22 #include "ObjCryst/CrystVector/CrystVector.h"
24 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/General.h"
26 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/ScatteringPower.h"
27 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Scatterer.h"
28 #include "ObjCryst/RefinableObj/GlobalOptimObj.h"
62 const int spgSymPosIndex=0)
65 const int spgSymPosIndex=0)
67 const int spgSymPosIndex=0)
69 const int spgSymPosIndex=0)
72 virtual void InitRefParList();
90 const long atomBond=0,
const REAL bondLength=1,
91 const long atomAngle=0,
const REAL bondAngle=M_PI,
92 const long atomDihedral=0,
const REAL dihedralAngle=M_PI,
93 const REAL popu=1.,
const string &name=
95 const string& GetClassName()
96 const string& GetName()
97 void SetName(
const string&);
134 void XMLOutput(ostream &os,
int indent=0)
156 void WXNotifyDelete();
174 void RecordConformation();
175 void SetZAtomWeight(
const CrystVector_REAL weight);
176 void MinimizeChange(
long nbTrial=10000);
180 CrystVector_REAL mXCoord0,mYCoord0,mZCoord0;
181 CrystVector_REAL mAtomWeight;
202 const REAL x=0.,
const REAL y=0.,
const REAL z=0.,
203 const REAL phi=0.,
const REAL chi=0.,
const REAL psi=0.);
217 const long atomBond,
const REAL bondLength,
218 const long atomAngle,
const REAL bondAngle,
219 const long atomDihedral,
const REAL dihedralAngle,
279 const REAL xMin=-.1,
const REAL xMax=1.1,
280 const REAL yMin=-.1,
const REAL yMax=1.1,
281 const REAL zMin=-.1,
const REAL zMax=1.1,
282 const bool displayEnantiomer=
283 const bool displayNames=
284 const bool hideHydrogens=
295 virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os,
int indent=0)
299 CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
300 unsigned int &firstGroup)
304 const CrystVector_REAL&
306 const CrystVector_REAL&
308 const CrystVector_REAL&
441 mutable CrystVector_REAL
493 const REAL x,
const REAL y,
const REAL z,
496 const REAL ligandPopu=1,
497 const REAL phi=0.,
const REAL chi=0.,
const REAL psi=0.);
514 RegularPolyhedraType mPolyhedraType;
518 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Crystal.h"
const CrystVector_REAL & GetZCoord() const
Get the list of all ZAtom cartesian x coordinates.
CrystVector_int mComponentIndex
Index of atoms in the ScatteringComponentList.
const REAL & GetZBondLength() const
Const access to bondlength parameter.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetYCoord() const
Get the list of all ZAtom cartesian x coordinates.
void SetScatteringPower(const ScatteringPower *)
Set the ScatteringPower.
unsigned int GetCenterAtomIndex() const
Get the index of the central atom (around which the rotation is made)
ZScatterer(const string &name, Crystal &cryst, const REAL x=0., const REAL y=0., const REAL z=0., const REAL phi=0., const REAL chi=0., const REAL psi=0.)
ZScatterer constructor.
void UpdateCoordinates() const
Update the atom coordinates (in real units, in Angstroems).
void AddAtom(const string &name, const ScatteringPower *pow, const long atomBond, const REAL bondLength, const long atomAngle, const REAL bondAngle, const long atomDihedral, const REAL dihedralAngle, const REAL popu=1.)
Add an atom to the Zscatterer.
REAL GetZAtomY(const int i) const
Get the Y fractionnal coordinate of atom i.
virtual REAL GetForwardScatteringFactor(const RadiationType) const
Get the scattering factor at (0,0,0).
CrystMatrix_REAL mPhiChiPsiMatrix
Rotation matrix for the orientation of the scatterer.
virtual CrystVector_REAL GetTemperatureFactor(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the temperature factor for all reflections of a given ScatteringData object.
void SetZAngle(const int i, const REAL)
Access to the angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
REAL GetZAtomZ(const int i) const
Get the Z fractionnal coordinate of atom i.
We need to record exactly when refinable objects have been modified for the last time (to avoid re-co...
virtual void XMLOutput(ostream &os, int indent=0) const
Output to stream in well-formed XML.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetXCoord() const
Get the list of all ZAtom cartesian x coordinates.
void SetZBondLength(const int i, const REAL)
Access to bondlength parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
ZScatterer * mpScatt
the ZScatterer in which this atom is included.
ScatteringComponentList mScattCompList
The list of scattering components.
virtual void InitRefParList()
Prepare refinable parameters for the scatterer object.
wxCryst class for ZScatterer objects
RefinableObjClock mClockCoord
Last time the cartesian coordinates were computed.
void SetChi(const REAL)
Access to chi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
virtual void XMLInput(istream &is, const XMLCrystTag &tag)
Input From stream.
virtual string GetComponentName(const int i) const
Name for the i-th component of this scatterer.
Class to minimize conformation changes for random moves.
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood() const
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.
const REAL & GetZAngle() const
Const access to the angle parameter.
void Print() const
Print a single line of information about this scatterer.
long mCenterAtomIndex
Index of the atom used as a pivot (the scatterer is rotated around this atom).
Class to compute structure factors for a set of reflections and a Crystal.
ZScatterer * mpZScatterer
a copy of the ZScatterer associated to this object
void SetOccupancy(const REAL)
Access to the dihedral angle parameter.
virtual CrystMatrix_REAL GetResonantScattFactReal(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the real part of the resonant scattering factor.
long GetZBondAtom() const
Index of the 1st atom used to define the atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the bondlength is c...
long GetZDihedralAngleAtom() const
Index of the 3rd atom used to define the atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the dihedral angle ...
virtual int GetNbComponent() const
Number of components in the scatterer (eg number of point scatterers)
Generic Refinable Object.
REAL GetZBondLength(const int i) const
Const access to bondlength parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
void SetZDihedralAngle(const int i, const REAL)
Access to the dihedral angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
CrystVector_REAL mXCoord
Storage for Cartesian coordinates.
long mNbDummyAtom
Number of "dummy" atoms in the structure.
void SetPhi(const REAL)
Access to phi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
Abstract base class for all objects in wxCryst.
virtual CrystVector_REAL GetScatteringFactor(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the Scattering factor for all reflections of a given ScatteringData object.
Base object for Monte-Carlo Global Optimization methods.
const REAL & GetOccupancy() const
Const access to the ocupancy parameter.
const ZScatterer & GetZScatterer() const
Get the ZScatterer associated to this ZAtom.
void ExportFenskeHallZMatrix(ostream &os)
Export to Fenske-Hall ZMatrix file.
ObjRegistry< ZAtom > mZAtomRegistry
Registry for ZAtoms in this Scatterer.
virtual ZPolyhedron * CreateCopy() const
const ScatteringPower * mpScattPow
The ScatteringPower corresponding to this atom.
Angles giving the orientation of the ZScatterer (stored in radian)
void SetZAngle(const REAL)
Access to the angle parameter.
string mName
Name for this atom.
Class to store POV-Ray output options.
Class for individual atoms in a ZScatterer Object.
virtual void SetUseGlobalScatteringPower(const bool useIt)
use a Global scattering power for this scatterer ?
long mAtomBond
The index (in the ZScatterer) of the atoms which are used to define the position of this atom...
void UpdateScattCompList() const
Update the scattering component list, ie compute all atom positions from the bonds/angles/dihedral an...
void ImportFenskeHallZMatrix(istream &is, bool named=false)
Import "Fenske-Hall" ZMatrix file (fhz in the babel program http://www.eyesopen.com/babel.html\ example: use "./babel -ipdb foo.pdb -ofhz foo.fhz -d", to convert a pdb file to a Z-Matrix file (the -d removes hydrogen atoms)
CrystMatrix_long m3DDisplayIndex
For 3D display of the structure, bonds, triangular and quadric faces can be displayed.
