FOX/ObjCryst++  1.10.X (development)
1 /* ObjCryst++ Object-Oriented Crystallographic Library
2  (c) 2000-2002 Vincent Favre-Nicolin
3  2000-2001 University of Geneva (Switzerland)
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 */
22 #include <utility>
23 #include <list>
24 #include <string>
26 #include "ObjCryst/CrystVector/CrystVector.h"
27 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/General.h"
28 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Crystal.h"
29 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/ScatteringCorr.h"
30 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/ReflectionProfile.h"
31 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/CIF.h"
32 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Indexing.h"
33 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/DiffractionDataSingleCrystal.h"
35 namespace ObjCryst
36 {
38 class PowderPattern;
40 //######################################################################
47 //######################################################################
48 class PowderPatternComponent : virtual public RefinableObj
49 {
50  public:
53  virtual ~PowderPatternComponent();
54  virtual const string& GetClassName() const;
68  virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern&)=0;
72  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternCalc()const=0;
73  virtual std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>& GetPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
82  virtual pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*> GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc()const=0;
83  virtual std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>& GetPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
91  bool IsScalable()const;
98  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternCalcVariance()const=0;
105  virtual pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
110  virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance()const=0;
115  const list<pair<const REAL ,const string > >& GetPatternLabelList() const;
116  protected:
123  virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const=0;
124  virtual void CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
127  virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
135  virtual const CrystVector_long& GetBraggLimits()const=0;
141  virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)=0;
145  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalc;
147  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc;
150  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalcVariance;
152  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance;
155  mutable CrystVector_long mIntegratedReflLimits;
161  virtual void Prepare()=0;
166  //Clocks
182  mutable list<pair<const REAL ,const string > > mvLabel;
184  mutable std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL> mPowderPattern_FullDeriv;
185  mutable std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL> mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv;
186  //Eventually this should be removed (?)
187  friend class PowderPattern;
188 };
192 //######################################################################
197 //######################################################################
199 {
200  public:
203  virtual ~PowderPatternBackground();
204  virtual const string& GetClassName() const;
206  virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern&);
207  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternCalc()const;
208  virtual pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
211  void ImportUserBackground(const string &filename);
212  void SetInterpPoints(const CrystVector_REAL tth, const CrystVector_REAL backgd);
213  const std::pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const CrystVector_REAL*> GetInterpPoints()const;
214  virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os,int indent=0)const;
215  virtual void XMLInput(istream &is,const XMLCrystTag &tag);
216  //virtual void XMLInputOld(istream &is,const IOCrystTag &tag);
217  virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj,
218  CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
219  unsigned int &firstGroup) const;
220  virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false,
221  const bool enableRestraints=false);
222  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternCalcVariance()const;
223  virtual pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
225  virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance()const;
226  virtual void TagNewBestConfig()const;
245  protected:
246  virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const;
247  virtual void CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
248  virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated() const;
249  virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
250  virtual void Prepare();
251  virtual const CrystVector_long& GetBraggLimits()const;
252  virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max);
253  void InitRefParList();
254  void InitOptions();
255  void InitSpline()const;
259  CrystVector_REAL mBackgroundInterpPointX;
264  mutable CrystVector_long mPointOrder;
267  mutable CrystVector_REAL mvSplinePixel;
272  // Clocks
291  //To be removed
292  friend class PowderPattern;
293  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
294  public:
295  virtual WXCrystObjBasic* WXCreate(wxWindow*);
296  friend class WXPowderPatternBackground;
297  #endif
298 };
300 //######################################################################
305 //######################################################################
307 {
308  public:
311  virtual ~PowderPatternDiffraction();
312  virtual PowderPatternDiffraction* CreateCopy()const;
313  virtual const string& GetClassName() const;
315  virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern&);
316  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternCalc()const;
317  virtual pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
331  const REAL fwhmCagliotiW,
332  const REAL fwhmCagliotiU=0,
333  const REAL fwhmCagliotiV=0,
334  const REAL eta0=0.5,
335  const REAL eta1=0.);
339  void SetProfile(ReflectionProfile *prof);
341  const ReflectionProfile& GetProfile()const;
344  virtual void GenHKLFullSpace();
345  virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os,int indent=0)const;
346  virtual void XMLInput(istream &is,const XMLCrystTag &tag);
347  //virtual void XMLInputOld(istream &is,const IOCrystTag &tag);
348  virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj,
