FOX/ObjCryst++  1.10.X (development)
1 /* ObjCryst++ Object-Oriented Crystallographic Library
2  (c) 2000-2002 Vincent Favre-Nicolin
3  2000-2001 University of Geneva (Switzerland)
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 */
19 /*
20 * source file for LibCryst++ PowderPattern class
21 *
22 */
24 #include <cstdlib>
26 #include <typeinfo>
27 #include <stdio.h> //for sprintf()
29 #include "cctbx/sgtbx/space_group.h" // For fullprof export
31 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/PowderPattern.h"
32 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Molecule.h" // For fullprof export
33 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/PowderPatternBackgroundBayesianMinimiser.h"
34 #include "ObjCryst/RefinableObj/Simplex.h"
35 #include "ObjCryst/Quirks/VFNDebug.h"
36 #include "ObjCryst/Quirks/VFNStreamFormat.h"
37 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/CIF.h"
38 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
39  #include "ObjCryst/wxCryst/wxPowderPattern.h"
40 #endif
42 #include <fstream>
43 #include <iomanip>
44 #include <sstream>
46 #ifdef _MSC_VER // MS VC++ predefined macros....
47 #undef min
48 #undef max
49 #endif
53 namespace ObjCryst
54 {
56 //
57 // PowderPatternComponent
58 //
60 ObjRegistry<PowderPatternComponent>
61  gPowderPatternComponentRegistry("List of all PowderPattern Components");
63 PowderPatternComponent::PowderPatternComponent():
64 mIsScalable(false),mpParentPowderPattern(0)
65 {
66  gPowderPatternComponentRegistry.Register(*this);
67  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockBraggLimits);
68 }
70 PowderPatternComponent::PowderPatternComponent(const PowderPatternComponent &old):
71 mIsScalable(old.mIsScalable),
72 mpParentPowderPattern(old.mpParentPowderPattern)
73 {
74  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockBraggLimits);
75  if(mpParentPowderPattern!=0)
76  {
77  mClockMaster.AddChild(mpParentPowderPattern->GetClockPowderPatternPar());
78  mClockMaster.AddChild(mpParentPowderPattern->GetClockPowderPatternXCorr());
79  mClockMaster.AddChild(mpParentPowderPattern->GetClockPowderPatternRadiation());
80  }
81 }
83 PowderPatternComponent::~PowderPatternComponent()
84 {
85  gPowderPatternComponentRegistry.DeRegister(*this);
86 }
88 const string& PowderPatternComponent::GetClassName() const
89 {
90  const static string className="PowderPatternComponent";
91  return className;
92 }
94 const PowderPattern& PowderPatternComponent::GetParentPowderPattern()const
95 {
96  return *mpParentPowderPattern;
97 }
99 std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>& PowderPatternComponent::GetPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar)
100 {
101  this->CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(vPar);
102  return mPowderPattern_FullDeriv;
103 }
105 std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>& PowderPatternComponent::GetPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar)
106 {
107  this->CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(vPar);
108  return mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv;
109 }
111 PowderPattern& PowderPatternComponent::GetParentPowderPattern()
112 {
113  return *mpParentPowderPattern;
114 }
116 bool PowderPatternComponent::IsScalable()const {return mIsScalable;}
118 const RefinableObjClock& PowderPatternComponent::GetClockPowderPatternCalc()const
119 {
120  return mClockPowderPatternCalc;
121 }
122 const RefinableObjClock& PowderPatternComponent::GetClockBraggLimits()const
123 {
124  return mClockBraggLimits;
125 }
127 const list<pair<const REAL, const string> >& PowderPatternComponent::GetPatternLabelList()const
128 {
129  return mvLabel;
130 }
132 void PowderPatternComponent::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar)
133 {
134  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternComponent::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
135  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.clear();
136  for(std::set<RefinablePar *>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();par++)
137  {
138  if(*par==0)
139  {
140  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]=this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
141  continue;
142  }
143  const REAL step=(*par)->GetDerivStep();
144  (*par)->Mutate(step);
145  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par] =this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
146  (*par)->Mutate(-2*step);
147  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]-=this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
148  (*par)->Mutate(step);
149  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]/= step*2;
150  if(MaxAbs(mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par])==0)
151  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].resize(0);
152  }
153 }
155 void PowderPatternComponent::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar)
156 {
157  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternComponent::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
158  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv.clear();
159  for(std::set<RefinablePar *>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();par++)
160  {
161  if(*par==0)
162  {
163  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]=*(this->GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first);
164  continue;
165  }
166  const REAL step=(*par)->GetDerivStep();
167  (*par)->Mutate(step);
168  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par] =*(this->GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first);
169  (*par)->Mutate(-2*step);
170  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]-=*(this->GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first);
171  (*par)->Mutate(step);
172  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]/= step*2;
173  if(MaxAbs(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par])==0)
174  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].resize(0);
175  }
176 }
179 //
180 // PowderPatternBackground
181 //
183 PowderPatternBackground::PowderPatternBackground():
184 mBackgroundNbPoint(0),
185 mMaxSinThetaOvLambda(10),mModelVariance(0)
186 {
187  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockBackgroundPoint);
188  this->InitOptions();
189 }
191 PowderPatternBackground::PowderPatternBackground(const PowderPatternBackground &old):
192 mBackgroundNbPoint(old.mBackgroundNbPoint),
193 mBackgroundInterpPointX(old.mBackgroundInterpPointX),
194 mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity(old.mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity),
195 mMaxSinThetaOvLambda(10),mModelVariance(0)
196 {
197  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockBackgroundPoint);
198  this->InitOptions();
199  mInterpolationModel.SetChoice(old.mInterpolationModel.GetChoice());
200 }
202 PowderPatternBackground::~PowderPatternBackground(){}
204 {
205  const static string className="PowderPatternBackground";
206  return className;
207 }
210 {
211  if(mpParentPowderPattern!=0)
218 }
219 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPatternBackground::GetPowderPatternCalc()const
220 {
221  this->CalcPowderPattern();
222  return mPowderPatternCalc;
223 }
225 pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
227 {
228  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc()",3)
229  this->CalcPowderPatternIntegrated();
231 }
234 {
235  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::ImportUserBackground():"<<filename,5)
236  ifstream fin (filename.c_str());
237  if(!fin)
238  {
239  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPatternBackground::ImportUserBackground() : \
240 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
241  }
242  long max=100;
243  CrystVector_REAL bckgd2Theta(max),bckgd(max);
245  long nbPoints=0;
246  do
247  {
248  fin >> bckgd2Theta(nbPoints);
249  fin >> bckgd(nbPoints);
250  if(!fin) break;
251  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Background=" << bckgd(nbPoints)\
252  <<" at 2theta="<<bckgd2Theta(nbPoints),3)
253  nbPoints++;
254  if(nbPoints==max)
255  {
256  max += 100;
257  bckgd2Theta.resizeAndPreserve(max);
258  bckgd.resizeAndPreserve(max);
259  }
260  } while(fin.eof() == false);
261  fin.close();
262  bckgd2Theta.resizeAndPreserve(nbPoints);
263  bckgd.resizeAndPreserve(nbPoints);
264  if(mpParentPowderPattern!=0)
265  { if((this->GetParentPowderPattern().GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_MONOCHROMATIC)
266  ||(this->GetParentPowderPattern().GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_ALPHA12))
267  bckgd2Theta*= DEG2RAD;
268  } else bckgd2Theta*= DEG2RAD;
270  this->SetInterpPoints(bckgd2Theta,bckgd);
271  this->InitRefParList();
273  {
274  char buf [200];
275  sprintf(buf,"Imported %d background points",(int)nbPoints);
276  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
277  }
278  this->UpdateDisplay();
279  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::ImportUserBackground():finished",5)
280 }
281 void PowderPatternBackground::SetInterpPoints(const CrystVector_REAL tth,
282  const CrystVector_REAL backgd)
283 {
284  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternBackground::SetInterpPoints():",5)
285  if( (tth.numElements()!=backgd.numElements())
286  ||(tth.numElements()<2))
287  {
288  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPatternBackground::SetInterpPoints() : \
289 number of points differ or less than 2 points !");
290  }
291  mBackgroundNbPoint=tth.numElements();
294  // Sort in ascending order, disregarding radiation type.
295  CrystVector<long> subs;
296  subs=SortSubs(tth);
298  for(long i=0;i<mBackgroundNbPoint;++i)
299  {
300  mBackgroundInterpPointX(i)=tth(subs(i));
301  mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity(i)=backgd(subs(i));
302  }
303  this->InitRefParList();
305  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternBackground::SetInterpPoints()",5)
306 }
308 const pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const CrystVector_REAL*> PowderPatternBackground::GetInterpPoints()const
309 {
311 }
314  CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
315  unsigned int &first) const
316 {
317  // One group for all background points
318  unsigned int index=0;
319  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::GetGeneGroup()",4)
320  for(long i=0;i<obj.GetNbPar();i++)
321  for(long j=0;j<this->GetNbPar();j++)
322  if(&(obj.GetPar(i)) == &(this->GetPar(j)))
323  {
324  if(index==0) index=first++;
325  groupIndex(i)=index;
326  }
327 }
329 void PowderPatternBackground::BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations,
330  const bool enableRestraints)
331 {
332  this->RefinableObj::BeginOptimization(allowApproximations,enableRestraints);
333 }
336 {
337  this->CalcPowderPattern();
339 }
341 pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
343 {
344  this->CalcPowderPatternIntegrated();
345  return make_pair(&mPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance,
347 }
350 {
352  return true;
353  #else
354  return false;
355  #endif
356 }
359 {
360 }
363 {
364  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternBackground::OptimizeBayesianBackground()",5);
365  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternBackground::OptimizeBayesianBackground()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
367  SimplexObj simplex("Simplex Test");
368  simplex.AddRefinableObj(min);
370  long nbcycle;
371  REAL llk=simplex.GetLogLikelihood();
372  long ct=0;
373  cout<<"Initial Chi^2(BayesianBackground)="<<llk<<endl;
375  mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity.max()/1000.0);
377  {
378  char buf [200];
379  sprintf(buf,"Optimizing Background, Cycle %d, Chi^2(Background)=%f",
380  (int)ct,(float)llk);
381  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
382  }
383  nbcycle=500*mBackgroundNbPoint;
384  simplex.Optimize(nbcycle,false);
385  llk=simplex.GetLogLikelihood();
386  cout<<ct<<", Chi^2(BayesianBackground)="<<llk<<endl;
389  {
390  char buf [200];
391  sprintf(buf,"Done Optimizing Bayesian Background, Chi^2(Background)=%f",(float)llk);
392  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
393  }
395  LSQNumObj lsq;
396  lsq.SetRefinedObj(min,0,true,true);
397  lsq.PrepareRefParList(true);
399  try {lsq.Refine(10,true,false);}
400  catch(const ObjCrystException &except){};
403  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternBackground::OptimizeBayesianBackground()",5);
404 }
407 {
408  //Auto-fix points beyond used range
409  unsigned long nbpoint=this->GetParentPowderPattern().GetNbPointUsed();
410  for(long j=0;j<mBackgroundNbPoint;j++)
411  if(this->GetParentPowderPattern().X2Pixel(mBackgroundInterpPointX(j))>nbpoint)
412  {
413  obj.GetPar(&mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity(j)).Print();
414  obj.GetPar(&mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity(j)).SetIsFixed(true);
415  }
416 }
419 {
422  //:TODO: This needs serious optimization !
425  &&(mClockPowderPatternCalc>mInterpolationModel.GetClock())) return;
426  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
427  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern()",3);
429  const unsigned long nb=mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint();
430  mPowderPatternCalc.resize(nb);
431  if(nb!=0)
432  switch(mInterpolationModel.GetChoice())
433  {
435  {
436  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern()..Linear",2)
437  REAL p1,p2;
438  REAL b1,b2;
439  if(mBackgroundNbPoint==0)
440  {
442  break;
443  }
444  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern()"<<nb,2)
445  this->InitSpline();
446  REAL *;
451  long point=1;
452  for(unsigned long i=0;i<nb;i++)
453  {
454  if(i >= p2)
455  {
456  if(point < mBackgroundNbPoint-1)
457  {
458  b1=b2;
459  p1=p2;
462  point++ ;
463  }
464  }
465  *b = (b1*(p2-i)+b2*(i-p1))/(p2-p1) ;
466  b++;
467  }
468  break;
469  }
471  {
472  if(mBackgroundNbPoint==0) mPowderPatternCalc=0;
473  else
474  {
475  this->InitSpline();
476  mPowderPatternCalc=mvSpline((REAL)0,(REAL)1,nb);
477  }
478  break;
479  }
480  }
481  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern()",3);
483  {
484  mPowderPatternCalcVariance.resize(nb);
485  const REAL step=mModelVariance*mModelVariance/(REAL)nbPoint;
486  REAL var=0;
487  REAL *;
488  for(long i=0;i<nb;i++) {*p++ = var;var +=step;}
489  }
491  #endif
493  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern():End",3);
494 }
496 void PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar*> &vPar)
497 {
498  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
499  const unsigned long nb=mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint();
500  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.clear();
501  if((nb==0)||(mBackgroundNbPoint==0)) return;
502  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
503  {
504  if((*par)==0) mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]=this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
505  else
506  for(int j = 0; j < mBackgroundNbPoint; j++)
507  {
508  if((*par)->GetPointer()! continue;
509  const REAL step=(*par)->GetDerivStep();
510  (*par)->Mutate(step);
511  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par] =this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
512  (*par)->Mutate(-2*step);
513  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]-=this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
514  (*par)->Mutate(step);
515  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]/= step*2;
516  if(MaxAbs(mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par])==0)
517  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].resize(0);
518  }
519  }
520 }
522 void PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated() const
523 {
526  this->CalcPowderPattern();// :TODO: Optimize
529  return;
531  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()",3)
532  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
533  const CrystVector_long *pMin=&(mpParentPowderPattern->GetIntegratedProfileMin());
534  const CrystVector_long *pMax=&(mpParentPowderPattern->GetIntegratedProfileMax());
536  const long numInterval=pMin->numElements();
537  mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc.resize(numInterval);
539  for(int j=0;j<numInterval;j++)
540  {
541  const long max=(*pMax)(j);
542  const REAL * RESTRICT*pMin)(j);
543  *p2=0;
544  for(int k=(*pMin)(j);k<=max;k++) *p2 += *p1++;
545  p2++;
546  }
548  mPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance.resize(numInterval);
550  for(int j=0;j<numInterval;j++)
551  {
552  const long max=(*pMax)(j);
553  const REAL **pMin)(j);
554  *p2=0;
555  for(int k=(*pMin)(j);k<=max;k++) *p2 += *p1++;
556  p2++;
557  }
559  #endif
561  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()",3)
562 }
565 {
566  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
567  //cout<<"PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv"<<endl;
568  const unsigned long nb=mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint();
569  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv.clear();
570  if((nb==0)||(mBackgroundNbPoint==0)) return;
571  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
572  {
573  if((*par)==0) mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]=this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
574  else
575  for(int j = 0; j < mBackgroundNbPoint; j++)
576  {
577  if((*par)->GetPointer()! continue;
578  const REAL step=(*par)->GetDerivStep();
579  (*par)->Mutate(step);
580  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par] =*(this->GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first);
581  (*par)->Mutate(-2*step);
582  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]-=*(this->GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first);
583  (*par)->Mutate(step);
584  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]/= step*2;
585  if(MaxAbs(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par])==0)
586  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].resize(0);
587  }
588  }
589  #if 0
590  std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> newDeriv=mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv;
592  std::vector<const CrystVector_REAL*> v;
593  int n=0;
594  for(std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL>::reverse_iterator pos=mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv.rbegin();pos!=mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv.rend();++pos)
595  {
596  cout<<pos->first->GetName()<<":"<<pos->second.size()<<","<<newDeriv[pos->first].size()<<endl;
597  if(pos->second.size()==0) continue;
598  v.push_back(&(pos->second));
599  v.push_back(&(newDeriv[pos->first]));
600  if(++n>8) break;
601  }
602  if(v.size()>0) cout<<"PowderPatternBackground::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv():"<<endl<<FormatVertVector<REAL>(v,12,1,20)<<endl;
603  //exit(0);
604  #endif
605 }
608 {
609 }
610 const CrystVector_long& PowderPatternBackground::GetBraggLimits()const
611 {
612  // no integration interval for the background
613  mIntegratedReflLimits.resize(0);
614  return mIntegratedReflLimits;
615 }
618 {
621 }
623 void PowderPatternBackground::InitRefParList()
624 {
625  this->ResetParList();
626  REAL *;
627  char buf [10];
628  string str="Background_Point_";
629  //for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
630  for(int i=0;i<mBackgroundNbPoint;i++)
631  {
632  sprintf(buf,"%d",i);
633  RefinablePar tmp(str+(string)buf,p++,
634  0.,1000.,gpRefParTypeScattDataBackground,REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_RELATIVE,
635  false,true,true,false,1.);
636  tmp.SetGlobalOptimStep(10.);
637  tmp.AssignClock(mClockBackgroundPoint);
638  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-3);
639  this->AddPar(tmp);
640  }
642  {
643  RefinablePar tmp("ML Model Error",&mModelVariance,
644  0.,100000.,gpRefParTypeObjCryst,REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_RELATIVE,
645  true,true,true,false,1.);
646  tmp.AssignClock(mClockBackgroundPoint);
647  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-3);
648  //tmp.SetGlobalOptimStep(10.);
649  tmp.SetGlobalOptimStep(sqrt(mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity.sum()
650  /mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity.numElements()));
651  this->AddPar(tmp);
652  }
653  #endif
654 }
656 void PowderPatternBackground::InitOptions()
657 {
658  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternBackground::InitOptions()",5)
659  static string InterpolationModelName;
660  static string InterpolationModelChoices[2];
662  static bool needInitNames=true;
663  if(true==needInitNames)
664  {
665  InterpolationModelName="Interpolation Model";
666  InterpolationModelChoices[0]="Linear";
667  InterpolationModelChoices[1]="Spline";
668  //InterpolationModelChoices[2]="Chebyshev";
670  needInitNames=false;//Only once for the class
671  }
672  mInterpolationModel.Init(2,&InterpolationModelName,InterpolationModelChoices);
675  mInterpolationModel.SetChoice(1);
676 }
678 void PowderPatternBackground::InitSpline()const
679 {
684  mvSplinePixel.resize(mBackgroundNbPoint);
686  // The points must be in ascending order
687  // Take care later of neutron TOF, as the powder apttern data may not have been initialized yet.
688  CrystVector<long> subs;
689  subs=SortSubs(mBackgroundInterpPointX);
691  if(this->GetParentPowderPattern().GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
692  {
693  mPointOrder.resize(mBackgroundNbPoint);
694  for(long i=0;i<mBackgroundNbPoint;++i)
695  mPointOrder(i)=subs(mBackgroundNbPoint-1-i);
696  }
697  else mPointOrder=subs;
699  CrystVector_REAL ipixel(mBackgroundNbPoint);
701  for(long i=0;i<mBackgroundNbPoint;++i)
702  {
703  mvSplinePixel(i)=
706  }
708  mvSpline.Init(mvSplinePixel,ipixel);
710 }
712 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
713 WXCrystObjBasic* PowderPatternBackground::WXCreate(wxWindow* parent)
714 {
715  //:TODO: Check mpWXCrystObj==0
716  mpWXCrystObj=new WXPowderPatternBackground(parent,this);
717  return mpWXCrystObj;
718 }
719 #endif
720 //
722 // PowderPatternDiffraction
723 //
725 PowderPatternDiffraction::PowderPatternDiffraction():
726 mpReflectionProfile(0),
727 mCorrLorentz(*this),mCorrPolar(*this),mCorrSlitAperture(*this),
728 mCorrTextureMarchDollase(*this),mCorrTextureEllipsoid(*this),mCorrTOF(*this),mExtractionMode(false),
729 mpLeBailData(0),mFrozenLatticePar(6),mFreezeLatticePar(false),mFrozenBMatrix(3,3)
730 {
731  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::PowderPatternDiffraction()",10)
732  mIsScalable=true;
733  this->InitOptions();
734  this->SetProfile(new ReflectionProfilePseudoVoigt);
735  this->SetIsIgnoringImagScattFact(true);
736  this->AddSubRefObj(mCorrTextureMarchDollase);
737  this->AddSubRefObj(mCorrTextureEllipsoid);
738  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockProfilePar);
739  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockLorentzPolarSlitCorrPar);
740  mClockMaster.AddChild(mpReflectionProfile->GetClockMaster());
741  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i) mFrozenLatticePar(i)=5;
742  for(unsigned int i=3;i<6;++i) mFrozenLatticePar(i)=M_PI/2;
743 }
745 PowderPatternDiffraction::PowderPatternDiffraction(const PowderPatternDiffraction &old):
746 mpReflectionProfile(0),
747 mCorrLorentz(*this),mCorrPolar(*this),mCorrSlitAperture(*this),
748 mCorrTextureMarchDollase(*this),mCorrTextureEllipsoid(*this),mCorrTOF(*this),mExtractionMode(false),
749 mpLeBailData(0),mFrozenLatticePar(6),mFreezeLatticePar(old.FreezeLatticePar()),mFrozenBMatrix(3,3)
750 {
751  this->AddSubRefObj(mCorrTextureMarchDollase);
752  this->AddSubRefObj(mCorrTextureEllipsoid);
753  this->SetIsIgnoringImagScattFact(true);
754  this->SetProfile(old.mpReflectionProfile->CreateCopy());
755  #if 0 //:TODO:
756  if(old.mpLeBailData!=0)
757  {
758  mpLeBailData=new DiffractionDataSingleCrystal(false);
759  *mpLeBailData = *(old.mpLeBailData);
760  }
761  #endif
762  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockProfilePar);
763  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockLorentzPolarSlitCorrPar);
764  mClockMaster.AddChild(mpReflectionProfile->GetClockMaster());
765  for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;++i) mFrozenLatticePar(i)=old.GetFrozenLatticePar(i);
766  mFrozenBMatrix=old.GetBMatrix();
767 }
769 PowderPatternDiffraction::~PowderPatternDiffraction()
770 {
771  if(mpReflectionProfile!=0)
772  {
773  this->RemoveSubRefObj(*mpReflectionProfile);
774  delete mpReflectionProfile;
775  }
776 }
778 {
779  const static string className="PowderPatternDiffraction";
780  return className;
781 }
784 {
785  return new PowderPatternDiffraction(*this);
786 }
789 {
790  if(mpParentPowderPattern!=0)
797 }
800 {
801  this->CalcPowderPattern();
802  return mPowderPatternCalc;
803 }
805 pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
807 {
808  this->CalcPowderPatternIntegrated();
810 }
813  const REAL w, const REAL u, const REAL v,
814  const REAL eta0, const REAL eta1)
815 {
816  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::SetReflectionProfilePar()",5)
817  ReflectionProfilePseudoVoigt* p=new ReflectionProfilePseudoVoigt();
818  p->SetProfilePar(w,u,v,eta0,eta1);
819  this->SetProfile(p);
820 }
823 {
824  if(p==mpReflectionProfile) return;
825  if(mpReflectionProfile!=0)
826  {
827  this->RemoveSubRefObj(*mpReflectionProfile);
828  delete mpReflectionProfile;
829  }
830  mpReflectionProfile= p;
831  this->AddSubRefObj(*mpReflectionProfile);
832  mClockMaster.AddChild(mpReflectionProfile->GetClockMaster());
833 }
836 {
837  return *mpReflectionProfile;
838 }
841 {
842  return *mpReflectionProfile;
843 }
845 // Disable the base-class function.
846 void PowderPatternDiffraction::GenHKLFullSpace(
847  const REAL maxTheta, const bool useMultiplicity)
848 {
849  // This should be never called.
850  abort();
851 }
853 void PowderPatternDiffraction::GenHKLFullSpace()
854 {
855  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::GenHKLFullSpace():",5)
856  float stol;
857  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
858  stol=mpParentPowderPattern->X2STOL(mpParentPowderPattern->GetPowderPatternXMin());
859  else
860  stol=mpParentPowderPattern->X2STOL(mpParentPowderPattern->GetPowderPatternXMax());
861  if(stol>1) stol=1; // Do not go beyond 0.5 A resolution (mostly for TOF data)
862  this->ScatteringData::GenHKLFullSpace2(stol,true);
863  if((mExtractionMode) && (mFhklObsSq.numElements()!=this->GetNbRefl()))
864  {// Reflections changed, so ScatteringData::PrepareHKLarrays() probably reseted mFhklObsSq
865  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::GenHKLFullSpace(): need to reset observed intensities",7)
866  mFhklObsSq.resize(this->GetNbRefl());
867  mFhklObsSq=100;
868  }
869  mCorrTextureEllipsoid.InitRefParList();// #TODO: SHould this be here ?
870  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::GenHKLFullSpace():"<<this->GetNbRefl(),5)
871 }
872 void PowderPatternDiffraction::BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations,
873  const bool enableRestraints)
874 {
875  if(mUseFastLessPreciseFunc!=allowApproximations)
876  {
877  mClockProfileCalc.Reset();
878  mClockGeomStructFact.Reset();
879  mClockStructFactor.Reset();
881  }
882  mUseFastLessPreciseFunc=allowApproximations;
883  this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
884  this->RefinableObj::BeginOptimization(allowApproximations,enableRestraints);
885 }
887 {
888  if(mOptimizationDepth==1)
889  {
890  if(mUseFastLessPreciseFunc==true)
891  {
892  mClockProfileCalc.Reset();
893  mClockGeomStructFact.Reset();
894  mClockStructFactor.Reset();
896  }
897  mUseFastLessPreciseFunc=false;
898  this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
899  }
901 }
904 {
905  if(mUseFastLessPreciseFunc!=allow)
906  {
907  mClockProfileCalc.Reset();
908  mClockGeomStructFact.Reset();
909  mClockStructFactor.Reset();
911  }
912  mUseFastLessPreciseFunc=allow;
913  this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
915 }
918  CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
919  unsigned int &first) const
920 {
921  // One group for all profile parameters
922  unsigned int index=0;
923  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::GetGeneGroup()",4)
924  for(long i=0;i<obj.GetNbPar();i++)
925  for(long j=0;j<this->GetNbPar();j++)
926  if(&(obj.GetPar(i)) == &(this->GetPar(j)))
927  {
928  //if(this->GetPar(j).GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs())
929  //{
930  if(index==0) index=first++;
931  groupIndex(i)=index;
932  //}
933  //else //no parameters other than unit cell
934  }
935 }
938 {
941 }
943 pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
945 {
946  this->CalcPowderPatternIntegrated();
947  return make_pair(&mPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance,
949 }
952 {
953  return true;
954 }
957 {
958  bool reprep=(mpCrystal!=0);
959  this->ScatteringData::SetCrystal(crystal);
960  // Check if we use DE-PV
961  if(mpReflectionProfile!=0)
962  if(mpReflectionProfile->GetClassName()=="ReflectionProfileDoubleExponentialPseudoVoigt")
963  {
965  =dynamic_cast<ReflectionProfileDoubleExponentialPseudoVoigt*>(mpReflectionProfile);
966  p->SetUnitCell((UnitCell)crystal);
967  }
968  mClockHKL.Reset();
969  if(reprep) this->Prepare();
970 }
975 void PowderPatternDiffraction::SetExtractionMode(const bool extract,const bool init)
976 {
977  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::SetExtractionMode(),ExtractionMode="<<mExtractionMode<<", nbrefl="<<this->GetNbRefl(),7)
978  mExtractionMode=extract;
979  bool needInit=false;
980  if(extract)
981  {
982  this->FreezeLatticePar(false);
983  this->Prepare();
984  mFhklObsSq.resizeAndPreserve(this->GetNbRefl());
985  }
986  if(extract && (!init) && (mpLeBailData!=0))
987  {
988  // Re-use existing Le Bail data, if list of hkl's is consistent
989  const long nbrefl=this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
990  if(nbrefl==mpLeBailData->GetNbRefl())
991  {
992  for(int i=0;i<nbrefl;++i)
993  {
994  if( (mpLeBailData->GetH()(i)==this->GetH()(i))
995  &&(mpLeBailData->GetK()(i)==this->GetK()(i))
996  &&(mpLeBailData->GetL()(i)==this->GetL()(i)))
997  {
998  mFhklObsSq(i)=mpLeBailData->GetFhklObsSq()(i);
999  }
1000  else
1001  {
1002  needInit=true;
1003  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::SetExtractionMode():: Forcing initialize, cannot re-use: hkl list differs",10);
1004  break;
1005  }
1007  }
1008  }
1009  else
1010  {
1011  needInit=true;
1012  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::SetExtractionMode():: Forcing initialize, cannot re-use: different number of reflections",10);
1013  }
1014  }
1015  if((extract && init) || needInit)
1016  {
1017  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::SetExtractionMode():: Initializing intensities to 100",10);
1018  mFhklObsSq=100;
1019  }
1020  if((mExtractionMode==false)&&(mFhklObsSq.numElements()>0))
1021  {// Leaving extraction mode, so update extracted single crystal data
1022  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::SetExtractionMode(),LEAVING Le Bail Mode",7)
1023  if(mpLeBailData==0) mpLeBailData=new DiffractionDataSingleCrystal(this->GetCrystal(),false);
1024  // Update wavelength & name
1025  mpLeBailData->SetWavelength(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0));
1026  mpLeBailData->SetRadiationType(this->GetRadiation().GetRadiationType());
1027  char buf[200];
1028  sprintf(buf,"LeBail (d=%4.2fA):",1/(2*abs(mMaxSinThetaOvLambda)+1e-6));
1029  mpLeBailData->SetName(string(buf)+this->GetCrystal().GetName());
1031  const unsigned long nbrefl=this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
1032  CrystVector_REAL iobs(nbrefl),sigma(nbrefl);
1033  CrystVector_long h(nbrefl),k(nbrefl),l(nbrefl);
1034  sigma=1;
1035  for(unsigned long i=0;i<nbrefl;++i)
1036  {
1037  h(i)=mIntH(i);
1038  k(i)=mIntK(i);
1039  l(i)=mIntL(i);
1040  iobs(i)=mFhklObsSq(i);
1041  }
1042  mpLeBailData->SetHklIobs(h,k,l,iobs,sigma);
1043  // Erase mFhklObsSq - only used during extraction mode.
1044  mFhklObsSq.resize(0);
1045  }
1046  mClockIhklCalc.Reset();mClockMaster.Reset();
1047  mClockFhklObsSq.Click();
1048  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::SetExtractionMode(),ExtractionMode="<<mExtractionMode<<", nbrefl="<<this->GetNbRefl(),7)
1049 }
1051 bool PowderPatternDiffraction::GetExtractionMode()const{return mExtractionMode;}
1054 {
1055  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::ExtractLeBail()",7)
1056  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::ExtractLeBail()","void (int)",TAU_DEFAULT);
1058  if(mExtractionMode==false) this->SetExtractionMode(true,true);// Should not have to do this here !
1059  if(mFhklObsSq.numElements()!=this->GetNbRefl())
1060  {//Something went wrong !
1061  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::ExtractLeBail() mFhklObsSq.size() != NbRefl !!!!!!",7)
1062  mFhklObsSq.resize(this->GetNbRefl());
1063  mFhklObsSq=100;
1064  }
1065  // First get the observed powder pattern, minus the contribution of all other phases.
1066  CrystVector_REAL obs,iextract,calc;
1067  iextract=mFhklObsSq;
1068  mFhklObsSq=0;
1069  mClockFhklObsSq.Click();
1070  // Get the observed and calculated powder pattern (excluding this diffraction phase)
1073  mFhklObsSq=iextract;
1074  mClockFhklObsSq.Click();
1075  // We take here the reflections which are centered below the max(sin(theta)/lambda)
1076  // actually more reflections are calculated, but the pattern is only calculated up to
1077  // max(sin(theta)/lambda).
1078  const unsigned long nbrefl=this->ScatteringData::GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
1079  iextract=0;
1080  for(;nbcycle>0;nbcycle--)
1081  {
1082  //cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::ExtractLeBail(): cycle #"<<nbcycle<<endl;
1083  calc=this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
1084  for(unsigned int k0=0;k0<nbrefl;++k0)
1085  {
1086  REAL s1=0;
1087  //cout<<mH(k0)<<" "<<mK(k0)<<" "<<mL(k0)<<" , Iobs=??"<<endl;
1088  long last=mvReflProfile[k0].last,first;
1090  if(mvReflProfile[k0].first<0)first=0;
1091  else first=(mvReflProfile[k0].first);
1092  const REAL *p1=mvReflProfile[k0][k0].first);
1093  const REAL *;
1094  const REAL *;
1095  for(unsigned int i=first;i<=last;++i)
1096  {
1097  const REAL s2=*p2++;
1098  const REAL tmp=*pobs++ * *p1++;
1099  if( (s2<1e-8) ) // || (tmp<=0)
1100  {// Avoid <0 intensities (should not happen, it means profile is <0)
1101  //cout<<"S2? "<< int(mH(k0))<<" "<<int(mK(k0))<<" "<<int(mL(k0)) <<" calc(i="<<i<<")"<<calc(i)<<" obs(i="<<i<<")="<<obs(i)<<", tmp="<<tmp<<" profile(i)="<<mvReflProfile[k0].profile(i-mvReflProfile[k0].first)<<" "<<mFhklObsSq(k0)<<endl;
1102  continue ;
1103  }
1104  s1 += tmp /s2;
1105  //cout<<" "<<s2<<" "<<obs(i)<<" "<<mvReflProfile[k0].profile(i-mvReflProfile[k0].first)<<" "<<mFhklObsSq(k0)<<endl;
1106  }
1107  if((s1>1e-8)&&(!ISNAN_OR_INF(s1))) iextract(k0)=s1*mFhklObsSq(k0);
1108  else iextract(k0)=1e-8;//:KLUDGE: should <0 intensities be allowed ?
1109  //if(nbcycle==1) cout<<" Le Bail "<<int(mH(k0))<<" "<<int(mK(k0))<<" "<<int(mL(k0))<<" , Iobs="<<iextract(k0)<<endl;
1110  }
1111  mFhklObsSq=iextract;
1112  if(this->GetCrystal().GetScatteringComponentList().GetNbComponent()>0)
1113  {// Change scale factor if we have some atoms in the structure
1114  const REAL* p1=this->GetFhklCalcSq() .data();
1115  const REAL*;
1116  REAL tmp1=0,tmp2=0;
1117  for(long i=nbrefl;i>0;i--)
1118  {
1119  tmp1 += (*p1) * (*p2++);
1120  tmp2 += (*p1) * (*p1);
1121  p1++;
1122  }
1123  //cout<<"SCALING: tmp2="<<tmp2<<",tmp1="<<tmp1<<endl;
1124  mFhklObsSq*=tmp2/tmp1;
1125  }
1126  mClockFhklObsSq.Click();
1127  //cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::ExtractLeBail():results (scale factor="<<mpParentPowderPattern->GetScaleFactor(*this)*1e6<<")" <<endl<< FormatVertVectorHKLFloats<REAL>(mH,mK,mL,this->GetFhklCalcSq(),mFhklObsSq,10,4,nbrefl)<<endl;
1128  }
1129  // Store extracted data in a single crystal data object
1130  if(mpLeBailData==0) mpLeBailData=new DiffractionDataSingleCrystal(*mpCrystal,false);
1131  {
1132  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::ExtractLeBail(): creating single crystal extracted data",7)
1133  CrystVector_REAL iobs(nbrefl),sigma(nbrefl);
1134  CrystVector_long h(nbrefl),k(nbrefl),l(nbrefl);
1135  sigma=1;
1136  for(unsigned long i=0;i<nbrefl;++i)
1137  {
1138  h(i)=mIntH(i);
1139  k(i)=mIntK(i);
1140  l(i)=mIntL(i);
1141  iobs(i)=mFhklObsSq(i);
1142  }
1143  mpLeBailData->SetHklIobs(h,k,l,iobs,sigma);
1144  }
1145  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::ExtractLeBail()mFhklObsSq.size()=="<<mFhklObsSq.numElements(),7)
1146 }
1148 {
1149  if(this->IsBeingRefined()) return mNbReflUsed;
1150  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda()",4)
1151  this->CalcPowderReflProfile();
1152  const long nbpoint=mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPointUsed();
1153  if((mNbReflUsed>0)&&(mNbReflUsed<mNbRefl))
1154  {
1155  if( (mvReflProfile[mNbReflUsed ].first>nbpoint)
1156  &&(mvReflProfile[mNbReflUsed-1].first<=nbpoint)) return mNbReflUsed;
1157  }
1159  if((mNbReflUsed==mNbRefl) && (mvReflProfile[mNbReflUsed-1].profile.numElements()>0))
1160  if(mvReflProfile[mNbReflUsed-1].first<=nbpoint)return mNbReflUsed;
1163  long i;
1164  for(i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++)
1165  {
1166  if(mvReflProfile[i].first>nbpoint) break;
1167  }
1168  if(i!=mNbReflUsed)
1169  {
1170  mNbReflUsed=i;
1171  mClockNbReflUsed.Click();
1172  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("->Changed Max sin(theta)/lambda="<<mMaxSinThetaOvLambda\
1173  <<" nb refl="<<mNbReflUsed,4)
1174  }
1175  return mNbReflUsed;
1176 }
1178 void PowderPatternDiffraction::SetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i, REAL v)
1179 {
1180  const REAL old=mFrozenLatticePar(i);
1181  cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::SetFrozenLatticePar("<<i<<":"<<v<<")"<<endl;
1182  if(old==v) return;
1183  mFrozenLatticePar(i)=v;
1184  this->CalcFrozenBMatrix();
1185 }
1187 REAL PowderPatternDiffraction::GetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i) const {return mFrozenLatticePar(i);}
1190 {
1191  cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::FreezeLatticePar("<<use<<")"<<endl;
1192  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::FreezeLatticePar("<<use<<")", 10)
1193  if(use==mFreezeLatticePar) return;
1194  mFreezeLatticePar=use;
1195  mFrozenLatticePar=this->GetCrystal().GetLatticePar();
1196  if(use) this->CalcFrozenBMatrix();
1197  mClockTheta.Reset();
1198  this->UpdateDisplay();
1199 }
1201 bool PowderPatternDiffraction::FreezeLatticePar() const {return mFreezeLatticePar;}
1204 {
1205  this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
1207  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern()-Apply profiles","void (bool)",TAU_DEFAULT);
1209  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern():",3)
1211  // :TODO: Can't do this as this is non-const
1212  //if(this->GetCrystal().GetSpaceGroup().GetClockSpaceGroup()>mClockHKL)
1213  // this->GenHKLFullSpace();
1214  //
1215  // The workaround is to call Prepare() (non-const) before every calculation
1216  // when a modifictaion may have occured.
1218  this->CalcIhkl();
1219  this->CalcPowderReflProfile();
1221  if( (mClockPowderPatternCalc>mClockIhklCalc)
1222  &&(mClockPowderPatternCalc>mClockProfileCalc)) return;
1224  if(true) //:TODO: false == mUseFastLessPreciseFunc
1225  {
1226  const long nbRefl=this->GetNbRefl();
1227  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern\
1228 Applying profiles for "<<nbRefl<<" reflections",2)
1229  long step; // number of reflections at the same place and with the same (assumed) profile
1230  const long specNbPoints=mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint();
1231  mPowderPatternCalc.resize(specNbPoints);
1233  const bool useML= (mIhklCalcVariance.numElements() != 0);
1234  if(useML)
1235  {
1236  mPowderPatternCalcVariance.resize(specNbPoints);
1238  }
1239  else mPowderPatternCalcVariance.resize(0);
1240  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern() Has variance:"<<useML,2)
1242  for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i += step)
1243  {
1244  if(mvReflProfile[i].profile.numElements()==0)
1245  {
1246  step=1;
1247  if(i>=mNbReflUsed) break;// After sin(theta)/lambda limit
1248  else continue; // before beginning of pattern ?
1249  }
1251  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern()#"<<i,2)
1252  REAL intensity=0.;
1253  REAL var=0.;
1254  //check if the next reflection is at the same theta. If this is true,
1255  //Then assume that the profile is exactly the same, unless it is anisotropic
1256  for(step=0; ;)
1257  {
1258  intensity += mIhklCalc(i + step);
1259  if(useML) var += mIhklCalcVariance(i + step);
1260  step++;
1261  if(mpReflectionProfile->IsAnisotropic()) break;// Anisotropic profiles
1262  if( (i+step) >= nbRefl) break;
1263  if(mSinThetaLambda(i+step) > (mSinThetaLambda(i)+1e-5) ) break;
1264  }
1265  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Apply profile(Monochromatic)Refl("<<i<<")"\
1266  <<mIntH(i)<<" "<<mIntK(i)<<" "<<mIntL(i)<<" "\
1267  <<" I="<<intensity<<" stol="<<mSinThetaLambda(i)\
1268  <<",pixel #"<<mvReflProfile[i].first<<"->"<<mvReflProfile[i].last,2)
1269  {
1270  const unsigned long first=mvReflProfile[i].first,last=mvReflProfile[i].last;
1271  const REAL *p2 = mvReflProfile[i];
1272  REAL *p3 =;
1273  for(unsigned long j=first;j<=last;j++) *p3++ += *p2++ * intensity;
1274  if(useML)
1275  {
1276  const REAL *p2 = mvReflProfile[i];
1277  REAL *p3 =;
1278  for(unsigned long j=first;j<=last;j++) *p3++ += *p2++ * var;
1279  }
1280  }
1281  }
1282  }
1283  else
1284  {
1285  //:TODO:
1286  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern() : \
1287  FAST option not yet implemented !");
1288  }
1290  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern: End.",3)
1291 }
1293 void PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar*> &vPar)
1294 {
1295  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
1296  //cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv"<<endl;
1297  this->CalcPowderPattern();
1298  bool notYetDerivProfiles=true;
1299  mIhkl_FullDeriv.clear();
1300  mvReflProfile_FullDeriv.clear();
1301  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.clear();
1302  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
1303  {
1304  if(*par==0) continue;
1305  if((*par)->IsFixed()) continue;
1306  if((*par)->IsUsed()==false) continue;
1307  if( (*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScatt)
1308  ||(*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattPow))
1309  {
1310  this->CalcIhkl_FullDeriv(vPar);
1311  }
1312  if(notYetDerivProfiles)
1313  {
1314  if( (*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeRadiation)
1315  ||(*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeUnitCell)
1316  ||(*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos)
1317  ||(*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile))
1318  {
1319  this->CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv(vPar);
1320  notYetDerivProfiles=false;
1321  }
1322  }
1323  }
1325  //this->CalcPowderReflProfile();
1326  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
1327  {
1328  if(*par==0) mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]=this->GetPowderPatternCalc();
1329  else
1330  {
1331  if((*par)->IsFixed()) continue;
1332  if((*par)->IsUsed()==false) continue;
1333  if(mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par].size()!=0)
1334  {
1335  const long nbRefl=this->GetNbRefl();
1336  long step; // number of reflections at the same place and with the same (assumed) profile
1337  const long specNbPoints=mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint();
1338  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].resize(specNbPoints);
1339  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]=0;
1341  for(long i=0;i<mNbReflUsed;i += step)
1342  {
1343  if(mvReflProfile[i].profile.numElements()==0)
1344  {
1345  step=1;
1346  if(i>=mNbReflUsed) break;
1347  else continue;
1348  }
1350  REAL intensity=0.;
1351  //check if the next reflection is at the same theta. If this is true,
1352  //Then assume that the profile is exactly the same, unless it is anisotropic
1353  for(step=0; ;)
1354  {
1355  intensity += mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par](i + step);
1356  step++;
1357  if(mpReflectionProfile->IsAnisotropic()) break;// Anisotropic profiles
1358  if( (i+step) >= nbRefl) break;
1359  if(mSinThetaLambda(i+step) > (mSinThetaLambda(i)+1e-5) ) break;
1360  }
1361  {
1362  const unsigned long first=mvReflProfile[i].first,last=mvReflProfile[i].last;
1363  const REAL *p2 = mvReflProfile[i];
1364  REAL *p3 = mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].data()+first;
1365  for(unsigned long j=first;j<=last;j++) *p3++ += *p2++ * intensity;
1366  }
1367  }
1368  }
1369  if(mvReflProfile_FullDeriv[*par].size()!=0)
1370  {
1371  const long nbRefl=this->GetNbRefl();
1372  long step; // number of reflections at the same place and with the same (assumed) profile
1373  const long specNbPoints=mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint();
1374  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].resize(specNbPoints);
1375  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]=0;// :TODO: use only the number of points actually used
1376  cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv():par="<<(*par)->GetName()<<endl;
1377  for(long i=0;i<mNbReflUsed;i += step)
1378  {
1379  if(mvReflProfile[i].profile.numElements()==0)
1380  {
1381  step=1;
1382  if(i>=mNbReflUsed) break;
1383  else continue;
1384  }
1386  REAL intensity=0.;
1387  //check if the next reflection is at the same theta. If this is true,
1388  //Then assume that the profile is exactly the same, unless it is anisotropic
1389  for(step=0; ;)
1390  {
1391  intensity += mIhklCalc(i + step);
1392  step++;
1393  if(mpReflectionProfile->IsAnisotropic()) break;// Anisotropic profiles
1394  if( (i+step) >= nbRefl) break;
1395  if(mSinThetaLambda(i+step) > (mSinThetaLambda(i)+1e-5) ) break;
1396  }
1397  if(mvReflProfile_FullDeriv[*par][i].size()>0)// Some profiles may be unaffected by a given parameter
1398  {
1399  const unsigned long first=mvReflProfile[i].first,last=mvReflProfile[i].last;
1400  const REAL *p2 = mvReflProfile_FullDeriv[*par][i].data();
1401  REAL *p3 = mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].data()+first;
1402  for(unsigned long j=first;j<=last;j++) *p3++ += *p2++ * intensity;
1403  }
1404  }
1405  }
1406  }
1407  }
1408  #if 0
1409  std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> newDeriv=mPowderPattern_FullDeriv;
1410  this->PowderPatternComponent::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(vPar);
1411  std::vector<const CrystVector_REAL*> v;
1412  int n=0;
1413  for(std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL>::reverse_iterator pos=mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.rbegin();pos!=mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.rend();++pos)
1414  {
1415  if(pos->first==0) continue;
1416  if(pos->second.size()==0) continue;
1417  v.push_back(&(newDeriv[pos->first]));
1418  v.push_back(&(pos->second));
1419  cout<<pos->first->GetName()<<":"<<pos->second.size()<<","<<newDeriv[pos->first].size()<<endl;
1420  if(++n>8) break;
1421  }
1422  cout<<FormatVertVector<REAL>(v,16,4,1000)<<endl;
1423  //exit(0);
1424  #endif
1425 }
1427 void PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated() const
1428 {
1429  this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda();
1431  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()","void (bool)",TAU_DEFAULT);
1432  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer1,"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()1","", TAU_FIELD);
1433  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer2,"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()2","", TAU_FIELD);
1435  this->CalcIhkl();
1436  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer1);
1437  this->PrepareIntegratedProfile();
1438  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer1);
1440  if( (mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc>mClockIhklCalc)
1441  &&(mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc>mClockIntegratedProfileFactor)
1443  return;
1444  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()",3)
1445  const long nbRefl=this->GetNbRefl();
1447  const long nb=mpParentPowderPattern->GetIntegratedProfileMin().numElements();
1448  mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc.resize(nb);
1450  const bool useML= (mIhklCalcVariance.numElements() != 0);
1451  if(useML)
1452  {
1455  }
1456  else mPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance.resize(0);
1457  const REAL * RESTRICT;
1458  const REAL * RESTRICT;
1459  const REAL * RESTRICT;
1460  vector< pair<unsigned long, CrystVector_REAL> >::const_iterator pos;
1461  pos=mIntegratedProfileFactor.begin();
1462  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer2);
1463  for(long i=0;i<mNbReflUsed;)
1464  {
1465  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():"<<i,2)
1466  REAL intensity=0.;
1467  REAL var=0.;
1468  const REAL thmax=*psith+1e-5;
1469  //check if the next reflection is at the same theta. If this is true,
1470  //Then assume that the profile is exactly the same, unless profiles are anisotropic.
1471  for(;;)
1472  {
1473  intensity += *pI++;
1474  if(useML) var += *pIvar++;
1475  if( ++i >= nbRefl) break;
1476  if( *(++psith) > thmax ) break;
1477  if(mpReflectionProfile->IsAnisotropic()) break;// Anisotropic profile
1478  ++pos;
1479  }
1480  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():"<<i,2)
1481  REAL * RESTRICT>first;
1482  const REAL * RESTRICT pFact=pos->;
1483  const unsigned long nb=pos->second.numElements();
1484  //cout <<i<<" - "<< intensity<<"*:";
1485  for(unsigned long j=nb;j>0;j--)
1486  {
1487  //cout <<pos->first+j<<"("<<*pFact<<","<<*pData<<") ";
1488  *pData++ += intensity * *pFact++ ;
1489  }
1490  //cout<<endl;
1492  if(useML)
1493  {
1494  const REAL * RESTRICT pFact=pos->;
1495  REAL * RESTRICT>first;
1496  for(unsigned long j=nb;j>0;j--) *pVar++ += var * *pFact++ ;
1497  }
1498  ++pos;
1499  }
1500  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer2);
1501  #ifdef __DEBUG__
1502  if(gVFNDebugMessageLevel<3)
1503  {
1504  this->CalcPowderPattern();
1505  CrystVector_REAL integr(nb),min(nb),max(nb),diff(nb),index(nb);
1506  integr=0;
1507  for(long i=0;i<nb;i++)
1508  {
1509  index(i)=i;
1512  integr(i)=0;
1515  {
1516  integr(i) += mPowderPatternCalc(j);
1517  }
1518  diff(i)=1.-mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc(i)/integr(i);
1519  }
1520  cout << "Integrated intensities, Component"<<endl
1522  (index,min,max,integr,mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc,diff,20,6)<<endl;
1523  }
1524  #endif
1526  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated",3)
1527 }
1530 {
1531  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
1532  //cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv"<<endl;
1533  //this->PowderPatternComponent::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(vPar);
1534  //return;
1536  this->CalcPowderPatternIntegrated();
1537  this->CalcIhkl_FullDeriv(vPar);
1538  const long nbRefl=this->GetNbRefl();
1539  //#define PowderPatternDiffraction_CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDerivDEBUG
1540  #ifdef PowderPatternDiffraction_CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDerivDEBUG
1542  std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> oldDeriv=mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv;
1543  #endif
1544  const long nbprof=mpParentPowderPattern->GetIntegratedProfileMin().size();
1545  long ctpar=0;
1546  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv.clear();
1547  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
1548  {
1549  if(*par==0) mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]=mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc;
1550  else
1551  {
1552  if(mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0) continue;
1553  if(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0)
1554  {
1555  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].resize(nbprof);
1556  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]=0;
1557  }
1558  const REAL * RESTRICT;
1559  const REAL * RESTRICT pI=mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par].data();
1560  // :TODO: also handle derivatives of profile parameters ? Though one should not
1561  // refine profiles using integrated profiles !
1562  vector< pair<unsigned long, CrystVector_REAL> >::const_iterator pos=mIntegratedProfileFactor.begin();
1564  for(long i=0;i<mNbReflUsed;)
1565  {
1566  REAL intensity=0.;
1567  const REAL thmax=*psith+1e-5;
1568  for(;;)
1569  {
1570  intensity += *pI++;
1571  if( ++i >= nbRefl) break;
1572  if( *(++psith) > thmax ) break;
1573  if(mpReflectionProfile->IsAnisotropic()) break;// Anisotropic profile
1574  ++pos;
1575  }
1576  REAL * RESTRICT pData=mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].data()+pos->first;
1577  const REAL * RESTRICT pFact=pos->;
1578  const unsigned long nb=pos->second.numElements();
1579  #ifdef PowderPatternDiffraction_CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDerivDEBUG
1580  if((i<5)&&(ctpar<8)) cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<(*par)->GetName()<<"i="<<setw(16)<<i<<":I="<<setw(16)<<intensity<<endl;
1581  #endif
1582  for(unsigned long j=nb;j>0;j--)
1583  {
1584  #ifdef PowderPatternDiffraction_CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDerivDEBUG
1585  *pData += intensity * *pFact ;
1586  if((i<5)&&((*par)->GetName()=="Cimetidine_C11_x")&&(pos->first==0)&&(nb==j)) cout<<nb-j<<" SUM1"<<setw(16)<<*pData<<", dI="<<setw(16)<<intensity<<", prof="<<setw(16)<<*pFact<<endl;
1587  pData++;pFact++ ;
1588  #else
1589  *pData++ += intensity * *pFact++ ;
1590  #endif
1591  }
1592  ++pos;
1593  ctpar++;
1594  }
1595  }
1596  }
1597  #ifdef PowderPatternDiffraction_CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDerivDEBUG
1598  std::vector<const CrystVector_REAL*> v;
1599  int n=0;
1600  cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv():parameters:"<<endl;
1601  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
1602  {
1603  if(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0) continue;
1604  v.push_back(&(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]));
1605  v.push_back(&(oldDeriv[*par]));
1606  cout<<(*par)->GetName()<<":"<<mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].size()<<","<<oldDeriv[*par].size()<<endl;
1607  if(++n>6) break;
1608  }
1609  cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv():"<<endl<<FormatVertVector<REAL>(v,12,1,20)<<endl;
1610  //exit(0);
1611  #endif
1612 }
1615 {
1616  this->CalcSinThetaLambda();
1618  if( (mClockProfileCalc>mClockProfilePar)
1619  &&(mClockProfileCalc>mpReflectionProfile->GetClockMaster())
1620  &&(mClockProfileCalc>mClockTheta)
1621  &&(mClockProfileCalc>this->GetRadiation().GetClockWavelength())
1622  &&(mClockProfileCalc>mpParentPowderPattern->GetClockPowderPatternXCorr())
1623  &&(mClockProfileCalc>mClockHKL)
1624  &&(mClockProfileCalc>mpParentPowderPattern->GetClockNbPointUsed())) return;
1626  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile()","void (bool)",TAU_DEFAULT);
1627  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile()",5)
1629  //Calc all profiles
1630  mvLabel.clear();
1631  stringstream label;
1633  unsigned int nbLine=1;
1634  CrystVector_REAL spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda;
1635  CrystVector_REAL spectrumFactor;//relative weigths of different lines of X-Ray tube
1636  switch(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType())
1637  {
1639  {
1640  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda.resize(1);spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda=0.0;
1641  spectrumFactor.resize(1);spectrumFactor=1.0;
1642  break;
1643  }
1644  case WAVELENGTH_ALPHA12:
1645  {
1646  nbLine=2;
1647  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda.resize(2);
1648  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(0)
1649  =-this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeDeltaLambda()
1650  *this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio()
1651  /(1+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio())
1652  /this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0);
1653  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(1)
1654  = this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeDeltaLambda()
1655  /(1+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio())
1656  /this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0);
1658  spectrumFactor.resize(2);
1659  spectrumFactor(0)=1./(1.+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio());
1660  spectrumFactor(1)=this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio()
1661  /(1.+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio());
1662  break;
1663  }
1664  case WAVELENGTH_TOF:
1665  {
1666  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda.resize(1);spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda=0.0;
1667  spectrumFactor.resize(1);spectrumFactor=1.0;
1668  break;
1669  }
1670  default: throw ObjCrystException("PowderPatternDiffraction::PrepareIntegratedProfile():\
1671 Radiation must be either monochromatic, from an X-Ray Tube, or neutron TOF !!");
1672  }
1675  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile():\
1676 Computing all Profiles",5)
1677  REAL center,// center of current reflection (depends on line if several)
1678  x0; // theoretical (uncorrected for zero's, etc..) position of center of line
1679  long first,last;// first & last point of the stored profile
1680  CrystVector_REAL vx,reflProfile,tmpV;
1681  mvReflProfile.resize(this->GetNbRefl());
1682  for(unsigned int i=0;i<this->GetNbRefl();i++)
1683  {
1684  mvReflProfile[i].first=0;
1685  mvReflProfile[i].last=0;
1686  mvReflProfile[i].profile.resize(0);
1687  }
1688  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile()",5)
1690  for(unsigned int line=0;line<nbLine;line++)
1691  {
1692  for(long i=0;i<this->GetNbRefl();i++)
1693  {// Only the reflections contributing below the max(sin(theta)/lambda) will be computed
1694  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile()#"<<i,5)
1695  x0=mpParentPowderPattern->STOL2X(mSinThetaLambda(i));
1697  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile()#"<<i,5)
1698  if(nbLine>1)
1699  {// we have several lines, not centered on the profile range
1700  center = mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(
1701  x0+2*tan(x0/2.0)*spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(line));
1702  }
1703  else center=mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(x0);
1704  REAL fact=1.0;
1705  if(!mUseFastLessPreciseFunc) fact=5.0;
1706  const REAL halfwidth=mpReflectionProfile->GetFullProfileWidth(0.04,center,mH(i),mK(i),mL(i))*fact;
1707  if(line==0)
1708  {
1709  // For an X-Ray tube, label on first (strongest) of reflections lines (Kalpha1)
1710  label.str("");
1711  label<<mIntH(i)<<" "<<mIntK(i)<<" "<<mIntL(i);
1712  mvLabel.push_back(make_pair(center,label.str()));
1713  REAL spectrumwidth=0.0;
1714  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_ALPHA12)
1715  {// We need to shift the last point to include 2 lines in the profile
1716  spectrumwidth=2*this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeDeltaLambda()
1717  /this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0)*tan(x0/2.0);
1718  }
1719  first=(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->X2Pixel(center-halfwidth));
1720  last =(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->X2Pixel(center+halfwidth+spectrumwidth));
1721  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
1722  {
1723  const long f=first;
1724  first=last;
1725  last=f;
1726  }
1727  if(first>last)
1728  { // Whoops - should not happen !! Unless there is a strange (dis)order for the x coordinates...
1729  cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile(), line"<<__LINE__<<"first>last !! :"<<first<<","<<last<<endl;
1730  first=(first+last)/2;
1731  last=first;
1732  }
1733  first -=1;
1734  last+=1;
1735  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile():"<<first<<","<<last<<","<<center,3)
1736  if(first>last)
1737  {
1738  cout<<__FILE__<<__LINE__<<endl;
1739  exit(0);
1740  }
1741  if((last>=0)&&(first<(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint())))
1742  {
1743  if(first<0) first=0;
1744  if(last>=(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint()))
1746  vx.resize(last-first+1);
1747  }
1748  else vx.resize(0); // store no profile if reflection out of pattern
1749  mvReflProfile[i].first=first;
1750  mvReflProfile[i].last=last;
1751  }
1752  else
1753  {
1754  first=mvReflProfile[i].first;
1755  last=mvReflProfile[i].last;
1756  if((last>=0)&&(first<(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint())))
1757  vx.resize(last-first+1);
1758  else vx.resize(0);
1759  vx.resize(last-first+1);
1760  }
1761  if((last>=0)&&(first<(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint())))
1762  {
1763  {
1764  const REAL *p0=mpParentPowderPattern->GetPowderPatternX().data()+first;
1765  REAL *;
1766  for(long i=first;i<=last;i++) *p1++ = *p0++;
1767  }
1769  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile():"<<first<<","<<last<<","<<center,3)
1770  reflProfile=mpReflectionProfile->GetProfile(vx,center,mH(i),mK(i),mL(i));
1771  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile()",2)
1772  if(nbLine>1) reflProfile *=spectrumFactor(line);
1773  if(line==0) mvReflProfile[i].profile = reflProfile;
1774  else mvReflProfile[i].profile += reflProfile;
1775  }
1776  else
1777  { // reflection is out of pattern, so store no profile
1778  mvReflProfile[i].profile.resize(0);
1779  }
1780  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile():\
1781 Computing all Profiles: Reflection #"<<i,5)
1782  if(first>(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPointUsed())) break;
1783  }
1784  }
1785  mClockProfileCalc.Click();
1786  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile()",5)
1787 }
1790 {
1791  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv()","void (bool)",TAU_DEFAULT);
1792  cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv()"<<endl;
1793  this->CalcPowderReflProfile();
1794  unsigned int nbLine=1;
1795  CrystVector_REAL spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda;
1796  CrystVector_REAL spectrumFactor;//relative weigths of different lines of X-Ray tube
1797  switch(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType())
1798  {
1800  {
1801  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda.resize(1);spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda=0.0;
1802  spectrumFactor.resize(1);spectrumFactor=1.0;
1803  break;
1804  }
1805  case WAVELENGTH_ALPHA12:
1806  {
1807  nbLine=2;
1808  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda.resize(2);
1809  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(0)
1810  =-this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeDeltaLambda()
1811  *this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio()
1812  /(1+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio())
1813  /this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0);
1814  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(1)
1815  = this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeDeltaLambda()
1816  /(1+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio())
1817  /this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0);
1819  spectrumFactor.resize(2);
1820  spectrumFactor(0)=1./(1.+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio());
1821  spectrumFactor(1)=this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio()
1822  /(1.+this->GetRadiation().GetXRayTubeAlpha2Alpha1Ratio());
1823  break;
1824  }
1825  case WAVELENGTH_TOF:
1826  {
1827  spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda.resize(1);spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda=0.0;
1828  spectrumFactor.resize(1);spectrumFactor=1.0;
1829  break;
1830  }
1831  default: throw ObjCrystException("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv():\
1832 Radiation must be either monochromatic, from an X-Ray Tube, or neutron TOF !!");
1833  }
1834  REAL center,// center of current reflection (depends on line if several)
1835  x0; // theoretical (uncorrected for zero's, etc..) position of center of line
1836  long first,last;// first & last point of the stored profile
1837  CrystVector_REAL vx,reflProfile,tmpV;
1839  // Derivative vs the shift of the reflection center
1840  vector<CrystVector_REAL> vReflProfile_DerivCenter(mNbReflUsed);
1842  mvReflProfile_FullDeriv.clear();
1843  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
1844  {
1845  if(*par==0) continue;
1846  if( (*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeRadiation)
1847  ||(*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeUnitCell)
1848  ||(*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos)
1849  ||(*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile))
1850  {
1851  mvReflProfile_FullDeriv[*par].resize(mNbReflUsed);
1853  for(unsigned int line=0;line<nbLine;line++)
1854  {
1855  for(long i=0;i<mNbReflUsed;i++)
1856  {
1857  x0=mpParentPowderPattern->STOL2X(mSinThetaLambda(i));
1859  if(nbLine>1)
1860  {// we have several lines, not centered on the profile range
1861  center = mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(
1862  x0+2*tan(x0/2.0)*spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(line));
1863  }
1864  else center=mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(x0);
1865  REAL fact=1.0;
1866  if(!mUseFastLessPreciseFunc) fact=5.0;
1868  first=mvReflProfile[i].first;
1869  last=mvReflProfile[i].last;
1870  if((last>=0)&&(first<(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint())))
1871  vx.resize(last-first+1);
1872  else vx.resize(0);
1873  vx.resize(last-first+1);
1874  if((last>=0)&&(first<(long)(mpParentPowderPattern->GetNbPoint())))
1875  {
1876  {
1877  const REAL *p0=mpParentPowderPattern->GetPowderPatternX().data()+first;
1878  REAL *;
1879  for(long i=first;i<=last;i++) *p1++ = *p0++;
1880  }
1882  if((*par)->GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile))
1883  {// Parameter only affects profile
1884  //if(i==0) cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv()par="<<(*par)->GetName()<<":refl #"<<i<<endl;
1885  //:TODO: analytical derivatives
1886  const REAL step=(*par)->GetDerivStep();
1887  (*par)->Mutate(step);
1888  reflProfile=mpReflectionProfile->GetProfile(vx,center,mH(i),mK(i),mL(i));
1889  (*par)->Mutate(-2*step);
1890  reflProfile-=mpReflectionProfile->GetProfile(vx,center,mH(i),mK(i),mL(i));
1891  (*par)->Mutate(step);
1892  reflProfile/=2*step;
1893  }
1894  else
1895  {// Parameter affects reflection center
1896  REAL dcenter=0;
1897  {
1898  //:TODO: analytical derivatives
1899  const REAL step=(*par)->GetDerivStep();
1900  (*par)->Mutate(step);
1901  REAL x1=mpParentPowderPattern->STOL2X(this->CalcSinThetaLambda(mH(i),mK(i),mL(i)));
1902  if(nbLine>1) dcenter = mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(x1+2*tan(x1/2.0)*spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(line));
1903  else dcenter = mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(x1);
1904  (*par)->Mutate(-2*step);
1905  x1=mpParentPowderPattern->STOL2X(this->CalcSinThetaLambda(mH(i),mK(i),mL(i)));
1906  if(nbLine>1) dcenter-= mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(x1+2*tan(x1/2.0)*spectrumDeltaLambdaOvLambda(line));
1907  else dcenter-= mpParentPowderPattern->X2XCorr(x1);
1908  (*par)->Mutate(step);
1909  dcenter/=2*step;
1910  }
1912  if(dcenter!=0)
1913  {
1914  //if(i==0) cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv()par="<<(*par)->GetName()<<":refl #"<<i<<", dcenter="<<setw(8)<<dcenter<<endl;
1915  if(vReflProfile_DerivCenter[i].size()==0)
1916  {
1917  const REAL step=1e-4;//:TODO: adapt for TOF
1918  vReflProfile_DerivCenter[i] =mpReflectionProfile->GetProfile(vx,center+step,mH(i),mK(i),mL(i));
1919  vReflProfile_DerivCenter[i]-=mpReflectionProfile->GetProfile(vx,center-step,mH(i),mK(i),mL(i));
1920  vReflProfile_DerivCenter[i]/=2*step;
1921  }
1922  reflProfile=vReflProfile_DerivCenter[i];
1923  reflProfile*=dcenter;
1924  }
1925  else
1926  {
1927  //if(i==0) cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv()par="<<(*par)->GetName()<<":refl #"<<i<<" => Parameter affects nothing ?"<<endl;
1928  reflProfile.resize(0);
1929  }
1930  }
1931  if(reflProfile.size()>0)
1932  {
1933  if(nbLine>1) reflProfile *=spectrumFactor(line);
1934  if(line==0) mvReflProfile_FullDeriv[*par][i] = reflProfile;
1935  else mvReflProfile_FullDeriv[*par][i] += reflProfile;
1936  }
1937  }
1938  }
1939  }
1940  }
1941  }
1942 }
1945 {
1946  bool needRecalc=false;
1948  this->CalcSinThetaLambda();
1949  if((mClockIntensityCorr<mClockTheta)||(mClockIntensityCorr<this->GetClockNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda())) needRecalc=true;
1951  const CrystVector_REAL *mpCorr[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
1953  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
1954  {
1955  mpCorr[0]=&(mCorrTOF.GetCorr());
1956  if(mClockIntensityCorr<mCorrTOF.GetClockCorr()) needRecalc=true;
1957  }
1958  else
1959  {
1960  mpCorr[0]=&(mCorrLorentz.GetCorr());
1961  if(mClockIntensityCorr<mCorrLorentz.GetClockCorr()) needRecalc=true;
1963  if(this->GetRadiation().GetRadiationType()==RAD_XRAY)
1964  {
1965  mpCorr[1]=&(mCorrPolar.GetCorr());
1966  if(mClockIntensityCorr<mCorrPolar.GetClockCorr()) needRecalc=true;
1967  }
1969  mpCorr[2]=&(mCorrSlitAperture.GetCorr());
1970  if(mClockIntensityCorr<mCorrSlitAperture.GetClockCorr()) needRecalc=true;
1971  }
1973  if(mCorrTextureMarchDollase.GetNbPhase()>0)
1974  {
1975  mpCorr[3]=&(mCorrTextureMarchDollase.GetCorr());
1976  if(mClockIntensityCorr<mCorrTextureMarchDollase.GetClockCorr()) needRecalc=true;
1977  }
1978  mpCorr[4]=&(mCorrTextureEllipsoid.GetCorr());
1979  if(mClockIntensityCorr<mCorrTextureEllipsoid.GetClockCorr()) needRecalc=true;
1982  if(needRecalc==false) return;
1984  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIntensityCorr()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
1985  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIntensityCorr()",2)
1986  mIntensityCorr.resize(mNbRefl);
1987  REAL *;
1988  const REAL *p=mpCorr[0]->data();
1989  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--) *pCorr++ = *p++;
1990  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()!=WAVELENGTH_TOF)
1991  {
1992  if(this->GetRadiation().GetRadiationType()==RAD_XRAY)
1993  {
1995  p=mpCorr[1]->data();
1996  const REAL* p2=mpCorr[2]->data();
1997  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--) *pCorr++ *= *p++ * *p2++;
1998  }
1999  else
2000  {
2002  p=mpCorr[2]->data();
2003  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--) *pCorr++ *= *p++;
2004  }
2005  }
2006  if(mCorrTextureMarchDollase.GetNbPhase()>0)
2007  {
2009  p=mpCorr[3]->data();
2010  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--) *pCorr++ *= *p++;
2011  }
2012  if(mpCorr[4]->numElements()>0)
2013  {
2015  p=mpCorr[4]->data();
2016  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--) *pCorr++ *= *p++;
2017  }
2018  mClockIntensityCorr.Click();
2019  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIntensityCorr():finished",2)
2020 }
2023 {
2024  this->CalcIntensityCorr();
2025  if(mExtractionMode==true)
2026  {
2027  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl():"<<mFhklObsSq.numElements()<<","<<mIntensityCorr.numElements()<<","<<mMultiplicity.numElements(),7);
2028  mIhklCalc=mFhklObsSq;
2029  mIhklCalc*=mIntensityCorr;
2030  mIhklCalc*=mMultiplicity;
2031  mClockIhklCalc.Click();
2032  return;
2033  }
2034  this->CalcStructFactor();
2035  if( (mClockIhklCalc>mClockIntensityCorr)
2036  &&(mClockIhklCalc>mClockStructFactor)
2037  &&(mClockIhklCalc>mClockNbReflUsed)) return;
2039  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl()",3)
2040  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
2041  const REAL * RESTRICT pr,* RESTRICT pi,* RESTRICT pcorr;
2042  const int * RESTRICT mult;
2043  REAL * RESTRICT p;
2050  mIhklCalc.resize(mNbRefl);
2052  if(mFhklCalcVariance.numElements()>0)
2053  {
2054  const REAL * RESTRICT;
2055  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--)
2056  {
2057  *p++ = *mult++ * (*pr * *pr + *pi * *pi + 2 * *pv++) * *pcorr++;
2058  pr++;
2059  pi++;
2060  }
2061  }
2062  else
2063  {
2064  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--)
2065  {
2066  *p++ = *mult++ * (*pr * *pr + *pi * *pi) * *pcorr++;
2067  pr++;
2068  pi++;
2069  }
2070  }
2071  if(mFhklCalcVariance.numElements()==0)
2072  {
2073  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl(): No Calc Variance",2)
2074  mIhklCalcVariance.resize(0);
2075  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE(endl<<
2076  FormatVertVectorHKLFloats<REAL>(mH,mK,mL,mSinThetaLambda,
2077  mFhklCalcReal,
2078  mFhklCalcImag,
2079  mIhklCalc,
2080  mIntensityCorr
2081  ),2)
2082  }
2083  else
2084  {
2085  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl(): Calc Variance",2)
2086  mIhklCalcVariance.resize(mNbRefl);
2089  const REAL * RESTRICT;
2090  const REAL * RESTRICT;
2094  for(long j=mNbReflUsed;j>0;j--)
2095  {
2096  *pVar2++ = (4* *mult) * *pcorr * *pVar *(*pInt++ - (*mult * *pcorr) * *pVar);
2097  pVar++;mult++;pcorr++;
2098  }
2099  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE(endl<<
2100  FormatVertVectorHKLFloats<REAL>(mH,mK,mL,mSinThetaLambda,
2101  mFhklCalcReal,
2102  mIhklCalc,
2103  mExpectedIntensityFactor,
2104  mIntensityCorr,
2105  mMultiplicity,
2106  mvLuzzatiFactor[&(mpCrystal->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(0))],
2107  mFhklCalcVariance,
2108  mIhklCalcVariance),2);
2109  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE(mNbRefl<<" "<<mNbReflUsed,2)
2110  }
2112  //cout <<FormatVertVector<REAL>(mTheta,mIhklCalc,mMultiplicity,
2113  // mFhklCalcReal,mFhklCalcImag,mIntensityCorr);
2114  mClockIhklCalc.Click();
2115  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl():End",3)
2116 }
2118 void PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar*> &vPar)
2119 {
2120  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
2121  //cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl_FullDeriv()"<<endl;
2122  this->CalcIntensityCorr();//:TODO: derivatives of intensity corrections (Texture, displacement parameters,...)
2123  mIhkl_FullDeriv.clear();
2124  if(mExtractionMode==true)
2125  {
2126  //:TODO: handle Pawley refinements of I(hkl)
2127  return;
2128  }
2129  this->CalcStructFactor_FullDeriv(vPar);
2131  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
2132  {
2133  if(*par==0) mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par]=mIhklCalc;
2134  else
2135  {
2136  if(mFhklCalcReal_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0) continue;
2137  const REAL * RESTRICT pr,* RESTRICT pi,* RESTRICT prd,* RESTRICT pid,* RESTRICT pcorr;
2138  const int * RESTRICT mult;
2139  REAL * RESTRICT p;
2143  prd=mFhklCalcReal_FullDeriv[*par].data();
2144  pid=mFhklCalcImag_FullDeriv[*par].data();
2145;//:TODO: derivatives of intensity corrections (Texture, displacement parameters,...)
2148  mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par].resize(mNbRefl);
2149  p=mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par].data();
2150  if(mFhklCalcImag_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0)
2151  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--) *p++ = *mult++ * 2 * *pr++ * *prd++ * *pcorr++;
2152  else
2153  for(long i=mNbReflUsed;i>0;i--) *p++ = *mult++ * 2 *(*pr++ * *prd++ + *pi++ * *pid++) * *pcorr++;
2154  }
2155  }
2156  #if 0
2157  std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> oldDeriv;
2158  std::vector<const CrystVector_REAL*> v;
2159  v.push_back(&mH);
2160  v.push_back(&mK);
2161  v.push_back(&mL);
2162  CrystVector_REAL m;
2163  m=mMultiplicity;
2164  v.push_back(&m);
2165  v.push_back(&mIntensityCorr);
2166  int n=0;
2167  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
2168  {
2169  if((*par)==0) continue;
2170  if(mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0) continue;
2172  const REAL step=(*par)->GetDerivStep();
2173  (*par)->Mutate(step);
2174  this->CalcIhkl();
2175  oldDeriv[*par]=mIhklCalc;
2176  (*par)->Mutate(-2*step);
2177  this->CalcIhkl();
2178  oldDeriv[*par]-=mIhklCalc;
2179  oldDeriv[*par]/=2*step;
2180  (*par)->Mutate(step);
2182  v.push_back(&(mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par]));
2183  v.push_back(&(oldDeriv[*par]));
2184  cout<<(*par)->GetName()<<":"<<mIhkl_FullDeriv[*par].size()<<","<<oldDeriv[*par].size()<<", step="<<setw(16)<<step<<endl;
2185  if(++n>5) break;
2186  }
2187  cout<<"PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcIhkl_FullDeriv():"<<endl<<FormatVertVectorHKLFloats<REAL>(v,12,1,20)<<endl;
2188  //exit(0);
2189  #endif
2190 }
2193 {
2194  if( (this->GetCrystal().GetSpaceGroup().GetClockSpaceGroup()>mClockHKL)
2195  ||(this->GetCrystal().GetClockLatticePar()>mClockHKL)
2196  ||(this->GetRadiation().GetClockWavelength()>mClockHKL)
2198  this->GenHKLFullSpace();
2199  //if(0==this->GetNbRefl()) this->GenHKLFullSpace();
2200 }
2201 void PowderPatternDiffraction::InitOptions()
2202 {
2203  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::InitOptions()",5)
2204  #if 0
2205  static string ReflectionProfileTypeName;
2206  static string ReflectionProfileTypeChoices[3];
2208  static bool needInitNames=true;
2209  if(true==needInitNames)
2210  {
2211  ReflectionProfileTypeName="Profile Type";
2212  ReflectionProfileTypeChoices[0]="Gaussian";
2213  ReflectionProfileTypeChoices[1]="Lorentzian";
2214  ReflectionProfileTypeChoices[2]="Pseudo-Voigt";
2216  needInitNames=false;//Only once for the class
2217  }
2218  mReflectionProfileType.Init(3,&ReflectionProfileTypeName,ReflectionProfileTypeChoices);
2219  this->AddOption(&mReflectionProfileType);
2220  #endif
2221 }
2222 const CrystVector_long& PowderPatternDiffraction::GetBraggLimits()const
2223 {
2224  this->CalcPowderReflProfile();
2225  if((mClockProfileCalc>mClockBraggLimits)&&(this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda()>0))
2226  {
2227  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::GetBraggLimits(*min,*max)",3)
2228  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::GetBraggLimits()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
2229  mIntegratedReflLimits.resize(this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda());
2230  long i = 0;
2231  mIntegratedReflLimits(i)=mvReflProfile[0].first;
2232  for(;i<(this->GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda()-1);++i)
2233  mIntegratedReflLimits(i+1)=(mvReflProfile[i].first+mvReflProfile[i].last+mvReflProfile[i+1].first+mvReflProfile[i+1].last)/4;
2234  mIntegratedReflLimits(i)=mvReflProfile[i].last;
2236  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::GetBraggLimits(*min,*max)",3)
2237  }
2238  return mIntegratedReflLimits;
2239 }
2244 const CrystMatrix_REAL& PowderPatternDiffraction::GetBMatrix()const
2245 {
2246  if(mFreezeLatticePar) return mFrozenBMatrix;
2247  return this->ScatteringData::GetBMatrix();
2248 }
2251 {
2252  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPatternDiffraction::CalcFrozenBMatrix()", 10)
2253  REAL a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma;//direct space parameters
2254  REAL aa,bb,cc,alphaa,betaa,gammaa;//reciprocal space parameters
2255  REAL v;//volume of the unit cell
2256  a=mFrozenLatticePar(0);
2257  b=mFrozenLatticePar(1);
2258  c=mFrozenLatticePar(2);
2259  alpha=mFrozenLatticePar(3);
2260  beta=mFrozenLatticePar(4);
2261  gamma=mFrozenLatticePar(5);
2263  v=sqrt(1-cos(alpha)*cos(alpha)-cos(beta)*cos(beta)-cos(gamma)*cos(gamma)
2264  +2*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)*cos(gamma));
2266  aa=sin(alpha)/a/v;
2267  bb=sin(beta )/b/v;
2268  cc=sin(gamma)/c/v;
2270  alphaa=acos( (cos(beta )*cos(gamma)-cos(alpha))/sin(beta )/sin(gamma) );
2271  betaa =acos( (cos(alpha)*cos(gamma)-cos(beta ))/sin(alpha)/sin(gamma) );
2272  gammaa=acos( (cos(alpha)*cos(beta )-cos(gamma))/sin(alpha)/sin(beta ) );
2274  mFrozenBMatrix = aa , bb*cos(gammaa) , cc*cos(betaa) ,
2275  0 , bb*sin(gammaa) ,-cc*sin(betaa)*cos(alpha),
2276  0 , 0 ,1/c;
2277 }
2279 void PowderPatternDiffraction::PrepareIntegratedProfile()const
2280 {
2281  this->CalcPowderReflProfile();
2283  if( (mClockIntegratedProfileFactor>mClockProfileCalc)
2284  &&(mClockIntegratedProfileFactor>mpParentPowderPattern->GetIntegratedProfileLimitsClock())
2285  &&(mClockIntegratedProfileFactor>mClockNbReflUsed))
2286  return;
2287  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPatternDiffraction::PrepareIntegratedProfile()",7)
2288  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPatternDiffraction::PrepareIntegratedProfile()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
2289  const CrystVector_long *pMin=&(mpParentPowderPattern->GetIntegratedProfileMin());
2290  const CrystVector_long *pMax=&(mpParentPowderPattern->GetIntegratedProfileMax());
2292  const long numInterval=pMin->numElements();
2294  vector< map<long, REAL> > vIntegratedProfileFactor;
2295  vIntegratedProfileFactor.resize(mNbReflUsed);
2296  vector< map<long, REAL> >::iterator pos1;
2297  pos1=vIntegratedProfileFactor.begin();
2299  mIntegratedProfileFactor.resize(mNbReflUsed);
2300  vector< pair<unsigned long, CrystVector_REAL> >::iterator pos2;
2301  pos2=mIntegratedProfileFactor.begin();
2302  for(long i=0;i<mNbReflUsed;i++)
2303  {
2304  pos1->clear();
2305  long firstInterval=numInterval;
2306  for(long j=0;j<numInterval;j++)
2307  {
2308  const long first0 = mvReflProfile[i].first;
2309  const long last0 = mvReflProfile[i].last ;
2310  const long first= first0>(*pMin)(j) ? first0:(*pMin)(j);
2311  const long last = last0 <(*pMax)(j) ? last0 :(*pMax)(j);
2312  if((first<=last) && (mvReflProfile[i].profile.size()>0))
2313  {
2314  if(firstInterval>j) firstInterval=j;
2315  if(pos1->find(j) == pos1->end()) (*pos1)[j]=0.;
2316  REAL *fact = &((*pos1)[j]);//this creates the 'j' entry if necessary
2317  const REAL *p2 = mvReflProfile[i];
2318  //cout << i<<","<<j<<","<<first<<","<<last<<":"<<*fact<<"/"<<mNbReflUsed<<","<<mNbRefl<<endl;
2319  for(int k=first;k<=last;k++) *fact += *p2++;
2320  }
2321  }
2322  pos2->first=firstInterval;
2323  pos2->second.resize(pos1->size());
2324  REAL *pFact=pos2->;
2325  for(map<long, REAL>::const_iterator pos=pos1->begin();pos!=pos1->end();++pos)
2326  *pFact++ = pos->second;
2327  pos1++;
2328  pos2++;
2329  }
2330  mClockIntegratedProfileFactor.Click();
2331  #ifdef __DEBUG__
2332  if(gVFNDebugMessageLevel<3)
2333  {
2334  unsigned long i=0;
2335  for(vector< pair<unsigned long, CrystVector_REAL> >::const_iterator
2336  pos=mIntegratedProfileFactor.begin();
2337  pos!=mIntegratedProfileFactor.end();++pos)
2338  {
2339  cout <<"Integrated profile factors for reflection #"<<i++<<" ";
2340  for(int j=0;j<pos->second.numElements();++j)
2341  cout << j+pos->first<<"("<<pos->second(j)<<") ";
2342  cout<<endl;
2343  }
2344  }
2345  #endif
2347  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPatternDiffraction::PrepareIntegratedProfile()",7)
2348 }
2350 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
2351 WXCrystObjBasic* PowderPatternDiffraction::WXCreate(wxWindow* parent)
2352 {
2353  //:TODO: Check mpWXCrystObj==0
2354  mpWXCrystObj=new WXPowderPatternDiffraction(parent,this);
2355  return mpWXCrystObj;
2356 }
2357 #endif
2360 //
2361 // PowderPattern
2362 //
2364 ObjRegistry<PowderPattern>
2365  gPowderPatternRegistry("List of all PowderPattern objects");
2367 PowderPattern::PowderPattern():
2368 mIsXAscending(true),mNbPoint(0),
2369 mXZero(0.),m2ThetaDisplacement(0.),m2ThetaTransparency(0.),
2370 mDIFC(48277.14),mDIFA(-6.7),
2371 mScaleFactor(20),mUseFastLessPreciseFunc(false),
2372 mStatisticsExcludeBackground(false),mMaxSinThetaOvLambda(10),mNbPointUsed(0)
2373 {
2374  mScaleFactor=1;
2375  mSubObjRegistry.SetName("SubObjRegistry for a PowderPattern object");
2376  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.SetName("Powder Pattern Components");
2377  this->AddSubRefObj(mRadiation);
2378  this->Init();
2379  gPowderPatternRegistry.Register(*this);
2380  gTopRefinableObjRegistry.Register(*this);
2381  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockPowderPatternPar);
2382  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockNbPointUsed);
2383  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockPowderPatternXCorr);
2384  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockScaleFactor);
2385  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockPowderPatternRadiation);
2386 }
2388 PowderPattern::PowderPattern(const PowderPattern &old):
2389 mIsXAscending(old.mIsXAscending),mNbPoint(old.mNbPoint),
2390 mRadiation(old.mRadiation),
2391 mXZero(old.mXZero),m2ThetaDisplacement(old.m2ThetaDisplacement),
2392 m2ThetaTransparency(old.m2ThetaTransparency),
2393 mDIFC(old.mDIFC),mDIFA(old.mDIFA),
2394 mPowderPatternComponentRegistry(old.mPowderPatternComponentRegistry),
2395 mScaleFactor(old.mScaleFactor),
2396 mUseFastLessPreciseFunc(old.mUseFastLessPreciseFunc),
2397 mStatisticsExcludeBackground(old.mStatisticsExcludeBackground),
2398 mMaxSinThetaOvLambda(old.mMaxSinThetaOvLambda),mNbPointUsed(old.mNbPointUsed)
2399 {
2400  mX=old.mX;
2401  this->Init();
2402  mSubObjRegistry.SetName("SubObjRegistry for a PowderPattern :"+mName);
2403  gPowderPatternRegistry.Register(*this);
2404  gTopRefinableObjRegistry.Register(*this);
2405  this->AddSubRefObj(mRadiation);
2406  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockPowderPatternPar);
2407  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockNbPointUsed);
2408  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockPowderPatternXCorr);
2409  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockScaleFactor);
2410  mClockMaster.AddChild(mClockPowderPatternRadiation);
2411 }
2413 PowderPattern::~PowderPattern()
2414 {
2415  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
2416  {
2417  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).DeRegisterClient(*this);
2418  this->RemoveSubRefObj(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i));
2419  delete &(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i));
2420  }
2421  gPowderPatternRegistry.DeRegister(*this);
2422  gTopRefinableObjRegistry.DeRegister(*this);
2423 }
2424 const string& PowderPattern::GetClassName() const
2425 {
2426  const static string className="PowderPattern";
2427  return className;
2428 }
2431 {
2432  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::AddPowderPatternComponent():"<<comp.GetName(),5)
2433  comp.SetParentPowderPattern(*this);
2434  this->AddSubRefObj(comp);
2435  comp.RegisterClient(*this);
2437  mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep.Reset();
2438  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.Register(comp);
2439  //:TODO: check if there are enough scale factors
2440  //mScaleFactor.resizeAndPreserve(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb());
2441  mScaleFactor(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb()-1)=1.;
2443  if(comp.IsScalable())
2444  {//Init refinable parameter
2445  RefinablePar tmp("Scale_"+comp.GetName(),,
2446  1e-10,1e10,gpRefParTypeScattDataScale,REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_RELATIVE,
2447  false,true,true,false,1.);
2448  tmp.SetGlobalOptimStep(0.);
2450  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-4);
2451  this->AddPar(tmp);
2452  }
2453  //this->UpdateDisplay();
2454  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::AddPowderPatternComponent():"<<comp.GetName(),5)
2455 }
2458 {
2459  return mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();
2460 }
2463  (const string &name)const
2464 {
2465  return mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(name);
2466 }
2469  (const int i) const
2470 {
2471  return mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i);
2472 }
2475  (const string &name)
2476 {
2477  return mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(name);
2478 }
2481  (const int i)
2482 {
2483  return mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i);
2484 }
2486 REAL PowderPattern::GetScaleFactor(const int i)const{return mScaleFactor(i);}
2489 {
2490  unsigned int i=0;
2491  for(;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();++i)
2492  {
2493  if(&(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i))==&comp) break;
2494  }
2495  if(i==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb())
2496  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::GetScaleFactor(comp) : no such component");
2497  return mScaleFactor(i);
2498 }
2499 void PowderPattern::SetScaleFactor(const int i, REAL s){ mScaleFactor(i)=s;}
2502 {
2503  unsigned int i=0;
2504  for(;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();++i)
2505  {
2506  if(&(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i))==&comp) break;
2507  }
2508  if(i==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb())
2509  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::GetScaleFactor(comp) : no such component");
2510  mScaleFactor(i)=s;
2511 }
2514  const REAL step,
2515  unsigned long nbPoint)
2516 {
2517  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternPar():"<<min<<","<<step<<","<<nbPoint,3)
2518  mNbPoint=nbPoint;
2519  mX.resize(mNbPoint);
2520  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) mX(i)=min+step*i;
2521  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
2522  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
2523  mPowderPatternWeight.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
2525 }
2526 void PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternX(const CrystVector_REAL &x)
2527 {
2528  mNbPoint=x.numElements();
2529  if(&x != &mX) mX=x;
2530  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
2531  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
2532  mPowderPatternWeight.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
2534  if(mX(mNbPoint-1)>mX(0))mIsXAscending=true;
2535  else mIsXAscending=false;
2536  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternX() is ascending="<<mIsXAscending,5)
2537 }
2539 unsigned long PowderPattern::GetNbPoint()const {return mNbPoint;}
2541 unsigned long PowderPattern::GetNbPointUsed()const
2542 {
2543  if(!this->IsBeingRefined()) this->CalcNbPointUsed();
2544  return mNbPointUsed;
2545 }
2547 const RefinableObjClock& PowderPattern::GetClockNbPointUsed()const{return mClockNbPointUsed;}
2550 {
2551  mRadiation=radiation;
2553 }
2559 {
2561 }
2564 void PowderPattern::SetWavelength(const REAL lambda)
2565 {
2566  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetWavelength(lambda)",3)
2567  mRadiation.SetWavelength(lambda);
2568 }
2570 void PowderPattern::SetWavelength(const string &XRayTubeElementName,const REAL alpha12ratio)
2571 {
2572  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetWavelength(wavelength)",3)
2573  mRadiation.SetWavelength(XRayTubeElementName,alpha12ratio);
2574 }
2578 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetPowderPatternCalc()const
2579 {
2580  this->CalcPowderPattern();
2581  return mPowderPatternCalc;
2582 }
2584 std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>& PowderPattern::GetPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar)
2585 {
2586  this->CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(vPar);
2587  return mPowderPattern_FullDeriv;
2588 }
2590 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetPowderPatternObs()const
2591 {
2592  return mPowderPatternObs;
2593 }
2595 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetPowderPatternObsSigma()const
2596 {
2597  return mPowderPatternObsSigma;
2598 }
2600 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetPowderPatternVariance()const
2601 {
2602  return mPowderPatternVariance;
2603 }
2605 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetPowderPatternWeight()const
2606 {
2607  return mPowderPatternWeight;
2608 }
2611 {
2612  if(mNbPoint==0) return 0;//:KLUDGE: ?
2613  if(true==mIsXAscending) return mX(0);
2614  return mX(mNbPoint-1);
2615 }
2618 {
2619  if(mNbPoint==0) return 0;//:KLUDGE: ?
2620  return abs((-mX(0)+mX(mNbPoint-1))/(mNbPoint-1));
2621 }
2624 {
2625  if(mNbPoint==0) return 0;//:KLUDGE: ?
2626  if(true==mIsXAscending) return mX(mNbPoint-1);
2627  return mX(0);
2628 }
2629 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetPowderPatternX()const
2630 {
2631  return mX;
2632 }
2634 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetChi2Cumul()const
2635 {
2636  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::GetChi2Cumul()",3)
2637  mChi2Cumul.resize(mNbPoint);
2638  if(0 == mOptProfileIntegration.GetChoice())
2639  {
2641  if(mNbIntegrationUsed==0)
2642  mChi2Cumul=0;
2643  else
2644  {
2645  const REAL *;
2646  const REAL *;
2647  const REAL *pWeight;
2648  if(mIntegratedWeight.numElements()==0);
2649  else;
2651  REAL *;
2652  for(int i=0;i<mIntegratedPatternMin(0);i++) *pC2Cu++ = 0;
2653  REAL chi2cumul=0,tmp;
2654  for(unsigned long j=1;j<mNbIntegrationUsed;j++)
2655  {
2656  tmp=(*pObs++ - *pCalc++) ;
2657  chi2cumul += *pWeight++ * tmp*tmp;
2658  for(int i=mIntegratedPatternMin(j-1);i<mIntegratedPatternMin(j);i++) *pC2Cu++ =chi2cumul;
2660  if(mIntegratedPatternMin(j)>(int)mNbPointUsed)
2661  {
2662  for(unsigned int i=mIntegratedPatternMin(j);i<mNbPoint;i++) *pC2Cu++ =chi2cumul;
2663  break;
2664  }
2665  }
2667  for(unsigned int i=mIntegratedPatternMin(mNbIntegrationUsed-1);i<mNbPoint;i++) *pC2Cu++ =chi2cumul;
2668  }
2669  }
2670  else
2671  {
2672  this->CalcPowderPattern();
2673  const REAL *;
2674  const REAL *;
2675  const REAL *;
2676  REAL *;
2677  REAL chi2cumul=0,tmp;
2678  for(unsigned int i=0;i<mNbPointUsed;i++)
2679  {
2680  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetChi2Cumul():"<<mIntegratedPatternMin(i)<<"->"<<mIntegratedPatternMax(i)<<":obs-calc="<<*pObs - *pCalc<<", weight="<<*pWeight,5);
2681  tmp = (*pObs++ - *pCalc++) ;
2682  chi2cumul += *pWeight++ * tmp*tmp;
2683  *pC2Cu++ = chi2cumul;
2684  }
2685  }
2686  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::GetChi2Cumul()",3)
2687  return mChi2Cumul;
2688 }
2691 { return mClockPowderPatternCalc;}
2694 { return mClockPowderPatternPar;}
2700 { return mClockPowderPatternXCorr;}
2702 void PowderPattern::SetXZero(const REAL newZero)
2703 {
2704  mXZero=newZero;
2706 }
2708 void PowderPattern::Set2ThetaDisplacement(const REAL displacement)
2709 {
2710  m2ThetaDisplacement=displacement;
2712 }
2714 void PowderPattern::Set2ThetaTransparency(const REAL transparency)
2715 {
2716  m2ThetaTransparency=transparency;
2718 }
2720 REAL PowderPattern::X2XCorr(const REAL x0)const
2721 {
2722  REAL x=x0;
2723  if( (mRadiation.GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_MONOCHROMATIC)
2724  ||(mRadiation.GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_ALPHA12))
2725  x += m2ThetaDisplacement*cos(x/2) +m2ThetaTransparency*sin(x);
2727  return x+mXZero;
2728 }
2730 REAL PowderPattern::X2PixelCorr(const REAL x0)const
2731 {
2732  return this->X2Pixel(this->X2XCorr(x0));
2733 }
2735 REAL PowderPattern::X2Pixel(const REAL x)const
2736 {
2737  //:TODO: faster if the step is actually constant.
2738  // Step may not be constant, so we guess twice before step-search
2739  REAL pixx;
2740  if(mIsXAscending==false)
2741  {
2742  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel()",1)
2743  long pix=(long)(mNbPoint-1-(x-this->GetPowderPatternXMin())/this->GetPowderPatternXStep());
2744  if((pix>0)&&(pix<((long)mNbPoint-1)))
2745  {
2746  // Why floor() and ceil() don't return a bloody integer is beyond me
2747  const REAL localStep=mX(pix)-mX(pix+1);
2748  if(localStep>0) pix -= (long)((x-mX(pix))/localStep);
2749  }
2750  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix,1)
2751  if(pix<1) pix=1;
2752  if(pix>((long)mNbPoint-2))pix=(long)mNbPoint-2;
2753  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2754  if(mX(pix)<x)
2755  {
2756  for(;;pix--)
2757  {
2758  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2759  if(mX(pix)>=x) break;
2760  if(pix==0) break;
2761  }
2762  }
2763  else
2764  {
2765  for(;;pix++)
2766  {
2767  if(mX(pix)<=x) {pix--;break;}
2768  if(pix==((long)mNbPoint-2)) break;
2769  }
2770  }
2771  // This assumes step is at least localy constant...
2772  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2773  const REAL localStep=mX(pix)-mX(pix+1);
2774  pixx = (REAL)pix-(x-mX(pix))/localStep;
2775  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2776  }
2777  else
2778  {
2779  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<this->GetPowderPatternXMin()<<","<<this->GetPowderPatternXMax(),1)
2780  long pix=(long)((x-this->GetPowderPatternXMin())/this->GetPowderPatternXStep());
2781  if((pix>0)&&(pix<((long)mNbPoint-1)))
2782  {
2783  // Why floor() and ceil() don't return a bloody integer is beyond me
2784  const REAL localStep=mX(pix+1)-mX(pix);
2785  if(localStep>0) pix += (long)((x-mX(pix))/localStep);
2786  }
2787  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix,1)
2788  if(pix<1) pix=1;
2789  if(pix>((long)mNbPoint-2))pix=(long)mNbPoint-2;
2790  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2791  if(x<mX(pix))
2792  {
2793  for(;;pix--)
2794  {
2795  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2796  if(mX(pix)<=x) break;
2797  if(pix==0) break;
2798  }
2799  }
2800  else
2801  {
2802  for(;;pix++)
2803  {
2804  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2805  if(mX(pix)>=x) {pix-- ;break;}
2806  if(pix==((long)mNbPoint-2)) break;
2807  }
2808  }
2809  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix),1)
2810  if(pix>((long)mNbPoint-2))pix=(long)mNbPoint-2;
2811  // This assumes step is at least localy constant...
2812  const REAL localStep=mX(pix+1)-mX(pix);
2813  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pix<<","<<mX(pix)<<","<<localStep,1)
2814  pixx = (REAL)pix+(x-mX(pix))/localStep;
2815  }
2816  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2Pixel():"<<x<<","<<pixx,1)
2817  return pixx;
2818 }
2821 {
2822  //15.000 0.030 70.000 LANI4FE#1 REC 800 4JRS
2823  //2447. 2418. 2384. 2457. 2398. 2374. 2378. 2383.
2824  //...
2825  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof() : \
2826 from file : "+filename,5)
2827  ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
2828  if(!fin)
2829  {
2830  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof() : \
2831 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
2832  }
2833  REAL min,max,step;
2834  fin >> min >> step >> max;
2835  min *= DEG2RAD;
2836  max *= DEG2RAD;
2837  step *= DEG2RAD;
2838  this->SetPowderPatternPar(min,step,(long)((max-min)/step+1.001));
2839  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof() :"\
2840  << " 2Theta min=" << min*RAD2DEG << " 2Theta max=" << max*RAD2DEG \
2841  << " NbPoints=" << mNbPoint,5)
2842  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
2846  char tmpComment[200];
2847  fin.getline(tmpComment,100);
2848  //if(""==mName) mName.append(tmpComment);
2850  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) fin >> mPowderPatternObs(i);
2851  fin.close();
2852  this->SetSigmaToSqrtIobs();
2853  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
2855  this->UpdateDisplay();
2856  {
2857  char buf [200];
2858  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
2859  (int)mNbPoint,min*RAD2DEG,max*RAD2DEG,step*RAD2DEG);
2860  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
2861  }
2862  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportFullProfPattern():finished:"<<mNbPoint<<" points",5)
2863 }
2865 void PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC(const string &filename)
2866 {
2867  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC() : \
2868 from file : "+filename,5)
2869  ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
2870  if(!fin)
2871  {
2872  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC() : \
2873 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
2874  }
2875  //Skip the first two lines
2876  char tmpComment[200];
2877  fin.getline(tmpComment,190);
2878  fin.getline(tmpComment,190);
2879  REAL min,max,step;
2880  fin >> min >> step >> max;
2881  min *= DEG2RAD;
2882  max *= DEG2RAD;
2883  step *= DEG2RAD;
2884  this->SetPowderPatternPar(min,step,(unsigned long)((max-min)/step+1.001));
2885  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC() :"\
2886  << " 2Theta min=" << min*RAD2DEG << " 2Theta max=" << max*RAD2DEG \
2887  << " NbPoints=" << mNbPoint,5)
2888  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
2892  fin.getline(tmpComment,100);
2893  //if(""==mName) mName.append(tmpComment);
2895  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) fin >> mPowderPatternObs(i);
2896  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) fin >> mPowderPatternObsSigma(i);
2897  fin.close();
2898  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
2900  this->UpdateDisplay();
2901  {
2902  char buf [200];
2903  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
2904  (int)mNbPoint,min*RAD2DEG,max*RAD2DEG,step*RAD2DEG);
2905  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
2906  }
2907  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC():finished",5)
2908 }
2911 {
2912  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternILL_D1AD2B() : \
2913 from file : "+filename,5)
2914  ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
2915  if(!fin)
2916  {
2917  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternILL_D1AD2B() : \
2918 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
2919  }
2920  //Skip the first three lines
2921  char tmpComment[200];
2922  fin.getline(tmpComment,190);
2923  fin.getline(tmpComment,190);
2924  fin.getline(tmpComment,190);
2926  fin >> mNbPoint;
2927  fin.getline(tmpComment,190);
2928  REAL min,step;
2929  fin >> min >> step;
2930  min *= DEG2RAD;
2931  step *= DEG2RAD;
2932  this->SetPowderPatternPar(min,step,mNbPoint);
2933  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternILL_D1AD2B() :"\
2934  << " 2Theta min=" << min*RAD2DEG << " 2Theta max=" << min*RAD2DEG+mNbPoint*step*RAD2DEG \
2935  << " NbPoints=" << mNbPoint,5)
2936  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
2937  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resize (mNbPoint);
2938  mPowderPatternWeight.resize(mNbPoint);
2940  //if(""==mName) mName.append(tmpComment);
2942  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) fin >> mPowderPatternObs(i);
2943  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) fin >> mPowderPatternObsSigma(i);
2944  fin.close();
2945  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
2947  this->UpdateDisplay();
2948  {
2949  char buf [200];
2950  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
2951  (int)mNbPoint,min*RAD2DEG,(min+step*(mNbPoint-1))*RAD2DEG,
2952  step*RAD2DEG);
2953  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
2954  }
2955  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternILL_D1AD2B():finished",5)
2956 }
2958 void PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternXdd(const string &filename)
2959 {
2960  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternXdd():from file :" \
2961  +filename,5)
2962  ifstream fin (filename.c_str());
2963  if(!fin)
2964  {
2965  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternXdd() : \
2966 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
2967  }
2968  char tmpComment[200];
2969  fin.getline(tmpComment,100);
2970  //if(""==mName) mName.append(tmpComment);
2971  REAL min,max,step,tmp;
2972  fin >> min >> step >> max;
2973  min *= DEG2RAD;
2974  max *= DEG2RAD;
2975  step *= DEG2RAD;
2976  this->SetPowderPatternPar(min,step,(long)((max-min)/step+1.001));
2977  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
2979  mPowderPatternCalc.resize(mNbPoint);
2983  fin >> tmp; //Count time
2984  fin >> tmp; //unused
2985  fin >> tmp; //unused (wavelength?)
2987  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) fin >> mPowderPatternObs(i);
2988  fin.close();
2989  this->SetSigmaToSqrtIobs();
2990  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
2991  this->UpdateDisplay();
2992  {
2993  char buf [200];
2994  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
2995  (int)mNbPoint,min*RAD2DEG,max*RAD2DEG,step*RAD2DEG);
2996  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
2997  }
2998  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("DiffractionDataPowder::ImportXddPattern() :finished",5)
2999 }
3002 {
3003  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI():from file :" \
3004  +filename,5)
3005  ifstream fin (filename.c_str());
3006  if(!fin)
3007  {
3008  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI() : \
3009 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
3010  }
3011  char tmpComment[300];
3012  fin.getline(tmpComment,100);
3013  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE(" ->Discarded comment :"<<tmpComment,1)
3014  REAL min,max,step;
3015  fin >> min >> max >> step;
3016  min *= DEG2RAD;
3017  max *= DEG2RAD;
3018  step *= DEG2RAD;
3019  this->SetPowderPatternPar(min,step,(long)((max-min)/step+1.001));
3020  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
3022  mPowderPatternCalc.resize(mNbPoint);
3026  //Following lines are ignored (no fixed format ?)
3027  string str;
3028  do
3029  {
3030  fin>>str;
3031  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE(" ->Read :"<<str,1)
3032  } while ("SCANDATA"!=str);
3034  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;i++) fin >> mPowderPatternObs(i);
3035  fin.close();
3036  this->SetSigmaToSqrtIobs();
3037  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3039  this->UpdateDisplay();
3040  {
3041  char buf [200];
3042  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
3043  (int)mNbPoint,min*RAD2DEG,max*RAD2DEG,step*RAD2DEG);
3044  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3045  }
3046  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("DiffractionDataPowder::ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI()",5)
3047 }
3049 void PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma(const string &filename,const int nbSkip)
3050 {
3051  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("DiffractionDataPowder::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma():from:" \
3052  +filename,5)
3053  ifstream fin (filename.c_str());
3054  if(!fin)
3055  {
3056  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma():\
3057 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
3058  }
3059  {//Get rid of first lines
3060  char tmpComment[200];
3061  for(int i=0;i<nbSkip;i++) fin.getline(tmpComment,150);
3062  }
3063  mPowderPatternObs.resize (500);
3064  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resize(500);
3065  mX.resize(500);
3066  mNbPoint=0;
3068  do
3069  {
3070  fin >> mX (mNbPoint);
3071  fin >> mPowderPatternObs (mNbPoint);
3073  //cout << mX (mNbPoint)<<" "
3074  // << mPowderPatternObs (mNbPoint)<<" "
3075  // << mPowderPatternObsSigma(mNbPoint)<<endl;
3076  if(!fin) break;
3077  mNbPoint++;
3078  if( (mNbPoint%500)==0)
3079  {
3080  mX.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3081  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3082  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3083  }
3084  } while(fin.eof() == false);
3085  fin.close();
3087  mX.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3088  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3089  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
3092  mX *= DEG2RAD;
3094  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3096  this->UpdateDisplay();
3097  {
3098  char buf [200];
3099  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
3100  (int)mNbPoint,this->GetPowderPatternXMin()*RAD2DEG,
3101  this->GetPowderPatternXMax()*RAD2DEG,
3102  this->GetPowderPatternXStep()*RAD2DEG);
3103  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3104  }
3105  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma()\
3106 :finished: "<<mNbPoint<<" points",5)
3107 }
3109 void PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs(const string &filename,const int nbSkip)
3110 {
3111  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs():from:" \
3112  +filename,5)
3113  ifstream fin (filename.c_str());
3114  if(!fin)
3115  {
3116  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs():\
3117 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
3118  }
3119  {//Get rid of first lines
3120  char tmpComment[200];
3121  for(int i=0;i<nbSkip;i++) fin.getline(tmpComment,150);
3122  }
3123  mPowderPatternObs.resize (500);
3124  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resize(500);
3125  mX.resize(500);
3126  mNbPoint=0;
3128  do
3129  {
3130  fin >> mX(mNbPoint);
3131  fin >> mPowderPatternObs (mNbPoint);
3133  =sqrt(mPowderPatternObs(mNbPoint));
3134  if(!fin) break;
3135  mNbPoint++;
3136  if( (mNbPoint%500)==0)
3137  {
3138  mX.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3139  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3140  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3141  }
3142  } while(fin.eof() == false);
3143  fin.close();
3145  mX.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3146  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3147  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
3150  mX *= DEG2RAD;
3152  this->SetSigmaToSqrtIobs();
3153  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3155  this->UpdateDisplay();
3156  {
3157  char buf [200];
3158  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
3159  (int)mNbPoint,this->GetPowderPatternXMin()*RAD2DEG,
3160  this->GetPowderPatternXMax()*RAD2DEG,
3161  this->GetPowderPatternXStep()*RAD2DEG);
3162  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3163  }
3164  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs():finished",5)
3165 }
3168 {
3170  //Sample 4: NaY + CF2=CCL2 T=20K, Lambda: 2.343 A.
3171  // 100 0 0.100 70 0 0
3172  // 3.000
3173  // 500000. 12000. 0.00 0.00
3174  //70 570369 569668 562868 532769 527469 495669 481969 452767 429468 4132
3175  //68 393269 372067 353769 337068 328268 310270 299469 296470 294668 2780
3176  //...
3177  //14 255814 282714 274014 281314 300314 302714 301114 298014 313214 3097
3178  //14 286914 295714 305214 300714 288311 295511 288511 3024 8 2937 7 2883
3179  // 7 2905 7 2895 7 2767 7 2777 7 2758 7 2495 7 2507 7 2496 7 2382 7 2329
3180  // 7 2542 7 2415 7 2049 7 2389 7 2270 7 2157 6 2227 6 2084 3 1875 2 2094
3181  // 1 1867
3182  // -1000
3183  // -10000
3184  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42() : \
3185 from file : "+filename,5)
3186  ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
3187  if(!fin)
3188  {
3189  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42() : \
3190 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
3191  }
3193  string str;
3194  getline(fin,str);
3195  float junk;
3196  REAL min,step;
3197  fin >>junk>>junk>>step>>junk>>junk>>junk>>min>>junk>>junk>>junk>>junk;
3198  min *= DEG2RAD;
3199  step *= DEG2RAD;
3200  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42() :"\
3201  << " 2Theta min=" << min*RAD2DEG << " 2Theta step=" << step*RAD2DEG,5)
3202  mPowderPatternObs.resize (500);
3203  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resize (500);
3205  getline(fin,str);//finish reading line
3207  float tmp;
3208  string sub;
3209  float ct,iobs;
3210  mNbPoint=0;
3211  for(;;)
3212  {
3213  getline(fin,str);
3214  sscanf(str.c_str(),"%f",&tmp);
3215  if(tmp<0) break;
3216  const unsigned int nb=str.length()/8;
3217  for(unsigned int i=0;i<nb;i++)
3218  {
3219  if(mNbPoint==(unsigned int)mPowderPatternObs.numElements())
3220  {
3221  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3222  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3223  }
3224  sub=str.substr(i*8,8);
3225  sscanf(sub.c_str(),"%2f%6f",&ct,&iobs);
3227  mPowderPatternObsSigma(mNbPoint++)=sqrt(iobs/ct);
3228  }
3229  }
3230  this->SetPowderPatternPar(min,step,mNbPoint);
3231  //exit(1);
3232  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3233  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3234  mPowderPatternWeight.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
3236  fin.close();
3237  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3239  this->UpdateDisplay();
3240  {
3241  char buf [200];
3242  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
3243  (int)mNbPoint,min*RAD2DEG,mX(mNbPoint-1)*RAD2DEG,step*RAD2DEG);
3244  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3245  }
3246  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42():finished:"<<mNbPoint<<" points",5)
3247 }
3250 {
3251  //1.550 0.005 66.000
3252  // 213.135 193.243 208.811 185.873 231.607 200.995 196.792 187.516 215.977 199.634
3253  // 17.402 16.570 12.180 11.491 18.141 11.950 11.824 11.542 17.518 11.909
3254  // 211.890 185.740 204.610 200.645 199.489 169.549 203.189 178.298 186.241 198.522
3255  // 12.269 11.487 17.051 11.939 11.905 10.975 16.992 11.255 11.503 11.876
3256  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof4() : \
3257 from file : "+filename,5)
3258  ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
3259  if(!fin)
3260  {
3261  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof4() : \
3262 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
3263  }
3264  REAL min,step,max;
3265  fin >> min >> step >> max;
3266  min *= DEG2RAD;
3267  max *= DEG2RAD;
3268  step *= DEG2RAD;
3269  this->SetPowderPatternPar(min,step,(long)((max-min)/step+1.001));
3270  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternFullprof4() :"\
3271  << " 2Theta min=" << min*RAD2DEG << " 2Theta max=" << max*RAD2DEG \
3272  << " NbPoints=" << mNbPoint,5)
3273  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
3277  string str;
3278  getline(fin,str);//read end of first line
3280  unsigned ct=0;
3281  unsigned ctSig=0;
3282  float line[10];
3283  for(;ct<mNbPoint;)
3284  {
3285  getline(fin,str);
3286  for(unsigned int i=0;i<str.size();i++) if(' '==str[i]) str[i]='0';
3287  sscanf(str.c_str(),"%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f",
3288  line+0,line+1,line+2,line+3,line+4,line+5,line+6,line+7,line+8,line+9);
3289  for(unsigned int j=0;j<10;j++)
3290  if(ct<mNbPoint) mPowderPatternObs(ct++)=line[j];
3291  getline(fin,str);
3292  for(unsigned int i=0;i<str.size();i++) if(' '==str[i]) str[i]='0';
3293  sscanf(str.c_str(),"%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f%8f",
3294  line+0,line+1,line+2,line+3,line+4,line+5,line+6,line+7,line+8,line+9);
3295  for(unsigned int j=0;j<10;j++)
3296  if(ctSig<mNbPoint) mPowderPatternObsSigma(ctSig++)=line[j];
3297  }
3298  fin.close();
3299  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3301  this->UpdateDisplay();
3302  {
3303  char buf [200];
3304  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
3305  (int)mNbPoint,min*RAD2DEG,max*RAD2DEG,
3306  step*RAD2DEG);
3307  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3308  }
3309  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportFullProfPattern4():finished:"<<mNbPoint<<" points",5)
3310 }
3313 {
3314  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("DiffractionDataPowder::ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma():from:" \
3315  +filename,5)
3316  ifstream fin (filename.c_str());
3317  if(!fin)
3318  {
3319  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma():\
3320 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
3321  }
3322  {//Get rid of first line
3323  char junk[400];
3324  fin.getline(junk,150);
3325  }
3326  mPowderPatternObs.resize (500);
3327  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resize(500);
3328  mX.resize(500);
3329  mNbPoint=0;
3331  do
3332  {
3333  fin >> mX (mNbPoint);
3334  fin >> mPowderPatternObs (mNbPoint);
3336  //cout << mX (mNbPoint)<<" "
3337  // << mPowderPatternObs (mNbPoint)<<" "
3338  // << mPowderPatternObsSigma(mNbPoint)<<endl;
3339  if(!fin) break;
3340  mNbPoint++;
3341  if( (mNbPoint%500)==0)
3342  {
3343  mX.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3344  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3345  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint+500);
3346  }
3347  } while(fin.eof() == false);
3348  fin.close();
3350  mX.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3351  mPowderPatternObs.resizeAndPreserve (mNbPoint);
3352  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPoint);
3355  // Reverse order of arrays, so that we are in ascending order of sin(theta)/lambda
3356  REAL tmp;
3357  for(unsigned long i=0;i<(mNbPoint/2);i++)
3358  {
3359  tmp=mX(i);
3360  mX(i)=mX(mNbPoint-1-i);
3361  mX(mNbPoint-1-i)=tmp;
3363  tmp=mPowderPatternObs(i);
3365  mPowderPatternObs(mNbPoint-1-i)=tmp;
3367  tmp=mPowderPatternObsSigma(i);
3370  }
3371  this->SetPowderPatternX(mX);
3373  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3374  this->SetRadiationType(RAD_NEUTRON);
3375  this->GetRadiation().SetWavelengthType(WAVELENGTH_TOF);
3377  this->UpdateDisplay();
3378  {
3379  char buf [200];
3380  sprintf(buf,"Imported TOF powder pattern: %d points, TOF=%7.3f -> %7.3f",
3381  (int)mNbPoint,this->GetPowderPatternXMin(),
3382  this->GetPowderPatternXMax());
3383  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3384  }
3385  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma()\
3386 :finished: "<<mNbPoint<<" points",5)
3387 }
3389 void PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternGSAS(const string &filename)
3390 {
3391  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternGSAS():file:"<<filename,5)
3392  ifstream fin (filename.c_str());
3393  if(!fin)
3394  {
3395  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternGSAS():\
3396 Error opening file for input:"+filename);
3397  }
3398  {//Get rid of title
3399  char title[81];
3401  while(isprint(fin.peek())==false)
3402  {
3403  if(fin.eof()) break;
3404  fin.get();
3405  }
3406  cout<<"Title:"<<title<<endl;
3407  if(this->GetName()=="Change Me!") this->SetName(title);
3408  }
3410  //BANK 1 38101 7620 CONST 200.00 0.10 0 0 ESD
3411  int numBank,nbRecords;
3412  string binType, type;
3413  float bcoeff[4];
3414  //string line;
3415  char line[81];
3416  char bank[5];
3417  do
3418  {
3419  fin.getline(line,80);
3420  while(isprint(fin.peek())==false)
3421  {
3422  if(fin.eof()) break;
3423  fin.get();
3424  }
3425  sscanf(line,"%4s",bank);
3426  if(fin.eof())
3427  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternGSAS():\
3428 Could not find BANK statement !! In file: "+filename);
3429  }
3430  while(string(bank)!=string("BANK"));
3432  {
3433  line[80]='\0';
3434  char binTypeC[20],typeC[20];
3435  sscanf(line,"%4s%d %ld %d %s %f %f %f %f %s",bank,&numBank,&mNbPoint,&nbRecords,
3436  binTypeC,&bcoeff[0],&bcoeff[1],&bcoeff[2],&bcoeff[3],typeC);
3437  binType=binTypeC;
3438  type=typeC;
3439  }
3440  if(binType=="CONST") binType="CONS";
3441  if((type!="ALT")&&(type!="ESD")) type="STD";
3443  cout<<"BANK #"<<numBank<<endl;
3444  cout<<"Number of data points:"<<mNbPoint<<endl;
3445  cout<<"Number of records:"<<nbRecords<<endl;
3446  cout<<"BinType:"<<binType<<endl;
3447  cout<<"BCoeff[1-4]:"<<bcoeff[0]<<","<<bcoeff[1]<<","<<bcoeff[2]<<","<<bcoeff[3]<<endl;
3448  cout<<"Type:"<<type<<endl;
3450  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
3452  mX.resize(mNbPoint);
3453  bool importOK=false;
3454  if((binType=="CONS") && (type=="ESD"))
3455  {
3456  this->SetPowderPatternPar(bcoeff[0]*DEG2RAD/100,bcoeff[1]*DEG2RAD/100,mNbPoint);
3457  string sub;
3458  unsigned long point=0;
3459  REAL iobs,isig;
3460  string substr;
3461  for(long i=0;i<nbRecords;i++)
3462  {
3464  line[80]='\0';
3465  while(isprint(fin.peek())==false)
3466  {
3467  if(fin.eof()) break;
3468  fin.get();
3469  }
3470  for(unsigned int j=0;j<5;j++)
3471  {
3472  /*
3473  substr=string(line).substr(j*16,16);
3474  sscanf(substr.c_str(),"%8f%8f",&iobs,&isig);
3475  */
3476  substr=string(line).substr(j*16+0 ,8);
3477  istringstream(substr) >> iobs;
3478  substr=string(line).substr(j*16+8 ,8);
3479  istringstream(substr) >> isig;
3481  mPowderPatternObs(point)=iobs;
3482  mPowderPatternObsSigma(point++)=isig;
3483  if(point==mNbPoint) break;
3484  }
3485  if(point==mNbPoint) break;
3486  }
3487  importOK=true;
3488  }
3489  if((binType=="CONS") && (type=="STD"))
3490  {
3491  this->SetPowderPatternPar(bcoeff[0]*DEG2RAD/100,bcoeff[1]*DEG2RAD/100,mNbPoint);
3492  unsigned long point=0;
3493  REAL iobs;
3494  int nc;
3495  string substr;
3496  for(long i=0;i<nbRecords;i++)
3497  {
3499  line[80]='\0';
3500  while(isprint(fin.peek())==false)
3501  {
3502  if(fin.eof()) break;
3503  fin.get();
3504  }
3505  for(unsigned int j=0;j<10;j++)
3506  {
3507  /*
3508  substr=string(line).substr(j*8,8);
3509  if(substr.substr(0,2)==string(" "))
3510  {
3511  nc=1;
3512  sscanf(substr.c_str(),"%8f",&iobs);
3513  }
3514  else sscanf(substr.c_str(),"%2d%6f",&nc,&iobs);
3515  */
3516  substr=string(line).substr(j*8+0 ,2);
3517  if(substr==" ") nc=1;
3518  else sscanf(substr.c_str(),"%d",&nc);
3519  substr=string(line).substr(j*8+2 ,6);
3520  istringstream(substr) >> iobs;
3521  mPowderPatternObs(point)=iobs;
3522  mPowderPatternObsSigma(point++)=sqrt(iobs)/sqrt((REAL)nc);
3523  if(point==mNbPoint) break;
3524  }
3525  if(point==mNbPoint) break;
3526  }
3527  importOK=true;
3528  }
3529  if((binType=="RALF") && (type=="ALT"))
3530  {
3531  this->SetRadiationType(RAD_NEUTRON);
3532  this->GetRadiation().SetWavelengthType(WAVELENGTH_TOF);
3535  unsigned long point=0;
3536  REAL x,iobs,iobssigma;
3537  string substr;
3538  for(long i=0;i<nbRecords;i++)
3539  {
3541  line[80]='\0';
3542  while(isprint(fin.peek())==false)
3543  {
3544  if(fin.eof()) break;
3545  fin.get();
3546  }
3547  for(unsigned int j=0;j<4;j++)
3548  {//4 records per line
3549  /* Does not work because sscanf ignores the leading spaces and shifts the reading !
3550  substr=string(line).substr(j*20,20);
3551  sscanf(substr.c_str(),"%8f%7f%5f",&x,&iobs,&iobssigma);
3552  */
3553  substr=string(line).substr(j*20+0 ,8);
3554  istringstream(substr) >> x;
3555  substr=string(line).substr(j*20+8 ,7);
3556  istringstream(substr) >> iobs;
3557  substr=string(line).substr(j*20+15,5);
3558  istringstream(substr) >> iobssigma;
3559  mPowderPatternObs(point)=iobs;
3560  mPowderPatternObsSigma(point)=iobssigma;
3561  mX(point)=x/32;
3562  if(++point==mNbPoint) break;
3563  }
3564  if(point==mNbPoint) break;
3565  }
3566  // Reverse order of arrays, so that we are in ascending order of sin(theta)/lambda
3567  REAL tmp;
3568  for(unsigned long i=0;i<(mNbPoint/2);i++)
3569  {
3570  tmp=mX(i);
3571  mX(i)=mX(mNbPoint-1-i);
3572  mX(mNbPoint-1-i)=tmp;
3574  tmp=mPowderPatternObs(i);
3576  mPowderPatternObs(mNbPoint-1-i)=tmp;
3578  tmp=mPowderPatternObsSigma(i);
3581  }
3582  importOK=true;
3583  }
3584  fin.close();
3585  if(!importOK)
3586  {
3587  mNbPoint=0;
3588  mPowderPatternObs.resize (mNbPoint);
3590  mX.resize(mNbPoint);
3591  throw ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternGSAS(): Sorry, \
3592 this type of format is not handled yet (send an example file to the Fox author)!:"+filename);
3593  }
3595  this->SetPowderPatternX(mX);
3596  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3598  this->UpdateDisplay();
3599  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
3600  {
3601  char buf [200];
3602  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, tof=%7.3f us-> %7.3f us",
3603  (int)mNbPoint,this->GetPowderPatternXMin(),
3604  this->GetPowderPatternXMax());
3605  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3606  }
3607  else
3608  {
3609  char buf [200];
3610  sprintf(buf,"Imported powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
3611  (int)mNbPoint,this->GetPowderPatternXMin()*RAD2DEG,
3612  this->GetPowderPatternXMax()*RAD2DEG,
3613  this->GetPowderPatternXStep()*RAD2DEG);
3614  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3615  }
3616  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternGSAS():file:"<<filename,5)
3617 }
3620 {
3621  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternCIF():file:",5)
3622  for(map<string,CIFData>::const_iterator pos=cif.mvData.begin();pos!=cif.mvData.end();++pos)
3623  if(pos->second.mPowderPatternObs.size()>10)
3624  {
3625  mNbPoint=pos->second.mPowderPatternObs.size();
3626  mX.resize(mNbPoint);
3627  mPowderPatternObs.resize(mNbPoint);
3630  if(pos->second.mDataType==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
3631  {
3632  this->SetRadiationType(RAD_NEUTRON);
3633  this->GetRadiation().SetWavelengthType(WAVELENGTH_TOF);
3635  }
3636  else this->GetRadiation().SetWavelength(pos->second.mWavelength);
3637  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbPoint;++i)
3638  {
3639  mPowderPatternObs(i)=pos->second.mPowderPatternObs[i];
3640  mX(i)=pos->second.mPowderPatternX[i];
3641  mPowderPatternObsSigma(i)=pos->second.mPowderPatternSigma[i];
3642  }
3643  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3644  this->SetPowderPatternX(mX);
3645  }
3646  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternCIF():file:",5)
3647 }
3650 void PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternObs(const CrystVector_REAL& obs)
3651 {
3652  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::ImportPowderPatternObs()",5)
3653  if((unsigned long)obs.numElements() != mNbPoint)
3654  {
3655  cout << obs.numElements()<<" "<<mNbPoint<<" "<<this<<endl;
3656  throw(ObjCrystException("PowderPattern::SetPowderPatternObs(vect): The \
3657 supplied vector of observed intensities does not have the expected number of points!"));
3658  }
3660  mPowderPatternObs=obs;
3661  mPowderPatternObsSigma.resize(mPowderPatternObs.numElements());
3664  this->SetSigmaToSqrtIobs();
3665  this->SetWeightToInvSigmaSq();
3666  mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep.Reset();
3667  {
3668  char buf [200];
3669  sprintf(buf,"Changed powder pattern: %d points, 2theta=%7.3f -> %7.3f, step=%6.3f",
3670  (int)mNbPoint,mX(0)*RAD2DEG,mX(mNbPoint-1)*RAD2DEG,
3671  (mX(mNbPoint-1)-mX(0))/(mNbPoint-1)*RAD2DEG);
3672  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)((string)buf);
3673  }
3674 }
3675 void PowderPattern::SavePowderPattern(const string &filename) const
3676 {
3677  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SavePowderPattern",5)
3678  this->CalcPowderPattern();
3679  ofstream out(filename.c_str());
3680  CrystVector_REAL ttheta;
3681  ttheta=mX;
3682  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()!=WAVELENGTH_TOF) ttheta *= RAD2DEG;
3684  CrystVector_REAL diff;
3685  diff=mPowderPatternObs;
3686  diff-=mPowderPatternCalc;
3687  out << "# 2Theta/TOF Iobs ICalc Iobs-Icalc Weight Comp0" << endl;
3688  out << FormatVertVector<REAL>(ttheta,
3691  diff,mPowderPatternWeight,
3692  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(0).mPowderPatternCalc,16,8);
3693  out.close();
3694  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("DiffractionDataPowder::SavePowderPattern:End",3)
3695 }
3697 void PowderPattern::PrintObsCalcData(ostream&os)const
3698 {
3699  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("DiffractionDataPowder::PrintObsCalcData()",5);
3700  CrystVector_REAL ttheta;
3701  ttheta=mX;
3702  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()!=WAVELENGTH_TOF) ttheta *= RAD2DEG;
3703  os << "PowderPattern : " << mName <<endl;
3704  os << " 2Theta/TOF Obs Sigma Calc Weight" <<endl;
3705  os << FormatVertVector<REAL>(ttheta,mPowderPatternObs,mPowderPatternObsSigma,
3707  // mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(0).mPowderPatternCalc,12,4);
3708 }
3711 {
3712  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
3713  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
3714  {
3715  return 0;
3716  }
3717  this->CalcPowderPattern();
3718  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetR()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
3720  REAL tmp1=0.;
3721  REAL tmp2=0.;
3723  unsigned long maxPoints=mNbPointUsed;
3724  if( (true==mStatisticsExcludeBackground)
3725  &&(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()>0))
3726  {
3727  const REAL *p1, *p2, *p3;
3731  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
3732  if(0==nbExclude)
3733  {
3734  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetR():Exclude Backgd",4);
3735  for(unsigned long i=0;i<maxPoints;i++)
3736  {
3737  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
3738  tmp2 += ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
3739  p1++;p2++;p3++;
3740  }
3741  }
3742  else
3743  {
3744  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetR():Exclude Backgd,Exclude regions",4);
3745  unsigned long min,max;
3746  unsigned long i=0;
3747  for(int j=0;j<nbExclude;j++)
3748  {
3749  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
3750  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
3751  if(min>maxPoints) break;
3752  if(max>maxPoints)max=maxPoints;
3753  for(;i<min;i++)
3754  {
3755  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
3756  tmp2 += ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
3757  p1++;p2++;p3++;
3758  }
3759  p1 += max-i;
3760  p2 += max-i;
3761  p3 += max-i;
3762  i += max-i;
3763  }
3764  for(;i<maxPoints;i++)
3765  {
3766  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
3767  tmp2 += ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
3768  p1++;p2++;p3++;
3769  }
3771  }
3772  } // Exclude Background ?
3773  else
3774  {
3775  const REAL *p1, *p2;
3778  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
3779  if(0==nbExclude)
3780  {
3781  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetR()",4);
3782  for(unsigned long i=0;i<maxPoints;i++)
3783  {
3784  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
3785  tmp2 += (*p2) * (*p2);
3786  //cout <<i<<":"<< tmp1 << " "<<tmp2 << " " << *p1 <<" "<<*p2<<endl;
3787  p1++;p2++;
3788  }
3789  }
3790  else
3791  {
3792  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetR(),Exclude regions",4);
3793  unsigned long min,max;
3794  unsigned long i=0;
3795  for(int j=0;j<nbExclude;j++)
3796  {
3797  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
3798  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
3799  if(min>maxPoints) break;
3800  if(max>maxPoints)max=maxPoints;
3801  for(;i<min;i++)
3802  {
3803  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
3804  tmp2 += (*p2) * (*p2);
3805  p1++;p2++;
3806  }
3807  p1 += max-i;
3808  p2 += max-i;
3809  i += max-i;
3810  }
3811  for(;i<maxPoints;i++)
3812  {
3813  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
3814  tmp2 += (*p2) * (*p2);
3815  p1++;p2++;
3816  }
3817  }
3818  }
3820  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetR()="<<sqrt(tmp1/tmp2),4);
3821  //cout << FormatVertVector<REAL>(mPowderPatternCalc,mPowderPatternObs);
3822  //this->SavePowderPattern("refinedPattern.out");
3823  //abort();
3824  return sqrt(tmp1/tmp2);
3825 }
3827 REAL PowderPattern::GetIntegratedR()const
3828 {
3829  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
3830  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
3831  {
3832  return 0;
3833  }
3834  this->CalcPowderPattern();
3835  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
3836  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedR()",4);
3837  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedR()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
3839  REAL tmp1=0.;
3840  REAL tmp2=0.;
3841  const long numInterval=mIntegratedPatternMin.numElements();
3842  if( (true==mStatisticsExcludeBackground)
3843  &&(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()>0))
3844  {
3845  const REAL *p1, *p2, *p3;
3846  CrystVector_REAL integratedCalc(numInterval);
3847  integratedCalc=0;
3848  CrystVector_REAL backgdCalc(numInterval);
3849  backgdCalc=0;
3850  REAL *;
3851  REAL *;
3852  for(int i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
3853  {
3854  const long max=mIntegratedPatternMax(i);
3856  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=max;j++) *pp1 += *p1++;
3857  pp1++;
3859  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=max;j++) *pp2 += *p1++;
3860  pp2++;
3861  }
3866  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedR():Exclude Backgd",2);
3867  for(long i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
3868  {
3869  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
3870  tmp2 += ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
3871  p1++;p2++;p3++;
3872  }
3873  } // Exclude Background ?
3874  else
3875  {
3876  const REAL *p1, *p2;
3877  CrystVector_REAL integratedCalc(numInterval);
3878  integratedCalc=0;
3879  REAL *;
3880  for(int i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
3881  {
3882  const long max=mIntegratedPatternMax(i);
3884  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=max;j++) *pp1 += *p1++;
3885  pp1++;
3886  }
3889  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedR()",2);
3890  for(long i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
3891  {
3892  tmp1 += ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
3893  tmp2 += (*p2) * (*p2);
3894  //cout <<i<<":"<< tmp1 << " "<<tmp2 << " " << *p1 <<" "<<*p2<<endl;
3895  p1++;p2++;
3896  }
3897  }
3899  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedR()="<<sqrt(tmp1/tmp2),4);
3900  return sqrt(tmp1/tmp2);
3901 }
3904 {
3905  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
3906  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
3907  {
3908  return 0;
3909  }
3910  this->CalcPowderPattern();
3911  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetRw()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
3912  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetRw()",3);
3915  //cout <<FormatVertVector<REAL>(mPowderPatternObs,
3916  // mPowderPatternCalc,
3917  // mPowderPatternWeight);
3918  REAL tmp1=0.;
3919  REAL tmp2=0.;
3921  unsigned long maxPoints=mNbPointUsed;
3923  if( (true==mStatisticsExcludeBackground)
3924  &&(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()>0))
3925  {
3926  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetRw():Exclude Backgd",3);
3927  const REAL *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4;
3932  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
3933  if(0==nbExclude)
3934  {
3935  for(unsigned long i=0;i<maxPoints;i++)
3936  {
3937  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
3938  tmp2 += *p4++ * ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
3939  p1++;p2++;p3++;
3940  }
3941  }
3942  else
3943  {
3944  unsigned long min,max;
3945  unsigned long i=0;
3946  for(int j=0;j<nbExclude;j++)
3947  {
3948  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
3949  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
3950  if(min>maxPoints) break;
3951  if(max>maxPoints)max=maxPoints;
3952  for(;i<min;i++)
3953  {
3954  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
3955  tmp2 += *p4++ * ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
3956  p1++;p2++;p3++;
3957  }
3958  p1 += max-i;
3959  p2 += max-i;
3960  p3 += max-i;
3961  p4 += max-i;
3962  i += max-i;
3963  }
3964  for(;i<maxPoints;i++)
3965  {
3966  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
3967  tmp2 += *p4++ * ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
3968  p1++;p2++;p3++;
3969  }
3971  }
3972  }
3973  else
3974  {
3975  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetRw()",3);
3976  const REAL *p1, *p2, *p4;
3980  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
3981  if(0==nbExclude)
3982  {
3983  for(unsigned long i=0;i<maxPoints;i++)
3984  {
3985  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
3986  tmp2 += *p4++ * (*p2) * (*p2);
3987  p1++;p2++;
3988  }
3989  }
3990  else
3991  {
3992  unsigned long min,max;
3993  unsigned long i=0;
3994  for(int j=0;j<nbExclude;j++)
3995  {
3996  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
3997  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
3998  if(min>maxPoints) break;
3999  if(max>maxPoints)max=maxPoints;
4000  for(;i<min;i++)
4001  {
4002  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
4003  tmp2 += *p4++ * (*p2) * (*p2);
4004  p1++;p2++;
4005  }
4006  p1 += max-i;
4007  p2 += max-i;
4008  p4 += max-i;
4009  i += max-i;
4010  }
4011  for(;i<maxPoints;i++)
4012  {
4013  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
4014  tmp2 += *p4++ * (*p2) * (*p2);
4015  p1++;p2++;
4016  }
4017  }
4018  }
4019  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetRw()="<<sqrt(tmp1/tmp2),3);
4020  return sqrt(tmp1/tmp2);
4021 }
4022 REAL PowderPattern::GetIntegratedRw()const
4023 {
4024  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
4025  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
4026  {
4027  return 0;
4028  }
4029  this->CalcPowderPattern();
4030  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
4031  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedRw()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
4033  REAL tmp1=0.;
4034  REAL tmp2=0.;
4035  const long numInterval=mIntegratedPatternMin.numElements();
4036  if( (true==mStatisticsExcludeBackground)
4037  &&(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()>0))
4038  {
4039  const REAL *p1, *p2, *p3, *p4;
4040  CrystVector_REAL integratedCalc(numInterval);
4041  integratedCalc=0;
4042  CrystVector_REAL backgdCalc(numInterval);
4043  backgdCalc=0;
4044  REAL *;
4045  REAL *;
4046  for(int i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
4047  {
4048  const long max=mIntegratedPatternMax(i);
4050  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=max;j++) *pp1 += *p1++;
4051  pp1++;
4053  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=max;j++) *pp2 += *p1++;
4054  pp2++;
4055  }
4060  if(mIntegratedWeight.numElements()==0);
4061  else;
4062  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedRw():Exclude Backgd",4);
4063  for(long i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
4064  {
4065  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2)) * ((*p1)-(*p2));
4066  tmp2 += *p4++ * ((*p2)-(*p3)) * ((*p2)-(*p3));
4067  //cout <<i<<": " <<mIntegratedPatternMin(i)<<"->"<<mIntegratedPatternMax(i)
4068  // <<" "<< tmp1 << " "<<tmp2 << " " << *p1 <<" "<<*p2<<" "<<*p3<<" "<<*(p4-1) <<endl;
4069  p1++;p2++;p3++;
4070  }
4071  } // Exclude Background ?
4072  else
4073  {
4074  const REAL *p1, *p2, *p4;
4075  CrystVector_REAL integratedCalc(numInterval);
4076  integratedCalc=0;
4077  REAL *;
4078  for(int i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
4079  {
4080  const long max=mIntegratedPatternMax(i);
4082  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=max;j++) *pp1 += *p1++;
4083  pp1++;
4084  }
4087  if(mIntegratedWeight.numElements()==0);
4088  else;
4089  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedRw()",4);
4090  for(long i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
4091  {
4092  tmp1 += *p4 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
4093  tmp2 += *p4++ * (*p2) * (*p2);
4094  //cout <<i<<":"<< tmp1 << " "<<tmp2 << " " << *p1 <<" "<<*p2<<endl;
4095  p1++;p2++;
4096  }
4097  }
4099  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedRw()="<<sqrt(tmp1/tmp2),4);
4100  //cout << FormatVertVector<REAL>(mPowderPatternCalc,mPowderPatternObs);
4101  //this->SavePowderPattern("refinedPattern.out");
4102  //abort();
4103  return sqrt(tmp1/tmp2);
4104 }
4107 {
4108  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
4109  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
4110  {
4111  mChi2=0.;
4112  return mChi2;
4113  }
4114  this->CalcNbPointUsed();
4115  if(mClockChi2>mClockMaster) return mChi2;
4117  this->CalcPowderPattern();
4118  if( (mClockChi2>mClockPowderPatternPar)
4119  &&(mClockChi2>mClockScaleFactor)
4120  &&(mClockChi2>mClockPowderPatternCalc)) return mChi2;
4121  // We want the best scale factor
4122  this->FitScaleFactorForRw();
4124  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetChi2()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
4126  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::GetChi2()",3);
4128  const unsigned long maxPoints=mNbPointUsed;
4130  mChi2=0.;
4131  mChi2LikeNorm=0.;
4132  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetChi2()Integrated profiles",3);
4133  const REAL * RESTRICT p1, * RESTRICT p2, * RESTRICT p3;
4137  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
4138  if(0==nbExclude)
4139  {
4140  for(unsigned long i=0;i<maxPoints;i++)
4141  {
4142  mChi2 += *p3 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
4143  if(*p3<=0) p3++;
4144  else mChi2LikeNorm -= log(*p3++);
4145  p1++;p2++;
4146  }
4147  }
4148  else
4149  {
4150  unsigned long min,max;
4151  unsigned long i=0;
4152  for(int j=0;j<nbExclude;j++)
4153  {
4154  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
4155  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
4156  if(min>maxPoints) break;
4157  if(max>maxPoints)max=maxPoints;
4158  for(;i<min;i++)
4159  {
4160  mChi2 += *p3 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
4161  if(*p3<=0) p3++;
4162  else mChi2LikeNorm -= log(*p3++);
4163  p1++;p2++;
4164  }
4165  p1 += max-i;
4166  p2 += max-i;
4167  p3 += max-i;
4168  i += max-i;
4169  }
4170  for(;i<maxPoints;i++)
4171  {
4172  mChi2 += *p3 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
4173  if(*p3<=0) p3++;
4174  else mChi2LikeNorm -= log(*p3++);
4175  p1++;p2++;
4176  }
4177  }
4178  mChi2LikeNorm/=2;
4179  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Chi^2="<<mChi2<<", log(norm)="<<mChi2LikeNorm,3)
4180  mClockChi2.Click();
4181  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::GetChi2()="<<mChi2,3);
4182  return mChi2;
4183 }
4186 {
4187  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
4188  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
4189  {
4190  mIntegratedChi2=0.;
4191  return mIntegratedChi2;
4192  }
4193  this->CalcNbPointUsed();
4194  if(mClockIntegratedChi2>mClockMaster) return mIntegratedChi2;
4197  if( (mClockChi2>mClockPowderPatternPar)
4198  &&(mClockChi2>mClockScaleFactor)
4199  &&(mClockChi2>mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc)) return mIntegratedChi2;
4201  // We want the best scale factor
4202  this->FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw();
4204  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedChi2()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
4206  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedChi2()",3);
4208  mIntegratedChi2=0.;
4209  mIntegratedChi2LikeNorm=0.;
4210  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedChi2()",3);
4211  const REAL * RESTRICT p1, * RESTRICT p2, * RESTRICT p3;
4214  if(mIntegratedWeight.numElements()==0);
4215  else;
4216  double weightProd=1.;
4217  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetIntegratedIntegratedRw()",4);
4218  for(unsigned long i=0;i<mNbIntegrationUsed;)
4219  {
4220  // group weights to avoid computing too many log()
4221  // group only a limited number to avoid underflow...
4222  for(unsigned long j=0;j<32;++j)
4223  {
4224  mIntegratedChi2 += *p3 * ((*p1)-(*p2))*((*p1)-(*p2));
4225  if(*p3>0) weightProd *= *p3;
4226  p1++;p2++;p3++;
4227  if(++i == mNbIntegrationUsed) break;
4228  }
4229  mIntegratedChi2LikeNorm -= log(weightProd);
4230  weightProd=1.;
4231  }
4232  mIntegratedChi2LikeNorm/=2;
4233  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("Chi^2="<<mIntegratedChi2<<", log(norm)="<<mIntegratedChi2LikeNorm,3)
4234  mClockIntegratedChi2.Click();
4235  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::GetChi2()="<<mIntegratedChi2,3);
4236  return mIntegratedChi2;
4237 }
4240 {
4241  if(0 == mOptProfileIntegration.GetChoice()) return this->GetIntegratedChi2();
4242  else return this->GetChi2();
4243 }
4246 {
4247  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
4248  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
4249  {
4250  return ;
4251  }
4252  this->CalcPowderPattern();
4253  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForR()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
4254  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForR()",3);
4255  // Which components are scalable ?
4256  mScalableComponentIndex.resize(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb());
4257  int nbScale=0;
4258  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
4259  {
4260  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
4261  mScalableComponentIndex(nbScale++)=i;
4262  }
4263  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Number of Scale Factors:"<<nbScale<<":Index:"<<endl<<mScalableComponentIndex,3);
4264  if(0==nbScale)
4265  {
4266  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForR(): No scalable component!",3);
4267  return;
4268  }
4269  mScalableComponentIndex.resizeAndPreserve(nbScale);
4270  // prepare matrices
4271  mFitScaleFactorM.resize(nbScale,nbScale);
4272  mFitScaleFactorB.resize(nbScale,1);
4273  mFitScaleFactorX.resize(nbScale,1);
4274  // Build Matrix & Vector for LSQ
4275  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
4276  if(0==nbExclude)
4277  {
4278  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4279  {
4280  for(int j=i;j<nbScale;j++)
4281  {
4282  // Here use a direct access to the powder spectrum, since
4283  // we know it has just been recomputed
4284  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4286  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(j))
4288  REAL m=0.;
4289  for(unsigned long k=0;k<mNbPointUsed;k++) m += *p1++ * *p2++;
4290  mFitScaleFactorM(i,j)=m;
4291  mFitScaleFactorM(j,i)=m;
4292  }
4293  }
4294  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4295  {
4296  const REAL *;
4297  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4299  REAL b=0.;
4300  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()<=1)
4301  for(unsigned long k=0;k<mNbPointUsed;k++) b += *p1++ * *p2++;
4302  else
4303  {
4304  const REAL *;
4305  for(unsigned long k=0;k<mNbPointUsed;k++) b += (*p1++ - *p3++) * *p2++;
4306  }
4307  mFitScaleFactorB(i,0) =b;
4308  }
4309  }
4310  else
4311  {
4312  unsigned long min,max;
4313  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4314  {
4315  for(int j=i;j<nbScale;j++)
4316  {
4317  // Here use a direct access to the powder spectrum, since
4318  // we know it has just been recomputed
4319  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4321  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(j))
4323  REAL m=0.;
4324  unsigned long l=0;
4325  for(int k=0;k<nbExclude;k++)
4326  {
4327  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
4328  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
4329  if(min>mNbPointUsed) break;
4330  if(max>mNbPointUsed)max=mNbPointUsed;
4332  for(;l<min;l++) m += *p1++ * *p2++;
4333  p1 += max-l;
4334  p2 += max-l;
4335  l = max;
4336  }
4337  for(;l<mNbPointUsed;l++) m += *p1++ * *p2++;
4338  mFitScaleFactorM(i,j)=m;
4339  mFitScaleFactorM(j,i)=m;
4340  }
4341  }
4342  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4343  {
4344  const REAL *;
4345  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry
4346  .GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4348  REAL b=0.;
4349  unsigned long l=0;
4350  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()<=1)
4351  {
4352  for(int k=0;k<nbExclude;k++)
4353  {
4354  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(k)));
4355  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(k)));
4356  if(min>mNbPointUsed) break;
4357  if(max>mNbPointUsed)max=mNbPointUsed;
4359  for(;l<min;l++) b += *p1++ * *p2++;
4360  p1 += max-l;
4361  p2 += max-l;
4362  l = max;
4363  }
4364  for(;l<mNbPointUsed;l++) b += *p1++ * *p2++;
4365  }
4366  else
4367  {
4368  const REAL *;
4369  for(int k=0;k<nbExclude;k++)
4370  {
4371  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(k)));
4372  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(k)));
4373  if(min>mNbPointUsed) break;
4374  if(max>mNbPointUsed)max=mNbPointUsed;
4376  for(;l<min;l++) b += (*p1++ - *p3++) * *p2++;
4377  p1 += max-l;
4378  p2 += max-l;
4379  l = max;
4380  }
4381  for(;l<mNbPointUsed;l++) b += (*p1++ - *p3++) * *p2++;
4382  }
4383  mFitScaleFactorB(i,0) =b;
4384  }
4385  }
4386  if(1==nbScale) mFitScaleFactorX=mFitScaleFactorB(0)/mFitScaleFactorM(0);
4387  else
4388  mFitScaleFactorX=product(InvertMatrix(mFitScaleFactorM),mFitScaleFactorB);
4389  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("B, M, X"<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorB<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorM<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorX,2)
4390  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4391  {
4392  const REAL * p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4394  REAL * p0 =;
4395  const REAL s = mFitScaleFactorX(i)
4396  -mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i));
4397  if(ISNAN_OR_INF(s))
4398  {
4399  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)("Warning: working around NaN scale factor...");
4400  continue;
4401  }
4402  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += s * *p1++;
4403  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Old:"<<mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)) <<" Change:"<<mFitScaleFactorX(i),2);
4404  mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)) = mFitScaleFactorX(i);
4406  mClockPowderPatternCalc.Click();//we *did* correct the spectrum
4407  }
4408  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForR():End",3);
4409 }
4411 void PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR()const
4412 {
4413  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
4414  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
4415  {
4416  return ;
4417  }
4418  this->CalcPowderPattern();
4419  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
4420  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR()",3);
4421  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
4422  // Which components are scalable ?
4423  mScalableComponentIndex.resize(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb());
4424  int nbScale=0;
4425  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
4426  {
4427  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
4428  mScalableComponentIndex(nbScale++)=i;
4429  }
4430  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Number of Scale Factors:"<<nbScale<<":Index:"<<endl<<mScalableComponentIndex,2);
4431  if(0==nbScale)
4432  {
4433  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR(): No scalable component!",3);
4434  return;
4435  }
4436  mScalableComponentIndex.resizeAndPreserve(nbScale);
4437  // prepare matrices
4438  mFitScaleFactorM.resize(nbScale,nbScale);
4439  mFitScaleFactorB.resize(nbScale,1);
4440  mFitScaleFactorX.resize(nbScale,1);
4441  // Build Matrix & Vector for LSQ
4442  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR():1",2);
4443  const long numInterval=mIntegratedPatternMin.numElements();
4444  CrystVector_REAL *integratedCalc= new CrystVector_REAL[nbScale];
4445  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4446  {
4447  integratedCalc[i].resize(numInterval);
4449  // Here use a direct access to the powder spectrum, since
4450  // we know it has just been recomputed
4451  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4454  REAL *p2=integratedCalc[i].data();
4455  for(int j=0;j<numInterval;j++)
4456  {
4457  const long max=mIntegratedPatternMax(j);
4458  p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4460  *p2=0;
4461  for(int k=mIntegratedPatternMin(j);k<=max;k++) *p2 += *p1++;
4462  //cout <<"Calc#"<<i<<":"<< mIntegratedPatternMin(j) << " "
4463  // <<mIntegratedPatternMax(j)<<" "
4464  // << *p2<<endl;
4465  p2++;
4466  }
4467  }
4468  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR():2",2);
4469  CrystVector_REAL backdIntegrated(numInterval);
4470  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()>1)
4471  {
4472  const REAL *p1;
4473  REAL *;
4474  for(int j=0;j<numInterval;j++)
4475  {
4476  const long max=mIntegratedPatternMax(j);
4478  *p2=0;
4479  for(int k=mIntegratedPatternMin(j);k<=max;k++) *p2 += *p1++;
4480  //cout <<"Backgd:"<< mIntegratedPatternMin(j) << " "
4481  // <<mIntegratedPatternMax(j)<<" "
4482  // << *p2<<endl;
4483  p2++;
4484  }
4485  }
4487  //if(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()<=1)
4488  // cout<< FormatVertVector<REAL>(integratedCalc[0],mIntegratedObs,mIntegratedWeight,backdIntegrated)<<endl;
4489  //else
4490  // cout<< FormatVertVector<REAL>(integratedCalc[0],mIntegratedObs,mIntegratedWeight)<<endl;
4491  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR():3",2);
4492  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4493  {
4494  for(int j=i;j<nbScale;j++)
4495  {
4496  const REAL *p1=integratedCalc[i].data();
4497  const REAL *p2=integratedCalc[j].data();
4498  REAL m=0.;
4499  for(long k=0;k<numInterval;k++)
4500  {
4501  m += *p1++ * *p2++;
4502  //cout <<"M:"<< mIntegratedPatternMin(k) << " "<<mIntegratedPatternMax(k)<<" "<<m<<endl;
4503  }
4504  mFitScaleFactorM(i,j)=m;
4505  mFitScaleFactorM(j,i)=m;
4506  }
4507  }
4508  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR():4",2);
4509  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4510  {
4511  const REAL *;
4512  const REAL *p2=integratedCalc[i].data();
4513  REAL b=0.;
4514  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()<=1)
4515  for(long k=0;k<numInterval;k++)
4516  {
4517  b += *p1++ * *p2++;
4518  //cout<<"B:"<<mIntegratedPatternMin(k)<<" "<<mIntegratedPatternMax(k)<<" "<<b<<endl;
4519  }
4520  else
4521  {
4522  const REAL *;
4523  for(long k=0;k<numInterval;k++)
4524  {
4525  //cout<<"B(minus backgd):"<<mIntegratedPatternMin(k)<<" "
4526  // <<mIntegratedPatternMax(k)<<" "
4527  // <<*p1<<" "<<*p2<<" "<<*p3<<" "<<b<<endl;
4528  b += (*p1++ - *p3++) * *p2++;
4529  }
4530  }
4531  mFitScaleFactorB(i,0) =b;
4532  }
4533  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR():5",2);
4535  if(1==nbScale) mFitScaleFactorX=mFitScaleFactorB(0)/mFitScaleFactorM(0);
4536  else
4537  mFitScaleFactorX=product(InvertMatrix(mFitScaleFactorM),mFitScaleFactorB);
4538  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("B, M, X"<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorB<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorM<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorX,3)
4539  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4540  {
4541  const REAL * p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4543  REAL * p0 =;
4544  const REAL s = mFitScaleFactorX(i)
4545  -mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i));
4546  if(ISNAN_OR_INF(s))
4547  {
4548  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)("Warning: working around NaN scale factor...");
4549  continue;
4550  }
4551  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += s * *p1++;
4552  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Old:"<<mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)) <<" New:"<<mFitScaleFactorX(i),3);
4553  mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)) = mFitScaleFactorX(i);
4555  mClockPowderPatternCalc.Click();//we *did* correct the spectrum
4556  }
4557  delete[] integratedCalc;
4558  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR():End",3);
4559 }
4562 {
4563  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
4564  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
4565  {
4566  return ;
4567  }
4568  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForRw()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
4569  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForRw()",3);
4570  this->CalcPowderPattern();
4571  //:TODO: take into account excluded regions...
4572  // Which components are scalable ?
4573  mScalableComponentIndex.resize(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb());
4574  int nbScale=0;
4575  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
4576  {
4577  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
4578  mScalableComponentIndex(nbScale++)=i;
4579  }
4580  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Number of Scale Factors:"<<nbScale<<":Index:"<<endl<<mScalableComponentIndex,2);
4581  if(0==nbScale)
4582  {
4583  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForRw(): No scalable component!",3);
4584  return;
4585  }
4586  mScalableComponentIndex.resizeAndPreserve(nbScale);
4587  // prepare matrices
4588  mFitScaleFactorM.resize(nbScale,nbScale);
4589  mFitScaleFactorB.resize(nbScale,1);
4590  mFitScaleFactorX.resize(nbScale,1);
4591  // Build Matrix & Vector for LSQ
4592  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
4593  if(0==nbExclude)
4594  {
4595  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4596  {
4597  for(int j=i;j<nbScale;j++)
4598  {
4599  // Here use a direct access to the powder spectrum, since
4600  // we know it has just been recomputed
4601  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4603  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(j))
4605  const REAL *;
4606  REAL m=0.;
4607  for(unsigned long k=0;k<mNbPointUsed;k++) m += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p3++;
4608  mFitScaleFactorM(i,j)=m;
4609  mFitScaleFactorM(j,i)=m;
4610  }
4611  }
4612  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4613  {
4614  const REAL *;
4615  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4617  const REAL *;
4618  REAL b=0.;
4619  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()<=1)
4620  for(unsigned long k=0;k<mNbPointUsed;k++) b += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p3++;
4621  else
4622  {
4623  const REAL *;
4624  for(unsigned long k=0;k<mNbPointUsed;k++)
4625  b += (*p1++ - *p4++) * *p2++ * *p3++;
4626  }
4627  mFitScaleFactorB(i,0) =b;
4628  }
4629  }
4630  else
4631  {
4632  unsigned long min,max;
4633  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4634  {
4635  for(int j=i;j<nbScale;j++)
4636  {
4637  // Here use a direct access to the powder spectrum, since
4638  // we know it has just been recomputed
4639  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4641  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(j))
4643  const REAL *;
4644  REAL m=0.;
4645  unsigned long l=0;
4646  for(int k=0;k<nbExclude;k++)
4647  {
4648  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
4649  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
4650  if(min>mNbPointUsed) break;
4651  if(max>mNbPointUsed)max=mNbPointUsed;
4653  for(;l<min;l++) m += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p3++;
4654  p1 += max-l;
4655  p2 += max-l;
4656  p3 += max-l;
4657  l = max;
4658  }
4659  for(;l<mNbPointUsed;l++) m += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p3++;
4660  mFitScaleFactorM(i,j)=m;
4661  mFitScaleFactorM(j,i)=m;
4662  }
4663  }
4664  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4665  {
4666  const REAL *;
4667  const REAL *p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry
4668  .GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4670  const REAL *;
4671  REAL b=0.;
4672  unsigned long l=0;
4673  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.numElements()<=1)
4674  {
4675  for(int k=0;k<nbExclude;k++)
4676  {
4677  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(k)));
4678  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(k)));
4679  if(min>mNbPointUsed) break;
4680  if(max>mNbPointUsed)max=mNbPointUsed;
4682  for(;l<min;l++) b += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p3++;
4683  p1 += max-l;
4684  p2 += max-l;
4685  p3 += max-l;
4686  l = max;
4687  }
4688  for(;l<mNbPointUsed;l++) b += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p3++;
4689  }
4690  else
4691  {
4692  const REAL *;
4693  for(int k=0;k<nbExclude;k++)
4694  {
4695  min=(unsigned long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(k)));
4696  max=(unsigned long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(k)));
4697  if(min>mNbPointUsed) break;
4698  if(max>mNbPointUsed)max=mNbPointUsed;
4700  for(;l<min;l++) b += (*p1++ - *p4++) * *p2++ * *p3++;
4701  p1 += max-l;
4702  p2 += max-l;
4703  p3 += max-l;
4704  l = max;
4705  }
4706  for(;l<mNbPointUsed;l++) b += (*p1++ - *p4++) * *p2++ * *p3++;
4707  }
4708  mFitScaleFactorB(i,0) =b;
4709  }
4710  }
4711  if(1==nbScale) mFitScaleFactorX=mFitScaleFactorB(0)/mFitScaleFactorM(0);
4712  else
4713  mFitScaleFactorX=product(InvertMatrix(mFitScaleFactorM),mFitScaleFactorB);
4714  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("B, M, X"<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorB<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorM<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorX,2)
4715  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4716  {
4717  const REAL * p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4719  REAL * p0 =;
4720  const REAL s = mFitScaleFactorX(i)
4721  -mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i));
4722  if(ISNAN_OR_INF(s))
4723  {
4724  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)("Warning: working around NaN scale factor...");
4725  continue;
4726  }
4727  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += s * *p1++;
4728  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Old:"<<mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)) <<" Change:"<<mFitScaleFactorX(i),3);
4729  mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)) = mFitScaleFactorX(i);
4731  mClockPowderPatternCalc.Click();//we *did* correct the spectrum
4732  }
4733  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForRw():End",3);
4734 }
4736 void PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw()const
4737 {
4738  if( (0==this->GetPowderPatternObs().numElements())
4739  ||(0==GetNbPowderPatternComponent()))
4740  {
4741  return ;
4742  }
4745  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw()",3);
4746  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
4747  // Which components are scalable ? Which scalable calculated components have a non-null variance ?
4748  mScalableComponentIndex.resize(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb());
4749  CrystVector_REAL vScalableVarianceIndex(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb());
4750  int nbScale=0;
4751  int nbVarCalc=0;
4752  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
4753  {
4754  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
4755  mScalableComponentIndex(nbScale++)=i;
4756  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).HasPowderPatternCalcVariance())
4757  {
4758  if(0!=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
4759  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->numElements())
4760  vScalableVarianceIndex(nbVarCalc++)=i;
4761  }
4762  }
4763  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("-> Number of Scale Factors:"<<nbScale<<"("<<nbVarCalc
4764  <<"with variance). Index:"<<endl<<mScalableComponentIndex,2);
4765  if(0==nbScale)
4766  {
4767  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw(): No scalable component!",3);
4768  return;
4769  }
4770  bool again;
4771  unsigned int ctagain=0;
4772  RECALC_SCALE_FACTOR_VARIANCE_FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw:
4773  if(false)//if((nbScale==1)&&(nbVarCalc==1))
4774  {// Special case when using ML error, the scale appears also in the weight so we have to
4775  // use a 2nd-degree equation (ax^2+bx+c=0) to get the scale factor.
4776  double a=0.,b=0.,c=0.;// possible overflows...
4777  REAL newscale;
4778  {
4779  const REAL * RESTRICT;
4780  const REAL * RESTRICT p2=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(0))
4781  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first->data();
4782  const REAL * RESTRICT;
4783  const REAL * RESTRICT p2v=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(0))
4784  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->data();
4785  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc.numElements()<=1)
4786  {
4787  for(unsigned long k=mNbIntegrationUsed;k>0;k--)
4788  {
4789  a += *p2v * *p1 * *p2;
4790  b += *p2 * *p2 * *p1v - *p1 * *p1 * *p2v;
4791  c -= *p1 * *p2 * *p1v;
4792  p1++;p2++;p1v++;p2v++;
4793  }
4794  }
4795  else
4796  {
4797  const REAL * RESTRICT;
4798  for(unsigned long k=mNbIntegrationUsed;k>0;k--)
4799  {
4800  a += *p2v * (*p1 - *p3) * *p2;
4801  b += *p2 * *p2 * *p1v - (*p1 - *p3) * (*p1 - *p3) * *p2v;
4802  c -= (*p1 - *p3) * *p2 * *p1v;
4803  p1++;p2++;p1v++;p2v++;p3++;
4804  }
4805  }
4806  // Only one >0 solution to the 2nd degree equation
4807  newscale=(REAL)((-b+sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a));
4808  }
4809  {// Store new scale, and correct old calculated pattern
4810  const REAL s = newscale-mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(0));
4811  const REAL s2 = newscale*newscale
4812  -mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(0))
4813  *mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(0));
4814  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
4815  const REAL * RESTRICT p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(0))
4816  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first->data();
4817  REAL * RESTRICT p0v =;
4818  const REAL * RESTRICT p1v=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(0))
4819  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->data();
4820  REAL * RESTRICT p0w =;
4821  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--)
4822  {
4823  *p0++ += s * *p1++;
4824  *p0v += s2 * *p1v++;
4825  if(*p0v <=0) {*p0w++ =0;p0v++;}else *p0w++ = 1. / *p0v++;
4826  }
4827  }
4828  mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(0)) = newscale;
4830  mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc.Click();//we *did* correct the spectrum
4831  }
4832  else
4833  {
4834  again=false;
4835  mScalableComponentIndex.resizeAndPreserve(nbScale);
4836  // prepare matrices
4837  mFitScaleFactorM.resize(nbScale,nbScale);
4838  mFitScaleFactorB.resize(nbScale,1);
4839  mFitScaleFactorX.resize(nbScale,1);
4840  // Build Matrix & Vector for LSQ
4841  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw():1",2);
4842  vector<const CrystVector_REAL*> integratedCalc;
4843  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4844  {
4845  integratedCalc.push_back(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.
4846  GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4847  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first);
4848  }
4849  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw():3",2);
4850  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4851  {
4852  for(int j=i;j<nbScale;j++)
4853  {
4854  const REAL * RESTRICT p1=integratedCalc[i]->data();
4855  const REAL * RESTRICT p2=integratedCalc[j]->data();
4856  const REAL * RESTRICT p3;
4857  if(mIntegratedWeight.numElements()==0)
4858  {
4860  if(ctagain>5) VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ctagain="<<ctagain<<", using mIntegratedWeightObs",5);
4861  }
4862  else
4863  {
4865  if(ctagain>5) VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ctagain="<<ctagain<<", using mIntegratedWeight",5);
4866  }
4867  REAL m=0.;
4868  if(j==i)
4869  for(unsigned long k=mNbIntegrationUsed;k>0;k--)
4870  {m += *p1 * *p1 * *p3++; p1++;}
4871  else
4872  for(unsigned long k=mNbIntegrationUsed;k>0;k--)
4873  m += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p3++;
4874  mFitScaleFactorM(i,j)=m;
4875  mFitScaleFactorM(j,i)=m;
4876  }
4877  }
4878  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw():4",2);
4879  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4880  {
4881  const REAL * RESTRICT;
4882  const REAL * RESTRICT p2=integratedCalc[i]->data();
4883  const REAL * RESTRICT p4;
4884  if(mIntegratedWeight.numElements()==0);
4885  else;
4886  REAL b=0.;
4887  if(mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc.numElements()<=1)
4888  {
4889  for(unsigned long k=mNbIntegrationUsed;k>0;k--)
4890  {
4891  b += *p1++ * *p2++ * *p4++;
4892  //cout<<"B:"<<mIntegratedPatternMin(k)<<" "<<mIntegratedPatternMax(k)<<" "<<b<<endl;
4893  }
4894  }
4895  else
4896  {
4897  const REAL * RESTRICT;
4898  for(unsigned long k=mNbIntegrationUsed;k>0;k--)
4899  {
4900  //cout<<"B(minus backgd):"<<mIntegratedPatternMin(k)<<" "
4901  // <<mIntegratedPatternMax(k)<<" "
4902  // <<*p1<<" "<<*p2<<" "<<*p3<<" "<<b<<endl;
4903  b += (*p1++ - *p3++) * *p2++ * *p4++;
4904  }
4905  }
4906  mFitScaleFactorB(i,0) =b;
4907  }
4908  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw():5",2);
4910  if(1==nbScale) mFitScaleFactorX=mFitScaleFactorB(0)/mFitScaleFactorM(0);
4911  else if(1<nbScale)
4912  mFitScaleFactorX=product(InvertMatrix(mFitScaleFactorM),mFitScaleFactorB);
4913  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("B, M, X"<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorB<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorM<<endl<<mFitScaleFactorX,3)
4914  //Correct the variance, if necessary
4915  if(nbVarCalc>0)
4916  {
4917  //if(ctagain>0) cout <<"ctgain, sumvar="<<log(mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated.sum());
4918  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4919  {
4920  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i)).HasPowderPatternCalcVariance())
4921  {
4922  if(0!=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4923  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->numElements())
4924  {
4925  const REAL * RESTRICT p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4926  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->data();
4927  //cout <<",sumvar(i)="<<log(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4928  // .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->sum());
4929  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
4930  const REAL s2 = mFitScaleFactorX(i)*mFitScaleFactorX(i)
4931  -mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4932  *mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i));
4933  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ += s2 * *p1++;
4934  }
4935  }
4936  }
4937  //if(ctagain>0) cout <<" ->"<<log(mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated.sum())
4938  // <<" , sumobsvar="<<log(mIntegratedVarianceObs.sum())<<endl;
4939  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
4940  const REAL * RESTRICT;
4941  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--)
4942  if(*p1 <=0) {*p0++ =0;p1++;}
4943  else *p0++ = 1. / *p1++;
4945  }
4946  // Correct the calculated integrated pattern
4947  for(int i=0;i<nbScale;i++)
4948  {
4949  const REAL * RESTRICT p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(mScalableComponentIndex(i))
4950  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first->data();
4951  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
4952  const REAL s = mFitScaleFactorX(i)
4953  -mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i));
4954  if(ISNAN_OR_INF(s))
4955  {
4956  (*fpObjCrystInformUser)("Warning: working around NaN scale factor...");
4957  continue;
4958  }
4959  if(nbVarCalc>0)
4960  {
4961  if(abs(s/mFitScaleFactorX(i))>0.001)
4962  {
4963  again=true;
4964  //cout<<"log(scale) :"<<log(mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)))
4965  // <<"->"<<log(mFitScaleFactorX(i))<<" Again="<<ctagain++<<endl;
4966  }
4967  if((!again)&&(ctagain>0))
4968  {
4969  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("log(scale) :"<<log(mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)))
4970  <<"->"<<log(mFitScaleFactorX(i))<<" Again="<<ctagain,5);
4971  }
4972  }
4973  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ += s * *p1++;
4974  if(ctagain>5)
4975  {
4976  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("->log(scale) Old :"<<log(mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i))) <<" New:"<<log(mFitScaleFactorX(i)),10);
4977  }
4978  mScaleFactor(mScalableComponentIndex(i)) = mFitScaleFactorX(i);
4979  }
4982  mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc.Click();//we *did* correct the spectrum
4983  }
4984  if(again && (ctagain<20))
4985  {
4986  ctagain++;
4987  if(ctagain>5)
4988  {
4989  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw(), scaling again #"<<ctagain,10)
4990  }
4991  goto RECALC_SCALE_FACTOR_VARIANCE_FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw;
4992  }
4993  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw():End",3);
4994 }
4997 {
4998  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetSigmaToSqrtIobs()",5);
4999  for(long i=0;i<mPowderPatternObs.numElements();i++)
5000  mPowderPatternObsSigma(i)=sqrt(fabs(mPowderPatternObs(i)));
5001 }
5002 void PowderPattern::SetWeightToInvSigmaSq(const REAL minRelatSigma)
5003 {
5004  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetWeightToInvSigmaSq()",5);
5005  //:KLUDGE: If less than 1e-4*max, set to 0.... Do not give weight to unobserved points
5006  const REAL min=MaxAbs(mPowderPatternObsSigma)*minRelatSigma;
5007  //mPowderPatternWeight.resize(mPowderPatternObsSigma.numElements());
5008  REAL tmp;
5009  for(long i=0;i<mPowderPatternObsSigma.numElements();i++)
5010  {
5011  tmp = mPowderPatternObsSigma(i);
5012  if(tmp<min) mPowderPatternWeight(i)= 1./min/min;
5013  else mPowderPatternWeight(i) =1./tmp/tmp;
5014  }
5015 }
5017 {
5018  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetWeightToSinTheta()",5);
5019  //mPowderPatternWeight.resize(mPowderPatternObs.numElements());
5021 }
5022 void PowderPattern::SetWeightPolynomial(const REAL a, const REAL b,
5023  const REAL c,
5024  const REAL minRelatIobs)
5025 {
5026  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::SetWeightPolynomial()",5);
5027  const REAL min=MaxAbs(mPowderPatternObs)*minRelatIobs;
5028  REAL tmp;
5029  for(long i=0;i<mPowderPatternWeight.numElements();i++)
5030  {
5031  tmp=mPowderPatternObs(i);
5032  if(tmp<min)
5033  mPowderPatternWeight(i) = 1./(a+min+b*min*min+c*min*min*min);
5034  else mPowderPatternWeight(i) = 1./(a+tmp+b*tmp*tmp+c*tmp*tmp*tmp);
5035  }
5036 }
5038 void PowderPattern::BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations,
5039  const bool enableRestraints)
5040 {
5041  this->Prepare();
5042  if(0 == mOptProfileIntegration.GetChoice()) this->FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw();
5043  else this->FitScaleFactorForRw();
5044  this->RefinableObj::BeginOptimization(allowApproximations,enableRestraints);
5045 }
5047 //void PowderPattern::SetApproximationFlag(const bool allow)
5048 //{// Do we need this ?
5049 // this->Prepare();
5050 // if(0 == mOptProfileIntegration.GetChoice()) this->FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw();
5051 // else this->FitScaleFactorForRw();
5052 // this->RefinableObj::SetApproximationFlag(allow);
5053 //}
5055 void PowderPattern::GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude,
5056  const RefParType *type)
5057 {
5058  if(mRandomMoveIsDone) return;
5059  this->RefinableObj::GlobalOptRandomMove(mutationAmplitude,type);
5060 }
5062 void PowderPattern::AddExcludedRegion(const REAL min,const REAL max)
5063 {
5064  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::AddExcludedRegion()",5)
5065  const int num=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
5066  if(num>0)
5067  {
5068  mExcludedRegionMinX.resizeAndPreserve(num+1);
5069  mExcludedRegionMaxX.resizeAndPreserve(num+1);
5070  }
5071  else
5072  {
5073  mExcludedRegionMinX.resize(1);
5074  mExcludedRegionMaxX.resize(1);
5075  }
5076  mExcludedRegionMinX(num)=min;
5077  mExcludedRegionMaxX(num)=max;
5079  //ensure regions are sorted by ascending 2thetamin
5080  CrystVector_long subs;
5081  subs=SortSubs(mExcludedRegionMinX);
5082  CrystVector_REAL tmp1,tmp2;
5083  tmp1=mExcludedRegionMinX;
5084  tmp2=mExcludedRegionMaxX;
5085  for(int i=0;i<mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();i++)
5086  {
5087  mExcludedRegionMinX(i)=tmp1(subs(i));
5088  mExcludedRegionMaxX(i)=tmp2(subs(i));
5089  }
5091  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::Add2ThetaExcludedRegion():End",5)
5092 }
5095 {
5096  REAL tmp=this->GetChi2_Option();
5097  if(mOptProfileIntegration.GetChoice()==0) tmp+=mIntegratedChi2LikeNorm;
5098  else tmp+=mChi2LikeNorm;
5099  return tmp;
5100 }
5102 unsigned int PowderPattern::GetNbLSQFunction()const{return 2;}
5104 const CrystVector_REAL&
5105  PowderPattern::GetLSQCalc(const unsigned int idx) const
5106 {
5107  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetLSQCalc()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
5108  switch(idx)
5109  {
5110  case 1:
5111  {
5114  break;
5115  }
5116  default:
5117  {
5119  mPowderPatternUsedCalc.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPointUsed);
5120  break;
5121  }
5122  }
5123  return mPowderPatternUsedCalc;
5124 }
5126 const CrystVector_REAL&
5127  PowderPattern::GetLSQObs(const unsigned int idx) const
5128 {
5129  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetLSQObs()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
5130  switch(idx)
5131  {
5132  case 1:
5133  {
5134  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
5135  mPowderPatternUsedObs=mIntegratedObs;
5136  break;
5137  }
5138  default:
5139  {
5141  mPowderPatternUsedObs.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPointUsed);
5142  break;
5143  }
5144  }
5145  return mPowderPatternUsedObs;
5146 }
5148 const CrystVector_REAL&
5149  PowderPattern::GetLSQWeight(const unsigned int idx) const
5150 {
5151  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetLSQWeight()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
5152  switch(idx)
5153  {
5154  case 1:
5155  {
5156  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
5157  // :KLUDGE: When variance is used, mIntegratedWeight will change at each powder pattern calculation,
5158  // so this might be quite wrong...
5159  if(mIntegratedWeight.numElements()==0)
5160  mPowderPatternUsedWeight=mIntegratedWeightObs;
5161  else mPowderPatternUsedWeight=mIntegratedWeight;
5162  break;
5163  }
5164  default:
5165  {
5167  mPowderPatternUsedWeight.resizeAndPreserve(mNbPointUsed);
5168  break;
5169  }
5170  }
5171  return mPowderPatternUsedWeight;
5172 }
5174 std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL>& PowderPattern::GetLSQ_FullDeriv(const unsigned int idx,std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar)
5175 {
5176  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::GetLSQ_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
5177  //return this->RefinableObj::GetLSQ_FullDeriv(idx,vPar);
5178  if(idx==1)
5179  {
5180  this->CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(vPar);
5181  #if 0
5182  std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> fullderiv_old;
5183  std::vector<const CrystVector_REAL*> v;
5184  int n=0;
5185  //cout<<"PowderPattern::GetLSQ_FullDeriv(integrated):scales:"<<mScaleFactor<<endl;
5186  cout<<"PowderPattern::GetLSQ_FullDeriv(integrated):parameters:"<<endl;
5187  for(std::set<RefinablePar*>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
5188  {
5189  v.push_back(&(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]));
5190  fullderiv_old[*par]=this->GetLSQDeriv(idx,*(*par));
5191  v.push_back(&(fullderiv_old[*par]));
5192  cout<<(*par)->GetName()<<":"<<mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].size()<<","<<fullderiv_old[*par].size()<<endl;
5193  if(++n>8) break;
5194  }
5195  cout<<"PowderPattern::GetLSQ_FullDeriv(integrated):"<<endl<<FormatVertVector<REAL>(v,12,1,20)<<endl;
5196  //exit(0);
5197  #endif
5198  return mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv;
5199  }
5200  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv=this->GetPowderPattern_FullDeriv(vPar);
5201  return mPowderPattern_FullDeriv;
5202 }
5205 {
5206  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::Prepare()",5);
5207  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
5208  {
5209  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(mMaxSinThetaOvLambda);
5210  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).Prepare();
5211  }
5212 }
5214  CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
5215  unsigned int &first) const
5216 {
5217  // One group for scales, one for theta error parameters
5218  unsigned int scaleIndex=0;
5219  unsigned int thetaIndex=0;
5220  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::GetGeneGroup()",4)
5221  for(long i=0;i<obj.GetNbPar();i++)
5222  for(long j=0;j<this->GetNbPar();j++)
5223  if(&(obj.GetPar(i)) == &(this->GetPar(j)))
5224  {
5226  {
5227  if(scaleIndex==0) scaleIndex=first++;
5228  groupIndex(i)=scaleIndex;
5229  }
5230  else //gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos
5231  {
5232  if(thetaIndex==0) thetaIndex=first++;
5233  groupIndex(i)=thetaIndex;
5234  }
5235  }
5236 }
5242 const CrystVector_long& PowderPattern::GetIntegratedProfileMin()const
5243 {
5244  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
5245  return mIntegratedPatternMin;
5246 }
5248 const CrystVector_long& PowderPattern::GetIntegratedProfileMax()const
5249 {
5250  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
5251  return mIntegratedPatternMax;
5252 }
5255 {
5256  return mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep;
5257 }
5259 REAL PowderPattern::STOL2X(const REAL stol)const
5260 {
5261  REAL x;
5262  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
5263  {
5264  if(stol>0) x = 1.0/(2*stol); else return 0;
5265  x = mDIFC*x+mDIFA*x*x;
5266  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::STOL2X("<<stol<<","<<1.0/(2*stol)<<")="<<x,2)
5267  }
5268  else
5269  {
5270  x=stol*this->GetWavelength();
5271  if(abs(x)<1.0) x=2*asin(x); else x=2*M_PI;
5272  }
5273  return x;
5274 }
5276 REAL PowderPattern::X2STOL(const REAL x)const
5277 {
5278  REAL stol;
5279  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
5280  {
5281  if(abs(mDIFA)>abs(mDIFC*1e-6))
5282  {
5283  const REAL delta=mDIFC*mDIFC+4.0*mDIFA*x;
5284  stol = (-mDIFC+sqrt(delta))/(2.0*mDIFA);
5285  stol = 1/(2.0*stol);
5286  }
5287  else stol=mDIFC/(2.0*x);
5288  }
5289  else
5290  stol=sin(x/2.0)/this->GetWavelength();
5291  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::X2STOL("<<x<<")="<<stol,2)
5292  return stol;
5293 }
5295 REAL PowderPattern::STOL2Pixel(const REAL stol)const
5296 {
5297  return this->X2Pixel(this->STOL2X(stol));
5298 }
5300 PeakList PowderPattern::FindPeaks(const float dmin,const float maxratio,const unsigned int maxpeak)
5301 {
5302  const long nb=this->GetNbPoint() ;
5303  // Limit peak detection to 1.5A resolution
5304  long start,finish;
5305  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()!=WAVELENGTH_TOF)
5306  {
5307  start=1;// do not start at 0, if this is a simulation that really start at theta=0...
5308  for(finish=0;finish<nb;++finish)
5309  {
5310  const REAL d=1/(this->X2STOL(this->GetPowderPatternX()(finish))*2);
5311  if(d<dmin) break;
5312  }
5313  }
5314  else
5315  {
5316  finish=nb-1;
5317  for(start=nb-1;start>=0;--start)
5318  {
5319  const REAL d=1/(this->X2STOL(this->GetPowderPatternX()(start))*2);
5320  if(d<dmin) break;
5321  }
5322  }
5323  // First evaluate approximate width (in number of pixels) of reflections
5324  unsigned int width_golay=10;
5325  {
5326  CrystVector_REAL obs;
5327  const int nbwidth=9;
5328  CrystVector_long width(nbwidth);
5329  width=0;
5330  obs=this->GetPowderPatternObs();
5331  const long nb=obs.numElements();
5332  for(int j=0;j<nbwidth;j++)
5333  {
5334  const long imax=obs.imax(nb/10,nb-1);
5335  const REAL iobs_max=obs(imax);
5336  REAL thres=iobs_max;
5337  long i;
5338  for(i=imax-100;i<(imax+100);++i)
5339  {
5340  if(i<0){i=0;continue;}
5341  if(i>=nb) break;
5342  if(obs(i)<thres) thres=obs(i);
5343  }
5344  thres=(iobs_max+thres)/2;
5345  i=imax;
5346  while(obs(i)>=thres)
5347  {
5348  cout<<obs(i)<<" ";
5349  obs(i--)=0;
5350  width(j)+=1;
5351  if(i<0) break;
5352  }
5353  i=imax+1;
5354  while(obs(i)>=thres)
5355  {
5356  cout<<obs(i)<<" ";
5357  obs(i++)=0;
5358  width(j)+=1;
5359  if(i>=nb) break;
5360  }
5361  cout<<endl<<" => "<<width(j)<<endl;
5362  for(i=imax-width(j)*2;i<(imax+width(j)*2);++i)
5363  {
5364  if(i<0) continue;
5365  if(i>=nb) break;
5366  obs(i)=0;
5367  }
5368  }
5369  cout<<"Width of "<<nbwidth<<" strongest peaks:"<<endl<<width;
5370  width_golay=width(SortSubs(width)(nbwidth/2));
5371  cout<<"median width:"<<width_golay<<endl;
5372  if(width_golay<=4)width_golay=4;
5373  if(width_golay>=16)width_golay=16;
5374  }
5376  // get 2nd derivative
5377  CrystVector_REAL obsd2;
5378  obsd2=SavitzkyGolay(this->GetPowderPatternObs(),width_golay,2);
5379  const float norm=-obsd2.min();
5380  // Normalize, so that the derivative has the same extent as the observed pattern
5381  obsd2 *= mPowderPatternObs.max()/(-norm);
5383  REAL min_iobs;
5384  if(maxratio<0)
5385  {//Automatic discrimination - get an idea of noise from the distribution of the scond derivative
5386  CrystVector_REAL tmp;
5387  tmp=obsd2;
5388  tmp.resizeAndPreserve(tmp.numElements()/4);// First quarter, avoid too many peaks
5389  CrystVector<long> sub(tmp.numElements());
5390  QuickSortSubs(tmp,sub,tmp.numElements()-1,0);
5391  min_iobs=5*(tmp(tmp.numElements()/2)-tmp(tmp.numElements()/4));
5392  //cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" MIN_IOBS (automatic)="<<min_iobs<<endl;
5393  }else min_iobs=-1;// This will be set after highest peak is found
5394  PeakList pl;
5395  int nbav_min=0;//minimum numerb of points over which the peak is integrated
5396  while(true)
5397  {// Start from max
5398  const long imax=obsd2.imax(start,finish);
5399  REAL iobs=obsd2(imax);
5400  if(iobs<=0) break;
5401  REAL xmax=mX(imax)*iobs;
5402  long nbav=1;
5403  long i=imax;
5404  REAL lastiobs=obsd2(i);
5405  const REAL iobs_max=lastiobs;
5406  //cout<<i<<":"<<lastiobs<<":"<<mX(i)*RAD2DEG<<endl;
5407  while(true)
5408  {
5409  if(i<=1) break;
5410  if(obsd2(--i)>=lastiobs) break;
5411  lastiobs=obsd2(i);
5412  obsd2(i)=0;
5413  iobs+=lastiobs;
5414  xmax+=mX(i)*lastiobs;nbav++;
5415  if(lastiobs<=0) break;
5416  //cout<<i<<":"<<lastiobs<<":"<<mX(i)*RAD2DEG<<endl;
5417  }
5418  float dleft=mX(i+1);
5419  i=imax;
5420  lastiobs=obsd2(i);
5421  while(true)
5422  {
5423  if(i>=(nb-2)) break;
5424  if(obsd2(++i)>=lastiobs) break;
5425  lastiobs=obsd2(i);
5426  obsd2(i)=0;
5427  iobs+=lastiobs;
5428  xmax+=mX(i)*lastiobs;nbav++;
5429  if(lastiobs<=0) break;
5430  //cout<<i<<":"<<lastiobs<<":"<<mX(i)*RAD2DEG<<endl;
5431  }
5432  float dright=mX(i-1);
5433  xmax/=iobs;
5434  obsd2(imax)=0;
5435  REAL dmax=this->X2STOL(xmax)*2;
5436  dright=this->X2STOL(dright)*2;
5437  dleft =this->X2STOL(dleft)*2;
5438  //TODO : evaluate min intensity ratio from noise ?
5439  if(min_iobs<0)
5440  {
5441  cout<<this->GetPowderPatternObsSigma()(imax)<<","<<this->GetPowderPatternObs()(imax)<<endl;
5442  min_iobs=iobs/nbav*maxratio;
5443  //cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" MIN_IOBS="<<min_iobs<<endl;
5444  }
5445  if(nbav_min==0)
5446  {
5447  nbav_min=nbav/2;
5448  if(nbav_min<3)nbav_min=3;
5449  }
5450  if(pl.GetPeakList().size()>maxpeak) break;
5451  float sigma=this->GetPowderPatternObsSigma()(imax);
5452  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()!=WAVELENGTH_TOF)
5453  xmax *= RAD2DEG;
5454  cout<<"Peak #"<<pl.GetPeakList().size()<<"imax="<<imax<<", x="<<xmax<<",d="<<1/dmax<<", d2iobs_max="<<iobs_max
5455  <<", d2Iobs="<<iobs<<", nbav="<<nbav<<", min_iobs="<<min_iobs<<",sigma="<<sigma<<endl;
5456  if( ((nbav>=nbav_min) &&(iobs_max>min_iobs)&&((iobs/nbav)>min_iobs))
5457  ||((nbav>=nbav_min) &&(iobs_max>min_iobs)&&((iobs/nbav)>min_iobs*.2)&&((iobs/nbav)>3*sigma))
5458  ||((nbav>=nbav_min/2)&&(iobs_max>min_iobs)&&((iobs/nbav)>min_iobs*2 )&&((iobs/nbav)>6*sigma)))
5459  {
5460  pl.AddPeak(dmax,iobs,abs(dright-dleft)*.25);
5461  if((pl.GetPeakList().size()==1)&&(maxratio<0)&&(min_iobs<0.005*iobs/nbav)) min_iobs=0.005*iobs/nbav;
5462  }
5463  }
5464  pl.Print(cout);
5465  return pl;
5466 }
5468 const CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetScaleFactor() const{return mScaleFactor;}
5470 CrystVector_REAL& PowderPattern::GetScaleFactor(){return mScaleFactor;}
5472 //Local structures to export atoms, bond and angle restraints
5473 struct exportAtom
5474 {
5475  exportAtom(string n,REAL X, REAL Y, REAL Z,REAL b,REAL o,const ScatteringPower *pow):
5476  name(n),x(X),y(Y),z(Z),biso(b),occ(o),occMult(1),mpScattPow(pow){}
5477  string name;
5478  REAL x,y,z,biso,occ;
5480  int occMult;
5481  const ScatteringPower *mpScattPow;
5482 };
5484 struct exportBond
5485 {
5486  exportBond(const string &a1,const string &a2, REAL d, REAL s):
5487  at1(a1),at2(a2),dist(d),sigma(s){}
5488  string at1,at2;
5489  REAL dist,sigma;
5490 };
5492 struct exportAngle
5493 {
5494  exportAngle(const string &a1,const string &a2,const string &a3, REAL a, REAL s):
5495  at1(a1),at2(a2),at3(a3),ang(a),sigma(s){}
5496  string at1,at2,at3;
5497  REAL ang,sigma;
5498 };
5500 void PowderPattern::ExportFullprof(const std::string &prefix)const
5501 {
5502  // Analyze our data - background ? number of crystalline phases ?
5503  const PowderPatternBackground *pBackground=0;
5504  vector<const PowderPatternDiffraction*> vDiff;
5505  for(unsigned int i=0;i<this->GetNbPowderPatternComponent();i++)
5506  {
5507  if(this->GetPowderPatternComponent(i).GetClassName()=="PowderPatternBackground")
5508  pBackground=dynamic_cast<const PowderPatternBackground*>(&(this->GetPowderPatternComponent(i)));
5509  if(this->GetPowderPatternComponent(i).GetClassName()=="PowderPatternDiffraction")
5510  vDiff.push_back(dynamic_cast<const PowderPatternDiffraction*>(&(this->GetPowderPatternComponent(i))));
5511  }
5512  if((pBackground==0)||vDiff.size()==0) return;
5514  // Powder data file
5515  ofstream dat((prefix+".dat").c_str());
5516  dat<<"XYDATA"<<endl
5517  <<"INTER 1.0 1.0 0"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;
5519  CrystVector_REAL ttheta;
5520  ttheta=mX;
5521  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()!=WAVELENGTH_TOF) ttheta *= RAD2DEG;
5522  dat << FormatVertVector<REAL>(ttheta,mPowderPatternObs,mPowderPatternObsSigma,12,4);
5523  dat.close();
5525  // PCR file
5526  ofstream pcr((prefix+".pcr").c_str());
5527  // if(!pcr) :TODO:
5529  // Title
5530  pcr<<"Fox/ObjCryst exported file:"<<this->GetName()<<endl;
5531  // Number of patterns
5532  pcr<<"NPATT 1"<<endl;
5533  // Weight of each pattern
5534  pcr<<"W_PAT 1.0"<<endl;
5535  // Multi-pattern format
5536  pcr<<"! Nph Dum Ias Nre Cry Opt Aut"<<endl;
5537  pcr<<" "<<vDiff.size()
5538  <<" 0 0 0 0 1 1 "<<endl;
5539  // For each phase
5540  {
5541  int job=0;
5542  if(this->GetRadiation().GetRadiationType()==RAD_XRAY) job=0;
5543  if(this->GetRadiation().GetRadiationType()==RAD_NEUTRON) job=1;
5544  //:TODO: TOF:
5545  pcr<<"! Job Npr Nba Nex Nsc Nor Iwg Ilo Res Ste Uni Cor Anm"<<endl
5546  <<" "<<job
5547  <<" 5 "<<pBackground->GetInterpPoints().first->numElements()
5548  <<" 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0"<<endl;
5549  }
5550  // Names of data files
5551  string shortName;
5552  {// Strip path for data file
5553  std::string::size_type idx =prefix.rfind("/");
5554  std::string::size_type idx2=prefix.rfind("\\");
5555  std::string::size_type idx3=prefix.rfind(":");
5556  if(((long)idx2!=(long)string::npos)&&((long)idx2>(long)idx))idx=idx2;
5557  if(((long)idx3!=(long)string::npos)&&((long)idx3>(long)idx))idx=idx3;
5558  if(idx==string::npos)
5559  shortName=prefix;
5560  else
5561  shortName=prefix.substr(idx+1);
5562  }
5563  pcr<<"! File names of data files"<<endl;
5564  pcr<<shortName<<".dat"<<endl;
5565  // Output options...
5566  pcr<<"! Mat Pcr Syo Rpa Sym Sho"<<endl
5567  <<" 1 1 0 -1 0 0 "<<endl;
5568  // Output options... For each pattern
5569  pcr<<"! Ipr Ppl Ioc Ls1 Ls2 Ls3 Prf Ins Hkl Fou Ana"<<endl
5570  <<" 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 1 "<<endl;
5571  // Fixed experimental parameters For each 2-theta pattern :TODO: Check !
5572  int wdt=16;
5573  if(this->GetRadiation().GetRadiationType()==RAD_NEUTRON) wdt=10;
5574  pcr<<"!lambda1 lambda2 Ratio Bkpos Wdt Cthm muR AsyLim Rpolarz -> Patt #1"<<endl
5575  <<this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0)<<" "<<this->GetRadiation().GetWavelength()(0)
5576  << " 0 0 "<<wdt
5577  <<" 0 0 0 0.95"<<endl;
5578  // Refinement parameters - changes are damped !!
5579  pcr<<"!NCY Eps R_at R_an R_pr R_gl"<<endl
5580  <<" 5 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"<<endl;
5581  // Refinement parameters & powder data range, for each 2theta pattern
5582  pcr<<"! Thmin Step Thmax PSD Sent0 -> Patt #1"<<endl
5583  <<" 0 0 0 0 0"<<endl;
5584  // Background points
5585  pcr<<"!2Theta Background for Pattern #1"<<endl;
5586  for(long i=0;i<pBackground->GetInterpPoints().first->numElements();i++)
5587  pcr<<(*(pBackground->GetInterpPoints().first))(i)*RAD2DEG<<" "
5588  <<(*(pBackground->GetInterpPoints().second))(i)<<" 0.0"<<endl;
5589  // Number of refined parameters - just use one for the scale factor !
5590  pcr<<"!"<<endl<<"!"<<endl<<"1 !Number of refined parameters"<<endl;
5591  // Powder data experimental set-up II (refinable parameters)
5592  pcr<<"! Zero Code Sycos Code Sysin Code Lambda Code More -> Patt #1"<<endl;
5593  pcr<<" "<<mXZero*RAD2DEG <<" 0.0 "
5594  <<m2ThetaDisplacement*RAD2DEG <<" 0.0 "
5595  <<m2ThetaTransparency*RAD2DEG <<" 0.0 "
5596  <<"0.000 0.0 0"<<endl;
5598  for(unsigned int i=0;i<vDiff.size();++i)
5599  {
5600  pcr<<"!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl
5601  <<"! Data for PHASE number: "<<i<<" ==> Current R_Bragg for Pattern# 1: 0.00 "<<endl
5602  <<"!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
5603  //Phase name
5604  pcr<<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetName()<<endl;
5606  // List all atoms, remove overlapping ones
5607  map<int,exportAtom> vExportAtom;
5608  list<exportBond> vExportBond;
5609  list<exportAngle> vExportAngle;
5610  {
5611  CrystMatrix_REAL minDistTable;
5612  minDistTable=vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetMinDistanceTable(-1.);
5613  unsigned long k=0;
5614  // list0 is the full scattering component list with all atoms except dummies,
5615  // and a correct mDynPopCorr
5616  const ScatteringComponentList list0=vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetScatteringComponentList();
5617  for(int s=0;s<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetScattererRegistry().GetNb();s++)
5618  {
5619  const ScatteringComponentList list=vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetScatt(s).GetScatteringComponentList();
5621  // If we have a Molecule, remember the names used for the atoms to describe restraints
5622  // We can't use the original atom names as they might not be unique in the crystal
5623  const Molecule *pMol=0;
5624  if(vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetScatt(s).GetClassName()=="Molecule")
5625  pMol=dynamic_cast<const Molecule*>(&(vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetScatt(s)));
5626  map<const MolAtom*,string> vMolAtomName;
5628  for(int j=0;j<list.GetNbComponent();j++)
5629  {
5630  if(0==list(j).mpScattPow) continue;//Can this happen ?
5631  bool redundant=false;
5632  for(unsigned long l=0;l<k;++l)
5633  if(abs(minDistTable(l,k))<0.5)
5634  {
5635  map<int,exportAtom>::iterator pos=vExportAtom.find(l);
5636  if(pos!=vExportAtom.end()) pos->second.occMult+=1;
5637  redundant=true;//-1 means dist > 10A
5638  }
5639  if(!redundant)
5640  {
5641  //:TODO: avoid non-alphanumeric characters in name
5642  stringstream name;
5643  name<<list(j).mpScattPow->GetName()<<k+1;
5644  vExportAtom.insert(make_pair(k,exportAtom(name.str(),
5645  list(j).mX,list(j).mY,list(j).mZ,
5646  list(j).mpScattPow->GetBiso(),
5647  list(j).mOccupancy*list0(k).mDynPopCorr,
5648  list(j).mpScattPow)));
5649  if(pMol!=0) vMolAtomName.insert(make_pair(pMol->GetAtomList()[j],name.str()));
5650  }
5651  k++;
5652  }
5653  if(pMol!=0)
5654  {
5655  for(vector<MolBond*>::const_iterator pos=pMol->GetBondList().begin();
5656  pos!=pMol->GetBondList().end();++pos)
5657  {
5658  map<const MolAtom*,string>::const_iterator p1,p2;
5659  p1=vMolAtomName.find(&((*pos)->GetAtom1()));
5660  p2=vMolAtomName.find(&((*pos)->GetAtom2()));
5661  if( (p1!=vMolAtomName.end()) && (p2!=vMolAtomName.end()))
5662  vExportBond.push_back(exportBond(p1->second, p2->second,
5663  (*pos)->GetLength0(),(*pos)->GetLengthSigma()));
5664  }
5666  for(vector<MolBondAngle*>::const_iterator pos=pMol->GetBondAngleList().begin();
5667  pos!=pMol->GetBondAngleList().end();++pos)
5668  {
5669  map<const MolAtom*,string>::const_iterator p1,p2,p3;
5670  p1=vMolAtomName.find(&((*pos)->GetAtom1()));
5671  p2=vMolAtomName.find(&((*pos)->GetAtom2()));
5672  p3=vMolAtomName.find(&((*pos)->GetAtom3()));
5673  if( (p1!=vMolAtomName.end()) && (p2!=vMolAtomName.end()) && (p3!=vMolAtomName.end()))
5674  vExportAngle.push_back(exportAngle(p1->second, p2->second,p3->second,
5675  (*pos)->GetAngle0(),(*pos)->GetAngleSigma()));
5676  }
5677  }
5678  }
5679  // :TODO: recognize special positions, and move the atoms on them.
5680  // :TODO: list atoms excluded, commented out
5681  }
5683  // Main control codes line for the phase
5684  //:TODO: extract distance (Dis) and bond angle (Ang) restraints whenever possible
5685  //const ScatteringComponentList *pSC=&(vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetScatteringComponentList());
5686  pcr<<"!Nat Dis Ang Jbt Isy Str Furth ATZ Nvk More"<<endl
5687  << vExportAtom.size() <<" "<<vExportBond.size()<<" "<<vExportAngle.size()
5688  <<" 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 1"<<endl;
5689  pcr<<"!Jvi Jdi Hel Sol Mom Ter N_Domains"<<endl
5690  <<" 0 3 0 0 0 0 0"<<endl;
5691  // Contribution to the patterns
5692  pcr<<"!Contributions (0/1) of this phase to the patterns"<<endl
5693  <<" 1"<<endl;
5694  //
5695  pcr<<"!Irf Npr Jtyp Nsp_Ref Ph_Shift for Pattern#"<<i<<endl
5696  <<" 0 0 0 0 0"<<endl;
5697  pcr<<"! Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 Brind. Rmua Rmub Rmuc for Pattern#"<<i<<endl
5698  <<" 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"<<endl;
5700  // Limits for distance calculations
5701  pcr<<"! Max_dst(dist) (angles) Bond-Valence Calc."<<endl
5702  <<" 2.7000 1.5000 0"<<endl;
5704  // Space group symbol
5705  pcr<<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetSpaceGroup().GetCCTbxSpg().match_tabulated_settings().hermann_mauguin()
5706  <<" <- Space Group Symbol"<<endl;
5707  // Atomic parameters
5708  pcr<<"!Atom Typ X Y Z Biso Occ In Fin N_t Spc / Codes"<<endl;
5709  for(map<int,exportAtom>::const_iterator pos=vExportAtom.begin();pos!=vExportAtom.end();++pos)
5710  {
5711  pcr<<pos->
5712  <<" "<<pos->second.mpScattPow->GetSymbol()<<" "
5713  <<pos->second.x<<" "<<pos->second.y<<" "<<pos->second.z<<" "
5714  <<pos->second.biso<<" "
5715  <<pos->second.occ*pos->second.occMult<<" 0 0 0 0"<<endl
5716  <<" 0 0 0 0 0"<<endl;
5717  }
5719  REAL eta0=vDiff[0]->GetProfile().GetPar("Eta0").GetHumanValue();
5720  if(eta0<.01) eta0=.01;
5721  else if(eta0>.99) eta0=.99;
5722  pcr<<"!Scale Shape1 Bov Str1 Str2 Str3 Strain-Model"<<endl
5723  <<" 1.0 "<<eta0
5724  <<" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0"<<endl
5725  <<" 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0"<<endl;
5727  // :TODO: make sure the profile used corrseponds to pseudo-Voigt first !
5728  pcr<<"! U V W X Y GauSiz LorSiz Size-Model"<<endl;
5729  // :NOTE: we need to separate the 3 next lines, or the same number is generated
5730  // three times when compiled with Visual c++ express 2008 (compiler bug ?)
5731  pcr<<vDiff[i]->GetProfile().GetPar("U").GetHumanValue()<<" ";
5732  pcr<<vDiff[i]->GetProfile().GetPar("V").GetHumanValue()<<" ";
5733  pcr<<vDiff[i]->GetProfile().GetPar("W").GetHumanValue()<<" ";
5734  pcr<< " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 "<<endl
5735  << " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 "<<endl;
5736  // Cell parameters
5737  pcr<<"! a b c alpha beta gamma #Cell Info"<<endl
5738  <<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(0)<<" "
5739  <<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(1)<<" "
5740  <<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(2)<<" "
5741  <<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(3)*RAD2DEG<<" "
5742  <<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(4)*RAD2DEG<<" "
5743  <<vDiff[i]->GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(5)*RAD2DEG<<endl
5744  <<" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"<<endl;
5745  pcr<<"! Pref1 Pref2 alpha0 beta0 alpha1 beta1 ?"<<endl
5746  <<" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"<<endl
5747  <<" 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"<<endl;
5748  // ??
5749  //pcr<<"! ??"<<endl
5750  // <<"0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00"<<endl;
5751  if(vExportBond.size()>0)
5752  {
5753  pcr<<"!Soft distance constraints"<<endl;
5754  for(list<exportBond>::const_iterator pos=vExportBond.begin();pos!=vExportBond.end();++pos)
5755  {
5756  pcr<<pos->at1<<" "<<pos->at2<<" 1 0 0 0 "<<pos->dist<<" "<<pos->sigma<<endl;
5757  }
5758  }
5759  if(vExportBond.size()>0)
5760  {
5761  pcr<<"!Soft angle constraints"<<endl;
5762  for(list<exportAngle>::const_iterator pos=vExportAngle.begin();pos!=vExportAngle.end();++pos)
5763  {
5764  pcr<<pos->at1<<" "<<pos->at2<<" "<<pos->at3<<" 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 "
5765  <<pos->ang*RAD2DEG<<" "<<pos->sigma*RAD2DEG<<endl;
5766  }
5767  }
5768  }
5769  pcr.close();
5770 }
5773 {
5774  this->CalcNbPointUsed();
5777  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
5778  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern()",3);
5779  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb()==0)
5780  {
5781  mPowderPatternCalc.resize(mNbPoint);
5788  const REAL *p0 =;
5789  REAL *;
5790  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPoint;j++)
5791  {
5792  if(*p0 <=0) {*p1 =0.;}
5793  else *p1 = 1. / *p0;
5794  p0++;p1++;
5795  }
5796  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern():no components!",3);
5797  return;
5798  }
5799  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer1,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern1()Calc components","", TAU_FIELD);
5800  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer2,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern2(Add spectrums-scaled)"\
5801  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
5802  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer3,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern2(Add spectrums-backgd1)"\
5803  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
5804  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer4,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern2(Add spectrums-backgd2)"\
5805  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
5806  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer5,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern3(Variance)","", TAU_FIELD);
5807  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer1);
5808  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
5809  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).CalcPowderPattern();
5810  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer1);
5811  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern():Calculated components..",3);
5812  bool b=false;
5814  {
5815  b=true;
5816  }
5817  else
5818  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
5820  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetClockPowderPatternCalc())
5821  {
5822  b=true;
5823  break;
5824  }
5826  if(false==b)
5827  {
5828  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern():no need to recalc",3);
5829  return;
5830  }
5831  mPowderPatternCalc.resize(mNbPoint);
5832  int nbBackgd=0;//count number of background phases
5833  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
5835  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern():Adding "<< mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetName(),3);
5836  if(true==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
5837  {
5838  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer2);
5839  if(0==i)
5840  {
5841  const REAL * p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
5843  REAL * p0 =;
5844  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
5845  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ = s * *p1++;
5846  if(!(this->IsBeingRefined())) for(unsigned long j=mNbPointUsed;j<mNbPoint;j++) *p0++ = 0;
5847  }
5848  else
5849  {
5850  const REAL * p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
5852  REAL * p0 =;
5853  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
5854  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += s * *p1++;
5855  }
5856  TAU_PROFILE_STOP (timer2);
5857  }
5858  else
5859  {// This is a background phase
5860  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer3);
5861  if(0==i)
5862  {
5863  const REAL * p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
5865  REAL * p0 =;
5866  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ = *p1++;
5867  if(!(this->IsBeingRefined())) for(unsigned long j=mNbPointUsed;j<mNbPoint;j++) *p0++ = 0;
5868  }
5869  else
5870  {
5871  const REAL * p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
5873  REAL * p0 =;
5874  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += *p1++;
5876  }
5877  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer3);
5878  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer4);
5879  // The following is useless if there is only one background phase...
5880  if(0==nbBackgd)
5881  {
5883  REAL *p0 =;
5884  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
5886  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ = *p1++;
5887  if(!(this->IsBeingRefined())) for(unsigned long j=mNbPointUsed;j<mNbPoint;j++) *p0++ = 0;
5888  }
5889  else
5890  {
5891  REAL *p0 =;
5892  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
5894  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += *p1++;
5895  }
5896  nbBackgd++;
5897  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer4);
5898  }
5899  }
5900  if(0==nbBackgd) mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc.resize(0);//:KLUDGE:
5902  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer5);
5903  // Calc variance
5904  {
5905  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern():variance",2);
5908  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
5909  {
5910  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).HasPowderPatternCalcVariance())
5911  {
5912  if(0==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetPowderPatternCalcVariance()
5913  .numElements()) break;
5915  REAL *p0 =;
5916  const REAL *p1=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
5917  .GetPowderPatternCalcVariance().data();
5919  if(true==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
5920  {
5921  const REAL s2 = mScaleFactor(i) * mScaleFactor(i);
5922  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += s2 * *p1++;
5923  }
5924  else for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += *p1++;
5925  }
5926  }
5927  REAL *p0 =;
5928  const REAL *;
5929  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++)
5930  if(*p1 <=0) {*p0++ =0;p1++;}
5931  else *p0++ = 1. / *p1++;
5932  }
5934  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer5);
5935  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern():End",3);
5936 }
5938 void PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar*> &vPar)
5939 {
5940  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
5941  this->CalcPowderPattern();
5942  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.clear();
5943  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb()==0) return;
5944  std::vector<std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>*> comps;
5945  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
5946  comps.push_back(&(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetPowderPattern_FullDeriv(vPar)));
5948  for(std::set<RefinablePar *>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
5949  {
5950  if(*par==0) continue;
5951  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
5952  {
5953  if((*par)->GetPointer()
5954  {
5955  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par]=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetPowderPatternCalc();
5956  continue;
5957  }
5958  else
5959  {
5960  if((*(comps[i]))[*par].size()==0) continue;
5961  }
5962  if(true==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
5963  {
5964  if(mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0)
5965  {
5966  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].resize(mNbPoint);// :TODO: only use mNbPointUsed
5967  const REAL * p1=(*comps[i])[*par].data();
5968  REAL * p0 = mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].data();
5969  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
5970  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ = s * *p1++;
5971  for(unsigned long j=mNbPointUsed;j<mNbPoint;j++) *p0++ = 0;// :TODO: only use mNbPointUsed
5972  }
5973  else
5974  {
5975  const REAL * p1=(*comps[i])[*par].data();
5976  REAL * p0 = mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].data();
5977  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
5978  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += s * *p1++;
5979  }
5980  }
5981  else
5982  {// This is a background phase
5983  if(mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0)
5984  {
5985  mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].resize(mNbPoint);// :TODO: only use mNbPointUsed
5986  const REAL * p1=(*comps[i])[*par].data();
5987  REAL * p0 = mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].data();
5988  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ = *p1++;
5989  for(unsigned long j=mNbPointUsed;j<mNbPoint;j++) *p0++ = 0;
5990  }
5991  else
5992  {
5993  const REAL * p1=(*comps[i])[*par].data();
5994  REAL * p0 = mPowderPattern_FullDeriv[*par].data();
5995  for(unsigned long j=0;j<mNbPointUsed;j++) *p0++ += *p1++;
5997  }
5998  }
5999  }
6000  }
6001  #if 0
6002  std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL> oldDeriv;
6003  std::vector<const CrystVector_REAL*> v;
6004  int n=0;
6005  for(std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL>::reverse_iterator pos=mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.rbegin();pos!=mPowderPattern_FullDeriv.rend();++pos)
6006  {
6007  if(pos->first==0) continue;
6008  if(pos->second.size()==0) continue;
6010  const REAL step=pos->first->GetDerivStep();
6011  pos->first->Mutate(step);
6012  this->CalcPowderPattern();
6013  oldDeriv[pos->first]=mPowderPatternCalc;
6014  pos->first->Mutate(-2*step);
6015  this->CalcPowderPattern();
6016  oldDeriv[pos->first]-=mPowderPatternCalc;
6017  oldDeriv[pos->first]/=2*step;
6018  pos->first->Mutate(step);
6020  v.push_back(&(pos->second));
6021  v.push_back(&(oldDeriv[pos->first]));
6022  cout<<pos->first->GetName()<<":"<<pos->second.size()<<","<<oldDeriv[pos->first].size()<<endl;
6023  if(++n>8) break;
6024  }
6025  cout<<FormatVertVector<REAL>(v,16)<<endl;
6026  exit(0);
6027  #endif
6028 }
6031 {
6032  this->CalcNbPointUsed();
6035  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
6036  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
6037  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()",4);
6038  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb()==0)
6039  {
6040  mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc.resize(0);
6042  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():no components!",4);
6043  return;
6044  }
6045  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer1,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()1:Calc components",\
6046  "", TAU_FIELD);
6047  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer2,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()2:Add comps-scaled"\
6048  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
6049  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer3,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()2:Add backgd1"\
6050  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
6051  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer4,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()2:Add backgd2"\
6052  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
6053  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer5,"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated()3:Variance"
6054  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
6055  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer1);
6056  vector< pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*> > comps;
6057  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6058  {
6059  comps.push_back(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).
6060  GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc());
6061  }
6062  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer1);
6063  bool b=false;
6065  {
6066  b=true;
6067  }
6068  else
6069  for(vector< pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*> >::iterator
6070  pos=comps.begin();pos!=comps.end();++pos)
6071  if(mClockPowderPatternCalc < *(pos->second) )
6072  {
6073  b=true;
6074  break;
6075  }
6077  if(false==b)
6078  {
6079  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():no need to recalc",4);
6080  return;
6081  }
6082  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():Recalc",3);
6083  mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc.resize(mNbIntegrationUsed);
6084  int nbBackgd=0;//count number of background phases
6085  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6086  {
6087  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():Adding "\
6088  << mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetName(),3);
6089  if(true==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
6090  {
6091  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer2);
6092  if(0==i)
6093  {
6094  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= comps[i].first->data();
6095  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6096  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
6097  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ = s * *p1++;
6098  }
6099  else
6100  {
6101  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= comps[i].first->data();
6102  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6103  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
6104  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ += s * *p1++;
6105  }
6106  TAU_PROFILE_STOP (timer2);
6107  }
6108  else
6109  {// This is a background phase
6110  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer3);
6111  if(0==i)
6112  {
6113  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= comps[i].first->data();
6114  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6115  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ = *p1++;
6116  }
6117  else
6118  {
6119  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= comps[i].first->data();
6120  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6121  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ += *p1++;
6123  }
6124  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer3);
6125  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer4);
6126  // The following is useless if there is only one background phase...
6127  if(0==nbBackgd)
6128  {
6129  mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc.resize(mNbIntegrationUsed);
6130  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= comps[i].first->data();
6131  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6132  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ = *p1++;
6133  }
6134  else
6135  {
6136  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= comps[i].first->data();
6137  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6138  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ += *p1++;
6139  }
6140  nbBackgd++;
6141  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer4);
6142  }
6143  }
6144  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer5);
6145  if(0==nbBackgd) mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc.resize(0);
6146  // Calc variance
6147  bool useCalcVariance=false;
6148  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6149  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).HasPowderPatternCalcVariance())
6150  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
6151  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->numElements() !=0)
6152  useCalcVariance=true;
6153  if(useCalcVariance)
6154  {
6155  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():variance",3);
6156  {
6157  mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated.resize(mNbIntegrationUsed);
6158  mIntegratedWeight.resize(mNbIntegrationUsed);
6159  const REAL * RESTRICT p1=;
6160  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6161  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ = *p1++;
6162  }
6163  //cout <<"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():variance"
6164  // <<"obsvarsum="<<log(mIntegratedVarianceObs.sum());
6165  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6166  {
6167  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).HasPowderPatternCalcVariance())
6168  {
6169  if(0==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
6170  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->numElements()) break;
6172  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
6173  .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->data();
6174  //cout <<",sumvar(i)="<<log(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i)
6175  // .GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance().first->sum());
6176  REAL * RESTRICT p0 =;
6178  if(true==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
6179  {
6180  const REAL s2 = mScaleFactor(i) * mScaleFactor(i);
6181  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ += s2 * *p1++;
6182  }
6183  else for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--) *p0++ += *p1++;
6185  }
6186  }
6187  //cout <<endl;
6188  REAL *p0 =;
6189  const REAL *;
6190  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--)
6191  if(*p1 <=0) {*p0++ =0;p1++;}
6192  else *p0++ = 1. / *p1++;
6193  }
6194  else mIntegratedWeight.resize(0);
6196  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer5);
6197  /*
6198  // Compare-DEBUG ONLY
6199  {
6200  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():Check",10);
6201  this->CalcPowderPattern();
6202  CrystVector_REAL integr(mNbIntegrationUsed);
6203  for(int k=0;k<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();k++)
6204  {
6205  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():Check #"<<k,10);
6206  integr=0;
6207  const CrystVector_REAL *v
6208  =&(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(k).GetPowderPatternCalc());
6209  for(unsigned int i=0;i<mNbIntegrationUsed;i++)
6210  {
6211  integr(i)=0;
6212  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=mIntegratedPatternMax(i);j++)
6213  {
6214  integr(i) += (*v)(j);
6215  }
6216  }
6217  cout << "Integrated intensities, Component #"<<k<<endl
6218  << FormatVertVector<REAL> (integr,*(comps[k].first))<<endl;
6219  }
6220  }
6221  */
6222  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated():End",4);
6223 }
6225 void PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar)
6226 {
6227  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
6229  this->CalcNbPointUsed();
6231  this->PrepareIntegratedRfactor();
6232  mPowderPatternUsed_FullDeriv.clear();
6233  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb()==0) return;
6234  std::vector<map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>*> comps;
6235  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6236  {
6237  comps.push_back(&(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).
6238  GetPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(vPar)));
6239  }
6240  //RefinablePar *scalePar;
6241  //cout<<"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv():"<<endl;
6242  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv.clear();
6243  for(std::set<RefinablePar *>::iterator par=vPar.begin();par!=vPar.end();++par)
6244  {
6245  if(*par==0) continue; //:TODO: store the calculated (non-derived) pattern here ?
6246  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6247  {
6248  if((*par)->GetPointer()
6249  {
6250  //scalePar=*par;
6251  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par]=*(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc().first);
6252  //cout<<"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv():scale #"<<i<<":"<<(*par)->GetName()<<":"<<(*par)->GetPointer()<<":"<<mPowderPatternUsed_FullDeriv[*par]<<endl;
6253  continue;
6254  }
6255  else
6256  {
6257  if((*(comps[i]))[*par].size()==0) continue;
6258  }
6259  if(true==mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).IsScalable())
6260  {
6261  if(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0)
6262  {
6263  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].resize(mNbIntegrationUsed);
6264  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= (*(comps[i]))[*par].data();
6265  REAL * RESTRICT p0 = mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].data();
6266  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
6267  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--)
6268  {
6269  #if 1
6270  *p0++ = s * *p1++;
6271  #else
6272  *p0 = s * *p1;
6273  if((j==mNbIntegrationUsed)&&((*par)->GetName()=="Cimetidine_C11_x")) cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<*p0<<","<<s<<"*"<<*p1<<endl;
6274  p0++;p1++;
6275  #endif
6276  }
6277  }
6278  else
6279  {
6280  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= (*(comps[i]))[*par].data();
6281  REAL * RESTRICT p0 = mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].data();
6282  const REAL s = mScaleFactor(i);
6283  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--)
6284  {
6285  #if 1
6286  *p0++ += s * *p1++;
6287  #else
6288  *p0 += s * *p1;
6289  if((j==mNbIntegrationUsed)&&((*par)->GetName()=="Cimetidine_C11_x")) cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<*p0<<","<<s<<"*"<<*p1<<endl;
6290  p0++;p1++;
6291  #endif
6292  }
6293  }
6294  }
6295  else
6296  {// This is a background phase
6297  if(mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].size()==0)
6298  {
6299  mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].resize(mNbIntegrationUsed);
6300  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= (*(comps[i]))[*par].data();
6301  REAL * RESTRICT p0 = mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].data();
6302  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--)
6303  {
6304  #if 1
6305  *p0++ = *p1++;
6306  #else
6307  *p0 = *p1;
6308  if((j==mNbIntegrationUsed)&&((*par)->GetName()=="Cimetidine_C11_x")) cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<*p0<<","<<*p1<<endl;
6309  p0++;p1++;
6310  #endif
6311  }
6312  }
6313  else
6314  {
6315  const REAL * RESTRICT p1= (*(comps[i]))[*par].data();
6316  REAL * RESTRICT p0 = mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par].data();
6317  for(unsigned long j=mNbIntegrationUsed;j>0;j--)
6318  {
6319  #if 1
6320  *p0++ += *p1++;
6321  #else
6322  *p0 += *p1;
6323  if((j==mNbIntegrationUsed)&&((*par)->GetName()=="Cimetidine_C11_x")) cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<*p0<<","<<*p1<<endl;
6324  p0++;p1++;
6325  #endif
6326  }
6327  }
6328  }
6329  #if 0
6330  if((*par)->GetName()=="Cimetidine_C11_x")
6331  cout<<"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv():"
6332  <<(*par)->GetName()<<":s="<<mScaleFactor(i)<<", d[0]="<<(*(comps[i]))[*par](0)
6333  <<", integ="<<mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv[*par](0)<<endl;
6334  #endif
6335  }
6336  }
6339  //cout<<"PowderPattern::CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv():scale #"<<1<<":"<<scalePar->GetName()<<":"<<scalePar->GetPointer()<<":"<<mPowderPatternUsed_FullDeriv[scalePar]<<endl;
6340 }
6343 {
6344  this->InitOptions();
6345  {
6346  RefinablePar tmp("Zero",&mXZero,-.05,.05,gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos,
6347  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,RAD2DEG);
6349  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-6);
6350  this->AddPar(tmp);
6351  }
6352  {
6353  RefinablePar tmp("2ThetaDispl",&m2ThetaDisplacement,-.05,.05,gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos,
6354  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,RAD2DEG);
6356  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-6);
6357  this->AddPar(tmp);
6358  }
6359  {
6360  RefinablePar tmp("2ThetaTransp",&m2ThetaTransparency,-.05,.05,gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos,
6361  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,RAD2DEG);
6363  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-6);
6364  this->AddPar(tmp);
6365  }
6366  {
6367  RefinablePar tmp("DIFC",&mDIFC,0,1e6,gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos,
6368  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,1.0);
6370  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-2);
6371  this->AddPar(tmp);
6372  }
6373  {
6374  RefinablePar tmp("DIFA",&mDIFA,-1e4,1e4,gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos,
6375  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,1.0);
6377  tmp.SetDerivStep(1e-4);
6378  this->AddPar(tmp);
6379  }
6380 }
6382 {
6383  bool needPrep=false;
6384  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6385  {
6386  mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetBraggLimits();
6387  if(mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetClockBraggLimits()
6388  >mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep)
6389  {
6390  needPrep=true;
6391  break;
6392  }
6393  }
6395  // If using max sin(theta)/lambda
6396  this->CalcNbPointUsed();
6397  if(mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep<mClockNbPointUsed) needPrep=true;
6399  if(false==needPrep)return;
6400  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("PowderPattern::PrepareIntegratedRfactor()",3);
6401  TAU_PROFILE("PowderPattern::PrepareIntegratedRfactor()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
6403  // Aggregate all limiting pixels in a single list
6404  {
6405  list<long> vLimits;
6407  for(int i=0;i<mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetNb();i++)
6408  {
6409  const CrystVector_long vLim=mPowderPatternComponentRegistry.GetObj(i).GetBraggLimits();
6410  for(i=0;i<vLim.numElements();i++) vLimits.push_back(vLim(i));
6411  }
6412  if(vLimits.size()<2)
6413  {
6414  mIntegratedPatternMin.resize(0);
6415  mIntegratedPatternMax.resize(0);
6416  mNbIntegrationUsed=0;
6417  mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep.Click();
6418  return;
6419  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::PrepareIntegratedRfactor(): no intervals !",3);
6420  }
6421  vLimits.sort();
6422  if(*(vLimits.begin())<0)
6423  {
6424  vLimits.push_back(0);
6425  vLimits.sort();
6426  }
6427  for(list<long>::iterator pos=vLimits.begin();pos!=vLimits.end();)
6428  {
6429  if( (*pos<0) || (*pos>=long(mNbPointUsed)) ) pos=vLimits.erase(pos);
6430  else ++pos;
6431  }
6433  // Try to avoid too small intervals
6434  list<long> vLimits2;
6435  list<long>::iterator pos1=vLimits.begin();
6436  list<long>::iterator pos2=pos1;pos2++;
6437  for(;pos2!=vLimits.end();)
6438  {
6439  const long pix1=*pos1;
6440  //cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<pix1<<endl;
6441  vLimits2.push_back(pix1);
6442  for(;;)
6443  {
6444  pos1=pos2++;
6445  if(pos2==vLimits.end()) break;
6446  if(*pos2>(pix1+8)) break;
6447  }
6448  }
6449  vLimits2.push_back(*pos1);
6451  // Try to avoid too small intervals (2nd pass)
6452  pos1=vLimits2.begin();
6453  pos2=pos1;pos2++;
6454  for(;pos2!=vLimits2.end();)
6455  {
6456  //cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<*pos1<<" -> "<<*pos2<<endl;
6457  if( *pos2<=((*pos1)+2))
6458  {
6459  //cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<*pos1<<" -> "<<*pos2<<"...PLONK";
6460  pos2=vLimits2.erase(pos2);
6461  //cout<<"->"<<*pos2<<endl;
6462  }
6463  else {pos1++;pos2++;}
6464  }
6466  // Create min/max pairs
6467  list<pair<long,long> > vLimits3;
6468  pos1=vLimits2.begin();
6469  pos2=pos1;pos2++;
6470  for(;pos2!=vLimits2.end();)
6471  {
6472  if(*pos2!=(long(mNbPointUsed)-1)) vLimits3.push_back(make_pair(*pos1++,*pos2++-1));
6473  else vLimits3.push_back(make_pair(*pos1++,*pos2++));
6474  //cout<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<":"<<vLimits3.back().first<<" -> "<<vLimits3.back().second<<endl;
6475  }
6477  mIntegratedPatternMin.resize(vLimits3.size());
6478  mIntegratedPatternMax.resize(vLimits3.size());
6479  unsigned long i=0;
6480  for(list<pair<long,long> >::iterator pos=vLimits3.begin();pos!=vLimits3.end();++pos)
6481  {
6482  mIntegratedPatternMin(i)=pos->first;
6483  mIntegratedPatternMax(i++)=pos->second;
6484  }
6485  }
6486  long numInterval=mIntegratedPatternMin.numElements();
6487  CrystVector_bool keep(numInterval);
6488  keep=true;
6489  // Take care of excluded regions (change integration areas accordingly)
6490  // regions are sorted by ascending theta
6491  const long nbExclude=mExcludedRegionMinX.numElements();
6492  if(nbExclude>0)
6493  {
6494  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::PrepareIntegratedRfactor():5:Excluded regions("<<nbExclude<<")",3);
6495  long j=0;
6496  long minExcl,maxExcl;
6497  minExcl=(long)floor(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(j)));
6498  maxExcl=(long)ceil (this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(j)));
6499  for(int i=0;i<nbExclude;i++)
6500  {
6501  while(mIntegratedPatternMax(j)<minExcl)
6502  {
6503  j++;
6504  if(j>=numInterval) break;
6505  }
6506  if(j>=numInterval) break;
6507  while(mIntegratedPatternMin(j)<maxExcl)
6508  {
6509  if( (mIntegratedPatternMin(j)>minExcl) &&(mIntegratedPatternMax(j)<maxExcl))
6510  keep(j)=false;
6511  if( (mIntegratedPatternMin(j)<minExcl) &&(mIntegratedPatternMax(j)<maxExcl))
6512  mIntegratedPatternMax(j)=minExcl;
6513  if( (mIntegratedPatternMin(j)>minExcl) &&(mIntegratedPatternMax(j)>maxExcl))
6514  mIntegratedPatternMin(j)=maxExcl;
6515  if(j==(numInterval-1)) break;
6516  j++;
6517  }
6518  minExcl=(long)(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMinX(i)));
6519  maxExcl=(long)(this->X2Pixel(mExcludedRegionMaxX(i)));
6520  //go back if one integration segment is concerned by several exclusion zones...
6521  if(j!=0)
6522  while(mIntegratedPatternMax(j)>=minExcl)
6523  {
6524  j--;
6525  if(j==0) break;
6526  }
6527  }
6528  }
6529  // Keep only the selected intervals
6530  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::PrepareIntegratedRfactor():6",3);
6531  long j=0;
6532  for(int i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
6533  {
6534  if(keep(i))
6535  {
6536  mIntegratedPatternMin(j )=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);
6537  mIntegratedPatternMax(j++)=mIntegratedPatternMax(i);
6538  }
6539  }
6540  numInterval=j;
6541  mIntegratedPatternMax.resizeAndPreserve(numInterval);
6542  mIntegratedPatternMin.resizeAndPreserve(numInterval);
6544  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::PrepareIntegratedRfactor():intervals"<<endl\
6545  <<FormatVertVector<long>(mIntegratedPatternMin,mIntegratedPatternMax),2);
6546  // Integrate Obs and weight arrays
6547  mIntegratedObs.resize(numInterval);
6548  mIntegratedVarianceObs.resize(numInterval);
6549  mIntegratedVarianceObs=0;
6550  mIntegratedObs=0;
6551  mIntegratedWeightObs.resize(numInterval);
6552  for(int i=0;i<numInterval;i++)
6553  {
6554  for(int j=mIntegratedPatternMin(i);j<=mIntegratedPatternMax(i);j++)
6555  {
6556  mIntegratedObs (i)+=mPowderPatternObs(j);
6557  mIntegratedVarianceObs(i)+=mPowderPatternObsSigma(j)*mPowderPatternObsSigma(j);
6558  }
6559  if(mIntegratedVarianceObs(i) <= 0) mIntegratedWeightObs(i)=0;
6560  else mIntegratedWeightObs(i)=1./mIntegratedVarianceObs(i);
6561  }
6564  //cout<<FormatVertVector<REAL>(mIntegratedPatternMin,
6565  // mIntegratedPatternMax,
6566  // mIntegratedObs,mIntegratedWeight,12,6)<<endl;
6567  mNbIntegrationUsed=mIntegratedPatternMin.numElements();
6568  mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep.Click();
6569  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("PowderPattern::PrepareIntegratedRfactor()",3);
6570 }
6572 {
6573  if(this->IsBeingRefined())return;
6574  unsigned long tmp;
6575  // Use the first point of the profile of the first reflection not calculated
6576  if(this->GetRadiation().GetWavelengthType()==WAVELENGTH_TOF)
6577  {
6578  tmp=(unsigned long)(this->X2PixelCorr(this->STOL2X(mMaxSinThetaOvLambda)));
6579  }
6580  else
6581  {
6582  REAL sinth=mMaxSinThetaOvLambda*this->GetWavelength();
6583  if(1>fabs(sinth)) tmp=(unsigned long)(this->X2PixelCorr(2*asin(sinth))); else tmp=mNbPoint;
6584  }
6585  if(tmp>mNbPoint) tmp= mNbPoint;
6586  if(tmp !=mNbPointUsed)
6587  {
6588  mNbPointUsed=tmp;
6589  mClockNbPointUsed.Click();
6590  }
6592 }
6595 {
6596  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("PowderPattern::InitOptions()",5)
6597  static string OptProfileIntegrationName;
6598  static string OptProfileIntegrationChoices[2];
6600  static bool needInitNames=true;
6601  if(true==needInitNames)
6602  {
6603  OptProfileIntegrationName="Use Integrated Profiles";
6604  OptProfileIntegrationChoices[0]="Yes (recommended)";
6605  OptProfileIntegrationChoices[1]="No";
6607  needInitNames=false;//Only once for the class
6608  }
6609  mOptProfileIntegration.Init(2,&OptProfileIntegrationName,OptProfileIntegrationChoices);
6610  this->AddOption(&mOptProfileIntegration);
6611 }
6613 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
6614 WXCrystObjBasic* PowderPattern::WXCreate(wxWindow* parent)
6615 {
6616  //:TODO: Check mpWXCrystObj==0
6617  mpWXCrystObj=new WXPowderPattern(parent,this);
6618  return mpWXCrystObj;
6619 }
6620 #endif
6622 }//namespace ObjCryst
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQWeight(const unsigned int) const
Get the weight values for the LSQ function.
void SetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i, REAL v)
Change one parameter in mFrozenLatticePar. This triggers a call to CalcLocalBMatrix() if the paramete...
REAL X2Pixel(const REAL x) const
Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, corresponding to a given (experimental) x coordinat...
void SetDerivStep(const REAL)
Fixed step to use to compute numerical derivative.
void FitScaleFactorForR() const
Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize R.
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedCalc
The calculated powder pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ.
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
virtual long GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Recalc, and get the number of reflections which should be actually used, due to the maximuml sin(thet...
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockNbPointUsed() const
Clock corresponding to the last time the number of points used was changed.
void OptimizeBayesianBackground()
Optimize the background using a Bayesian approach.
void AddSubRefObj(RefinableObj &)
void SavePowderPattern(const string &filename="powderPattern.out") const
Save powder pattern to one file, text format, 3 columns theta Iobs Icalc.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc() const
Get the calculated powder pattern.
void AddExcludedRegion(const REAL min2Theta, const REAL max2theta)
Add an Exclusion region, in 2theta, which will be ignored when computing R's XMLInput values must be...
vector< hkl > & GetPeakList()
Get peak list.
Definition: Indexing.cpp:930
void AddPar(const RefinablePar &newRefPar)
Add a refinable parameter.
Conjugate Gradient Algorithm object.
Definition: Simplex.h:36
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternWeight() const
Get the weight for each point of the powder pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity
Values of background at interpolating points.
virtual void UpdateDisplay() const
If there is an interface, this should be automatically be called each time there is a 'new...
void ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma(const string &fileName)
Import TOF file (ISIS type, 3 columns t, Iobs, sigma(Iobs))
RefinableObjClock mClockScaleFactor
Last modification of the scale factor.
CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMaxX
Max coordinate for 2theta for all excluded regions.
int mBackgroundNbPoint
Number of fitting points for background.
Double-Exponential Pseudo-Voigt profile for TOF.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalc
The calculated powder pattern.
void ImportPowderPatternFullprof(const string &fullprofFileName)
Import fullprof-style diffraction data.
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataCorrPos
Parameter type for correction to peak positions.
void SetReflectionProfilePar(const ReflectionProfileType prof, const REAL fwhmCagliotiW, const REAL fwhmCagliotiU=0, const REAL fwhmCagliotiV=0, const REAL eta0=0.5, const REAL eta1=0.)
Set reflection profile parameters.
void SetWeightToInvSigmaSq(const REAL minRelatSigma=1e-3)
Set w = 1/sigma^2.
Output vectors as column arrays, with the first 3 columns printed as integers.
void PrepareRefParList(const bool copy_param=false)
Prepare the full parameter list for the refinement.
Definition: LSQNumObj.cpp:816
virtual void Init()
Init parameters and options.
CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMinX
Min coordinate for for all excluded regions.
const Radiation & GetRadiation() const
Neutron or x-ray experiment ?
void CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
long GetNbComponent() const
Number of components.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternObsSigma() const
Get the sigma for each point of the observed powder pattern.
We need to record exactly when refinable objects have been modified for the last time (to avoid re-co...
Definition: RefinableObj.h:138
bool IsBeingRefined() const
Is the object being refined ? (Can be refined by one algorithm at a time only.)
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
When was the 'integrated' powder pattern last computed ?
virtual std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & GetLSQ_FullDeriv(const unsigned int, std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list.
virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern &)
Set the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternRadiation
When were the radiation parameter (radiation type, wavelength) changed ?
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
Make a random move of the current configuration.
void SetRadiation(const Radiation &radiation)
Set the radiation.
void SetUnitCell(const UnitCell &cell)
Set unit cell.
virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Does this component have a variance associated with each calculated point ? i.e., do we use maximum l...
void AddRefinableObj(RefinableObj &)
Add a refined object. All sub-objects are also added.
bool FreezeLatticePar() const
Do we use local cell parameters ? (see mFrozenLatticePar)
Test if the value is a NaN.
Definition: ObjCryst/IO.cpp:97
void SetRefinedObj(RefinableObj &obj, const unsigned int LSQFuncIndex=0, const bool init=true, const bool recursive=false)
Choose the object to refine.
Definition: LSQNumObj.cpp:727
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternXCorr
Corrections to 2Theta.
Profile type for powder (could it be used fopr single crystals on 2D detectors ?) ...
Definition: General.h:103
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance
The variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, integrated.
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
When was the powder pattern (integrated) last computed ?
CrystVector_REAL mvSplinePixel
Vector of pixel values between each interval, for faster CubicSpline calculations.
const ReflectionProfile & GetProfile() const
Get reflection profile.
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
void ExtractLeBail(unsigned int nbcycle=1)
Extract intensities using Le Bail method.
void ImportPowderPatternFullprof4(const string &fileName)
Import diffraction data from a file, with the first line has 2ThetaMin, step, 2thetaMax, and the following lines alternate 10 Iobs and 10 sigma.
REAL mMaxSinThetaOvLambda
Displacement correction : REAL m2ThetaDisplacement; Transparency correction : REAL m2ThetaTranspare...
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObs
The observed powder pattern.
virtual void Optimize(long &nbSteps, const bool silent=false, const REAL finalcost=0, const REAL maxTime=-1)
Launch optimization (a single run) for N steps.
Definition: Simplex.cpp:32
void ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI(const string &fileName)
Import *.cpi Sietronics diffraction data.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternRadiation() const
When were the radiation parameter (radiation type, wavelength) changed ?
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternCalc
When was the powder pattern last computed ?
Phase to compute a background contribution to a powder pattern using an interpolation.
void Click()
Record an event for this clock (generally, the 'time' an object has been modified, or some computation has been made)
const RefinableObjClock & GetIntegratedProfileLimitsClock() const
When were the integration intervals last changed ?
void RemoveSubRefObj(RefinableObj &)
long GetNbPar() const
Total number of refinable parameter in the object.
unsigned long mNbPoint
Number of points in the pattern.
void AddChild(const RefinableObjClock &)
Add a 'child' clock.
REAL GetChi2_Option() const
Return the conventionnal or integrated Chi^2, depending on the option.
void ImportPowderPatternGSAS(const string &fileName)
Import GSAS standard powder pattern data (see GSAS manual).
RefinablePar & GetPar(const long i)
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted.
virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern &)=0
Set the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternVarianceCalc
When was the powder pattern variance last computed ?
CrystVector_REAL mX
Vector of x coordinates (either 2theta or time-of-flight) for the pattern.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternPar() const
When were the pattern parameters (2theta range, step) changed ?
virtual void SetCrystal(Crystal &crystal)
Set the crystal for this experiment.
Class to compute the contribution to a powder pattern from a crystalline phase.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternIntegratedVarianceCalc
When was the 'integrated' powder pattern variance last computed ?
void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated() const
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
void FixParametersBeyondMaxresolution(RefinableObj &obj)
Fix parameters corresponding to points of the pattern that are not actually calculated.
void CalcNbPointUsed() const
Calculate the number of points of the pattern actually used, from the maximum value of sin(theta)/lam...
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataProfile
Type for reflection profile.
output one or several vectors as (a) column(s):
void SetPowderPatternObs(const CrystVector_REAL &obs)
Set observed powder pattern from vector array.
RadiationType GetRadiationType() const
Get the radiation type (X-Rays, Neutron)
virtual void RegisterClient(RefinableObj &) const
Register a new object using this object.
bool GetExtractionMode() const
Return true if in extraction mode, i.e. using extracted intensities instead of computed structure fac...
const PowderPatternComponent & GetPowderPatternComponent(const string &name) const
Access to a component of the powder pattern.
Class to compute structure factors for a set of reflections and a Crystal.
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > gTopRefinableObjRegistry("Global Top RefinableObj registry")
This is a special registry for 'top' object for an optimization.
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
RefinableObjClock mClockMaster
Master clock, which is changed whenever the object has been altered.
REAL GetR() const
Unweighted R-factor.
virtual unsigned int GetNbLSQFunction() const
Number of LSQ functions.
virtual void SetApproximationFlag(const bool allow)
Enable or disable numerical approximations.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockWavelength() const
Last time the wavelength has been changed.
void SetProfile(ReflectionProfile *prof)
Assign a new profile.
Generic Refinable Object.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:752
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated
The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation...
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataScale
Type for scattering data scale factors.
virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const
Calc the powder pattern.
void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma(const string &fileName, const int nbSkip=0)
Import file with 3 columns 2Theta Iobs Sigma.
const CrystVector_long & GetIntegratedProfileMin() const
Get the list of first pixels for the integration intervals.
virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern &)
Set the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
void ResetParList()
Re-init the list of refinable parameters, removing all parameters.
Class to store positions of observed reflections.
Definition: Indexing.h:114
ObjRegistry< PowderPatternComponent > gPowderPatternComponentRegistry("List of all PowderPattern Components")
Global registry for all PowderPatternComponent objects.
REAL GetWavelength() const
wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems)
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockMaster() const
This clocks records any change in the object. See refinableObj::mClockMaster.
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component (integ...
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalcVariance
The variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern.
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc() const
Get the integrated values of the powder pattern.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeScattDataBackground
Parameter type for background intensity.
REAL X2STOL(const REAL x) const
Convert X (either 2theta or TOF) to sin(theta)/lambda, depending on the type of radiation.
Abstract base class for all objects in wxCryst.
Definition: wxCryst.h:127
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
Abstract base class for reflection profiles.
void ImportUserBackground(const string &filename)
Import background points from a file (with two columns 2theta (or tof), intensity) ...
virtual void TagNewBestConfig() const
During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config...
WX Class for PowderPattern objects.
string mName
Name for this RefinableObject. Should be unique, at least in the same scope.+.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVariance
The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation...
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
PowderPattern * mpParentPowderPattern
The PowderPattern object in which this component is included.
virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const
Calc the powder pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc
The calculated powder pattern part which corresponds to 'background' (eg non-scalable components)...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQDeriv(const unsigned int, RefinablePar &)
Get the first derivative values for the LSQ function, for a given parameter.
void CalcPowderPattern() const
Calc the powder pattern.
virtual const CrystVector_long & GetBraggLimits() const
Get the pixel positions separating the integration intervals around reflections.
virtual const Radiation & GetRadiation() const
Get the radiation object for this data.
REAL GetRw() const
Get the weighted R-factor.
void SetScaleFactor(const int i, REAL s)
Access to the scale factor of components (will be 1 for background components)
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternX() const
Get the vector of X (2theta or time-of-flight) coordinates.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternCalc() const
Last time the pattern was calculated.
void Set2ThetaTransparency(const REAL transparency)
Change transparency correction .
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component (integ...
Molecule : class for complex scatterer descriptions using cartesian coordinates with bond length/angl...
Definition: Molecule.h:731
void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs(const string &fileName, const int nbSkip=0)
Import file with 2 columns 2Theta Iobs.
void ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42(const string &fileName)
diffraction data in a multi-detector format (fullprof format #6).
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc
The calculated powder pattern part which corresponds to 'background' (eg non-scalable components)...
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc() const
Get the integrated values of the powder pattern.
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
virtual const CrystMatrix_REAL & GetBMatrix() const
Get access to the B matrix used to compute reflection positions.
void ImportPowderPatternCIF(const CIF &cif)
Import CIF powder pattern data.
Generic class to compute components (eg the contribution of a given phase, or background) of a powder...
Definition: PowderPattern.h:48
void SetPowderPatternX(const CrystVector_REAL &x)
Set the x coordinate of the powder pattern : either the 2theta or time-of-flight values for each reco...
virtual void SetApproximationFlag(const bool allow)
Enable or disable numerical approximations.
WavelengthType GetWavelengthType() const
Get the Wavelength type (monochromatic, Alpha1+Alpha2, Time Of Flight...)
REAL STOL2X(const REAL stol) const
Convert sin(theta)/lambda to X (i.e.
void AssignClock(RefinableObjClock &clock)
DiffractionData object for Single Crystal analysis.
void AddPowderPatternComponent(PowderPatternComponent &)
Add a component (phase, backround) to this pattern.
virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Does this component have a variance associated with each calculated point ? i.e., do we use maximum l...
RefinableObjClock mClockSpline
Initialization of the spline.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternCalc
When was the powder pattern last computed ?
void PrepareIntegratedRfactor() const
Prepare the calculation of the integrated R-factors.
void RemoveChild(const RefinableObjClock &)
remove a child clock. This also tells the child clock to remove the parent.
void SetWavelength(const REAL)
Set the (monochromatic) wavelength of the beam.
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
Vector library (Blitz++ mimic) for ObjCryst++.
Definition: CrystVector.h:122
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternWeight
The weight for each point of the pattern.
bool mIsScalable
Scalable ? (crystal phase = scalable, background= not scalable)
void Init(const CrystVector_REAL &x, const CrystVector_REAL &y, const REAL yp1, const REAL ypn)
Spline with given extremum derivatives.
virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
RefinableObjClock mClockBraggLimits
Get last time the Bragg Limits were changed.
virtual PowderPatternDiffraction * CreateCopy() const
So-called virtual copy constructor.
virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
Powder pattern class, with an observed pattern and several calculated components to modelize the patt...
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
The calculated powder pattern, integrated.
void SetPowderPatternPar(const REAL min, const REAL step, unsigned long nbPoint)
the powder pattern angular range & resolution parameter.
REAL mModelVariance
Constant error (sigma) on the calculated pattern, due to an incomplete model.
void SetRadiationType(const RadiationType radiation)
Set the radiation type.
virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood() const
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternXCorr() const
When were the parameters for 2theta/TOF correction (zero, transparency, displacement) last changed ...
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
virtual void SetCrystal(Crystal &crystal)
Set the crystal for this experiment.
Main CIF class - parses the stream and separates data blocks, comments, items, loops.
Definition: CIF.h:169
list< pair< const REAL,const string > > mvLabel
The labels associated to different points of the pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mBackgroundInterpPointX
Vector of 2theta values for the fitting points of the background.
REAL STOL2Pixel(const REAL stol) const
Convert sin(theta)/lambda to pixel, depending on the type of radiation.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternObs() const
Get the observed powder pattern.
void AddPeak(const float d, const float iobs=1.0, const float dobssigma=0.0, const float iobssigma=0.0, const int h=0, const int k=0, const int l=0, const float d2calc=0)
Add one peak.
Definition: Indexing.cpp:886
void CalcFrozenBMatrix() const
Calculate the local BMatrix, used if mFreezeLatticePar is true.
virtual long GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Recalc, and get the number of reflections which should be actually used, due to the maximuml sin(thet...
CubicSpline mvSpline
Spline used for interpolation.
void SetRadiationType(const RadiationType)
Set the radiation type (X-Rays, Neutron)
REAL GetIntegratedChi2() const
Return integrated Chi^2.
REAL X2XCorr(const REAL x) const
Get the experimental x (2theta, tof) from the theoretical value, taking into account all corrections ...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component...
const CrystVector_REAL & GetWavelength() const
Get the wavelength(s) in Angstroems.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetChi2Cumul() const
Get the powder pattern cumulative Chi^2.
RefObjOpt mInterpolationModel
Type of interpolation performed: linear or cubic spline.
RefinableObjClock mClockBackgroundPoint
Modification of the interpolated points.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
The calculated powder pattern, integrated.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternVariance() const
Get the variance (obs+model) for each point of the powder pattern.
std::map< std::string, CIFData > mvData
The data blocks, after parsing. The key is the name of the data block.
Definition: CIF.h:181
REAL GetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i) const
Access to one parameter in mFrozenLatticePar.
ObjRegistry< RefinableObj > mSubObjRegistry
Registry of RefinableObject needed for this object (owned by this object or not)
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component...
Radiation mRadiation
The Radiation corresponding to this experiment.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalc
The calculated component of a powder pattern.
bool IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(const RefParType *type) const
Returns true if the parameter is a descendant of 'type'.
void Reset()
Reset a Clock to 0, to force an update.
void SetWeightPolynomial(const REAL a, const REAL b, const REAL c, const REAL minRelatIobs=1e-3)
Set w = 1/(a+ Iobs + b*Iobs^2+c*Iobs^3)
bool IsScalable() const
Is this component scalable ?
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObsSigma
The sigma of the observed pattern.
Exception class for ObjCryst++ library.
Definition: General.h:119
virtual void EndOptimization()
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
const CrystVector_long & GetIntegratedProfileMax() const
Get the list of last pixels for the integration intervals.
void PrintObsCalcData(ostream &os=cout) const
Print to thee screen/console the observed and calculated pattern (long, mostly useful for debugging) ...
REAL GetPowderPatternXStep() const
Get the average step in 2theta.
void ImportPowderPatternXdd(const string &fileName)
Import *.xdd diffraction data (Topas,...).
void SetExtractionMode(const bool extract=true, const bool init=false)
Prepare intensity extraction (Le Bail or Pawley)
void ImportPowderPatternILL_D1A5(const string &filename)
Import powder pattern, format from ILL D1A/D2B (format without counter info)
The namespace which includes all objects (crystallographic and algorithmic) in ObjCryst++.
Definition: Atom.cpp:47
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedObs
The calculated powder pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ.
const PowderPattern & GetParentPowderPattern() const
Get the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternPar
When were the pattern parameters (2theta or time-of-flight range) changed ?
virtual void EndOptimization()
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
Unit Cell class: Unit cell with spacegroup information.
Definition: UnitCell.h:71
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
Make a random move of the current configuration.
Generic class for parameters of refinable objects.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:223
PeakList FindPeaks(const float dmin=2.0, const float maxratio=0.01, const unsigned int maxpeak=100)
Find peaks in the pattern.
virtual void InitOptions()
Initialize options.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetScaleFactor() const
Access the scale factors (see PowderPattern::mScaleFactor)
void Set2ThetaDisplacement(const REAL displacement)
Change displacement correction .
virtual const string & GetName() const
Name of the object.
void SetWavelength(const REAL lambda)
Set the wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems).
unsigned long GetNbPoint() const
Number of points ?
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQObs(const unsigned int) const
Get the observed values for the LSQ function.
void SetXZero(const REAL newZero)
Change Zero in x (2theta,tof)
void SetParIsUsed(const std::string &parName, const bool use)
Set a parameter to be used.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc() const
Get the calculated powder pattern for this component.
REAL X2PixelCorr(const REAL x) const
Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, from the theoretical (uncorrected) x coordinate...
Type of radiation used.
Definition: General.h:94
void SetSigmaToSqrtIobs()
Set sigma=sqrt(Iobs)
virtual const CrystVector_long & GetBraggLimits() const
Get the pixel positions separating the integration intervals around reflections.
CrystVector_REAL mChi2Cumul
The cumulative Chi^2 (integrated or not, depending on the option)
RadiationType GetRadiationType() const
Neutron or x-ray experiment ?
virtual const CrystMatrix_REAL & GetBMatrix() const
This can use either locally stored lattice parameters from mLocalLatticePar, or the Crystal's...
Crystal class: Unit cell, spacegroup, scatterers.
Definition: Crystal.h:97
void SetWavelengthType(const WavelengthType &type)
Set the Wavelength type (monochromatic, Alpha1+Alpha2, Time Of Flight...)
REAL GetPowderPatternXMax() const
Get the maximum 2theta.
void ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC(const string &filename)
Import powder pattern, format DMC from PSI.
This object is used to estimate the background in a powder pattern, using a Bayesian approach (David ...
void SetGlobalOptimStep(const RefParType *type, const REAL step)
Change the maximum step to use during Global Optimization algorithms.
(Quick & dirty) Least-Squares Refinement Object with Numerical derivatives
Definition: LSQNumObj.h:37
REAL GetPowderPatternXMin() const
Get the Minimum 2theta.
REAL GetChi2() const
Return conventionnal Chi^2.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedWeight
The weight for each point of the pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ...
CrystVector_long mPointOrder
Subscript of the points, sorted the correct order, taking into account the type of radiation (monochr...
class of refinable parameter types.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:78
list of scattering positions in a crystal, associated with the corresponding occupancy and a pointer ...
unsigned long GetNbPointUsed() const
Number of points actually calculated (below the chosen max(sin(theta)/lambda)) ?
REAL GetMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Get the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
void SetWeightToUnit()
Set w = 1.
Class to define the radiation (type, monochromaticity, wavelength(s)) of an experiment.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQCalc(const unsigned int) const
Get the current calculated value for the LSQ function.
CrystVector_long mIntegratedReflLimits
Interval limits around each reflection, for integrated R-factors.
int mOptimizationDepth
Is the object being refined or optimized ? if mOptimizationDepth=0, no optimization is taking place...
void SetProfilePar(const REAL fwhmCagliotiW, const REAL fwhmCagliotiU=0, const REAL fwhmCagliotiV=0, const REAL eta0=0.5, const REAL eta1=0.)
Set reflection profile parameters.
void FitScaleFactorForRw() const
Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize Rw.
void ExportFullprof(const std::string &prefix) const
Export powder pattern & crystal structure in Fullprof format.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeObjCryst
Top RefParType for the ObjCryst++ library.
void AddOption(RefObjOpt *opt)
void SetGlobalOptimStep(const REAL)
Maximum step to use during Global Optimization algorithms.
bool mIsXAscending
Is the mX vector sorted in ascending order ? (true for 2theta, false for TOF)
REAL mMaxSinThetaOvLambda
Maximum sin(theta)/lambda for all calculations (10 by default).
virtual void SetName(const string &name)
Name of the object.
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood() const
The optimized (minimized, actually) function.
Zero correction : Thus mPowderPattern2ThetaMin=(mPowderPattern2ThetaMin-m2ThetaZero) ...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc() const
Get the calculated powder pattern for this component.
void Refine(int nbCycle=1, bool useLevenbergMarquardt=false, const bool silent=false, const bool callBeginEndOptimization=true, const float minChi2var=0.01)
Do the refinement.
Definition: LSQNumObj.cpp:104
unsigned int GetNbPowderPatternComponent() const
Number of components.
CrystVector_REAL mX
reflection coordinates in an orthonormal base
Abstract Base Class to describe the scattering power of any Scatterer component in a crystal...