virtual CrystMatrix_REAL GetResonantScattFactImag(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the imaginary part of the resonant scattering factor.
virtual void GLInitDisplayList(const bool onlyIndependentAtoms=false, const REAL xMin=-.1, const REAL xMax=1.1, const REAL yMin=-.1, const REAL yMax=1.1, const REAL zMin=-.1, const REAL zMax=1.1, const bool displayEnantiomer=false, const bool displayNames=false, const bool hideHydrogens=false) const
bool mUseGlobalScattPow
Does the ZScatterer use a global scattering power ?
virtual void EndOptimization()
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
virtual const ScatteringComponentList & GetScatteringComponentList() const
Get the list of all scattering components for this scatterer.
long mNbAtom
Total number of atoms in the structure.
long GetZAngleAtom() const
Index of the 2nd atom used to define the atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the angle is calcul...
REAL GetPhi() const
Access to phi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
void SetZDihedralAngle(const REAL)
Access to the dihedral angle parameter.
long GetZBondAtom(const int i) const
Index of the 1st atom used to define the i-th atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the bondlength...
ZScatterer: the basic type of complex scatterers, where atom positions are defined using a standard "...
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
The namespace which includes all objects (crystallographic and algorithmic) in ObjCryst++.
void SetCenterAtomIndex(const unsigned int)
Set the index of the central atom (around which the rotation is made)
const REAL & GetZDihedralAngle() const
Const access to the dihedral angle parameter.
REAL GetChi() const
Access to chi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
REAL mBondLength
Bond length, angle and dihedral angle.
virtual REAL GetRadius() const
Return the physical radius of this type of scatterer (for 3D display purposes).
REAL GetZAngle(const int i) const
Const access to the angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
Type of radiation used.
Crystal class: Unit cell, spacegroup, scatterers.
void SetPsi(const REAL)
Access to psi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
void Init()
Initialization of the object, used by all constructors, and operator=.
class to input or output a well-formatted xml beginning or ending tag.
const ObjRegistry< ZAtom > & GetZAtomRegistry() const
Access to the registry of ZAtoms.
REAL GetPsi() const
Access to psi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
REAL GetZDihedralAngle(const int i) const
Const access to the dihedral angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
class of refinable parameter types.
list of scattering positions in a crystal, associated with the corresponding occupancy and a pointer ...
virtual ostream & POVRayDescription(ostream &os, const CrystalPOVRayOptions &options) const
ZPolyhedron(const RegularPolyhedraType type, Crystal &cryst, const REAL x, const REAL y, const REAL z, const string &name, const ScatteringPower *centralAtomPow, const ScatteringPower *periphAtomPow, const REAL centralPeriphDist, const REAL ligandPopu=1, const REAL phi=0., const REAL chi=0., const REAL psi=0.)
ZPolyhedron constructor.
GlobalScatteringPower * mpGlobalScattPow
the global scattering power used, if mUseGlobalScattPow=true
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
Make a random move of the current configuration.
Generic type of scatterer: can be an atom, or a more complex assembly of atoms.
long GetZDihedralAngleAtom(const int i) const
Index of the 3rd atom used to define the i-th atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the dihedral a...
REAL GetZAtomX(const int i) const
Get the X fractionnal coordinate of atom i.
ZPolyhedron: a Scatterer to describe polyhedras such as octahedron, tetrahedron, square plane...
virtual ZScatterer * CreateCopy() const
const RefParType * gpRefParTypeObjCryst
Top RefParType for the ObjCryst++ library.
void SetZBondLength(const REAL)
Access to bondlength parameter.
const ScatteringPower * GetScatteringPower() const
ScatteringPower for this atom.
long GetZAngleAtom(const int i) const
Index of the 2nd atom used to define the i-th atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the angle is c...
Abstract Base Class to describe the scattering power of any Scatterer component in a crystal...