349  CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
350  unsigned int &firstGroup) const;
351  virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false,
352  const bool enableRestraints=false);
353  virtual void EndOptimization();
354  virtual void SetApproximationFlag(const bool allow);
355  virtual const Radiation& GetRadiation()const;
356  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternCalcVariance()const;
357  virtual pair<const CrystVector_REAL*,const RefinableObjClock*>
359  virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance()const;
360  virtual void SetCrystal(Crystal &crystal);
369  void SetExtractionMode(const bool extract=true,const bool init=false);
371  bool GetExtractionMode()const;
376  void ExtractLeBail(unsigned int nbcycle=1);
379  virtual long GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda()const;
381  void SetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i, REAL v);
383  REAL GetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i) const;
387  void FreezeLatticePar(const bool use);
389  bool FreezeLatticePar() const;
390  protected:
391  virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const;
392  virtual void CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
393  virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated() const;
394  virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
397  void CalcPowderReflProfile()const;
400  void CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
402  void CalcIntensityCorr()const;
405  virtual void CalcIhkl() const;
406  virtual void CalcIhkl_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar*> &vPar);
407  virtual void Prepare();
408  virtual void InitOptions();
409  virtual const CrystVector_long& GetBraggLimits()const;
410  virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max);
413  virtual const CrystMatrix_REAL& GetBMatrix()const;
415  void CalcFrozenBMatrix()const;
416  void PrepareIntegratedProfile()const;
417  //Clocks
422  //Clocks (internal, mutable)
431  // Corrections
452  mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntensityCorr;
467  mutable CrystVector_REAL mIhklCalc;
468  mutable std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL> mIhkl_FullDeriv;
470  mutable CrystVector_REAL mIhklCalcVariance;
472  // Saved arrays to speed-up computations
474  struct ReflProfile
475  {
477  long first;
479  long last;
481  CrystVector_REAL profile;
482  };
484  mutable vector<ReflProfile> mvReflProfile;
488  mutable std::map<RefinablePar*,vector<CrystVector_REAL> > mvReflProfile_FullDeriv;
490  // When using integrated profiles
498  mutable vector< pair<unsigned long, CrystVector_REAL> > mIntegratedProfileFactor;
509  mutable CrystVector_REAL mFrozenLatticePar;
513  mutable CrystMatrix_REAL mFrozenBMatrix;
514  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
515  public:
516  virtual WXCrystObjBasic* WXCreate(wxWindow*);
517  friend class WXPowderPatternDiffraction;
518  #endif
519  private:
520  // Avoid compiler warnings. Explicitly hide the base-class method.
521  void GenHKLFullSpace(const REAL, const bool);
522 };
525 //######################################################################
533 //######################################################################
535 {
536  public:
537  PowderPattern();
539  ~PowderPattern();
540  virtual const string& GetClassName() const;
549  unsigned int GetNbPowderPatternComponent()const;
551  const PowderPatternComponent& GetPowderPatternComponent(const string &name)const;
553  const PowderPatternComponent& GetPowderPatternComponent(const int)const;
559  REAL GetScaleFactor(const int i)const;
561  REAL GetScaleFactor(const PowderPatternComponent &comp)const;
563  void SetScaleFactor(const int i, REAL s);
565  void SetScaleFactor(const PowderPatternComponent &comp, REAL s);
567  // Pattern parameters (2theta range, wavelength, radiation)
583  void SetPowderPatternPar(const REAL min,
584  const REAL step,
585  unsigned long nbPoint);
593  void SetPowderPatternX(const CrystVector_REAL &x);
595  unsigned long GetNbPoint()const;
597  unsigned long GetNbPointUsed()const;
602  void SetRadiation(const Radiation &radiation);
604  const Radiation& GetRadiation()const;
609  void SetRadiationType(const RadiationType radiation);
617  void SetWavelength(const REAL lambda);
638  void SetWavelength(const string &XRayTubeElementName,const REAL alpha12ratio=0.5);
641  void SetEnergy(const REAL energy);
643  REAL GetWavelength()const;
645  //Access to pattern data
647  const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternCalc()const;
648  std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL>& GetPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
650  const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternObs()const;
652  const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternObsSigma()const;
654  const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternVariance()const;
656  const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternWeight()const;
658  REAL GetPowderPatternXMin()const;
666  REAL GetPowderPatternXStep()const;
668  REAL GetPowderPatternXMax()const;
670  const CrystVector_REAL& GetPowderPatternX()const;
676  const CrystVector_REAL& GetChi2Cumul()const;
678  // Clocks
689  // Corrections to the x (2theta, tof) coordinate
691  void SetXZero(const REAL newZero);
694  void Set2ThetaDisplacement(const REAL displacement);
697  void Set2ThetaTransparency(const REAL transparency);
699  // Import & export powder pattern
703  void ImportPowderPatternFullprof(const string &fullprofFileName);
706  void ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC(const string &filename);
710  void ImportPowderPatternILL_D1A5(const string &filename);
714  void ImportPowderPatternXdd(const string &fileName);
718  void ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI(const string &fileName);
723  void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma(const string &fileName,const int nbSkip=0);
732  void ImportPowderPatternFullprof4(const string &fileName);
741  void ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42(const string &fileName);
747  void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs(const string &fileName,const int nbSkip=0);
751  void ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma(const string &fileName);
755  void ImportPowderPatternGSAS(const string &fileName);
758  void ImportPowderPatternCIF(const CIF &cif);
764  void SetPowderPatternObs(const CrystVector_REAL& obs);
771  void SavePowderPattern(const string &filename="powderPattern.out") const;
774  void PrintObsCalcData(ostream&os=cout)const;
776  // Statistics..
782  REAL GetR()const ;
783  REAL GetIntegratedR()const ;
788  REAL GetRw()const;
789  REAL GetIntegratedRw()const;
795  REAL GetChi2()const;
799  REAL GetIntegratedChi2()const;
803  REAL GetChi2_Option()const;
805  void FitScaleFactorForR()const;
806  void FitScaleFactorForIntegratedR()const;
808  void FitScaleFactorForRw()const;
809  void FitScaleFactorForIntegratedRw()const;
811  void SetSigmaToSqrtIobs();
816  void SetWeightToInvSigmaSq(const REAL minRelatSigma=1e-3);
818  void SetWeightToUnit();
826  void SetWeightPolynomial(const REAL a, const REAL b, const REAL c,
827  const REAL minRelatIobs=1e-3);
834  void AddExcludedRegion(const REAL min2Theta,const REAL max2theta);
836  virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false,
837  const bool enableRestraints=false);
838  //virtual void SetApproximationFlag(const bool allow);
839  virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude,
840  const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst);
841  virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood()const;
842  //LSQ functions
843  virtual unsigned int GetNbLSQFunction()const;
844  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetLSQCalc(const unsigned int) const;
845  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetLSQObs(const unsigned int) const;
846  virtual const CrystVector_REAL& GetLSQWeight(const unsigned int) const;
847  virtual std::map<RefinablePar*, CrystVector_REAL>& GetLSQ_FullDeriv(const unsigned int,std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
848  // I/O
849  virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os,int indent=0)const;
850  virtual void XMLInput(istream &is,const XMLCrystTag &tag);
851  //virtual void XMLInputOld(istream &is,const IOCrystTag &tag);
852  void Prepare();
853  virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj,
854  CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
855  unsigned int &firstGroup) const;
858  virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max);
860  REAL GetMaxSinThetaOvLambda()const;
862  // For integrated pattern calculations
864  const CrystVector_long& GetIntegratedProfileMin()const;
866  const CrystVector_long& GetIntegratedProfileMax()const;
874  REAL X2XCorr(const REAL x)const;
886  REAL X2PixelCorr(const REAL x)const;
896  REAL X2Pixel(const REAL x)const;
902  REAL STOL2X(const REAL stol)const;
907  REAL X2STOL(const REAL x)const;
912  REAL STOL2Pixel(const REAL stol)const;
914  PeakList FindPeaks(const float dmin=2.0,const float maxratio=0.01,const unsigned int maxpeak=100);
916  const CrystVector_REAL &GetScaleFactor() const;
918  CrystVector_REAL &GetScaleFactor();
928  void ExportFullprof(const std::string &prefix)const;
929  protected:
931  void CalcPowderPattern() const;
932  void CalcPowderPattern_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
934  void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated() const;
935  void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set<RefinablePar *> &vPar);
937  virtual void Init();
939  void PrepareIntegratedRfactor()const;
942  void CalcNbPointUsed()const;
944  virtual void InitOptions();
948  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalc;
949  mutable std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL> mPowderPattern_FullDeriv;
951  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc;
952  mutable std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL> mPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv;
955  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc;
958  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc;
960  CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObs;
962  CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObsSigma;
964  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternWeight;
967  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVariance;
970  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated;
972  mutable CrystVector_REAL mChi2Cumul;
976  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedCalc;
977  mutable std::map<RefinablePar*,CrystVector_REAL> mPowderPatternUsed_FullDeriv;
979  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedObs;
981  mutable CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedWeight;
988  CrystVector_REAL mX;
992  unsigned long mNbPoint;
997  // Clocks
1011  //Excluded regions in the powder pattern, for statistics.
1013  CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMinX;
1015  CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMaxX;
1017  //Various corrections to 2theta-to be used by the components
1021  REAL mXZero;
1024  REAL m2ThetaDisplacement;
1027  REAL m2ThetaTransparency;
1031  // Components of the powder pattern
1033  ObjRegistry<PowderPatternComponent> mPowderPatternComponentRegistry;
1039  mutable CrystVector_REAL mScaleFactor;
1042  bool mUseFastLessPreciseFunc;
1044  // For statistics
1046  bool mStatisticsExcludeBackground;
1049  mutable CrystVector_int mScalableComponentIndex;
1051  mutable CrystMatrix_REAL mFitScaleFactorM,mFitScaleFactorB,mFitScaleFactorX;
1054  RefObjOpt mOptProfileIntegration;
1056  // Integrated R-factors
1057  mutable CrystVector_long mIntegratedPatternMin,mIntegratedPatternMax;
1058  mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedObs;
1059  mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedWeight;
1060  mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedWeightObs;
1061  mutable CrystVector_REAL mIntegratedVarianceObs;
1062  mutable RefinableObjClock mClockIntegratedFactorsPrep;
1063  // Statistical indicators
1064  mutable REAL mChi2,mIntegratedChi2;
1069  mutable REAL mChi2LikeNorm,mIntegratedChi2LikeNorm;
1070  mutable REAL mR;
1071  mutable REAL mRw;
1073  mutable RefinableObjClock mClockChi2,mClockIntegratedChi2;
1082  mutable unsigned long mNbPointUsed;
1085  mutable unsigned long mNbIntegrationUsed;
1088  mutable RefinableObjClock mClockNbPointUsed;
1089  #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
1090  public:
1091  virtual WXCrystObjBasic* WXCreate(wxWindow*);
1092  friend class WXPowderPattern;
1093  // This should be removed
1094  friend class WXPowderPatternGraph;
1095  #endif
1096 };
1098 extern ObjRegistry<PowderPattern> gPowderPatternRegistry;
1099 //######################################################################
1100 // PROFILE FUNCTIONS (for powder diffraction)
1101 //######################################################################
1106 CrystVector_REAL PowderProfileGauss (const CrystVector_REAL theta,
1107  const REAL fwhm,
1108  const REAL asymmetryPar=1.);
1112 CrystVector_REAL PowderProfileLorentz(const CrystVector_REAL theta,
1113  const REAL fwhm,
1114  const REAL asymmetryPar=1.);
1117 }//namespace ObjCryst
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQWeight(const unsigned int) const
Get the weight values for the LSQ function.
void SetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i, REAL v)
Change one parameter in mFrozenLatticePar. This triggers a call to CalcLocalBMatrix() if the paramete...
REAL X2Pixel(const REAL x) const
Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, corresponding to a given (experimental) x coordinat...
void FitScaleFactorForR() const
Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize R.
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedCalc
The calculated powder pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ.
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
ReflectionProfile * mpReflectionProfile
Texture correction using the March-Dollase model.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockNbPointUsed() const
Clock corresponding to the last time the number of points used was changed.
virtual void XMLInput(istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
Input From stream.
void OptimizeBayesianBackground()
Optimize the background using a Bayesian approach.
void SavePowderPattern(const string &filename="powderPattern.out") const
Save powder pattern to one file, text format, 3 columns theta Iobs Icalc.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc() const
Get the calculated powder pattern.
void AddExcludedRegion(const REAL min2Theta, const REAL max2theta)
Add an Exclusion region, in 2theta, which will be ignored when computing R's XMLInput values must be...
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternWeight() const
Get the weight for each point of the powder pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mBackgroundInterpPointIntensity
Values of background at interpolating points.
void ImportPowderPatternTOF_ISIS_XYSigma(const string &fileName)
Import TOF file (ISIS type, 3 columns t, Iobs, sigma(Iobs))
vector< pair< unsigned long, CrystVector_REAL > > mIntegratedProfileFactor
For each reflection, store the integrated value of the normalized profile over all integration interv...
RefinableObjClock mClockScaleFactor
Last modification of the scale factor.
CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMaxX
Max coordinate for 2theta for all excluded regions.
int mBackgroundNbPoint
Number of fitting points for background.
RefinableObjClock mClockLorentzPolarSlitCorrPar
Last time the Lorentz-Polarization and slit parameters were changed.
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc() const =0
Get the integrated values of the powder pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalc
The calculated powder pattern.
void ImportPowderPatternFullprof(const string &fullprofFileName)
Import fullprof-style diffraction data.
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
CrystVector_REAL mIntensityCorr
Calculated corrections for all reflections.
void SetReflectionProfilePar(const ReflectionProfileType prof, const REAL fwhmCagliotiW, const REAL fwhmCagliotiU=0, const REAL fwhmCagliotiV=0, const REAL eta0=0.5, const REAL eta1=0.)
Set reflection profile parameters.
void SetWeightToInvSigmaSq(const REAL minRelatSigma=1e-3)
Set w = 1/sigma^2.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternCalc() const
Last time the powder pattern was calculated.
virtual void Init()
Init parameters and options.
CrystVector_REAL mExcludedRegionMinX
Min coordinate for for all excluded regions.
const Radiation & GetRadiation() const
Neutron or x-ray experiment ?
long first
First point of the pattern for which the profile is calculated.
void CalcPowderReflProfile_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternObsSigma() const
Get the sigma for each point of the observed powder pattern.
We need to record exactly when refinable objects have been modified for the last time (to avoid re-co...
Definition: RefinableObj.h:138
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
When was the 'integrated' powder pattern last computed ?
virtual std::map< RefinablePar *, CrystVector_REAL > & GetLSQ_FullDeriv(const unsigned int, std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Get the first derivative for the LSQ function for each parameter supplied in a list.
virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern &)
Set the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternRadiation
When were the radiation parameter (radiation type, wavelength) changed ?
void SetRadiation(const Radiation &radiation)
Set the radiation.
DiffractionDataSingleCrystal * mpLeBailData
Single crystal data extracted from the powder pattern.
virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Does this component have a variance associated with each calculated point ? i.e., do we use maximum l...
Polarization Correction.
bool FreezeLatticePar() const
Do we use local cell parameters ? (see mFrozenLatticePar)
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternXCorr
Corrections to 2Theta.
Profile type for powder (could it be used fopr single crystals on 2D detectors ?) ...
Definition: General.h:103
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance
The variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, integrated.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
When was the powder pattern (integrated) last computed ?
CrystVector_REAL mvSplinePixel
Vector of pixel values between each interval, for faster CubicSpline calculations.
const ReflectionProfile & GetProfile() const
Get reflection profile.
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
void ExtractLeBail(unsigned int nbcycle=1)
Extract intensities using Le Bail method.
vector< ReflProfile > mvReflProfile
Reflection profiles for ALL reflections during the last powder pattern generation.
void ImportPowderPatternFullprof4(const string &fileName)
Import diffraction data from a file, with the first line has 2ThetaMin, step, 2thetaMax, and the following lines alternate 10 Iobs and 10 sigma.
Class to display a Powder Pattern (calc,obs) in a graphic window.
REAL mMaxSinThetaOvLambda
Displacement correction : REAL m2ThetaDisplacement; Transparency correction : REAL m2ThetaTranspare...
RefinableObjClock mClockProfilePar
Last time the reflection parameters were changed.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObs
The observed powder pattern.
Class to display a Powder Pattern Background.
void ImportPowderPatternSietronicsCPI(const string &fileName)
Import *.cpi Sietronics diffraction data.
Lorentz Correction.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternRadiation() const
When were the radiation parameter (radiation type, wavelength) changed ?
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternCalc
When was the powder pattern last computed ?
virtual void XMLInput(istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
Input From stream.
Texture correction using the Ellipsoidal preferred orientation function.
Phase to compute a background contribution to a powder pattern using an interpolation.
const RefinableObjClock & GetIntegratedProfileLimitsClock() const
When were the integration intervals last changed ?
unsigned long mNbPoint
Number of points in the pattern.
REAL GetChi2_Option() const
Return the conventionnal or integrated Chi^2, depending on the option.
void ImportPowderPatternGSAS(const string &fileName)
Import GSAS standard powder pattern data (see GSAS manual).
virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern &)=0
Set the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
RefinableObjClock mClockIntensityCorr
Last time the Lorentz-Polar-Slit correction was computed.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternVarianceCalc
When was the powder pattern variance last computed ?
PolarizationCorr mCorrPolar
Polarization correction.
CrystVector_REAL mX
Vector of x coordinates (either 2theta or time-of-flight) for the pattern.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternPar() const
When were the pattern parameters (2theta range, step) changed ?
Class to compute the contribution to a powder pattern from a crystalline phase.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternIntegratedVarianceCalc
When was the 'integrated' powder pattern variance last computed ?
void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated() const
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalcVariance() const =0
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component...
void FixParametersBeyondMaxresolution(RefinableObj &obj)
Fix parameters corresponding to points of the pattern that are not actually calculated.
void CalcNbPointUsed() const
Calculate the number of points of the pattern actually used, from the maximum value of sin(theta)/lam...
virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const
Output to stream in well-formed XML.
void SetPowderPatternObs(const CrystVector_REAL &obs)
Set observed powder pattern from vector array.
RefinableObjClock mClockIntegratedProfileFactor
Last time the integrated values of normalized profiles was calculated.
bool GetExtractionMode() const
Return true if in extraction mode, i.e. using extracted intensities instead of computed structure fac...
const PowderPatternComponent & GetPowderPatternComponent(const string &name) const
Access to a component of the powder pattern.
Class to compute structure factors for a set of reflections and a Crystal.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc() const =0
Get the calculated powder pattern for this component.
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
REAL GetR() const
Unweighted R-factor.
virtual unsigned int GetNbLSQFunction() const
Number of LSQ functions.
void SetProfile(ReflectionProfile *prof)
Assign a new profile.
Generic Refinable Object.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:752
bool mExtractionMode
Extraction mode (Le Bail, Pawley)
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVarianceIntegrated
The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation...
CrystMatrix_REAL mFrozenBMatrix
Local B Matrix, used if mFreezeLatticePar is true.
virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const
Calc the powder pattern.
void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObsSigma(const string &fileName, const int nbSkip=0)
Import file with 3 columns 2Theta Iobs Sigma.
const CrystVector_long & GetIntegratedProfileMin() const
Get the list of first pixels for the integration intervals.
virtual void SetParentPowderPattern(PowderPattern &)
Set the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
Class to store positions of observed reflections.
Definition: Indexing.h:114
ObjRegistry< PowderPatternComponent > gPowderPatternComponentRegistry("List of all PowderPattern Components")
Global registry for all PowderPatternComponent objects.
REAL GetWavelength() const
wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems)
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component (integ...
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalcVariance
The variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern.
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc() const
Get the integrated values of the powder pattern.
virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const =0
Calc the powder pattern.
RefinableObjClock mClockIhklCalc
Last time intensities were computed.
Class to display a Powder Pattern for a crystalline phase.
REAL X2STOL(const REAL x) const
Convert X (either 2theta or TOF) to sin(theta)/lambda, depending on the type of radiation.
Abstract base class for all objects in wxCryst.
Definition: wxCryst.h:127
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
Abstract base class for reflection profiles.
void ImportUserBackground(const string &filename)
Import background points from a file (with two columns 2theta (or tof), intensity) ...
long last
Last point of the pattern for which the profile is calculated.
virtual void TagNewBestConfig() const
During a global optimization, tells the object that the current config is the latest "best" config...
WX Class for PowderPattern objects.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternVariance
The complete variance associated to each point of the powder pattern, taking into account observation...
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
PowderPattern * mpParentPowderPattern
The PowderPattern object in which this component is included.
virtual void CalcPowderPattern() const
Calc the powder pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundCalc
The calculated powder pattern part which corresponds to 'background' (eg non-scalable components)...
void CalcPowderPattern() const
Calc the powder pattern.
virtual const CrystVector_long & GetBraggLimits() const
Get the pixel positions separating the integration intervals around reflections.
virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const
Output to stream in well-formed XML.
virtual const Radiation & GetRadiation() const
Get the radiation object for this data.
REAL GetRw() const
Get the weighted R-factor.
void SetScaleFactor(const int i, REAL s)
Access to the scale factor of components (will be 1 for background components)
Base class for options.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:550
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternX() const
Get the vector of X (2theta or time-of-flight) coordinates.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Last time the variance on the pattern was actually calculated.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternCalc() const
Last time the pattern was calculated.
Slit aperture correction (for powder)
void Set2ThetaTransparency(const REAL transparency)
Change transparency correction .
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component (integ...
void ImportPowderPattern2ThetaObs(const string &fileName, const int nbSkip=0)
Import file with 2 columns 2Theta Iobs.
void ImportPowderPatternMultiDetectorLLBG42(const string &fileName)
diffraction data in a multi-detector format (fullprof format #6).
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternBackgroundIntegratedCalc
The calculated powder pattern part which corresponds to 'background' (eg non-scalable components)...
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalc() const
Get the integrated values of the powder pattern.
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
void ImportPowderPatternCIF(const CIF &cif)
Import CIF powder pattern data.
Generic class to compute components (eg the contribution of a given phase, or background) of a powder...
Definition: PowderPattern.h:48
void SetPowderPatternX(const CrystVector_REAL &x)
Set the x coordinate of the powder pattern : either the 2theta or time-of-flight values for each reco...
virtual void SetApproximationFlag(const bool allow)
Enable or disable numerical approximations.
LorentzCorr mCorrLorentz
Lorentz correction.
REAL STOL2X(const REAL stol) const
Convert sin(theta)/lambda to X (i.e.
DiffractionData object for Single Crystal analysis.
void AddPowderPatternComponent(PowderPatternComponent &)
Add a component (phase, backround) to this pattern.
virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Does this component have a variance associated with each calculated point ? i.e., do we use maximum l...
RefinableObjClock mClockSpline
Initialization of the spline.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternCalc
When was the powder pattern last computed ?
void PrepareIntegratedRfactor() const
Prepare the calculation of the integrated R-factors.
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternWeight
The weight for each point of the pattern.
bool mIsScalable
Scalable ? (crystal phase = scalable, background= not scalable)
virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
virtual bool HasPowderPatternCalcVariance() const =0
Does this component have a variance associated with each calculated point ? i.e., do we use maximum l...
RefinableObjClock mClockBraggLimits
Get last time the Bragg Limits were changed.
virtual PowderPatternDiffraction * CreateCopy() const
So-called virtual copy constructor.
virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
Powder pattern class, with an observed pattern and several calculated components to modelize the patt...
