FOX/ObjCryst++  1.10.X (development)
1 /* ObjCryst++ Object-Oriented Crystallographic Library
2  (c) 2000-2002 Vincent Favre-Nicolin
3  2000-2001 University of Geneva (Switzerland)
5  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 */
19 /* Atom.h
20 * header file for the Atom scatterer
21 *
22 */
24 #include <cmath>
25 #include <typeinfo>
26 #include <cstdlib>
27 #include <stdio.h> //for sprintf()
29 //#include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/ScatteringPower.h"
30 //#include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Scatterer.h"
31 //#include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/Atom.h"
32 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/ZScatterer.h"
33 #include "ObjCryst/ObjCryst/ScatteringData.h"
35 #include "ObjCryst/Quirks/VFNStreamFormat.h" //simple formatting of integers, REALs..
37 #include "ObjCryst/Quirks/VFNDebug.h"
39 #include <fstream>
40 #include <iomanip>
42 #ifdef OBJCRYST_GL
43  #ifdef __DARWIN__
44  #include <OpenGL/glu.h>
45  #else
46  #include <GL/glu.h>
47  #endif
48 #endif
50 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
51  #include "ObjCryst/wxCryst/wxZScatterer.h"
52  #undef GetClassName // Conflict from wxMSW headers ? (cygwin)
53 #endif
55 #ifdef _MSC_VER // MS VC++ predefined macros....
56 #undef min
57 #undef max
58 #endif
60 namespace ObjCryst
61 {
62 //######################################################################
63 //
64 // ZAtom
65 //
66 //
67 //######################################################################
68 ZAtom::ZAtom(ZScatterer &scatt,const ScatteringPower *pow,
69  const long atomBond, const REAL bondLength,
70  const long atomAngle, const REAL bondAngle,
71  const long atomDihedral, const REAL dihedralAngle,
72  const REAL popu, const string &name):
73 mpScattPow(pow),
74 mAtomBond(atomBond),mAtomAngle(atomAngle),mAtomDihed(atomDihedral),
75 mBondLength(bondLength),mAngle(bondAngle),mDihed(dihedralAngle),
76 mOccupancy(popu),mName(name),mpScatt(&scatt)
77 {
78  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZAtom::ZAtom():("<<mName<<")",5)
79 }
80 ZAtom::~ZAtom()
81 {
82  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZAtom::~ZAtom():("<<mName<<")",5)
83 }
84 const string& ZAtom::GetClassName()const
85 {
86  static string className="ZAtom";
87  return className;
88 }
89 const string& ZAtom::GetName()const {return mName;}
92 const ZScatterer& ZAtom::GetZScatterer()const{return *mpScatt;}
94 void ZAtom::SetName(const string& name) {mName=name;}
95 long ZAtom::GetZBondAtom()const {return mAtomBond;}
96 long ZAtom::GetZAngleAtom()const {return mAtomAngle;}
97 long ZAtom::GetZDihedralAngleAtom()const {return mAtomDihed;}
98 const REAL& ZAtom::GetZBondLength()const {return mBondLength;}
99 const REAL& ZAtom::GetZAngle()const {return mAngle;}
100 const REAL& ZAtom::GetZDihedralAngle()const {return mDihed;}
101 const REAL& ZAtom::GetOccupancy()const {return mOccupancy;}
103 //:TODO: fix the following so that their clocks are clicked accordingly
105 void ZAtom::SetZAngle(const REAL angle) {mAngle=angle;mpScatt->GetClockScatterer().Click();}
106 void ZAtom::SetZDihedralAngle(const REAL dihed) {mDihed=dihed;mpScatt->GetClockScatterer().Click();}
107 void ZAtom::SetOccupancy(const REAL pop) {mOccupancy=pop;mpScatt->GetClockScatterer().Click();}
109 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
110 WXCrystObjBasic* ZAtom::WXCreate(wxWindow *parent)
111 {
112  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZAtom::WXCreate()",7)
113  mpWXCrystObj=new WXZAtom (parent,this);
114  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZAtom::WXCreate()",7)
115  return mpWXCrystObj;
116 }
117 WXCrystObjBasic* ZAtom::WXGet()
118 {
119  return mpWXCrystObj;
120 }
121 void ZAtom::WXDelete()
122 {
123  if(0!=mpWXCrystObj)
124  {
125  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZAtom::WXDelete()",5)
126  delete mpWXCrystObj;
127  }
128  mpWXCrystObj=0;
129 }
130 void ZAtom::WXNotifyDelete()
131 {
132  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZAtom::WXNotifyDelete():"<<mName,10)
133  mpWXCrystObj=0;
134 }
135 #endif
136 //######################################################################
137 //
138 // ZMoveMinimizer
139 //
140 //
141 //######################################################################
142 ZMoveMinimizer::ZMoveMinimizer(ZScatterer &scatt):
143 RefinableObj(true),
144 mpZScatt(&scatt),mOptimObj(true)
145 {
146  mOptimObj.SetAlgorithmSimulAnnealing(ANNEALING_EXPONENTIAL,.1,.001,
148  mOptimObj.AddRefinableObj(*this);
149 }
150 ZMoveMinimizer::~ZMoveMinimizer(){}
154 {
155  TAU_PROFILE("ZMoveMinimizer::GetLogLikelihood()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
156  const REAL *pX1=mpZScatt->GetXCoord().data();
157  const REAL *pY1=mpZScatt->GetYCoord().data();
158  const REAL *pZ1=mpZScatt->GetZCoord().data();
159  const REAL *;
160  const REAL *;
161  const REAL *;
162  const REAL *;
163  REAL dist=0;
164  //for(int i=mXCoord0.numElements()-1;i>=0;i--)
165  // dist+= abs(*pX1++ - *pX0++) + abs(*pY1++ - *pY0++) + abs(*pZ1++ - *pZ0++);
166  for(int i=mXCoord0.numElements()-1;i>=0;i--)
167  {
168  dist+= *pW++* ( (*pX1 - *pX0)*(*pX1 - *pX0)
169  +(*pY1 - *pY0)*(*pY1 - *pY0)
170  +(*pZ1 - *pZ0)*(*pZ1 - *pZ0));
171  pX1++;pY1++;pZ1++;
172  pX0++;pY0++;pZ0++;
173  }
175  #if 0
176  const CrystVector_REAL *pXcoord=&(mpZScatt->GetXCoord());
177  const CrystVector_REAL *pYcoord=&(mpZScatt->GetYCoord());
178  const CrystVector_REAL *pZcoord=&(mpZScatt->GetZCoord());
179  REAL dist=0;
180  for(int i=pXcoord->numElements()-1;i>=0;i--)
181  {
182  dist+=mAtomWeight(i)*( ((*pXcoord)(i)-mXCoord0(i))*((*pXcoord)(i)-mXCoord0(i))
183  +((*pYcoord)(i)-mYCoord0(i))*((*pYcoord)(i)-mYCoord0(i))
184  +((*pZcoord)(i)-mZCoord0(i))*((*pZcoord)(i)-mZCoord0(i)));
185  }
186  #endif
187  return dist/mAtomWeight.sum();
188 }
189 void ZMoveMinimizer::RecordConformation()
190 {
191  mXCoord0=mpZScatt->GetXCoord();
192  mYCoord0=mpZScatt->GetYCoord();
193  mZCoord0=mpZScatt->GetZCoord();
194  if(mAtomWeight.numElements() != mXCoord0.numElements())
195  {
196  mAtomWeight.resize(mXCoord0.numElements());
197  mAtomWeight=1;
198  }
199 }
200 void ZMoveMinimizer::SetZAtomWeight(const CrystVector_REAL weight) {mAtomWeight=weight;}
201 void ZMoveMinimizer::MinimizeChange(long nbTrial)
202 {
203  if(mAtomWeight.max()<1e-3) return;
204  mOptimObj.Optimize(nbTrial,true);
205 }
207 //######################################################################
208 //
209 // ZScatterer
210 //
211 //
212 //######################################################################
214 ZScatterer::ZScatterer(const string &name,Crystal &cryst,
215  const REAL x,const REAL y,const REAL z,
216  const REAL phi,const REAL chi, const REAL psi):
217 mScattCompList(0),mNbAtom(0),mNbDummyAtom(0),
218 mPhi(0),mChi(0),mPsi(0),
219 mZAtomRegistry("List of ZAtoms"),
220 mCenterAtomIndex(0),
221 mPhiChiPsiMatrix(3,3),
222 mUseGlobalScattPow(false),mpGlobalScattPow(0),
223 mpZMoveMinimizer(0)
224 {
225  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ZScatterer():("<<mName<<")",5)
226  mName=name;
227  mXYZ(0)=x;
228  mXYZ(1)=y;
229  mXYZ(2)=z;
230  mPhi=phi;
231  mChi=chi;
232  mPsi=psi;
233  this->SetCrystal(cryst);
234  this->InitRefParList();
235  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ZScatterer():("<<mName<<")",5)
236 }
239 Scatterer(old),m3DDisplayIndex(old.m3DDisplayIndex),
240 mNbAtom(0),mNbDummyAtom(0),
241 mPhi(old.mPhi),mChi(old.mChi),mPsi(old.mPsi),
242 mCenterAtomIndex(old.mCenterAtomIndex),
243 mPhiChiPsiMatrix(old.mPhiChiPsiMatrix),
244 mUseGlobalScattPow(false),mpGlobalScattPow(0),
245 mpZMoveMinimizer(0)
246 {
247  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZScatterer::ZScatterer(&old):("<<mName<<")",10)
249  mName=old.GetName();
250  mXYZ(0)=old.GetX();
251  mXYZ(1)=old.GetY();
252  mXYZ(2)=old.GetZ();
253  mPhi=old.GetPhi();
254  mChi=old.GetChi();
255  mPsi=old.GetPsi();
256  this->SetCrystal(*(old.mpCryst));
258  this->InitRefParList();
260  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ZScatterer(&old):Copying atoms",10)
261  for(long i=0; i<old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetNb();i++)
262  this->AddAtom(old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetName(),
263  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetScatteringPower(),
264  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetZBondAtom(),
265  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetZBondLength(),
266  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetZAngleAtom(),
267  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetZAngle(),
268  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetZDihedralAngleAtom(),
269  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetZDihedralAngle(),
270  old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).GetOccupancy());
274  // Copy parameters attributes (limits, etc...)
275  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ZScatterer(&old):Copying param attributes",10)
276  this->GetPar( CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(;
277  this->GetPar(;
278  this->GetPar(;
279  this->GetPar(&mOccupancy). CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.mOccupancy)));
280  this->GetPar(&mPhi). CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.mPhi)));
281  this->GetPar(&mChi). CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.mChi)));
282  this->GetPar(&mPsi). CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.mPsi)));
283  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ZScatterer(&old):Copying atoms param attributes",10)
284  for(long i=0; i<old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetNb();i++)
285  {
286  this->GetPar(&(this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mBondLength)).
287  CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mBondLength)));
288  this->GetPar(&(this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mAngle)).
289  CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mAngle)));
290  this->GetPar(&(this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mDihed)).
291  CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mDihed)));
292  this->GetPar(&(this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mOccupancy)).
293  CopyAttributes(old.GetPar(&(old.GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mOccupancy)));
294  }
296  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::ZScatterer(&old):("<<mName<<")",10)
297 }
299 ZScatterer::~ZScatterer()
300 {
301  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::~ZScatterer():("<<mName<<")",5)
302  if(0 != mpGlobalScattPow) delete mpGlobalScattPow;
303  mZAtomRegistry.DeleteAll();
304 }
307 {
308  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::CreateCopy()"<<mName<<")",5)
309  return new ZScatterer(*this);
310 }
311 const string& ZScatterer::GetClassName() const
312 {
313  const static string className="ZScatterer";
314  return className;
315 }
317 void ZScatterer::AddAtom(const string &name,const ScatteringPower *pow,
318  const long atomBond, const REAL bondLength,
319  const long atomAngle, const REAL bondAngle,
320  const long atomDihedral, const REAL dihedralAngle,
321  const REAL popu)
322 {
323  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::AddAtom():"<<name<<"):"<<atomBond<<" / "<<atomAngle<<" / "
324  <<atomDihedral<<" / "<<bondLength<<","<<bondAngle<<","<<dihedralAngle,10)
325  ZAtom *zatom =new ZAtom(*this,pow,
326  atomBond,bondLength,
327  atomAngle,bondAngle,
328  atomDihedral,dihedralAngle,
329  popu,name);
331  if(true==mUseGlobalScattPow)
332  {
333  throw ObjCrystException("ZScatterer::AddAtom(() Cannot add an atom ! \
334 You are using the Global ScatteringPower approximation !!");
336  }
337  bool usedBond=true,usedAngle=true,usedDihed=true;
338  if(mZAtomRegistry.GetNb()<1) usedBond=false;
339  if(mZAtomRegistry.GetNb()<2) usedAngle=false;
340  if(mZAtomRegistry.GetNb()<3) usedDihed=false;
341  char buf [20];
342  {
343  sprintf(buf,"%d-%d",(int)mNbAtom,(int)atomBond);
344  RefinablePar tmp("Length"+(string)buf,&(zatom->mBondLength),
345  1.,5.,
346 // bondLength*.9,bondLength*1.1,
347  gpRefParTypeScattConformBondLength,
348  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,false,usedBond,false,1.);
350  this->AddPar(tmp);
351  }
352  {
353  sprintf(buf,"%d-%d-%d",(int)mNbAtom,(int)atomBond,(int)atomAngle);
354  RefinablePar tmp("Angle"+(string)buf,&(zatom->mAngle),
355  0,2*M_PI,
356 // zatom->mAngle-.2,zatom->mAngle+.2,
357  gpRefParTypeScattConformBondAngle,
358  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,usedAngle,true,RAD2DEG,2*M_PI);
360  this->AddPar(tmp);
361  }
362  {
363  sprintf(buf,"%d-%d-%d-%d",(int)mNbAtom,(int)atomBond,(int)atomAngle,(int)atomDihedral);
364  RefinablePar tmp("Dihed"+(string)buf,&(zatom->mDihed),
365  0,2*M_PI,
366 // zatom->mDihed-.2,zatom->mDihed+.2,
367  gpRefParTypeScattConformDihedAngle,
368  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,usedDihed,true,RAD2DEG,2*M_PI);
370  this->AddPar(tmp);
371  }
372  {//fixed by default
373  sprintf(buf,"%d",(int)mNbAtom);
374  RefinablePar tmp("Occupancy"+(string)buf,
375  &(zatom->mOccupancy),0,1,
376  gpRefParTypeScattOccup,
377  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,1.,1.);
379  this->AddPar(tmp);
380  }
382  //:NOTE: we *must* add it in the registry after declaring the parameters,
383  // since it triggers the creation of the WXZAtom, which requires the parameters...
