for all parameters
typerestrain the change exclusively to parameters of a given type (same type or descendant from this RefParType).

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 5055 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs ( const string &  fileName,
const int  nbSkip = 0 

Import file with 2 columns 2Theta Iobs.

fileNamethe filename (surprise!)
nbSkipthe number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file (default=0)

Definition at line 3109 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma ( const string &  fileName,
const int  nbSkip = 0 

Import file with 3 columns 2Theta Iobs Sigma.

fileNamethe filename (surprise!)
nbSkipthe number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file (default=0)

Definition at line 3049 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof ( const string &  fullprofFileName)

Import fullprof-style diffraction data.


Definition at line 2820 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof4 ( const string &  fileName)

Import diffraction data from a file, with the first line has 2ThetaMin, step, 2thetaMax, and the following lines alternate 10 Iobs and 10 sigma.

Ends with null entries (to fill last Iobs line to reach last sigme line).

That's fullprof format #4.


Definition at line 3249 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternGSAS ( const string &  fileName)

Import GSAS standard powder pattern data (see GSAS manual).

: partial support (only CONST-constant wavelength- data so far)

Definition at line 3389 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42 ( const string &  fileName)

diffraction data in a multi-detector format (fullprof format #6).

First line is text. Third entry of second line is the 2theta step. Third line has the 2thetamin, fourth line has monitors and temperatures. Then each line has ten pairs (I2,I8)of NbCounters,intensity. Ends with negative entries.


Definition at line 3167 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI ( const string &  fileName)

Import *.cpi Sietronics diffraction data.


Definition at line 3001 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma ( const string &  fileName)

Import TOF file (ISIS type, 3 columns t, Iobs, sigma(Iobs))

fileNamethe filename

Definition at line 3312 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternXdd ( const string &  fileName)

Import *.xdd diffraction data (Topas,...).


Definition at line 2958 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::Prepare ( )

Prepare everything (if necessary) for an optimization/calculation.

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 5204 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SavePowderPattern ( const string &  filename = "powderPattern.out") const

Save powder pattern to one file, text format, 3 columns theta Iobs Icalc.

If Iobs is missing, the column is omitted.

export in other formats (.prf,...), with a list of reflection position for all phases...

Definition at line 3675 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda ( const REAL  max)

Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.

All data (reflections,..) still exist but are ignored for all calculations.

Definition at line 5238 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternObs ( const CrystVector_REAL &  obs)

Set observed powder pattern from vector array.

Note: powder pattern parameters must have been set before calling this function, for example by calling DiffractionDataPowder::InitPowderPatternPar().

Definition at line 3650 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternPar ( const REAL  min,
const REAL  step,
unsigned long  nbPoint 

the powder pattern angular range & resolution parameter.

this will affect all components (phases) of the pattern.

Use this with caution, as the number of points must be correct with respect to the observed data (Iobs).

minmin 2theta (in radians) or time-of-flight (in microseconds) value,
stepstep (assumed constant) in 2theta or time-of-flight (in microseconds).
nbPointsnumber of points in the pattern.
: use only this for constant-step patterns. Otherwise, use PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternX()

Definition at line 2513 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternX ( const CrystVector_REAL &  x)

Set the x coordinate of the powder pattern : either the 2theta or time-of-flight values for each recorded point.

The step need not be constant, but the variation must be strictly monotonous.

2theta must be in radians and time-of-flight in microseconds

Definition at line 2526 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetWavelength ( const REAL  lambda)

Set the wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems).

: this is only useful for a monochromatic (X-Ray or neutron) powder pattern.

Definition at line 2564 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetWavelength ( const string &  XRayTubeElementName,
const REAL  alpha12ratio = 0.5 

Set the wavelength of the experiment to that of an X-Ray tube.

XRayTubeElementName: name of the anticathode element name. Known ones are Cr, Fe, Cu, Mo, Ag.
alpha2Alpha2ratioKalpha2/Kalpha1 ratio (0.5 by default)

Alpha1 and alpha2 wavelength are taken from R. Grosse-Kunstleve package, and the average wavelength is calculated using the alpha2/alpha1 weight. All structure factors computation are made using the average wavelength, and for powder diffraction, profiles are output at the alpha1 and alpha2 ratio for the calculated pattern.

NOTE : if the name of the wavelength is generic (eg"Cu"), then the program considers that there are both Alpha1 and Alpha2, and thus automatically changes the WavelengthType to WAVELENGTH_ALPHA12. If instead either alpha1 or alpha2 (eg "CuA1") is asked for, the WavelengthType is set to WAVELENGTH_MONOCHROMATIC. In both cases, the radiation type is set to X-Ray.

Definition at line 2570 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetWeightPolynomial ( const REAL  a,
const REAL  b,
const REAL  c,
const REAL  minRelatIobs = 1e-3 

Set w = 1/(a+ Iobs + b*Iobs^2+c*Iobs^3)

To filter too small or null intensities: if Iobs < [minRelatIobs * max(Iobs)], then use Iobs=minRelatIobs * max(Iobs) to compute the weight.

Typical values: a=2*min(Iobs) b=2/max(Iobs) c=0

Definition at line 5022 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::SetWeightToInvSigmaSq ( const REAL  minRelatSigma = 1e-3)

Set w = 1/sigma^2.

To filter too small or null intensities :If sigma< minRelatSigma* max(sigma), then w=1/(minRelatSigma* max(sigma))^2

Definition at line 5002 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::STOL2Pixel ( const REAL  stol) const

Convert sin(theta)/lambda to pixel, depending on the type of radiation.