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
The calculated powder pattern, integrated.
void SetPowderPatternPar(const REAL min, const REAL step, unsigned long nbPoint)
the powder pattern angular range & resolution parameter.
REAL mModelVariance
Constant error (sigma) on the calculated pattern, due to an incomplete model.
void SetRadiationType(const RadiationType radiation)
Set the radiation type.
virtual void CalcPowderPatternIntegrated_FullDeriv(std::set< RefinablePar * > &vPar)
Calc the integrated powder pattern.
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood() const
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.
RefinableObjClock mClockProfileCalc
Last time the reflection profiles were computed.
virtual const CrystVector_long & GetBraggLimits() const =0
Get the pixel positions separating the integration intervals around reflections.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockPowderPatternXCorr() const
When were the parameters for 2theta/TOF correction (zero, transparency, displacement) last changed ...
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
virtual void SetCrystal(Crystal &crystal)
Set the crystal for this experiment.
Main CIF class - parses the stream and separates data blocks, comments, items, loops.
Definition: CIF.h:169
list< pair< const REAL,const string > > mvLabel
The labels associated to different points of the pattern.
CrystVector_REAL mBackgroundInterpPointX
Vector of 2theta values for the fitting points of the background.
REAL STOL2Pixel(const REAL stol) const
Convert sin(theta)/lambda to pixel, depending on the type of radiation.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternObs() const
Get the observed powder pattern.
void CalcFrozenBMatrix() const
Calculate the local BMatrix, used if mFreezeLatticePar is true.
virtual long GetNbReflBelowMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Recalc, and get the number of reflections which should be actually used, due to the maximuml sin(thet...
Time-Of-Flight Correction.
CubicSpline mvSpline
Spline used for interpolation.
REAL GetIntegratedChi2() const
Return integrated Chi^2.
REAL X2XCorr(const REAL x) const
Get the experimental x (2theta, tof) from the theoretical value, taking into account all corrections ...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component...
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockBraggLimits() const
Get last time the Bragg Limits were changed.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetChi2Cumul() const
Get the powder pattern cumulative Chi^2.
RefObjOpt mInterpolationModel
Type of interpolation performed: linear or cubic spline.
RefinableObjClock mClockBackgroundPoint
Modification of the interpolated points.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternIntegratedCalc
The calculated powder pattern, integrated.
CrystVector_REAL mIhklCalc
Computed intensities for all reflections.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternVariance() const
Get the variance (obs+model) for each point of the powder pattern.
REAL GetFrozenLatticePar(const unsigned int i) const
Access to one parameter in mFrozenLatticePar.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalcVariance() const
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component...
Radiation mRadiation
The Radiation corresponding to this experiment.
virtual void BeginOptimization(const bool allowApproximations=false, const bool enableRestraints=false)
This should be called by any optimization class at the begining of an optimization.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternCalc
The calculated component of a powder pattern.
void SetWeightPolynomial(const REAL a, const REAL b, const REAL c, const REAL minRelatIobs=1e-3)
Set w = 1/(a+ Iobs + b*Iobs^2+c*Iobs^3)
bool IsScalable() const
Is this component scalable ?
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternObsSigma
The sigma of the observed pattern.
const CrystVector_long & GetIntegratedProfileMax() const
Get the list of last pixels for the integration intervals.
void PrintObsCalcData(ostream &os=cout) const
Print to thee screen/console the observed and calculated pattern (long, mostly useful for debugging) ...
Cubic spline interpolation.
Definition: CrystVector.h:564
REAL GetPowderPatternXStep() const
Get the average step in 2theta.
void ImportPowderPatternXdd(const string &fileName)
Import *.xdd diffraction data (Topas,...).
void SetExtractionMode(const bool extract=true, const bool init=false)
Prepare intensity extraction (Le Bail or Pawley)
void ImportPowderPatternILL_D1A5(const string &filename)
Import powder pattern, format from ILL D1A/D2B (format without counter info)
The namespace which includes all objects (crystallographic and algorithmic) in ObjCryst++.
Definition: Atom.cpp:47
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedObs
The calculated powder pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ.
const PowderPattern & GetParentPowderPattern() const
Get the PowderPattern object which uses this component.
RefinableObjClock mClockPowderPatternPar
When were the pattern parameters (2theta or time-of-flight range) changed ?
virtual void EndOptimization()
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
Make a random move of the current configuration.
PeakList FindPeaks(const float dmin=2.0, const float maxratio=0.01, const unsigned int maxpeak=100)
Find peaks in the pattern.
virtual void InitOptions()
Initialize options.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetScaleFactor() const
Access the scale factors (see PowderPattern::mScaleFactor)
void Set2ThetaDisplacement(const REAL displacement)
Change displacement correction .
void SetWavelength(const REAL lambda)
Set the wavelength of the experiment (in Angstroems).
bool mFreezeLatticePar
If true, use local cell parameters from mFrozenLatticePar rather than the Crystal.
unsigned long GetNbPoint() const
Number of points ?
virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const
Output to stream in well-formed XML.
TextureMarchDollase mCorrTextureMarchDollase
Preferred orientation (texture) correction following the March-Dollase model.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQObs(const unsigned int) const
Get the observed values for the LSQ function.
Profile of a single reflection.
void SetXZero(const REAL newZero)
Change Zero in x (2theta,tof)
virtual pair< const CrystVector_REAL *, const RefinableObjClock * > GetPowderPatternIntegratedCalcVariance() const =0
Get the variance associated to each point of the calculated powder pattern, for this component (integ...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc() const
Get the calculated powder pattern for this component.
REAL X2PixelCorr(const REAL x) const
Get the pixel number on the experimental pattern, from the theoretical (uncorrected) x coordinate...
TOFCorr mCorrTOF
Time-Of-Flight intensity correction.
Type of radiation used.
Definition: General.h:94
TextureEllipsoid mCorrTextureEllipsoid
Preferred orientation (texture) correction following the Ellipsoidal function.
void SetSigmaToSqrtIobs()
Set sigma=sqrt(Iobs)
virtual const CrystVector_long & GetBraggLimits() const
Get the pixel positions separating the integration intervals around reflections.
CrystVector_REAL mChi2Cumul
The cumulative Chi^2 (integrated or not, depending on the option)
RadiationType GetRadiationType() const
Neutron or x-ray experiment ?
virtual const CrystMatrix_REAL & GetBMatrix() const
This can use either locally stored lattice parameters from mLocalLatticePar, or the Crystal's...
Crystal class: Unit cell, spacegroup, scatterers.
Definition: Crystal.h:97
REAL GetPowderPatternXMax() const
Get the maximum 2theta.
void ImportPowderPatternPSI_DMC(const string &filename)
Import powder pattern, format DMC from PSI.
virtual void SetMaxSinThetaOvLambda(const REAL max)=0
Set the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
class to input or output a well-formatted xml beginning or ending tag.
CrystVector_REAL mIhklCalcVariance
Variance on computed intensities for all reflections.
virtual void XMLInput(istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
Input From stream.
const list< pair< const REAL,const string > > & GetPatternLabelList() const
Get a list of labels for the pattern (usually reflection indexes).
std::map< RefinablePar *, vector< CrystVector_REAL > > mvReflProfile_FullDeriv
Derivatives of reflection profiles versus a list of parameters.
REAL GetPowderPatternXMin() const
Get the Minimum 2theta.
REAL GetChi2() const
Return conventionnal Chi^2.
CrystVector_REAL mPowderPatternUsedWeight
The weight for each point of the pattern. Cropped to the maximum sin(theta)/lambda for LSQ...
PowderSlitApertureCorr mCorrSlitAperture
Slit aperture correction.
CrystVector_long mPointOrder
Subscript of the points, sorted the correct order, taking into account the type of radiation (monochr...
class of refinable parameter types.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:78
unsigned long GetNbPointUsed() const
Number of points actually calculated (below the chosen max(sin(theta)/lambda)) ?
REAL GetMaxSinThetaOvLambda() const
Get the maximum value for sin(theta)/lambda.
void SetWeightToUnit()
Set w = 1.
Class to define the radiation (type, monochromaticity, wavelength(s)) of an experiment.
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetLSQCalc(const unsigned int) const
Get the current calculated value for the LSQ function.
CrystVector_long mIntegratedReflLimits
Interval limits around each reflection, for integrated R-factors.
void FitScaleFactorForRw() const
Fit the scale(s) factor of each component to minimize Rw.
void ExportFullprof(const std::string &prefix) const
Export powder pattern & crystal structure in Fullprof format.
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeObjCryst
Top RefParType for the ObjCryst++ library.
CrystVector_REAL mFrozenLatticePar
a,b and c in Angstroems, angles (stored) in radians This is used to override lattice parameter from t...
Object Registry.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:643
bool mIsXAscending
Is the mX vector sorted in ascending order ? (true for 2theta, false for TOF)
REAL mMaxSinThetaOvLambda
Maximum sin(theta)/lambda for all calculations (10 by default).
void SetEnergy(const REAL energy)
Set the energy of the experiment [in keV, lambda(A)=12398/E(keV)].
Zero correction : Thus mPowderPattern2ThetaMin=(mPowderPattern2ThetaMin-m2ThetaZero) ...
virtual const CrystVector_REAL & GetPowderPatternCalc() const
Get the calculated powder pattern for this component.
unsigned int GetNbPowderPatternComponent() const
Number of components.