384  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::AddAtom():Registering...",2)
385  mZAtomRegistry.Register(*zatom);
387  // Add an entry for this atom in the list of all components. The actual values are
388  // written in Update().No entry for a dummy atom
389  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::AddAtom():Adding to the ScattCompList...",2)
390  if(0!=pow)
391  {
392  ++mScattCompList;
393  mScattCompList(mNbAtom-mNbDummyAtom).mpScattPow=pow;
394  mComponentIndex.resizeAndPreserve(mNbAtom-mNbDummyAtom+1);
396  }
397  else mNbDummyAtom++;
399  //Finish
400  mNbAtom++;
402  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::AddAtom():End",3)
403 }
406 {
407  if(true==mUseGlobalScattPow) return 1;
408  return mNbAtom-mNbDummyAtom;
409 }
411 {
412  this->UpdateScattCompList();
414  return mScattCompList;
415 }
417 string ZScatterer::GetComponentName(const int i) const
418 {
419  return mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(mComponentIndex(i)).GetName();
420 }
422 void ZScatterer::Print() const
423 {
424  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::Print()",5)
425  //:TODO:
426  //this->UpdateScattCompList();
427  //for(int i=0;i<this->mNbAtom;i++) ??;
428 }
430 REAL ZScatterer::GetPhi() const {return mPhi;}
431 REAL ZScatterer::GetChi() const {return mChi;}
432 REAL ZScatterer::GetPsi() const {return mPsi;}
434 void ZScatterer::SetPhi(const REAL x) { mClockScatterer.Click();mPhi=x;}
435 void ZScatterer::SetChi(const REAL y) { mClockScatterer.Click();mChi=y;}
436 void ZScatterer::SetPsi(const REAL z) { mClockScatterer.Click();mPsi=z;}
438 REAL ZScatterer::GetZAtomX(const int i)const{this->UpdateCoordinates(); return mXCoord(i);}
439 REAL ZScatterer::GetZAtomY(const int i)const{this->UpdateCoordinates(); return mYCoord(i);}
440 REAL ZScatterer::GetZAtomZ(const int i)const{this->UpdateCoordinates(); return mZCoord(i);}
441 long ZScatterer::GetZBondAtom(const int i)const
442 {return mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZBondAtom();}
444 long ZScatterer::GetZAngleAtom(const int i)const
445 {return mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZAngleAtom();}
447 long ZScatterer::GetZDihedralAngleAtom(const int i)const
448 {return mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZDihedralAngleAtom();}
450 REAL ZScatterer::GetZBondLength(const int i)const
451 {return mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZBondLength();}
452 REAL ZScatterer::GetZAngle(const int i)const
453 {return mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZAngle();}
454 REAL ZScatterer::GetZDihedralAngle(const int i)const
455 {return mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZDihedralAngle();}
457 void ZScatterer::SetZBondLength(const int i,const REAL a)
458 {mClockScatterer.Click();mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).SetZBondLength(a);}
460 void ZScatterer::SetZAngle(const int i,const REAL a)
461 {mClockScatterer.Click();mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).SetZAngle(a);}
463 void ZScatterer::SetZDihedralAngle(const int i,const REAL a)
464  {mClockScatterer.Click();mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).SetZDihedralAngle(a);}
467 {return mZAtomRegistry;}
469 ostream& ZScatterer::POVRayDescription(ostream &os,
470  const CrystalPOVRayOptions &options)const
471 {
472  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::POVRayDescription()",5)
473  //throw ObjCrystException("ZScatterer::POVRayDescription() not implemented! "+this->GetName());
474  //:TODO:
475  this->UpdateScattCompList();
477  //for(long i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++) mpAtom[i]->POVRayDescription(os,onlyIndependentAtoms);
478  os << "// Description of ZScatterer :" << this->GetName() <<endl;
480 #if 0
481  if(true==mUseGlobalScattPow)
482  {
483  mpAtom[mCenterAtomIndex]->POVRayDescription(os,onlyIndependentAtoms);
484  return os;
485  }
486  //Declare colours
487  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
488  {
489  if(mpAtom[i]->IsDummy()) continue;
490  os <<" #declare colour_"<<mpAtom[i]->GetName()<<"="<<mpAtom[i]->Colour()<<";"<<endl;
491  }
493  if(true==onlyIndependentAtoms)
494  {
495  CrystVector_REAL x(mNbAtom),y(mNbAtom),z(mNbAtom);
496  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
497  {
498  x(i)=mpAtom[i]->GetX();
499  y(i)=mpAtom[i]->GetY();
500  z(i)=mpAtom[i]->GetZ();
501  this->GetCrystal().FractionalToOrthonormalCoords(x(i),y(i),z(i));
502  }
503  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
504  {
505  if(mpAtom[i]->IsDummy())
506  {
507  os << " // Skipping Dummy Atom :" << mpAtom[i]->GetName() <<endl<<endl;
508  continue;
509  }
510  os << " // Atom :" << mpAtom[i]->GetName() <<endl;
511  os << " sphere " << endl;
512  os << " { <"<<x(i)<<","<<y(i)<<","<<z(i)<< ">,"
513  << mpAtom[i]->GetRadius()/3<<endl;
514  os << " finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.8 phong 1}" <<endl;
515  os << " pigment { colour colour_"<< mpAtom[i]->GetName() <<" }" << endl;
516  os << " }" <<endl;
517  //Draw the bond for this Atom,if it's not linked to a dummy
518  int bond=ZBondAtom(i);
519  if((mpAtom[bond]->IsDummy()) || (i==0)) continue;
520  os << " cylinder"<<endl;
521  os << " { <"<<x(i)<<","<<y(i)<<","<<z(i)<< ">,"<<endl;
522  os << " <"<<x(bond)<<","<<y(bond)<<","<<z(bond)<< ">,"<<endl;
523  os << " 0.1"<<endl;
524  os << " pigment { colour Gray }"<<endl;
525  os << " }"<<endl;
526  }
527  }
528  else
529  {
530  vector<CrystMatrix_REAL> xyzCoords;
531  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
532  vXYZCoords.push_back(this->GetCrystal().GetSpaceGroup().GetAllSymmetrics(mpAtom[i]->GetX(),
533  mpAtom[i]->GetY(),
534  mpAtom[i]->GetZ(),
535  false,false,false));
536  const int nbSymmetrics=(vXYZCoords[0])->rows();
537  int symNum=0;
538  CrystMatrix_int translate(27,3);
539  translate= -1,-1,-1,
540  -1,-1, 0,
541  -1,-1, 1,
542  -1, 0,-1,
543  -1, 0, 0,
544  -1, 0, 1,
545  -1, 1,-1,
546  -1, 1, 0,
547  -1, 1, 1,
548  0,-1,-1,
549  0,-1, 0,
550  0,-1, 1,
551  0, 0,-1,
552  0, 0, 0,
553  0, 0, 1,
554  0, 1,-1,
555  0, 1, 0,
556  0, 1, 1,
557  1,-1,-1,
558  1,-1, 0,
559  1,-1, 1,
560  1, 0,-1,
561  1, 0, 0,
562  1, 0, 1,
563  1, 1,-1,
564  1, 1, 0,
565  1, 1, 1;
566  REAL dx,dy,dz;
567  CrystVector_REAL x(mNbAtom),y(mNbAtom),z(mNbAtom);
568  CrystVector_REAL xSave,ySave,zSave;
569  for(int i=0;i<nbSymmetrics;i++)
570  {
571  for(int j=0;j<mNbAtom;j++)
572  {
573  x(j)=vXYZCoords[j](i,0);
574  y(j)=vXYZCoords[j](i,1);
575  z(j)=vXYZCoords[j](i,2);
576  }
577  //Bring back central atom in unit cell; move peripheral atoms with the same amount
578  dx=x(0);
579  dy=y(0);
580  dz=z(0);
581  x(0) = fmod((float) x(0),(float)1); if(x(0)<0) x(0)+=1.;
582  y(0) = fmod((float) y(0),(float)1); if(y(0)<0) y(0)+=1.;
583  z(0) = fmod((float) z(0),(float)1); if(z(0)<0) z(0)+=1.;
584  dx = x(0)-dx;
585  dy = y(0)-dy;
586  dz = z(0)-dz;
587  for(int j=1;j<mNbAtom;j++)
588  {
589  x(j) += dx;
590  y(j) += dy;
591  z(j) += dz;
592  }
593  //Generate also translated atoms near the unit cell
594  const REAL limit =0.1;
595  for(int j=0;j<translate.rows();j++)
596  {
597  xSave=x;
598  ySave=y;
599  zSave=z;
600  x += translate(j,0);
601  y += translate(j,1);
602  z += translate(j,2);
603  if( (x(0)>(-limit)) && (x(0)<(1+limit))
604  &&(y(0)>(-limit)) && (y(0)<(1+limit))
605  &&(z(0)>(-limit)) && (z(0)<(1+limit)))
606  {
607  for(int k=0;k<mNbAtom;k++)
608  this->GetCrystal().FractionalToOrthonormalCoords(x(k),y(k),z(k));
609  os << " // Symmetric&Translated #" << symNum++ <<endl;
610  //:NOTE: The code below is the same as without symmetrics
611  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
612  {
613  if(mpAtom[i]->IsDummy())
614  {
615  os << " // Skipping Dummy Atom :" << mpAtom[i]->GetName() <<endl<<endl;
616  continue;
617  }
618  os << " // Atom :" << mpAtom[i]->GetName() <<endl;
619  os << " sphere " << endl;
620  os << " { <"<<x(i)<<","<<y(i)<<","<<z(i)<< ">,"
621  << mpAtom[i]->GetRadius()/3<<endl;
622  os << " finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.8 phong 1}" <<endl;
623  os << " pigment { colour colour_"<< mpAtom[i]->GetName() <<" }" << endl;
624  os << " }" <<endl;
625  //Draw the bond for this Atom,if it's not linked to a dummy
626  int bond=ZBondAtom(i);
627  if((mpAtom[bond]->IsDummy()) || (i==0)) continue;
628  os << " cylinder"<<endl;
629  os << " { <"<<x(i)<<","<<y(i)<<","<<z(i)<< ">,"<<endl;
630  os << " <"<<x(bond)<<","<<y(bond)<<","<<z(bond)<< ">,"<<endl;
631  os << " 0.1"<<endl;
632  os << " pigment { colour Gray }"<<endl;
633  os << " }"<<endl;
634  }
635  }//if in limits
636  x=xSave;
637  y=ySave;
638  z=zSave;
639  }//for translation
640  }//for symmetrics
641  }//else
642 #endif
643  return os;
644 }
646 void ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList(const bool onlyIndependentAtoms,
647  const REAL xMin,const REAL xMax,
648  const REAL yMin,const REAL yMax,
649  const REAL zMin,const REAL zMax,
650  const bool displayEnantiomer,
651  const bool displayNames,
652  const bool hideHydrogens)const
653 {
654  #ifdef OBJCRYST_GL
655  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList()",4)
656  if(mZAtomRegistry.GetNb()==0)
657  {
658  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList():No ZAtom to display !",4)
659  return;
660  }
661  REAL en=1;
662  if(displayEnantiomer==true) en=-1;
663  this->UpdateScattCompList();
664  if(true==mUseGlobalScattPow)
665  {
666  //mpAtom[mCenterAtomIndex]->GLInitDisplayList(onlyIndependentAtoms);
667  return;
668  }
670  GLfloat colour_bond[]= { 0.5, .5, .5, 1.0 };
671  GLfloat colour_side[]= { 0.0, .0, .0, 1.0 };
672  const GLfloat colour0[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
674  GLUquadricObj* pQuadric = gluNewQuadric();
676  if(true==onlyIndependentAtoms)
677  {
678  //cout << m3DDisplayIndex <<endl;
679  CrystVector_REAL x,y,z;
680  x=mXCoord;
681  y=mYCoord;
682  z=mZCoord;
683  if(m3DDisplayIndex.numElements()>0)
684  {
685  for(long k=0;k<m3DDisplayIndex.rows();k++)
686  {
687  switch(m3DDisplayIndex(k,0))
688  {
689  case 0:break;
690  case 1: //Draw a sphere
691  {
692  const int n1=m3DDisplayIndex(k,1);
693  if(0==mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(n1).GetScatteringPower())break;
694  if(hideHydrogens && (mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(n1).GetScatteringPower()->GetForwardScatteringFactor(RAD_XRAY)<1.5)) continue;
696  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(n1).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB());
697  glPushMatrix();
698  glTranslatef(x(n1)*en, y(n1), z(n1));
699  gluSphere(pQuadric,mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(n1).GetScatteringPower()
700  ->GetRadius()/3.,10,10);
701  glPopMatrix();
702  }
703  case 2: // Draw a bond
704  {
705  long n1,n2;
706  n1=m3DDisplayIndex(k,1);
707  n2=m3DDisplayIndex(k,2);
708  if(hideHydrogens && (mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(n1).GetScatteringPower()->GetForwardScatteringFactor(RAD_XRAY)<1.5)) continue;
709  if(hideHydrogens && (mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(n2).GetScatteringPower()->GetForwardScatteringFactor(RAD_XRAY)<1.5)) continue;
710  glPushMatrix();
711  glTranslatef(x(n1)*en, y(n1), z(n1));
712  glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colour_bond);
713  GLUquadricObj *quadobj = gluNewQuadric();
714  glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
715  const REAL height= sqrt( (x(n2)-x(n1))*(x(n2)-x(n1))
716  +(y(n2)-y(n1))*(y(n2)-y(n1))
717  +(z(n2)-z(n1))*(z(n2)-z(n1)));
718  glRotatef(180,(x(n2)-x(n1))*en,y(n2)-y(n1),z(n2)-z(n1)+height);// ?!?!?!
719  gluCylinder(quadobj,.1,.1,height,10,1 );
720  gluDeleteQuadric(quadobj);
721  glPopMatrix();
723  }
724  case 3: // Draw a triangular face
725  {
726  long n1,n2,n3;
727  REAL x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,xn,yn,zn,xc,yc,zc;
728  n1=m3DDisplayIndex(k,1);
729  n2=m3DDisplayIndex(k,2);
730  n3=m3DDisplayIndex(k,3);
731  x1=x(n1)-x(n2);
732  y1=y(n1)-y(n2);
733  z1=z(n1)-z(n2);
735  x2=x(n1)-x(n3);
736  y2=y(n1)-y(n3);
737  z2=z(n1)-z(n3);
739  xn=y1*z2-z1*y2;
740  yn=z1*x2-x1*z2;
741  zn=x1*y2-y1*x2;
743  xc=(x(n1)+x(n2)+x(n3))/3.-x(mCenterAtomIndex);
744  yc=(y(n1)+y(n2)+y(n3))/3.-y(mCenterAtomIndex);
745  zc=(z(n1)+z(n2)+z(n3))/3.-z(mCenterAtomIndex);
748  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(0).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB());
749  //glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); // White
750  glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); // Bottom
751  if((xn*xc+yn*yc+zn*zc)>0) glNormal3f(xn*en, yn, zn);
752  else glNormal3f(-xn*en, -yn, -zn);
753  glVertex3f(x(n1)*en,y(n1),z(n1));
754  glVertex3f(x(n2)*en,y(n2),z(n2));
755  glVertex3f(x(n3)*en,y(n3),z(n3));
756  glEnd();
757  glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colour_side);
758  glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
759  glVertex3f(x(n1)*en,y(n1),z(n1));
760  glVertex3f(x(n2)*en,y(n2),z(n2));
761  glVertex3f(x(n3)*en,y(n3),z(n3));
762  glEnd();
763  }
764  case 4: // Draw a quadric face
765  {
766  long n1,n2,n3,n4;
767  REAL x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,xn,yn,zn,xc,yc,zc;
768  n1=m3DDisplayIndex(k,1);
769  n2=m3DDisplayIndex(k,2);
770  n3=m3DDisplayIndex(k,3);
771  n4=m3DDisplayIndex(k,3);
772  x1=x(n1)-x(n2);
773  y1=y(n1)-y(n2);
774  z1=z(n1)-z(n2);
776  x2=x(n1)-x(n3);
777  y2=y(n1)-y(n3);
778  z2=z(n1)-z(n3);
780  xn=y1*z2-z1*y2;
781  yn=z1*x2-x1*z2;
782  zn=x1*y2-y1*x2;
784  xc=(x(n1)+x(n2)+x(n3)+x(n4))/4.-x(mCenterAtomIndex);
785  yc=(y(n1)+y(n2)+y(n3)+y(n4))/4.-y(mCenterAtomIndex);
786  zc=(z(n1)+z(n2)+z(n3)+z(n4))/4.-z(mCenterAtomIndex);
789  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(0).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB());
790  //glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); // White
791  glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); // Bottom
792  if((xn*xc+yn*yc+zn*zc)>0) glNormal3f(xn*en, yn, zn);
793  else glNormal3f(-xn*en, -yn, -zn);
794  glVertex3f(x(n1)*en,y(n1),z(n1));
795  glVertex3f(x(n2)*en,y(n2),z(n2));
796  glVertex3f(x(n3)*en,y(n3),z(n3));
797  glVertex3f(x(n4)*en,y(n4),z(n4));
798  glEnd();
799  glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colour_side);
800  glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
801  glVertex3f(x(n1)*en,y(n1),z(n1));
802  glVertex3f(x(n2)*en,y(n2),z(n2));
803  glVertex3f(x(n3)*en,y(n3),z(n3));
804  glVertex3f(x(n4)*en,y(n4),z(n4));
805  glEnd();
806  }
807  }
808  }
809  }
810  else
811  {
812  for(int k=0;k<mNbAtom;k++)
813  {
814  if(0==mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower())continue;
815  if(hideHydrogens && (mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetForwardScatteringFactor(RAD_XRAY)<1.5)) continue;
816  const float r=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB()[0];
817  const float g=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB()[1];
818  const float b=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB()[2];
819  glPushMatrix();
820  glTranslatef(x(k)*en, y(k), z(k));
821  if(displayNames)
822  {
823  GLfloat colourChar [] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
824  if((r>0.8)&&(g>0.8)&&(b>0.8))
825  {
826  colourChar[0] = 0.5;
827  colourChar[1] = 0.5;
828  colourChar[2] = 0.5;
829  }
830  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, colour0);
831  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, colour0);
832  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, colour0);
833  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, colourChar);
834  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS,colour0);
835  glRasterPos3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
836  crystGLPrint(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetName());
837  }
838  else
839  {
840  const GLfloat colourAtom [] = {r, g, b, 1.0};
841  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colourAtom);
842  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, colour0);
843  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, colour0);
844  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, colour0);
845  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
846  gluSphere(pQuadric,
847  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetRadius()/3.,10,10);
848  //Draw the bond for this Atom,if it's not linked to a dummy
849  int bond=this->GetZBondAtom(k);
850  if((0!=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(bond).GetScatteringPower()) && (k>0))
851  {
852  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT,GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colour_bond);
853  GLUquadricObj *quadobj = gluNewQuadric();
854  glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
855  const REAL height= sqrt( (x(bond)-x(k))*(x(bond)-x(k))
856  +(y(bond)-y(k))*(y(bond)-y(k))
857  +(z(bond)-z(k))*(z(bond)-z(k)));
858  glRotatef(180,(x(bond)-x(k))*en,y(bond)-y(k),z(bond)-z(k)+height);// !!!
859  gluCylinder(quadobj,.1,.1,height,10,1 );
860  gluDeleteQuadric(quadobj);
861  }
862  }
863  glPopMatrix();
864  }
865  }//Use triangle faces ?
866  }//Only independent atoms ?
867  else
868  {
869  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList():Show all symmetrics",3)
870  vector<CrystMatrix_REAL> vXYZCoords;
871  {
872  REAL x0,y0,z0;
873  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
874  {//We also generate the positions of dummy atoms.. This may be needed...
875  x0=mXCoord(i);
876  y0=mYCoord(i);
877  z0=mZCoord(i);
878  this->GetCrystal().OrthonormalToFractionalCoords(x0,y0,z0);
879  vXYZCoords.push_back(this->GetCrystal().GetSpaceGroup().
880  GetAllSymmetrics(x0,y0,z0,false,false,false));
881  }
882  }
883  CrystMatrix_int translate(27,3);
884  translate= -1,-1,-1,
885  -1,-1, 0,
886  -1,-1, 1,
887  -1, 0,-1,
888  -1, 0, 0,
889  -1, 0, 1,
890  -1, 1,-1,
891  -1, 1, 0,
892  -1, 1, 1,
893  0,-1,-1,
894  0,-1, 0,
895  0,-1, 1,
896  0, 0,-1,
897  0, 0, 0,
898  0, 0, 1,
899  0, 1,-1,
900  0, 1, 0,
901  0, 1, 1,
902  1,-1,-1,
903  1,-1, 0,
904  1,-1, 1,
905  1, 0,-1,
906  1, 0, 0,
907  1, 0, 1,
908  1, 1,-1,
909  1, 1, 0,
910  1, 1, 1;
911  REAL dx,dy,dz;
912  CrystVector_REAL x(mNbAtom),y(mNbAtom),z(mNbAtom);
913  CrystVector_REAL xSave,ySave,zSave;
914  const int nbSymmetrics=vXYZCoords[0].rows();
915  for(int i=0;i<nbSymmetrics;i++)
916  {
917  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList():Symmetric#"<<i,3)
918  for(int j=0;j<mNbAtom;j++)
919  {
920  x(j)=vXYZCoords[j](i,0);
921  y(j)=vXYZCoords[j](i,1);
922  z(j)=vXYZCoords[j](i,2);
923  }
924  //Bring back central atom in unit cell; move peripheral atoms with the same amount
925  dx=x(0);
926  dy=y(0);
927  dz=z(0);
928  x(0) = fmod((float) x(0),(float)1); if(x(0)<0) x(0)+=1.;
929  y(0) = fmod((float) y(0),(float)1); if(y(0)<0) y(0)+=1.;
930  z(0) = fmod((float) z(0),(float)1); if(z(0)<0) z(0)+=1.;
931  dx = x(0)-dx;
932  dy = y(0)-dy;
933  dz = z(0)-dz;
934  for(int j=1;j<mNbAtom;j++)
935  {
936  x(j) += dx;
937  y(j) += dy;
938  z(j) += dz;
939  }
940  //Generate also translated atoms near the unit cell
941  xSave=x;
942  ySave=y;
943  zSave=z;
944  for(int j=0;j<translate.rows();j++)
945  {
946  x += translate(j,0);
947  y += translate(j,1);
948  z += translate(j,2);
949  if( (x(0)>xMin) && (x(0)<xMax)
950  &&(y(0)>yMin) && (y(0)<yMax)
951  &&(z(0)>zMin) && (z(0)<zMax))
952  {
953  for(int k=0;k<mNbAtom;k++)
954  this->GetCrystal().FractionalToOrthonormalCoords(x(k),y(k),z(k));
955  //:NOTE: The code below is the same as without symmetrics
956  if(m3DDisplayIndex.numElements()>0)
957  {
958  long n1,n2,n3;
959  REAL x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,xn,yn,zn,xc,yc,zc;
960  for(long k=0;k<m3DDisplayIndex.rows();k++)
961  {
962  n1=m3DDisplayIndex(k,0);
963  n2=m3DDisplayIndex(k,1);
964  n3=m3DDisplayIndex(k,2);
965  x1=x(n1)-x(n2);
966  y1=y(n1)-y(n2);
967  z1=z(n1)-z(n2);
969  x2=x(n1)-x(n3);
970  y2=y(n1)-y(n3);
971  z2=z(n1)-z(n3);
973  xn=y1*z2-z1*y2;
974  yn=z1*x2-x1*z2;
975  zn=x1*y2-y1*x2;
977  xc=(x(n1)+x(n2)+x(n3))/3.-x(mCenterAtomIndex);
978  yc=(y(n1)+y(n2)+y(n3))/3.-y(mCenterAtomIndex);
979  zc=(z(n1)+z(n2)+z(n3))/3.-z(mCenterAtomIndex);
982  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(0).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB());
983  glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
984  if((xn*xc+yn*yc+zn*zc)>0) glNormal3f( xn*en, yn, zn);
985  else glNormal3f(-xn*en, -yn, -zn);
987  glVertex3f(x(n1)*en,y(n1),z(n1));
988  glVertex3f(x(n2)*en,y(n2),z(n2));
989  glVertex3f(x(n3)*en,y(n3),z(n3));
990  glEnd();
991  glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colour_side);
992  glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP);
993  glVertex3f(x(n1)*en,y(n1),z(n1));
994  glVertex3f(x(n2)*en,y(n2),z(n2));
995  glVertex3f(x(n3)*en,y(n3),z(n3));
996  glEnd();
997  }
998  }
999  else
1000  {
1001  for(int k=0;k<mNbAtom;k++)
1002  {
1003  if(0==mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower())continue;
1004  if(hideHydrogens && (mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetForwardScatteringFactor(RAD_XRAY)<1.5)) continue;
1005  const float r=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB()[0];
1006  const float g=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB()[1];
1007  const float b=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetColourRGB()[2];
1008  glPushMatrix();
1009  glTranslatef(x(k)*en, y(k), z(k));
1010  if(displayNames)
1011  {
1012  GLfloat colourChar [] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
1013  if((r>0.8)&&(g>0.8)&&(b>0.8))
1014  {
1015  colourChar[0] = 0.5;
1016  colourChar[1] = 0.5;
1017  colourChar[2] = 0.5;
1018  }
1019  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, colour0);
1020  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, colour0);
1021  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, colour0);
1022  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, colourChar);
1023  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS,colour0);
1024  glRasterPos3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
1025  crystGLPrint(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetName());
1026  }
1027  else
1028  {
1029  const GLfloat colourAtom [] = {r, g, b, 1.0};
1030  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colourAtom);
1031  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, colour0);
1032  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, colour0);
1033  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, colour0);
1034  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
1035  gluSphere(pQuadric,
1036  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(k).GetScatteringPower()->GetRadius()/3.,10,10);
1037  glRasterPos3f(0,0,0);
1038  //Draw the bond for this Atom,if it's not linked to a dummy
1039  int bond=this->GetZBondAtom(k);
1040  if((0!=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(bond).GetScatteringPower()) && (k>0))
1041  {
1042  glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT,GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE,colour_bond);
1043  GLUquadricObj *quadobj = gluNewQuadric();
1044  glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
1045  const REAL height= sqrt( (x(bond)-x(k))*(x(bond)-x(k))
1046  +(y(bond)-y(k))*(y(bond)-y(k))
1047  +(z(bond)-z(k))*(z(bond)-z(k)));
1048  glRotatef(180,(x(bond)-x(k))*en,y(bond)-y(k),z(bond)-z(k)+height);// !!!
1049  gluCylinder(quadobj,.1,.1,height,10,1 );
1050  gluDeleteQuadric(quadobj);
1051  }
1052  }
1053  glPopMatrix();
1054  }
1055  }//Use triangle faces ?
1056  }//if in limits
1057  x=xSave;
1058  y=ySave;
1059  z=zSave;
1060  }//for translation
1061  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList():Symmetric#"<<i,3)
1062  }//for symmetrics
1063  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList():Show all symmetrics",3)
1064  }//else
1065  gluDeleteQuadric(pQuadric);
1066  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::GLInitDisplayList()",4)
1067  #endif //GLCryst
1068 }
1071 {
1072  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::SetUseGlobalScatteringPower(bool):"<<this->GetName()<<":"<<useIt,5)
1073  if(true==useIt)
1074  {
1075  if(false==mUseGlobalScattPow)
1076  {
1078  mUseGlobalScattPow=true;
1080  ++mScattCompList;
1081  this->InitRefParList();
1083  }
1084  //Just change the functions which return the component list
1085  }
1086  else
1087  {
1088  if(true==mUseGlobalScattPow)
1089  {
1090  delete mpGlobalScattPow;
1091  mpGlobalScattPow=0;
1092  mUseGlobalScattPow=false;
1094  for(long i=0;i<(mNbAtom-mNbDummyAtom);i++) ++mScattCompList;
1095  this->InitRefParList();
1097  }
1098  }
1099 }
1102  CrystVector_uint & groupIndex,
1103  unsigned int &first) const
1104 {
1105  // One group for all translation parameters, another for orientation.
1106  // All conformation parameters (bond, angle,torsion) are in individual groups.
1107  unsigned int posIndex=0;
1108  unsigned int orientIndex=0;
1109  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GetGeneGroup()",4)
1110  for(long i=0;i<obj.GetNbPar();i++)
1111  for(long j=0;j<this->GetNbPar();j++)
1112  if(&(obj.GetPar(i)) == &(this->GetPar(j)))
1113  {
1114  if(this->GetPar(j).GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattTransl))
1115  {
1116  if(posIndex==0) posIndex=first++;
1117  groupIndex(i)=posIndex;
1118  }
1119  else
1120  if(this->GetPar(j).GetType()->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(gpRefParTypeScattOrient))
1121  {
1122  if(orientIndex==0) orientIndex=first++;
1123  groupIndex(i)=orientIndex;
1124  }
1125  else groupIndex(i)= first++;
1126  }
1127 }
1128 const CrystVector_REAL& ZScatterer::GetXCoord() const
1129 {
1130  this->UpdateCoordinates();
1131  return mXCoord;
1132 }
1133 const CrystVector_REAL& ZScatterer::GetYCoord() const
1134 {
1135  this->UpdateCoordinates();
1136  return mYCoord;
1137 }
1138 const CrystVector_REAL& ZScatterer::GetZCoord() const
1139 {
1140  this->UpdateCoordinates();
1141  return mZCoord;
1142 }
1145 {
1146  if(mOptimizationDepth==1)
1147  {
1148  if(0!=mpZMoveMinimizer) delete mpZMoveMinimizer;
1149  mpZMoveMinimizer=0;
1150  }
1152 }
1154 std::vector<std::string> SplitString(const std::string &s)
1155 {
1156  const string delim(" ");
1157  std::vector<std::string> v;
1158  string str=s;
1159  unsigned int ct=0;
1161  int n=str.find_first_of(delim);
1162  while( n != (int) str.npos)
1163  {
1164  ct++;
1165  if(n>0)
1166  {
1167  v.push_back(str.substr(0,n));
1168  }
1169  str= str.substr(n+1);
1170  n=str.find_first_of(delim);
1171  }
1172  if(str.length() > 0) v.push_back(str);
1174  //cout<<"SplitString: "<<s<<" -> ";
1175  //for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator pos=v.begin();pos!=v.end();++pos) cout << *pos <<" / ";
1176  //cout<<endl;
1178  return v;
1179 }
1190 void ReadFHLine(const char*buf, const unsigned int nb, string &symbol,
1191  int &n1, float &v1, int &n2, float &v2, int &n3, float &v3)
1192 {
1193  string sbuf=string(buf);
1194  std::vector<std::string> v=SplitString(sbuf);
1195  if(nb==1)
1196  {//First atom "C 1"
1197  if(v.size()>0) symbol=v[0];
1198  else symbol=string(buf).substr(0,2);
1199  return;
1200  }
1201  if(nb==2)
1202  {//Second atom "C 1 1.450"
1203  if(v.size()==3)
1204  {
1205  symbol=v[0];
1206  n1=(unsigned int) atoi(v[1].c_str());
1207  v1=string2floatC(v[2]);
1208  }
1209  else
1210  {
1211  symbol=string(buf).substr(0,2);
1212  n1=(int) atoi(string(buf).substr(2,3).c_str());
1213  v1=string2floatC(string(buf).substr(5,6));
1214  }
1215  cout<<"ReadFHLine():"<<buf<<"#"<<symbol<<"/"<<n1<<"/"<<v1<<";"<<v.size()<<endl;
1216  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ReadFHLine():#"<<symbol<<"/"<<n1<<"/"<<v1,10);
1217  return;
1218  }
1219  if(nb==3)
1220  {//Third atom "C 2 1.450 1 119.995"
1221  if(v.size()==5)
1222  {
1223  symbol=v[0];
1224  n1=(int) atoi(v[1].c_str());
1225  v1=string2floatC(v[2]);
1226  n2=(int) atoi(v[3].c_str());
1227  v2=string2floatC(v[4]);
1228  }
1229  else
1230  {
1231  symbol=sbuf.substr(0,2);
1232  n1=(int) atoi(sbuf.substr(2,3).c_str());
1233  v1=string2floatC(sbuf.substr(5,6));
1234  n2=(int) atoi(sbuf.substr(11,3).c_str());
1235  v2=string2floatC(sbuf.substr(14,8));
1236  }
1237  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ReadFHLine():#"<<symbol<<"/"<<n1<<"/"<<v1<<"/"<<n2<<"/"<<v2,10);
1238  return;
1239  }
1240  //Remaining atoms
1241  if(v.size()==7)
1242  {
1243  symbol=v[0];
1244  n1=(int) atoi(v[1].c_str());
1245  v1=string2floatC(v[2]);
1246  n2=(int) atoi(v[3].c_str());
1247  v2=string2floatC(v[4]);
1248  n3=(int) atoi(v[5].c_str());
1249  v3=string2floatC(v[6]);
1250  }
1251  else
1252  {
1253  // sscanf ignores whitespace characters, so cannot be used ?? "H 601 1.100600 120.000599 180.0"
1254  //sscanf(buf,"%2s%3d%6f%3d%8f%3d%6f",symb,&n1,&v1,&n2,&v2,&n3,&v3);
1255  //symbol=string(symb);
1256  symbol=sbuf.substr(0,2);
1257  n1=(int) atoi(sbuf.substr(2,3).c_str());
1258  v1=string2floatC(sbuf.substr(5,6));
1259  n2=(int) atoi(sbuf.substr(11,3).c_str());
1260  v2=string2floatC(sbuf.substr(14,8));
1261  n3=(int) atoi(sbuf.substr(22,3).c_str());
1262  v3=string2floatC(sbuf.substr(25,6));
1263  }
1264  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ReadFHLine():#"<<symbol<<"/"<<n1<<"/"<<v1<<"/"<<n2<<"/"<<v2<<"/"<<n3<<"/"<<v3,10);
1265 }
1267 void ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix(istream &is,bool named)
1268 {
1269  char buf[101];
1270  // Get read of "KEYWORD GO HERE", just in case...
1271  {
1272  const char c=is.peek();
1273  if ( (c < '0') || (c > '9') )
1274  {
1275  cout<<"ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix()"
1276  <<":getting rid of first line..."<<endl;
1277  is.getline(buf,100);
1278  }
1279  }
1280  int nbAtoms=0;
1281  is >> nbAtoms;
1282  char c;
1283  while(!isgraph(is.peek())) is.get(c); // go to end of line
1285  // 17
1286  //C 1
1287  //N 1 1.465
1288  //C 2 1.366 1 119.987
1289  //N 3 1.321 2 120.030 1 6.0
1290  //C 4 1.355 3 119.982 2 6.8
1291  //N 5 1.136 4 180.000 3 46.3
1292  //N 3 1.366 2 120.022 1 186.0
1293  //C 7 1.466 3 119.988 2 354.9
1294  // ...
1295  string symbol, atomName,bondAtomName,angleAtomName,dihedAtomName,junk;
1296  int bondAtom=0,angleAtom=0,dihedAtom=0;
1297  float bond=0,angle=0,dihed=0;
1298  int scattPow;
1299  //first
1300  if(named)
1301  {
1302  is >> atomName >> symbol >> junk;
1303  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix():#"<<2<<",name:"<<atomName
1304  <<", bond: "<<bondAtomName<<", angle: "<<angleAtomName<<", dihed: "<<dihedAtomName,10);
1305  }
1306  else
1307  {
1308  is.getline(buf,100);
1309  ReadFHLine(buf,1,symbol,bondAtom,bond,angleAtom,angle,dihedAtom,dihed);
1310  }
1311  {
1312  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1313  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom",true);
1314  if(scattPow==-1)
1315  {
1316  cout<<"Scattering power"<<symbol<<"not found, creating it..."<<endl;
1317  mpCryst->AddScatteringPower(new ScatteringPowerAtom(symbol,symbol));
1318  }
1319  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1320  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom");
1321  if(named)
1322  this->AddAtom(atomName,
1323  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1324  0,0,
1325  0,0,
1326  0,0);
1327  else
1328  {
1329  sprintf(buf,"%d",1);
1330  this->AddAtom(symbol+(string)buf,
1331  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1332  0,0,
1333  0,0,
1334  0,0);
1335  }
1336  }
1337  //second
1338  if(named)
1339  {
1340  is >> atomName >> symbol >> bondAtomName >> bond;
1341  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix():#"<<2<<",name:"<<atomName
1342  <<", bond: "<<bondAtomName<<", angle: "<<angleAtomName<<", dihed: "<<dihedAtomName,10);
1343  }
1344  else
1345  {
1346  is.getline(buf,100);
1347  ReadFHLine(buf,2,symbol,bondAtom,bond,angleAtom,angle,dihedAtom,dihed);
1348  }
1350  {
1351  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1352  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom",true);
1353  if(scattPow==-1)
1354  {
1355  cout<<"Scattering power"<<symbol<<"not found, creating it..."<<endl;
1356  mpCryst->AddScatteringPower(new ScatteringPowerAtom(symbol,symbol));
1357  }
1358  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1359  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom");
1360  if(named)
1361  {
1362  bondAtom=mZAtomRegistry.Find(bondAtomName);
1363  if(bondAtom<0)
1364  throw ObjCrystException(string("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix:")
1365  +string("when adding atom ")+atomName+string(": could not find atom: ")
1366  +bondAtomName);
1367  this->AddAtom(atomName,
1368  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1369  bondAtom,bond,
1370  0,0,
1371  0,0);
1372  }
1373  else
1374  {
1375  sprintf(buf,"%d",2);
1376  this->AddAtom(symbol+(string)buf,
1377  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1378  bondAtom-1,bond,
1379  0,0,
1380  0,0);
1381  }
1382  }
1383  //third
1384  if(named)
1385  {
1386  is >> atomName >> symbol >>
1387  bondAtomName >> bond >>
1388  angleAtomName >> angle;
1389  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix():#"<<2<<",name:"<<atomName
1390  <<", bond: "<<bondAtomName<<", angle: "<<angleAtomName<<", dihed: "<<dihedAtomName,10);
1391  }
1392  else
1393  {
1394  is.getline(buf,100);
1395  ReadFHLine(buf,3,symbol,bondAtom,bond,angleAtom,angle,dihedAtom,dihed);
1396  }
1398  {
1399  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1400  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom",true);
1401  if(scattPow==-1)
1402  {
1403  cout<<"Scattering power"<<symbol<<"not found, creating it..."<<endl;
1404  mpCryst->AddScatteringPower(new ScatteringPowerAtom(symbol,symbol));
1405  }
1406  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1407  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom");
1408  if(named)
1409  {
1410  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix():#"<<3<<",name:"<<atomName
1411  <<", bond: "<<bondAtomName<<", angle: "<<angleAtomName<<", dihed: "<<dihedAtomName,10);
1412  bondAtom=mZAtomRegistry.Find(bondAtomName);
1413  if(bondAtom<0)
1414  throw ObjCrystException(string("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix:")
1415  +string("when adding atom ")+atomName+string(": could not find atom: ")
1416  +bondAtomName);
1417  angleAtom=mZAtomRegistry.Find(angleAtomName);
1418  if(angleAtom<0)
1419  throw ObjCrystException(string("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix:")
1420  +string("when adding atom ")+atomName+string(": could not find atom: ")
1421  +angleAtomName);
1422  this->AddAtom(atomName,
1423  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1424  bondAtom,bond,
1425  angleAtom,angle*DEG2RAD,
1426  0,0);
1427  }
1428  else
1429  {
1430  sprintf(buf,"%d",3);
1431  this->AddAtom(symbol+(string)buf,
1432  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1433  bondAtom-1,bond,
1434  angleAtom-1,angle*DEG2RAD,
1435  0,0);
1436  }
1437  }
1438  for(int i=3;i<nbAtoms;i++)
1439  {
1440  if(named)
1441  {
1442  is >> atomName >> symbol >>
1443  bondAtomName >> bond >>
1444  angleAtomName >> angle >>
1445  dihedAtomName >> dihed;
1446  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix():#"<<i<<",name:"<<atomName
1447  <<", bond: "<<bondAtomName<<", angle: "<<angleAtomName<<", dihed: "<<dihedAtomName,10);
1448  }
1449  else
1450  {
1451  is.getline(buf,100);
1452  ReadFHLine(buf,i+1,symbol,bondAtom,bond,angleAtom,angle,dihedAtom,dihed);
1453  }
1454  {
1455  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1456  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom",true);
1457  if(scattPow==-1)
1458  {
1459  cout<<"Scattering power"<<symbol<<"not found, creating it..."<<endl;
1460  mpCryst->AddScatteringPower(new ScatteringPowerAtom(symbol,symbol));
1461  }
1462  scattPow=mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().Find
1463  (symbol,"ScatteringPowerAtom");
1464  if(named)
1465  {
1466  bondAtom=mZAtomRegistry.Find(bondAtomName);
1467  angleAtom=mZAtomRegistry.Find(angleAtomName);
1468  dihedAtom=mZAtomRegistry.Find(dihedAtomName);
1469  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix():#"<<i<<",name:"<<atomName
1470  <<", bond: "<<bondAtomName<<", angle: "<<angleAtomName<<", dihed: "<<dihedAtomName,10);
1471  if(bondAtom<0)
1472  throw ObjCrystException(string("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix:")
1473  +string("when adding atom ")+atomName+string(": could not find atom: ")
1474  +bondAtomName);
1475  if(bondAtom<0)
1476  throw ObjCrystException(string("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix:")
1477  +string("when adding atom ")+atomName+string(": could not find atom: ")
1478  +angleAtomName);
1479  if(dihedAtom<0)
1480  throw ObjCrystException(string("ZScatterer::ImportFenskeHallZMatrix:")
1481  +string("when adding atom ")+atomName+string(": could not find atom: ")
1482  +dihedAtomName);
1483  this->AddAtom(atomName,
1484  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1485  bondAtom,bond,
1486  angleAtom,angle*DEG2RAD,
1487  dihedAtom,dihed*DEG2RAD);
1488  }
1489  else
1490  {
1491  sprintf(buf,"%d",i+1);
1492  this->AddAtom(symbol+(string)buf,
1493  &(mpCryst->GetScatteringPowerRegistry().GetObj(scattPow)),
1494  bondAtom-1,bond,
1495  angleAtom-1,angle*DEG2RAD,
1496  dihedAtom-1,dihed*DEG2RAD);
1497  }
1498  }
1499  }
1500  this->SetLimitsRelative(gpRefParTypeScattConformBondLength,-.03,.03);
1501  this->SetLimitsRelative(gpRefParTypeScattConformBondAngle,-.01,.01);
1502  this->SetLimitsRelative(gpRefParTypeScattConformDihedAngle,-.01,.01);
1503 }
1506 {
1507  if(mNbAtom<1) return;
1508  os << mNbAtom<<endl;
1509  os << this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(0).mpScattPow->GetName()
1510  << " 1"<<endl;
1511  if(mNbAtom<2) return;
1512  os << this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(1).mpScattPow->GetName()
1513  << " "<<this->GetZBondAtom(1)+1<< " "<<this->GetZBondLength(1)
1514  <<endl;
1515  if(mNbAtom<3) return;
1516  os << this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(2).mpScattPow->GetName()
1517  << " "<<this->GetZBondAtom(2)+1 << " "<<this->GetZBondLength(2)
1518  << " "<<this->GetZAngleAtom(2)+1<< " "<<this->GetZAngle(2)*RAD2DEG
1519  <<endl;
1520  for(int i=3;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1521  os << this->GetZAtomRegistry().GetObj(i).mpScattPow->GetName()
1522  << " "<<this->GetZBondAtom(i)+1 << " "<<this->GetZBondLength(i)
1523  << " "<<this->GetZAngleAtom(i)+1<< " "<<this->GetZAngle(i)*RAD2DEG
1524  << " "<<this->GetZDihedralAngleAtom(i)+1<< " "<<this->GetZDihedralAngle(i)*RAD2DEG
1525  <<endl;
1526 }
1528 void ZScatterer::SetCenterAtomIndex(const unsigned int ix){mCenterAtomIndex=ix;}
1531 void ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude,
1532  const RefParType *type)
1533 {
1534  if(mRandomMoveIsDone) return;
1535  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove()",3)
1536  TAU_PROFILE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
1537  // give a 2% chance of either moving a single atom, or move
1538  // all atoms before a given torsion angle.
1539  // Only try this if there are more than 10 atoms (else it's not worth the speed cost)
1540  if((mNbAtom>=10) && ((rand()/(REAL)RAND_MAX)<.02)
1541  && (gpRefParTypeScattConform->IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(type)))//.01
1542  {
1543  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer1,\
1544  "ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMoveSmart1(prepare ref par & mutate)"\
1545  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
1546  TAU_PROFILE_TIMER(timer2,\
1547  "ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMoveSmart2(optimize if necessary)"\
1548  ,"", TAU_FIELD);
1549  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer1);
1550  // Do we have *any* dihedral angle to really move ?
1551  CrystVector_long dihed(mNbAtom);
1552  dihed=0;
1553  int nbDihed=0;
1554  RefinablePar *par;
1555  dihed(nbDihed++)=2;//This is the Psi angle, in fact. Should Chi be added, too ?
1556  for(int i=3;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1557  {
1558  par=&(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)));
1559  if( !(par->IsFixed()) ) //&& !(par->IsLimited())
1560  dihed(nbDihed++)=i;
1561  }
1562  if(nbDihed<2) //Can't play :-(
1563  {
1564  mRandomMoveIsDone=false;
1565  this->RefinableObj::GlobalOptRandomMove(mutationAmplitude);
1566  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer1);
1567  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove():End",3)
1568  return;
1569  }
1570  // Build mpZMoveMinimizer object
1571  if(0==mpZMoveMinimizer)
1572  {
1573  mpZMoveMinimizer=new ZMoveMinimizer(*this);
1574  // copy all parameters (and not reference them, we will change the fix status..
1575  // we could remove all popu parameters...
1576  for(int i=0; i<this->GetNbPar();i++) mpZMoveMinimizer->AddPar(this->GetPar(i));
1577  }
1578  // Pick one to move and get the relevant parameter
1579  // (maybe we should random-move also the associated bond lengths an angles,
1580  // but for now we'll concentrate on dihedral (torsion) angles.
1581  const int atom=dihed((int) (rand()/((REAL)RAND_MAX+1)*nbDihed));
1582  //cout<<endl;
1583  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove(): Changing atom #"<<atom ,3)
1584  if(atom==2)
1585  par=&(this->GetPar(&mPsi));
1586  else
1587  par=&(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).mDihed)));
1588  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove(): initial value:"<<par->GetHumanValue() ,3)
1589  // Record the current conformation
1590  mpZMoveMinimizer->RecordConformation();
1591  // Set up
1592  const int moveType= rand()%3;
1593  mpZMoveMinimizer->FixAllPar();
1594  REAL x0,y0,z0;
1595  //cout << " Move Type:"<<moveType<<endl;
1596  CrystVector_REAL weight(mNbAtom);
1597  switch(moveType)
1598  {// :TODO: rather build a connectivity table, to include more atoms
1599  case 0:// (0) Try to move only one atom
1600  {
1601  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove():Move only one atom",3)
1602  weight=1;
1603  weight(atom)=0;
1604  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1605  if( (i==this->GetZBondAtom(atom))
1606  ||(i==this->GetZAngleAtom(atom))
1607  ||(i==this->GetZDihedralAngleAtom(atom))
1608  ||(atom==this->GetZBondAtom(i))
1609  ||(atom==this->GetZAngleAtom(i))
1610  ||(atom==this->GetZDihedralAngleAtom(i)))
1611  {
1612  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mBondLength)).IsFixed()))
1613  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mBondLength)).SetIsFixed(false);
1614  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mAngle)).IsFixed()))
1615  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mAngle)).SetIsFixed(false);
1616  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)).IsFixed()))
1617  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)).SetIsFixed(false);
1618  }
1619  if(!(this->GetPar(&mPhi).IsFixed()))
1620  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mPhi).SetIsFixed(false);
1621  if(!(this->GetPar(&mChi).IsFixed()))
1622  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mChi).SetIsFixed(false);
1623  if( !(this->GetPar(&mPsi).IsFixed()) && (atom!=2))
1624  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mPsi).SetIsFixed(false);
1625  if(!(this->GetPar(&mXYZ(0)).IsFixed()))
1626  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mXYZ(0)).SetIsFixed(false);
1627  if(!(this->GetPar(&mXYZ(1)).IsFixed()))
1628  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mXYZ(1)).SetIsFixed(false);
1629  if(!(this->GetPar(&mXYZ(2)).IsFixed()))
1630  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mXYZ(2)).SetIsFixed(false);
1631  break;
1632  }
1633  case 1:// (1) Try to move the atoms *before* the rotated bond
1634  {
1635  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove():Move before the rotated bond",3)
1636  const int atom1=this->GetZBondAtom(atom);
1637  const int atom2=this->GetZAngleAtom(atom);
1638  weight=0;
1639  weight(atom1)=1;
1640  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++) if(weight(this->GetZBondAtom(i))>.1) weight(i)=1;
1641  weight(atom2)=1;
1642  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1643  if( (atom2 ==this->GetZAngleAtom(i))
1644  &&(atom1 !=this->GetZBondAtom(i))
1645  &&(i != atom) )
1646  {
1647  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mBondLength)).IsFixed()))
1648  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mBondLength)).SetIsFixed(false);
1649  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mAngle)).IsFixed()))
1650  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mAngle)).SetIsFixed(false);
1651  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)).IsFixed()))
1652  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)).SetIsFixed(false);
1653  }
1654  if(!(this->GetPar(&mPhi).IsFixed()))
1655  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mPhi).SetIsFixed(false);
1656  if(!(this->GetPar(&mChi).IsFixed()))
1657  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mChi).SetIsFixed(false);
1658  if( !(this->GetPar(&mPsi).IsFixed()) && (atom!=2))
1659  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mPsi).SetIsFixed(false);
1661  if(!(this->GetPar(&mXYZ(0)).IsFixed()))
1662  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mXYZ(0)).SetIsFixed(false);
1663  if(!(this->GetPar(&mXYZ(1)).IsFixed()))
1664  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mXYZ(1)).SetIsFixed(false);
1665  if(!(this->GetPar(&mXYZ(2)).IsFixed()))
1666  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&mXYZ(2)).SetIsFixed(false);
1668  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).mBondLength)).IsFixed()))
1669  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).mBondLength)).SetIsFixed(false);
1670  if(!(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).mAngle)).IsFixed()))
1671  mpZMoveMinimizer->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).mAngle)).SetIsFixed(false);
1673  break;
1674  }
1675  case 2:// (2) Try to move the atoms *after* the rotated bond
1676  {
1677  if(mCenterAtomIndex>=atom)
1678  {
1679  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove():Move after the bond (translate)",3)
1680  x0=this->GetXCoord()(0);
1681  y0=this->GetYCoord()(0);
1682  z0=this->GetZCoord()(0);
1683  }
1684  else
1685  {
1686  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove():Move after the bond(nothing to do)",3)
1687  }
1688  break;
1689  }
1690  }
1691  // Move it, and with some probability use flipping to some
1692  // not-so-random angles., and then minimize the conformation change
1693  mpZMoveMinimizer->SetZAtomWeight(weight);
1694  REAL change;
1695  if( (rand()%5)==0)
1696  {
1697  switch(rand()%5)
1698  {
1699  case 0: change=-120*DEG2RAD;break;
1700  case 1: change= -90*DEG2RAD;break;
1701  case 2: change= 90*DEG2RAD;break;
1702  case 3: change= 120*DEG2RAD;break;
1703  default:change= 180*DEG2RAD;break;
1704  }
1705  }
1706  else
1707  {
1708  change= par->GetGlobalOptimStep()
1709  *2*(rand()/(REAL)RAND_MAX-0.5)*mutationAmplitude*16;
1710  }
1711  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer1);
1712  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove(): mutation:"<<change*RAD2DEG,3)
1713  par->Mutate(change);
1714  if(2==moveType)
1715  {
1716  if(mCenterAtomIndex>=atom)
1717  {
1718  this->UpdateCoordinates();
1719  x0 -= this->GetXCoord()(0);
1720  y0 -= this->GetYCoord()(0);
1721  z0 -= this->GetZCoord()(0);
1723  this->GetPar(;
1724  this->GetPar(;
1725  this->GetPar(;
1726  }
1727  }
1728  else
1729  {
1730  const REAL tmp=mpZMoveMinimizer->GetLogLikelihood();
1731  if(tmp>.05)
1732  {
1733  TAU_PROFILE_START(timer2);
1734  if(tmp<1) mpZMoveMinimizer->MinimizeChange(100);
1735  else if(tmp<5) mpZMoveMinimizer->MinimizeChange(200);
1736  else mpZMoveMinimizer->MinimizeChange(500);
1737  TAU_PROFILE_STOP(timer2);
1738  }
1739  }
1740  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove(): final value:"<<par->GetHumanValue(),3)
1741  //
1742  }
1743  #if 0
1744  {
1745  // find unfixed, dihedral angles to play with //unlimited?
1746  CrystVector_long dihed(mNbAtom);
1747  dihed=0;
1748  int nbDihed=0;
1749  RefinablePar *par;
1750  dihed(nbDihed++)=2;
1751  for(int i=3;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1752  {
1753  par=&(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)));
1754  if( !(par->IsFixed()) ) //&& !(par->IsLimited())
1755  dihed(nbDihed++)=i;
1756  }
1757  if(nbDihed<2) //Can't play :-(
1758  this->RefinableObj::GlobalOptRandomMove(mutationAmplitude);
1759  // Pick one
1760  const int atom=dihed((int) (rand()/((REAL)RAND_MAX+1)*nbDihed));
1761  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove(): "<<FormatHorizVector<long>(dihed) ,10)
1762  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove(): Changing atom #"<<atom ,10)
1763  if(atom==2)
1764  par=&(this->GetPar(&mPsi));
1765  else
1766  par=&(this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).mDihed)));
1767  // Get the old value
1768  const REAL old=par->GetValue();
1769  // Move it, with a max amplitude 8x greater than usual
1770  if( (rand()/(REAL)RAND_MAX)<.1)
1771  {// give some probability to use certain angles: -120,-90,90,120,180
1772  switch(rand()%5)
1773  {
1774  case 0: par->Mutate(-120*!DEG2RAD);break;
1775  case 1: par->Mutate( -90*!DEG2RAD);break;
1776  case 2: par->Mutate( 90*!DEG2RAD);break;
1777  case 3: par->Mutate( 120*!DEG2RAD);break;
1778  default:par->Mutate( 180*!DEG2RAD);break;
1779  }
1780  }
1781  else
1782  par->Mutate( par->GetGlobalOptimStep()
1783  *2*(rand()/(REAL)RAND_MAX-0.5)*mutationAmplitude*8);
1784  const REAL change=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).GetZDihedralAngle()-old;
1785  // Now move all atoms using this changed bond as a reference
1786  //const int atom2= mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(atom).GetZAngleAtom();
1787  for(int i=atom;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1788  //if( (mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZBondAtom()==atom)
1789  // &&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZAngleAtom()==atom2))
1790  // this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)).Mutate(-change);
1791  if(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZAngleAtom()==atom)
1792  this->GetPar(&(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed)).Mutate(-change);
1793  //cout <<"ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove:"<<nbDihed
1794  // <<" "<<atom
1795  // <<" "<<atom2
1796  // <<" "<<rand()
1797  // <<endl
1798  // <<" "<<FormatHorizVector<long>(dihed,4)
1799  // <<endl;
1800  }
1801  #endif
1802  else
1803  {
1804  mRandomMoveIsDone=false;
1805  this->RefinableObj::GlobalOptRandomMove(mutationAmplitude,type);
1806  }
1807  mRandomMoveIsDone=true;
1808  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::GlobalOptRandomMove():End",3)
1809 }
1812 {
1813  if(mClockCoord>mClockScatterer) return;
1815  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZScatterer::UpdateCoordinates():"<<this->GetName(),3)
1816  TAU_PROFILE("ZScatterer::UpdateCoordinates()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
1817  //if(0==mNbAtom) throw ObjCrystException("ZScatterer::Update() No Atoms in Scatterer !");
1818  if(0==mNbAtom) return;
1820  {
1821  CrystMatrix_REAL phiMatrix(3,3),chiMatrix(3,3),psiMatrix(3,3);
1822  phiMatrix= cos(mPhi) , -sin(mPhi) , 0,
1823  sin(mPhi) , cos(mPhi) , 0,
1824  0 ,0 ,1;
1826  chiMatrix= cos(mChi) ,0 ,-sin(mChi),
1827  0 ,1 ,0,
1828  sin(mChi) ,0 ,cos(mChi);
1830  psiMatrix= 1 , 0 , 0,
1831  0 ,cos(mPsi) ,-sin(mPsi),
1832  0 ,sin(mPsi) ,cos(mPsi);
1834  mPhiChiPsiMatrix=product(chiMatrix,product(phiMatrix,psiMatrix));
1835  //cout << phiMatrix <<endl<< chiMatrix <<endl<< psiMatrix <<endl<<mPhiChiPsiMatrix<<endl;
1836  }
1838  mXCoord.resize(mNbAtom);
1839  mYCoord.resize(mNbAtom);
1840  mZCoord.resize(mNbAtom);
1842  // Atom 0
1843  mXCoord(0)=0.;
1844  mYCoord(0)=0.;
1845  mZCoord(0)=0.;
1846  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("->Atom #0:"<<mXCoord(0)<<" : "<<mYCoord(0)<<" : "<<mZCoord(0),1)
1848  if(mNbAtom>1)
1849  {// Atom 1
1850  mXCoord(1)=GetZBondLength(1);
1851  mYCoord(1)=0.;
1852  mZCoord(1)=0.;
1853  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("->Atom #1:"<<mXCoord(1)<<" : "<<mYCoord(1)<<" : "<<mZCoord(1),1)
1854  }
1855  if(mNbAtom>2)
1856  {// Atom 2
1857  if(0==GetZBondAtom(2)) //Linked with Atom 1
1858  mXCoord(2)=GetZBondLength(2)*cos(GetZAngle(2));
1859  else //Linked with Atom 1
1860  mXCoord(2)=mXCoord(1)-GetZBondLength(2)*cos(GetZAngle(2));
1861  mYCoord(2)=GetZBondLength(2)*sin(GetZAngle(2));
1862  mZCoord(2)=0.;
1863  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("->Atom #2:"<<mXCoord(2)<<" : "<<mYCoord(2)<<" : "<<mZCoord(2),1)
1864  }
1865  for(int i=1;i<3;i++)// Global rotation of scatterer
1866  {
1867  if(mNbAtom==i)break;
1868  const REAL x=mXCoord(i);
1869  const REAL y=mYCoord(i);
1870  const REAL z=mZCoord(i);
1872  mYCoord(i)=mPhiChiPsiMatrix(1,0)*x+mPhiChiPsiMatrix(1,1)*y+mPhiChiPsiMatrix(1,2)*z;
1873  mZCoord(i)=mPhiChiPsiMatrix(2,0)*x+mPhiChiPsiMatrix(2,1)*y+mPhiChiPsiMatrix(2,2)*z;
1874  }
1875  if(mNbAtom>3)
1876  {
1877  REAL xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb,xd,yd,zd,cosph,sinph,costh,sinth,coskh,sinkh,cosa,sina;
1878  REAL xpd,ypd,zpd,xqd,yqd,zqd;
1879  REAL rbc,xyb,yza,tmp,xpa,ypa,zqa;
1880  int na,nb,nc;
1881  bool flag;
1882  REAL dist,angle,dihed;
1883  for(int i=3;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1884  {
1885  na=GetZBondAtom(i);
1886  nb=GetZAngleAtom(i);
1887  nc=GetZDihedralAngleAtom(i);
1888  dist=GetZBondLength(i);
1889  angle=GetZAngle(i);
1890  dihed=GetZDihedralAngle(i);
1892  xb = mXCoord(nb) - mXCoord(na);
1893  yb = mYCoord(nb) - mYCoord(na);
1894  zb = mZCoord(nb) - mZCoord(na);
1896  rbc= sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb + zb*zb);
1897  if(rbc<1e-5)
1898  {
1899  throw ObjCrystException("ZScatterer::UpdateCoordinates(): two atoms ("
1900  +mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(na).GetName()
1901  +" and "+ mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(nb).GetName()
1902  +") have the same coordinates (d<1e-5): aborting.");
1903  }
1904  rbc=1./rbc;
1906  cosa = cos(angle);
1907  sina = sin(angle);
1909  if( fabs(cosa) >= 0.999999 )
1910  { // Colinear
1911  mXCoord(i)=mXCoord(na)+cosa*dist*rbc*xb;
1912  mYCoord(i)=mYCoord(na)+cosa*dist*rbc*yb;
1913  mZCoord(i)=mZCoord(na)+cosa*dist*rbc*zb;
1914  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("->Atom #"<<i<<":"<<mXCoord(i)<<" : "<<mYCoord(i)<<" : " <<mZCoord(i)<<"(colinear)",1)
1915  }
1916  else
1917  {
1918  xa = mXCoord(nc) - mXCoord(na);
1919  ya = mYCoord(nc) - mYCoord(na);
1920  za = mZCoord(nc) - mZCoord(na);
1921  xd = dist*cosa;
1922  yd = dist*sina*cos(dihed);
1923  zd = -dist*sina*sin(dihed);
1925  xyb = sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb);
1926  if( xyb < 0.1 )
1927  { // Rotate about y-axis
1928  tmp = za; za = -xa; xa = tmp;
1929  tmp = zb; zb = -xb; xb = tmp;
1930  xyb = sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb);
1931  flag = true;
1932  }
1933  else flag = false;
1935  costh = xb/xyb;
1936  sinth = yb/xyb;
1937  xpa = costh*xa + sinth*ya;
1938  ypa = costh*ya - sinth*xa;
1939  sinph = zb*rbc;
1940  cosph = sqrt(1.0 - sinph*sinph);
1941  zqa = cosph*za - sinph*xpa;
1942  yza = sqrt(ypa*ypa + zqa*zqa);
1944  //cout <<endl<<ypa<<" "<<zqa<<" "<<yza<<" "<<endl;
1945  if( yza > 1e-5 )
1946  {
1947  coskh = ypa/yza;
1948  sinkh = zqa/yza;
1949  ypd = coskh*yd - sinkh*zd;
1950  zpd = coskh*zd + sinkh*yd;
1951  }
1952  else
1953  {
1954  ypd = yd;
1955  zpd = zd;
1956  }
1958  xpd = cosph*xd - sinph*zpd;
1959  zqd = cosph*zpd + sinph*xd;
1960  xqd = costh*xpd - sinth*ypd;
1961  yqd = costh*ypd + sinth*xpd;
1963  if( true==flag )
1964  { // Rotate about y-axis ?
1965  mXCoord(i)=mXCoord(na) - zqd;
1966  mYCoord(i)=mYCoord(na) + yqd;
1967  mZCoord(i)=mZCoord(na) + xqd;
1968  } else
1969  {
1970  mXCoord(i)=mXCoord(na) + xqd;
1971  mYCoord(i)=mYCoord(na) + yqd;
1972  mZCoord(i)=mZCoord(na) + zqd;
1973  }
1974  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("->Atom #"<<i<<":"<<mXCoord(i)<<" : "<<mYCoord(i)<<" : " <<mZCoord(i),1)
1975  }
1976  }
1977  }
1978  //shift atom around Central atom
1979  REAL x,y,z;
1980  x=this->GetX();
1981  y=this->GetY();
1982  z=this->GetZ();
1984  const REAL x0=x-mXCoord(mCenterAtomIndex);
1985  const REAL y0=y-mYCoord(mCenterAtomIndex);
1986  const REAL z0=z-mZCoord(mCenterAtomIndex);
1987  for(int i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
1988  {
1989  mXCoord(i) += x0;
1990  mYCoord(i) += y0;
1991  mZCoord(i) += z0;
1992  }
1993  mClockCoord.Click();
1994  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::UpdateCoordinates()"<<this->GetName(),3)
1995 }
1998 {
1999  VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("ZScatterer::UpdateScattCompList()"<<this->GetName(),3)
2000  this->UpdateCoordinates();
2004  if(true==mUseGlobalScattPow)
2005  {
2006  mScattCompList(0).mX=mXYZ(0);
2007  mScattCompList(0).mY=mXYZ(1);
2008  mScattCompList(0).mZ=mXYZ(2);
2009  mScattCompList(0).mOccupancy=mOccupancy;
2010  mScattCompList(0).mpScattPow=mpGlobalScattPow;
2012  // Update central atom for Display.
2013  //mXCoord(mCenterAtomIndex)=this->GetX();
2014  //mYCoord(mCenterAtomIndex)=this->GetY();
2015  //mZCoord(mCenterAtomIndex)=this->GetZ();
2016  //mpCryst->FractionalToOrthonormalCoords(mXCoord(mCenterAtomIndex),
2017  // mXCoord(mCenterAtomIndex),
2018  // mXCoord(mCenterAtomIndex));
2021  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::UpdateScattCompList()->Global Scatterer:End",3)
2022  return;
2023  }
2025  long j=0;
2026  REAL x,y,z;
2027  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::UpdateScattCompList(bool):Finishing"<<mNbAtom<<","<<mNbDummyAtom,3)
2028  for(long i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
2029  {
2030  if(0!=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetScatteringPower())
2031  {
2032  x=mXCoord(i);
2033  y=mYCoord(i);
2034  z=mZCoord(i);
2036  mScattCompList(j ).mX=x;
2037  mScattCompList(j ).mY=y;
2038  mScattCompList(j ).mZ=z;
2039  mScattCompList(j ).mpScattPow=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetScatteringPower();
2040  mScattCompList(j++).mOccupancy=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetOccupancy()*mOccupancy;
2041  }
2042  }
2043  #ifdef __DEBUG__
2044  if(gVFNDebugMessageLevel<3) mScattCompList.Print();
2045  #endif
2047  VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("ZScatterer::UpdateScattCompList()"<<this->GetName(),3)
2048 }
2051 {
2052  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZScatterer::InitRefParList():"<<this->GetName(),5)
2053  //throw ObjCrystException("ZScatterer::InitRefParList() not implemented! "+this->GetName());
2054  //:TODO:
2055  this->ResetParList();
2056  {
2057  RefinablePar tmp("x",&mXYZ(0),0.,1.,
2058  gpRefParTypeScattTranslX,
2059  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,true,true,1.,1.);
2061  this->AddPar(tmp);
2062  }
2063  {
2064  RefinablePar tmp("y",&mXYZ(1),0,1,
2065  gpRefParTypeScattTranslY,
2066  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,true,true,1.,1.);
2068  this->AddPar(tmp);
2069  }
2070  {
2071  RefinablePar tmp("z",&mXYZ(2),0,1,
2072  gpRefParTypeScattTranslZ,
2073  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,true,true,1.,1.);
2075  this->AddPar(tmp);
2076  }
2077  {
2078  RefinablePar tmp("Occupancy",&mOccupancy,0,1,
2079  gpRefParTypeScattOccup,
2080  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,1.,1.);
2082  this->AddPar(tmp);
2083  }
2084  if(false==mUseGlobalScattPow)
2085  {
2086  {
2087  RefinablePar tmp("Phi",&mPhi,0,2*M_PI,
2088  gpRefParTypeScattOrient,
2089  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,true,true,RAD2DEG,2*M_PI);
2091  this->AddPar(tmp);
2092  }
2093  {
2094  RefinablePar tmp("Chi",&mChi,0,2*M_PI,
2095  gpRefParTypeScattOrient,
2096  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,true,true,RAD2DEG,2*M_PI);
2098  this->AddPar(tmp);
2099  }
2100  {
2101  RefinablePar tmp("Psi",&mPsi,0,2*M_PI,
2102  gpRefParTypeScattOrient,
2103  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,true,true,RAD2DEG,2*M_PI);
2105  this->AddPar(tmp);
2106  }
2107  char buf [20];
2108  for(long i=0;i<mNbAtom;i++)
2109  {
2110  bool usedBond=true,usedAngle=true,usedDihed=true;
2111  if(i<1) usedBond=false;
2112  if(i<2) usedAngle=false;
2113  if(i<3) usedDihed=false;
2114  {
2115  sprintf(buf,"%d-%d",(int)i,(int)(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZBondAtom()));
2116  RefinablePar tmp((string)"Length"+(string)buf,
2117  &(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mBondLength),
2118  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mBondLength*.9,
2119  mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mBondLength*1.1,
2120  gpRefParTypeScattConformBondLength,
2121  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,false,usedBond,false,1.);
2123  this->AddPar(tmp);
2124  }
2125  {
2126  sprintf(buf,"%d-%d-%d",(int)i,(int)(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZBondAtom()),
2127  (int)(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZAngleAtom()));
2128  RefinablePar tmp("Angle"+(string)buf,
2129  &(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mAngle),0,2*M_PI,
2130  gpRefParTypeScattConformBondAngle,
2131  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,usedAngle,true,RAD2DEG,2*M_PI);
2133  this->AddPar(tmp);
2134  }
2135  {
2136  sprintf(buf,"%d-%d-%d-%d",(int)i,(int)(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZBondAtom()),
2137  (int)(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZAngleAtom()),
2138  (int)(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetZDihedralAngleAtom()));
2139  RefinablePar tmp("Dihed"+(string)buf,
2140  &(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mDihed),0,2*M_PI,
2141  gpRefParTypeScattConformDihedAngle,
2142  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,false,false,usedDihed,true,RAD2DEG,2*M_PI);
2144  this->AddPar(tmp);
2145  }
2146  if(0!=mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).GetScatteringPower())
2147  {//fixed by default
2148  sprintf(buf,"%d",(int)i);
2149  RefinablePar tmp("Occupancy"+(string)buf,
2150  &(mZAtomRegistry.GetObj(i).mOccupancy),0,1,
2151  gpRefParTypeScattOccup,
2152  REFPAR_DERIV_STEP_ABSOLUTE,true,true,true,false,1.,1.);
2154  this->AddPar(tmp);
2155  }
2156  }
2157  }//if(false==mUseGlobalScatteringPower)
2158 }
2160 #ifdef __WX__CRYST__
2161 WXCrystObjBasic* ZScatterer::WXCreate(wxWindow* parent)
2162 {
2163  //:TODO: Check mpWXCrystObj==0
2164  mpWXCrystObj=new WXZScatterer(parent,this);
2165  return mpWXCrystObj;
2166 }
2167 #endif
2169 //######################################################################
2170 //
2171 // ZPolyhedron
2172 //
2173 //
2174 //######################################################################
2175 ZPolyhedron::ZPolyhedron( const RegularPolyhedraType type,Crystal &cryst,
2176  const REAL x, const REAL y, const REAL z,
2177  const string &name, const ScatteringPower *centralAtomSymbol,
2178  const ScatteringPower *periphAtomSymbol,const REAL centralPeriphDist,
2179  const REAL ligandPopu,
2180  const REAL phi, const REAL chi, const REAL psi):
2181 ZScatterer(name,cryst,x,y,z,phi,chi,psi),mPolyhedraType(type)
2182 {
2183  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZPolyhedron::ZPolyhedron(..)",5)
2184  // Additioning string and char arrays takes a huge lot of mem (gcc 2.95.2)
2185  const string name_=name+"_";
2186  const string name_central=name_+centralAtomSymbol->GetName();
2187  const string name_periph=name_+periphAtomSymbol->GetName();
2188  switch(mPolyhedraType)
2189  {
2190  case TETRAHEDRON :
2191  {
2192  REAL ang=2*asin(sqrt(2./3.));
2193  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2194  0,0.,
2195  0,0.,
2196  0,0.,
2197  1.);
2198  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2199  0,centralPeriphDist,
2200  0,0.,
2201  0,0.,
2202  1.);
2203  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2204  0,centralPeriphDist,
2205  1,ang,
2206  0,0.,
2207  1.);
2208  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2209  0,centralPeriphDist,
2210  1,ang,
2211  2, M_PI*2./3.,
2212  1.);
2213  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2214  0,centralPeriphDist,
2215  1,ang,
2216  2,-M_PI*2./3.,
2217  1.);
2218  m3DDisplayIndex.resize(4,3);
2219  m3DDisplayIndex= 1,2,3,
2220  1,2,4,
2221  1,3,4,
2222  2,3,4;
2223  break;
2224  }
2225  case OCTAHEDRON:
2226  {
2227  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2228  0,0.,
2229  0,0.,
2230  0,0.,
2231  1.);
2232  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2233  0,centralPeriphDist,
2234  0,0.,
2235  0,0.,
2236  1.);
2237  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2238  0,centralPeriphDist,
2239  1,M_PI/2,
2240  0,0.,
2241  1.);
2242  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2243  0,centralPeriphDist,
2244  1,M_PI/2,
2245  2,M_PI/2,
2246  1.);
2247  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2248  0,centralPeriphDist,
2249  1,M_PI/2,
2250  2,-M_PI/2,
2251  1.);
2252  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2253  0,centralPeriphDist,
2254  1,M_PI/2,
2255  2,M_PI,
2256  1.);
2257  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"6",periphAtomSymbol,
2258  0,centralPeriphDist,
2259  1,M_PI,
2260  2,0.,
2261  1.);
2262  m3DDisplayIndex.resize(8,3);
2263  m3DDisplayIndex= 1,2,3,
2264  1,2,4,
2265  1,5,3,
2266  1,5,4,
2267  6,2,3,
2268  6,2,4,
2269  6,5,3,
2270  6,5,4;
2271  break;
2272  }
2273  case SQUARE_PLANE:
2274  {
2275  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2276  0,0.,
2277  0,0.,
2278  0,0.,
2279  1.);
2280  this ->AddAtom (name+"_X",0, //Dummy atom on top
2281  0,1.,
2282  0,0.,
2283  0,0.,
2284  1.);
2285  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2286  0,centralPeriphDist,
2287  1,M_PI/2,
2288  0,0.,
2289  1.);
2290  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2291  0,centralPeriphDist,
2292  1,M_PI/2,
2293  2,M_PI/2,
2294  1.);
2295  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2296  0,centralPeriphDist,
2297  1,M_PI/2,
2298  2,M_PI,
2299  1.);
2300  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2301  0,centralPeriphDist,
2302  1,M_PI/2,
2303  2,-M_PI/2,
2304  1.);
2305  //:TODO: GL Display with squares
2306  //m3DDisplayIndex.resize(2,3);
2307  //m3DDisplayIndex= 2,4,2,
2308  // 2,4,5;
2309  break;
2310  }
2311  case CUBE:
2312  {
2313  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2314  0,0.,
2315  0,0.,
2316  0,0.,
2317  1.);
2318  this ->AddAtom (name+"_X",0, //Dummy atom in middle of face
2319  0,1.,
2320  0,0.,
2321  0,0.,
2322  1.);
2323  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2324  0,centralPeriphDist,
2325  1,M_PI/4.,
2326  0,0.,
2327  1.);
2328  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2329  0,centralPeriphDist,
2330  1,M_PI/4.,
2331  2,M_PI/2.,
2332  1.);
2333  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2334  0,centralPeriphDist,
2335  1,M_PI/4.,
2336  2,M_PI,
2337  1.);
2338  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2339  0,centralPeriphDist,
2340  1,M_PI/4.,
2341  2,-M_PI/2.,
2342  1.);
2343  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2344  0,centralPeriphDist,
2345  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2346  0,0.,
2347  1.);
2348  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"6",periphAtomSymbol,
2349  0,centralPeriphDist,
2350  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2351  2,M_PI/2.,
2352  1.);
2353  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"7",periphAtomSymbol,
2354  0,centralPeriphDist,
2355  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2356  2,M_PI,
2357  1.);
2358  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"8",periphAtomSymbol,
2359  0,centralPeriphDist,
2360  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2361  2,M_PI*3./2.,
2362  1.);
2363  break;
2364  }
2366  {
2367  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2368  0,0.,
2369  0,0.,
2370  0,0.,
2371  1.);
2372  this ->AddAtom (name+"_X",0, //Dummy atom in middle of face
2373  0,1.,
2374  0,0.,
2375  0,0.,
2376  1.);
2377  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2378  0,centralPeriphDist,
2379  1,M_PI/4.,
2380  0,0.,
2381  1.);
2382  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2383  0,centralPeriphDist,
2384  1,M_PI/4.,
2385  2,M_PI/2.,
2386  1.);
2387  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2388  0,centralPeriphDist,
2389  1,M_PI/4.,
2390  2,M_PI,
2391  1.);
2392  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2393  0,centralPeriphDist,
2394  1,M_PI/4.,
2395  2,-M_PI/2.,
2396  1.);
2397  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2398  0,centralPeriphDist,
2399  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2400  0,M_PI/4.,
2401  1.);
2402  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"6",periphAtomSymbol,
2403  0,centralPeriphDist,
2404  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2405  2,M_PI*3./4.,
2406  1.);
2407  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"7",periphAtomSymbol,
2408  0,centralPeriphDist,
2409  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2410  2,M_PI*5./4.,
2411  1.);
2412  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"8",periphAtomSymbol,
2413  0,centralPeriphDist,
2414  1,M_PI*3./4.,
2415  2,M_PI*7./4.,
2416  1.);
2417  break;
2418  }
2420  {
2421  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2422  0,0.,
2423  0,0.,
2424  0,0.,
2425  1.);
2426  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"0",periphAtomSymbol,
2427  0,centralPeriphDist,
2428  0,0.,
2429  0,0.,
2430  1.);
2431  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2432  0,centralPeriphDist,
2433  1,70*DEG2RAD,
2434  0,0.,
2435  1.);
2436  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2437  0,centralPeriphDist,
2438  1,70*DEG2RAD,
2439  2,M_PI/2.,
2440  1.);
2441  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2442  0,centralPeriphDist,
2443  1,70*DEG2RAD,
2444  2,M_PI,
2445  1.);
2446  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2447  0,centralPeriphDist,
2448  1,70*DEG2RAD,
2449  2,-M_PI/2.,
2450  1.);
2451  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2452  0,centralPeriphDist,
2453  1,145*DEG2RAD,
2454  0,0.,
2455  1.);
2456  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"6",periphAtomSymbol,
2457  0,centralPeriphDist,
2458  1,145*DEG2RAD,
2459  2,M_PI/2.,
2460  1.);
2461  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"7",periphAtomSymbol,
2462  0,centralPeriphDist,
2463  1,145*DEG2RAD,
2464  2,M_PI,
2465  1.);
2466  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"8",periphAtomSymbol,
2467  0,centralPeriphDist,
2468  1,145*DEG2RAD,
2469  2,M_PI*3./2.,
2470  1.);
2471  break;
2472  }
2474  {
2475  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2476  0,0.,
2477  0,0.,
2478  0,0.,
2479  1.);
2480  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"0",periphAtomSymbol,
2481  0,centralPeriphDist,
2482  0,0.,
2483  0,0.,
2484  1.);
2485  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2486  0,centralPeriphDist,
2487  1,60*DEG2RAD,
2488  0,0.,
2489  1.);
2490  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2491  0,centralPeriphDist,
2492  1,60*DEG2RAD,
2493  2,M_PI/2.,
2494  1.);
2495  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2496  0,centralPeriphDist,
2497  1,60*DEG2RAD,
2498  2,M_PI,
2499  1.);
2500  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2501  0,centralPeriphDist,
2502  1,60*DEG2RAD,
2503  2,-M_PI/2.,
2504  1.);
2505  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2506  0,centralPeriphDist,
2507  1,120*DEG2RAD,
2508  0,0.,
2509  1.);
2510  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"6",periphAtomSymbol,
2511  0,centralPeriphDist,
2512  1,120*DEG2RAD,
2513  2,M_PI/2.,
2514  1.);
2515  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"7",periphAtomSymbol,
2516  0,centralPeriphDist,
2517  1,120*DEG2RAD,
2518  2,M_PI,
2519  1.);
2520  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"8",periphAtomSymbol,
2521  0,centralPeriphDist,
2522  1,120*DEG2RAD,
2523  2,M_PI*3./2.,
2524  1.);
2525  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"8",periphAtomSymbol,
2526  0,centralPeriphDist,
2527  1,M_PI,
2528  2,0.,
2529  1.);
2530  break;
2531  }
2532  case PRISM_TRIGONAL:
2533  {
2534  const REAL ang=55.*DEG2RAD;
2535  const REAL ang2=120.*DEG2RAD;
2536  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2537  0,0.,
2538  0,0.,
2539  0,0.,
2540  1.);
2541  this ->AddAtom (name+"_X",0, //Dummy atom in middle of top face
2542  0,1.,
2543  0,0.,
2544  0,0.,
2545  0.);
2546  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"0",periphAtomSymbol,
2547  0,centralPeriphDist,
2548  1,ang,
2549  0,0.,
2550  1.);
2551  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2552  0,centralPeriphDist,
2553  1,ang,
2554  2,ang2,
2555  1.);
2556  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2557  0,centralPeriphDist,
2558  1,ang,
2559  2,-ang2,
2560  1.);
2561  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2562  0,centralPeriphDist,
2563  1,M_PI-ang,
2564  0,0.,
2565  1.);
2566  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2567  0,centralPeriphDist,
2568  1,M_PI-ang,
2569  2,ang2,
2570  1.);
2571  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2572  0,centralPeriphDist,
2573  1,M_PI-ang,
2574  2,-ang2,
2575  1.);
2576  break;
2577  }
2579  {
2580  const REAL ang=55.*DEG2RAD;
2581  const REAL ang2=120.*DEG2RAD;
2582  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2583  0,0.,
2584  0,0.,
2585  0,0.,
2586  1.);
2587  this ->AddAtom (name+"_X",0, //Dummy atom in middle of top face
2588  0,1.,
2589  0,0.,
2590  0,0.,
2591  0.);
2592  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"0",periphAtomSymbol,
2593  0,centralPeriphDist,
2594  1,ang,
2595  0,0.,
2596  1.);
2597  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2598  0,centralPeriphDist,
2599  1,ang,
2600  2,ang2,
2601  1.);
2602  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2603  0,centralPeriphDist,
2604  1,ang,
2605  2,-ang2,
2606  1.);
2607  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2608  0,centralPeriphDist,
2609  1,M_PI-ang,
2610  0,0.,
2611  1.);
2612  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2613  0,centralPeriphDist,
2614  1,M_PI-ang,
2615  2,ang2,
2616  1.);
2617  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2618  0,centralPeriphDist,
2619  1,M_PI-ang,
2620  2,-ang2,
2621  1.);
2622  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"6",periphAtomSymbol,
2623  0,centralPeriphDist,
2624  1,M_PI/2.,
2625  2,M_PI,
2626  1.);
2627  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"7",periphAtomSymbol,
2628  0,centralPeriphDist,
2629  1,M_PI/2.,
2630  2,M_PI/3.,
2631  1.);
2632  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"8",periphAtomSymbol,
2633  0,centralPeriphDist,
2634  1,M_PI/2.,
2635  2,-M_PI/3.,
2636  1.);
2637  break;
2638  }
2639  case ICOSAHEDRON:
2640  {
2641  const REAL ang=acos(sqrt(.2));
2642  const REAL ang2=M_PI*2./5.;
2643  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2644  0,0.,
2645  0,0.,
2646  0,0.,
2647  1.);
2648  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"0",periphAtomSymbol,
2649  0,centralPeriphDist,
2650  0,0.,
2651  0,0.,
2652  1.);
2653  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2654  0,centralPeriphDist,
2655  1,ang,
2656  1,0.,
2657  1.);
2658  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2659  0,centralPeriphDist,
2660  1,ang,
2661  2,ang2,
2662  1.);
2663  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2664  0,centralPeriphDist,
2665  1,ang,
2666  2,2*ang2,
2667  1.);
2668  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"4",periphAtomSymbol,
2669  0,centralPeriphDist,
2670  1,ang,
2671  2,-2*ang2,
2672  1.);
2673  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"5",periphAtomSymbol,
2674  0,centralPeriphDist,
2675  1,ang,
2676  2,-ang2,
2677  1.);
2678  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"6",periphAtomSymbol,
2679  0,centralPeriphDist,
2680  1,M_PI,
2681  0,0.,
2682  1.);
2683  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"7",periphAtomSymbol,
2684  0,centralPeriphDist,
2685  7,ang,
2686  3,M_PI,
2687  1.);
2688  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"8",periphAtomSymbol,
2689  0,centralPeriphDist,
2690  7,ang,
2691  8,ang2,
2692  1.);
2693  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"9",periphAtomSymbol,
2694  0,centralPeriphDist,
2695  7,ang,
2696  8,2*ang2,
2697  1.);
2698  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"10",periphAtomSymbol,
2699  0,centralPeriphDist,
2700  7,ang,
2701  8,-2*ang2,
2702  1.);
2703  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"11",periphAtomSymbol,
2704  0,centralPeriphDist,
2705  7,ang,
2706  8,-ang2,
2707  1.);
2708  break;
2709  }
2710  case TRIANGLE_PLANE:
2711  {
2712  this ->AddAtom (name_central, centralAtomSymbol,
2713  0,0.,
2714  0,0.,
2715  0,0.,
2716  1.);
2717  this ->AddAtom (name+"_X",0, //Dummy atom on top
2718  0,1.,
2719  0,0.,
2720  0,0.,
2721  1.);
2722  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"1",periphAtomSymbol,
2723  0,centralPeriphDist,
2724  1,M_PI/2,
2725  0,0.,
2726  1.);
2727  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"2",periphAtomSymbol,
2728  0,centralPeriphDist,
2729  1,M_PI/2,
2730  2,2*M_PI/3,
2731  1.);
2732  this ->AddAtom (name_periph+"3",periphAtomSymbol,
2733  0,centralPeriphDist,
2734  1,M_PI/2,
2735  2,-2*M_PI/3,
2736  1.);
2737  //:TODO: GL Display with squares
2738  //m3DDisplayIndex.resize(2,3);
2739  //m3DDisplayIndex= 2,4,2,
2740  // 2,4,5;
2741  break;
2742  }
2743  default : throw ObjCrystException("ZPolyhedron::ZPolyhedron():Unknown Polyhedra type !");
2744  }
2745  //We want to keep an approximate geometry
2746  //this->RefinableObj::Print();
2747  this->SetLimitsRelative(gpRefParTypeScattConformBondLength,-.2,.2);
2748  this->SetLimitsRelative(gpRefParTypeScattConformBondAngle ,-.2,.2);
2749  this->SetLimitsRelative(gpRefParTypeScattConformDihedAngle,-.2,.2);
2750  //this->RefinableObj::Print();
2752  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZPolyhedron::ZPolyhedron():End:"<<mName<<")",5)
2753 }
2756 ZScatterer(old){}
2759 {
2760  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("ZPolyhedron::CreateCopy()"<<mName<<")",5)
2761  return new ZPolyhedron(*this);
2762 }
2764 //######################################################################
2765 //
2767 //
2768 //######################################################################
2770 GlobalScatteringPower::GlobalScatteringPower():mpZScatterer(0)
2771 {
2772  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GlobalScatteringPower():"<<mName,5)
2773 }
2775 GlobalScatteringPower::GlobalScatteringPower(const ZScatterer &scatt):mpZScatterer(0)
2776 {
2777  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GlobalScatteringPower(&scatt):"<<mName,5)
2778  this->Init(scatt);
2779 }
2781 GlobalScatteringPower::GlobalScatteringPower(const GlobalScatteringPower& old):mpZScatterer(0)
2782 {
2783  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GlobalScatteringPower(&old):"<<mName,5)
2784  this->Init(*(old.mpZScatterer));
2785 }
2787 GlobalScatteringPower::~GlobalScatteringPower()
2788 {
2789  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::~GlobalScatteringPower():"<<mName,5)
2790  if(mpZScatterer!=0) delete mpZScatterer;
2791 }
2793 // Disable the base-class function.
2794 void GlobalScatteringPower::Init()
2795 {
2796  // This should be never called.
2797  abort();
2798 }
2801 {
2802  this->SetName(scatt.GetName()+(string)"_Global");
2803  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::Init(&Scatt):"<<mName,5)
2804  if(mpZScatterer!=0) delete mpZScatterer;
2805  mpZScatterer=new ZScatterer(scatt);
2806  mpZScatterer->SetUseGlobalScatteringPower(false);
2807  mpZScatterer->SetName(scatt.GetName()+"_GlobalCopy");
2809  //Set the DynPopCorrIndex to the sum of the DynPopCorrIndexs (eg the sum of atomic numbers)
2810  mDynPopCorrIndex=0;
2812  const ScatteringComponentList* tmp=&(mpZScatterer->GetScatteringComponentList());
2813  for(long i=0;i<tmp->GetNbComponent();i++)
2814  mDynPopCorrIndex += (*tmp)(i).mpScattPow->GetDynPopCorrIndex();
2815 }
2817 CrystVector_REAL GlobalScatteringPower::
2819  const int spgSymPosIndex) const
2820 {
2821  // Here comes the hard work
2822  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GetScatteringFactor():"<<mName,10)
2823  TAU_PROFILE("GlobalScatteringPower::GetScatteringFactor()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT);
2825  // copy both the scatterer and the DiffractionData object to determine
2826  // the average isotropic scattering power for each reflection
2827  ScatteringData* pData=data.CreateCopy();
2828  CrystVector_REAL sf(data.GetNbRefl()),rsf,isf;
2829  sf=0;
2831  Crystal cryst(data.GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(0),data.GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(1),
2832  data.GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(2),data.GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(3),
2833  data.GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(4),data.GetCrystal().GetLatticePar(5),"P1");
2834  cryst.AddScatterer(mpZScatterer);
2835  cryst.SetUseDynPopCorr(false);
2836  pData->SetCrystal(cryst);
2837  pData->SetName("GlobalScatteringPowerData!");
2838  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GetScatteringFactor():No DEBUG Messages",5)
2841  const long nbStep=4;//number of steps over 90 degrees for phi,chi psi
2842  REAL norm=0;
2843  for(int i=-nbStep;i<=nbStep;i++)
2844  {
2845  mpZScatterer->SetChi(i*M_PI/2/nbStep);
2846  for(int j=-nbStep;j<=nbStep;j++)
2847  {
2848  mpZScatterer->SetPhi(j*M_PI/2/nbStep);
2849  for(int k=-nbStep;k<=nbStep;k++)
2850  {
2851  //cout <<i<<","<<j<<","<<k<<endl;
2852  mpZScatterer->SetPsi(k*M_PI/2/nbStep);
2854  rsf=pData->GetFhklCalcReal();
2855  rsf*=rsf;
2856  isf=pData->GetFhklCalcImag();
2857  isf*=isf;
2858  rsf+=isf;
2859  rsf=sqrt(rsf);
2861  //correct for the solid angle (dChi*dPhi) corresponding to this orientation
2862  rsf*= cos(mpZScatterer->GetPhi());//:TODO: needs checking !!!
2863  norm += cos(mpZScatterer->GetPhi());
2864  sf += rsf;
2865  }
2866  }
2867  //cout << FormatHorizVector<REAL>(sf) <<endl<<norm<<endl;
2868  }
2871  sf /= norm;
2872  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GetScatteringFactor():"<<mName<<":End.",10)
2873  delete pData;
2874  return sf;
2875 }
2877 {
2878  REAL sf=0;
2879  const ScatteringComponentList *pList=&(mpZScatterer->GetScatteringComponentList());
2880  for(int i=0;i<pList->GetNbComponent();i++)
2881  sf += (*pList)(i).mpScattPow->GetForwardScatteringFactor(type);
2882  return sf;
2883 }
2884 CrystVector_REAL GlobalScatteringPower::
2886  const int spgSymPosIndex) const
2887 {
2888  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GetTemperatureFactor(data):"<<mName,5)
2889  CrystVector_REAL temp(data.GetNbRefl());
2890  temp=1.;
2891  return temp;
2892 }
2893 CrystMatrix_REAL GlobalScatteringPower::
2895  const int spgSymPosIndex) const
2896 {
2897  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GetResonantScattFactReal(data):"<<mName,5)
2898  CrystMatrix_REAL res(1,1);
2899  res=0.;
2900  return res;
2901 }
2902 CrystMatrix_REAL GlobalScatteringPower::
2904  const int spgSymPosIndex) const
2905 {
2906  VFN_DEBUG_MESSAGE("GlobalScatteringPower::GetResonantScattFactImag(data):"<<mName,5)
2907  CrystMatrix_REAL res(1,1);
2908  res=0.;
2909  return res;
2910 }
2912 {
2913  //:TODO:
2914  return 3.;
2915 }
2916 void GlobalScatteringPower::InitRefParList()
2917 {
2918  //nothing to do, nothing to refine 8-))
2919 }
2921 }//namespace
const CrystVector_REAL & GetZCoord() const
Get the list of all ZAtom cartesian x coordinates.
CrystVector_REAL GetLatticePar() const
Lattice parameters (a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma) as a 6-element vector in Angstroems and radians...
Definition: UnitCell.cpp:92
CrystVector_int mComponentIndex
Index of atoms in the ScatteringComponentList.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:394
const CrystVector_REAL & GetFhklCalcImag() const
Access to imaginary part of F(hkl)calc.
const REAL & GetZBondLength() const
Const access to bondlength parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:98
const CrystVector_REAL & GetYCoord() const
Get the list of all ZAtom cartesian x coordinates.
void SetScatteringPower(const ScatteringPower *)
Set the ScatteringPower.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:108
unsigned int GetCenterAtomIndex() const
Get the index of the central atom (around which the rotation is made)
ZScatterer(const string &name, Crystal &cryst, const REAL x=0., const REAL y=0., const REAL z=0., const REAL phi=0., const REAL chi=0., const REAL psi=0.)
ZScatterer constructor.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:214
void UpdateCoordinates() const
Update the atom coordinates (in real units, in Angstroems).
void AddAtom(const string &name, const ScatteringPower *pow, const long atomBond, const REAL bondLength, const long atomAngle, const REAL bondAngle, const long atomDihedral, const REAL dihedralAngle, const REAL popu=1.)
Add an atom to the Zscatterer.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:317
void AddPar(const RefinablePar &newRefPar)
Add a refinable parameter.
void ReadFHLine(const char *buf, const unsigned int nb, string &symbol, int &n1, float &v1, int &n2, float &v2, int &n3, float &v3)
Function to parse one line from a Fenske-Hall zmatrix file.
REAL GetZAtomY(const int i) const
Get the Y fractionnal coordinate of atom i.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:439
virtual REAL GetForwardScatteringFactor(const RadiationType) const
Get the scattering factor at (0,0,0).
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockLatticePar() const
last time the Lattice parameters were changed
Definition: UnitCell.cpp:323
CrystMatrix_REAL mPhiChiPsiMatrix
Rotation matrix for the orientation of the scatterer.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:429
void SetLimitsRelative(const string &parName, const REAL min, const REAL max)
Change the limits for a given parameter, giving relative new limits (eg giving -.1 and +...
virtual CrystVector_REAL GetTemperatureFactor(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the temperature factor for all reflections of a given ScatteringData object.
virtual void Optimize(long &nbSteps, const bool silent=false, const REAL finalcost=0, const REAL maxTime=-1)
Launch optimization (a single run) for N steps.
const RefinableObjClock & GetClockScatterer() const
Last time anything in the scatterer was changed (atoms, positions, scattering power) ...
Definition: Scatterer.cpp:133
float string2floatC(const string &s)
Function to convert a substring to a floating point value, imposing a C locale (using '...
Definition: ObjCryst/IO.cpp:59
void OrthonormalToFractionalCoords(REAL &x, REAL &y, REAL &z) const
Get fractional cartesian coordinates for a set of (x,y,z) orthonormal coordinates.
Definition: UnitCell.cpp:271
void SetZAngle(const int i, const REAL)
Access to the angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:460
long GetNbComponent() const
Number of components.
REAL GetZAtomZ(const int i) const
Get the Z fractionnal coordinate of atom i.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:440
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
Make a random move of the current configuration.
void FractionalToOrthonormalCoords(REAL &x, REAL &y, REAL &z) const
Get orthonormal cartesian coordinates for a set of (x,y,z) fractional coordinates.
Definition: UnitCell.cpp:261
CrystVector_REAL mXYZ
coordinates of the scatterer (or of its center..)
Definition: Scatterer.h:273
void FixAllPar()
Fix All parameters.
const CrystVector_REAL & GetXCoord() const
Get the list of all ZAtom cartesian x coordinates.
void SetZBondLength(const int i, const REAL)
Access to bondlength parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:457
ZScatterer * mpScatt
the ZScatterer in which this atom is included.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:147
ScatteringComponentList mScattCompList
The list of scattering components.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:379
virtual void InitRefParList()
Prepare refinable parameters for the scatterer object.
void Click()
Record an event for this clock (generally, the 'time' an object has been modified, or some computation has been made)
wxCryst class for ZScatterer objects
Definition: wxZScatterer.h:46
long GetNbPar() const
Total number of refinable parameter in the object.
RefinableObjClock mClockCoord
Last time the cartesian coordinates were computed.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:443
void SetChi(const REAL)
Access to chi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:435
virtual string GetComponentName(const int i) const
Name for the i-th component of this scatterer.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:417
RefinablePar & GetPar(const long i)
Access all parameters in the order they were inputted.
void Print() const
Print the list of Scattering components. For debugging.
Class to minimize conformation changes for random moves.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:168
virtual REAL GetLogLikelihood() const
Get -log(likelihood) of the current configuration for the object.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:153
virtual void SetCrystal(Crystal &crystal)
Set the crystal for this experiment.
const REAL & GetZAngle() const
Const access to the angle parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:99
Global Scattering Power.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:52
void Print() const
Print a single line of information about this scatterer.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:422
void Mutate(const REAL mutateValue)
Add the given amount to the parameter current value.
long mCenterAtomIndex
Index of the atom used as a pivot (the scatterer is rotated around this atom).
Definition: ZScatterer.h:426
Class to compute structure factors for a set of reflections and a Crystal.
void SetOccupancy(const REAL)
Access to the dihedral angle parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:107
virtual CrystMatrix_REAL GetResonantScattFactReal(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the real part of the resonant scattering factor.
long GetZBondAtom() const
Index of the 1st atom used to define the atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the bondlength is c...
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:95
const REAL & GetHumanValue() const
Current value of parameter, scaled if necessary (for angles) to a human-understandable value...
long GetZDihedralAngleAtom() const
Index of the 3rd atom used to define the atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the dihedral angle ...
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:97
virtual int GetNbComponent() const
Number of components in the scatterer (eg number of point scatterers)
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:405
Generic Refinable Object.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:752
REAL GetZBondLength(const int i) const
Const access to bondlength parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:450
void SetZDihedralAngle(const int i, const REAL)
Access to the dihedral angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:463
CrystVector_REAL mXCoord
Storage for Cartesian coordinates.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:441
void ResetParList()
Re-init the list of refinable parameters, removing all parameters.
void AddScatterer(Scatterer *scatt)
Add a scatterer to the crystal.
Definition: Crystal.cpp:174
REAL GetZ() const
Z coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position...
Definition: Scatterer.cpp:105
Format vector as horiz array:
long mNbDummyAtom
Number of "dummy" atoms in the structure.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:387
void SetPhi(const REAL)
Access to phi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:434
Abstract base class for all objects in wxCryst.
Definition: wxCryst.h:127
virtual CrystVector_REAL GetScatteringFactor(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the Scattering factor for all reflections of a given ScatteringData object.
const REAL & GetOccupancy() const
Const access to the ocupancy parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:101
string mName
Name for this RefinableObject. Should be unique, at least in the same scope.+.
const ZScatterer & GetZScatterer() const
Get the ZScatterer associated to this ZAtom.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:92
void ExportFenskeHallZMatrix(ostream &os)
Export to Fenske-Hall ZMatrix file.
ObjRegistry< ZAtom > mZAtomRegistry
Registry for ZAtoms in this Scatterer.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:423
virtual ZPolyhedron * CreateCopy() const
const ScatteringPower * mpScattPow
The ScatteringPower corresponding to this atom.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:138
Angles giving the orientation of the ZScatterer (stored in radian)
Definition: ZScatterer.h:420
void SetZAngle(const REAL)
Access to the angle parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:105
string mName
Name for this atom.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:145
Class to store POV-Ray output options.
Definition: General.h:175
Class for individual atoms in a ZScatterer Object.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:86
virtual void SetUseGlobalScatteringPower(const bool useIt)
use a Global scattering power for this scatterer ?
long mAtomBond
The index (in the ZScatterer) of the atoms which are used to define the position of this atom...
Definition: ZScatterer.h:141
RefinableObjClock mClockScattCompList
Definition: Scatterer.h:287
void UpdateScattCompList() const
Update the scattering component list, ie compute all atom positions from the bonds/angles/dihedral an...
void AssignClock(RefinableObjClock &clock)
REAL GetX() const
X coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position...
Definition: Scatterer.cpp:103
void ImportFenskeHallZMatrix(istream &is, bool named=false)
Import "Fenske-Hall" ZMatrix file (fhz in the babel program\ example: use "./babel -ipdb foo.pdb -ofhz foo.fhz -d", to convert a pdb file to a Z-Matrix file (the -d removes hydrogen atoms)
CrystMatrix_long m3DDisplayIndex
For 3D display of the structure, bonds, triangular and quadric faces can be displayed.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:377
virtual CrystMatrix_REAL GetResonantScattFactImag(const ScatteringData &data, const int spgSymPosIndex=0) const
Get the imaginary part of the resonant scattering factor.
virtual void GLInitDisplayList(const bool onlyIndependentAtoms=false, const REAL xMin=-.1, const REAL xMax=1.1, const REAL yMin=-.1, const REAL yMax=1.1, const REAL zMin=-.1, const REAL zMax=1.1, const bool displayEnantiomer=false, const bool displayNames=false, const bool hideHydrogens=false) const
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:646
bool mUseGlobalScattPow
Does the ZScatterer use a global scattering power ?
Definition: ZScatterer.h:433
virtual void EndOptimization()
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
REAL mOccupancy
Occupancy : 0 <= occ <= 1 For a multi-atom scatterer (polyhedron,..), this is the overall occupancy o...
Definition: Scatterer.h:279
virtual const ScatteringComponentList & GetScatteringComponentList() const
Get the list of all scattering components for this scatterer.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:410
long mNbAtom
Total number of atoms in the structure.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:381
long GetZAngleAtom() const
Index of the 2nd atom used to define the atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the angle is calcul...
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:96
REAL GetPhi() const
Access to phi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:430
ObjRegistry< ScatteringPower > & GetScatteringPowerRegistry()
Get the registry of ScatteringPower included in this Crystal.
Definition: Crystal.cpp:222
virtual const string & GetClassName() const
Name for this class ("RefinableObj", "Crystal",...).
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:311
const Crystal & GetCrystal() const
Const access to the data's crystal.
void SetZDihedralAngle(const REAL)
Access to the dihedral angle parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:106
const CrystVector_REAL & GetFhklCalcReal() const
Access to real part of F(hkl)calc.
virtual ScatteringData * CreateCopy() const =0
So-called virtual copy constructor.
void SetCrystal(Crystal &)
Set the crystal in which is included this Scatterer.
Definition: Scatterer.cpp:136
long GetZBondAtom(const int i) const
Index of the 1st atom used to define the i-th atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the bondlength...
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:441
ZScatterer: the basic type of complex scatterers, where atom positions are defined using a standard "...
Definition: ZScatterer.h:190
virtual void GetGeneGroup(const RefinableObj &obj, CrystVector_uint &groupIndex, unsigned int &firstGroup) const
Get the gene group assigned to each parameter.
const Crystal & GetCrystal() const
In which crystal is this Scatterer included ?
Definition: Scatterer.cpp:137
bool IsDescendantFromOrSameAs(const RefParType *type) const
Returns true if the parameter is a descendant of 'type'.
Exception class for ObjCryst++ library.
Definition: General.h:119
virtual void EndOptimization()
This should be called by any optimization class at the end of an optimization.
long GetNbRefl() const
Return the number of reflections in this experiment.
The namespace which includes all objects (crystallographic and algorithmic) in ObjCryst++.
Definition: Atom.cpp:47
The Scattering Power for an Atom.
void SetCenterAtomIndex(const unsigned int)
Set the index of the central atom (around which the rotation is made)
Generic class for parameters of refinable objects.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:223
const REAL & GetZDihedralAngle() const
Const access to the dihedral angle parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:100
virtual const string & GetName() const
Name of the object.
REAL GetChi() const
Access to chi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:431
REAL mBondLength
Bond length, angle and dihedral angle.
Definition: ZScatterer.h:143
REAL GetGlobalOptimStep() const
Maximum step to use during Global Optimization algorithms.
virtual REAL GetRadius() const
Return the physical radius of this type of scatterer (for 3D display purposes).
REAL GetZAngle(const int i) const
Const access to the angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:452
Type of radiation used.
Definition: General.h:94
REAL GetValue() const
of the parameter.
Crystal class: Unit cell, spacegroup, scatterers.
Definition: Crystal.h:97
void SetPsi(const REAL)
Access to psi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:436
void Init()
Initialization of the object, used by all constructors, and operator=.
REAL GetY() const
Y coordinate (fractionnal) of the scatterer (for complex scatterers, this corresponds to the position...
Definition: Scatterer.cpp:104
const ObjRegistry< ZAtom > & GetZAtomRegistry() const
Access to the registry of ZAtoms.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:466
REAL GetPsi() const
Access to psi parameter (overall orientation of the scatterer)
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:432
REAL GetZDihedralAngle(const int i) const
Const access to the dihedral angle parameter, for the i-th row in the Z-Matrix.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:454
RefinableObjClock mClockScatterer
Last time anything (number of atoms, positions, scattering power) was changed.
Definition: Scatterer.h:285
class of refinable parameter types.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:78
list of scattering positions in a crystal, associated with the corresponding occupancy and a pointer ...
virtual ostream & POVRayDescription(ostream &os, const CrystalPOVRayOptions &options) const
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:469
ZPolyhedron(const RegularPolyhedraType type, Crystal &cryst, const REAL x, const REAL y, const REAL z, const string &name, const ScatteringPower *centralAtomPow, const ScatteringPower *periphAtomPow, const REAL centralPeriphDist, const REAL ligandPopu=1, const REAL phi=0., const REAL chi=0., const REAL psi=0.)
ZPolyhedron constructor.
GlobalScatteringPower * mpGlobalScattPow
the global scattering power used, if mUseGlobalScattPow=true
Definition: ZScatterer.h:437
virtual void GlobalOptRandomMove(const REAL mutationAmplitude, const RefParType *type=gpRefParTypeObjCryst)
Make a random move of the current configuration.
Generic type of scatterer: can be an atom, or a more complex assembly of atoms.
Definition: Scatterer.h:130
void AddScatteringPower(ScatteringPower *scattPow)
Add a ScatteringPower for this Crystal.
Definition: Crystal.cpp:227
long GetZDihedralAngleAtom(const int i) const
Index of the 3rd atom used to define the i-th atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the dihedral a...
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:447
int mOptimizationDepth
Is the object being refined or optimized ? if mOptimizationDepth=0, no optimization is taking place...
Crystal * mpCryst
The crystal in which the Scatterer is This is needed so that we can know which scattering powers are ...
Definition: Scatterer.h:294
REAL GetZAtomX(const int i) const
Get the X fractionnal coordinate of atom i.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:438
ZPolyhedron: a Scatterer to describe polyhedras such as octahedron, tetrahedron, square plane...
Definition: ZScatterer.h:471
virtual ZScatterer * CreateCopy() const
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:306
Object Registry.
Definition: RefinableObj.h:643
void SetZBondLength(const REAL)
Access to bondlength parameter.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:104
const ScatteringPower * GetScatteringPower() const
ScatteringPower for this atom.
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:102
long GetZAngleAtom(const int i) const
Index of the 2nd atom used to define the i-th atom in the Z-Matrix (the one from which the angle is c...
Definition: ZScatterer.cpp:444
virtual void SetName(const string &name)
Name of the object.
Abstract Base Class to describe the scattering power of any Scatterer component in a crystal...