This does not take into account any zero/transparency, etc... correction

Definition at line 5295 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::STOL2X ( const REAL  stol) const

Convert sin(theta)/lambda to X (i.e.

either to 2theta or to TOF), depending on the type of radiation.

This does not take into account any zero/transparency, etc... correction

Definition at line 5259 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::X2Pixel ( const REAL  x) const

Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, corresponding to a given (experimental) x coordinate.

xthe x (2theta, tof) value.
the x (2theta, tof) value as it appears on the pattern.
: this can be real slow, especially for non-fixed steps.
: this returns the exact pixel coordinate, as a floating-point value, and not the closest pixel coordinate.

Definition at line 2735 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::X2PixelCorr ( const REAL  x) const

Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, from the theoretical (uncorrected) x coordinate, taking into account all corrections.

(zero, transparency,..).

xthe theoretical x (2theta, tof) value.
the x (2theta, tof) value as it appears on the pattern.
: this can be real slow, especially for non-fixed steps.
: this returns the exact pixel coordinate, as a floating-point value, and not the closest pixel coordinate.

Definition at line 2730 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::X2STOL ( const REAL  x) const

Convert X (either 2theta or TOF) to sin(theta)/lambda, depending on the type of radiation.

This does not take into account any zero/transparency, etc... correction

Definition at line 5276 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::X2XCorr ( const REAL  x) const

Get the experimental x (2theta, tof) from the theoretical value, taking into account all corrections (zero, transparency,..).

tthetathe theoretical x (2theta, tof) value.
the x (2theta, tof) value as it appears on the pattern.

Definition at line 2720 of file PowderPattern.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::XMLInput ( istream &  is,
const XMLCrystTag tag 

Input From stream.

Add an bool XMLInputTag(is,tag) function to recognize all the tags from the stream. So that each inherited class can use the XMLInputTag function from its parent (ie take advantage of inheritance). The children class would first try to interpret the tag, then if unsuccessful would pass it to its parent (thus allowing overloading), etc...

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 2084 of file ObjCryst/IO.cpp.

void ObjCryst::PowderPattern::XMLOutput ( ostream &  os,
int  indent = 0 
) const

Output to stream in well-formed XML.

Use inheritance.. as for XMLInputTag()...

Reimplemented from ObjCryst::RefinableObj.

Definition at line 1977 of file ObjCryst/IO.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::mMaxSinThetaOvLambda

Displacement correction : $ (2\theta)_{obs} = (2\theta)_{real} + \frac{a}{\cos(\theta)} $ REAL m2ThetaDisplacement; Transparency correction : $ (2\theta)_{obs} = (2\theta)_{real} + b\sin(2\theta) $ REAL m2ThetaTransparency; Time Of Flight (TOF) parameters : $ t = DIFC*\frac{\sin(\theta)}{\lambda} + DIFA*\left(\frac{\sin(\theta)}{\lambda}\right)^2 + mXZero$ REAL mDIFC,mDIFA; Components of the powder pattern The components (crystalline phases, background,...) of the powder pattern ObjRegistry<PowderPatternComponent> mPowderPatternComponentRegistry; The scale factors for each component.

For unscalable phases, this is set to 1 (constant).

This is mutable because generally we use the 'best' scale factor, but it should not be... mutable CrystVector_REAL mScaleFactor;

Use faster, less precise functions ? bool mUseFastLessPreciseFunc;

For statistics Should Statistics (R, Rw,..) exclude the background ? bool mStatisticsExcludeBackground;

To compute scale factors, which are the components (phases) that can be scaled ? mutable CrystVector_int mScalableComponentIndex;

Used to fit the components' scale factors mutable CrystMatrix_REAL mFitScaleFactorM,mFitScaleFactorB,mFitScaleFactorX;

Use Integrated profiles for Chi^2, R, Rwp... RefObjOpt mOptProfileIntegration;

Integrated R-factors mutable CrystVector_long mIntegratedPatternMin,mIntegratedPatternMax; mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedObs; mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedWeight; mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedWeightObs; mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedVarianceObs; mutable RefinableObjClock mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep; Statistical indicators mutable REAL mChi2,mIntegratedChi2; This is the logarithm of the part of log(Likelihood) which corresponds to the normalization terms of gaussian distribution for each obs/calc point. In practice, this is the sum of 1/2*log(2pi*sig(i)^2), although we discard the 2pi terms. mutable REAL mChi2LikeNorm,mIntegratedChi2LikeNorm; mutable REAL mR; mutable REAL mRw; Clock the last time Chi^2 was computed mutable RefinableObjClock mClockChi2,mClockIntegratedChi2; /** Maximum sin(theta)/lambda for all calculations (10 by default).

This keeps all data in memory, but only the part which is below the max is calculated.

Definition at line 1079 of file PowderPattern.h.

CrystVector_REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc

The calculated powder pattern part which corresponds to 'background' (eg non-scalable components).

It is already included in mPowderPatternCalc

Definition at line 955 of file PowderPattern.h.

CrystVector_REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::mPowderPatternCalc

The calculated powder pattern.

It is mutable since it is completely defined by other parameters (eg it is not an 'independent parameter')

Definition at line 948 of file PowderPattern.h.

CrystVector_REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::mPowderPatternVariance

The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation and model errors.

Definition at line 967 of file PowderPattern.h.

CrystVector_REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated

The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation and model errors.


Definition at line 970 of file PowderPattern.h.

CrystVector_REAL ObjCryst::PowderPattern::mX

Vector of x coordinates (either 2theta or time-of-flight) for the pattern.

Stored in ascending order for 2theta, and descending for TOF, i.e. always in ascending order for the corresponding sin(theta)/lambda.

Definition at line 988 of file PowderPattern.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: